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This is an index of the people, places and things on pages in Meaghan Carter’s Godslave comic. It is a fan work, so of no standing, E&OE, use at your own risk, etc, etc. Updated every few days.

updated UTC
724 pages, 491 tags

The Index

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Tags: People, Places and Things

(Chapter tags ⇒)

Ab [1] Parts of a living being: the Heart.

Alarm [7] -

Alma [108] College student, shares the apartment with Edith.

Anat [14] God of war and hunting. Daughter of Ra. Has son by Set.

AncientEgyptians [1] -

Ankh [5] The hieroglyph for ‘life’, shown in gods’ hands as symbol of their power over life.

Anpu [7] God of the dead, aka Anubis (Greek name) the Jackal-headed. aka DogGuy

Anubis [1] See Anpu.

Apartment [128] The apartment (no. 102 in ‘Beverly Apartments’, street address: 4523) shared by Alma and Edith.

Apep [8] God (demon?) of darkness and disorder, the enemy of Ra and Ra’s barge. Appears as a giant snake.

ArmBleed [10] -

AscendBuilding [98] Business front for Heru’s temple.

AscendEmployees [5] -

Aset [51] God of magic, aka Isis (Greek). Heru’s mother. Vindictive. Sealed Set in the ClayPot. Her presence or influence often shows as snakes or scorpions, often white.

Ash [3] Early dynastic god of deserts and oases. Lion/Snake/Vulture heads. And bad breath, it appears.

Ausir [12] God, King a.k.a. Osiris (Greek). Brother of Set.

AusirsHall [35] -

Axe [6] -

Ba [15] Parts of a parts of a living being: the Personality of a human, a Power of a god (gods can have multiple Ba); appears as a bird with a human face.

Ba1 [3] The last remaining Ba of the god-in-the-Fennec, split with Edith so she can heal from a Blacksmith attack.

Ba2 [5] Found in the TreeChicken.

Ba3 [6] Found in an large Egg.

Ba4 [5] Found in a winged lion chimaera.

Ba5 [1] Found in a skull-headed winged lion chimaera.

Ba6 [0] ? tba

Baby [2] -

Backpack [1] -

Bastet [1] Cat-headed god. Ties to Ra. Symbol of motherhood and nursed the king.

BeastSkull [1] -

Bed [15] -

BennuBird [1] The solar bird, an aspect of Ra. Appeared as the YellowBird before the reveal in Cherrywood Park.

BigGlasses [5] A goddess (?) who is angry/jealous regarding Edith. ‘Not recognised’ by Hathor though attending Hathor’s party. Now also tagged as Nebet-Het, based on shared modern-day earring style.

Bike [9] -

Blacksmith [132] Warrior/servants of the gods can armour their bodies to iron and shape limbs into metal weapons.

Blood [4] -

BloodStain [11] -

BoatMan [5] -

Bolt [35] Lightning bolt teleport

Boom [7] -

Buff [1] Some sort of protective spell? Perhaps from ‘Buffer’?

BystanderPair [3] Small man and large woman, in a couple of scenes

Cakes [2] -

CanopicJar [1] Containers for the internal organs of a mummified body Godslave Research: Canopic Jars

Cerise [32] ‘Just a glorified dayplanner…’ and Djehuty’s spellworking assistant.

Charm [15] A restaurant where Edith (k/a ‘Eddy’) used to work on prep (preparation?)

CharmBoss [3] Manager (?) at Charm restaurant.

Chen [96] Adrian Chen, Blacksmith, impatient.

CherrywoodPark [81] -

Chibi [1] -

Chimaera [19] -

ChimaeraSkullHead [6] -

CityHall [1] -

ClayPot [7] The canopic jar holding the Fennec.

Cocoa [5] -

Coffee [4] -

CoffeeCup [5] -

CoffeeMachine [2] -

CoffeeShop [2] -

CoffeeTable [7] -

College [1] -

Concussion [2] -

Confusion [1] -

ConjuredSerpent [7] -

ConstructionLot [21] -

Cop [4] -

CopCar [2] -

Cover [2] -

CreamCakes [1] -

CrowdMutters [1] -

Dark [41] -

DarkCar [2] -

Desk [1] -

Dispel [1] -

Djehuty [70] God of written word, knowledge and magic. Thoth (Greek).

DogGuy [7] see Anpu/Anubis.

Door [2] -

DoorLock [1] -

Doorway [2] -

Dream [60] -

DriversLicense [1] -

Duamutef [54] God protecting the stomach. Jackal-headed. One of the four sons of Heru.

Duat [60] A plane built by the gods, influenced by their Egyptian experiences.

Dumpster [8] -

Dust [3] -

Earbud [8] -

Edith [622] Edith Delacruz; 19; aka ‘Eddy’; Parents: Sasha & Marcus Delacruz of Madsen Springs; attended Hurst University, majored Stats & Political Sciences; dropout after 2nd semester; living in an apartment with Alma.

Egg [8] -

EggFragments [5] -

EgyptianBust [2] -

Elevator [17] -

EmergencyLight [10] -

Entranced [9] Bedazzled by a god.

EvilDay [3] -

ExhibitionTicket [3] -

EyeBlack [27] -

EyeGlow [1] -

EyeRed [179] -

EyeWhite [35] -

EyesInTheDark [4] -

FX-Crack [1] -

FallenTree [20] -

FamilyTree [1] -

Fangs [1] -

Feathers [2] -

Fennec [250] The Fennec Fox form of the god in the Canopic Jar who answers to Anpu initially, but is Set.

Fight [107] -

Fire [4] -

FireBreath [3] -

FireCrew [3] -

FireTruck [5] -

Flashback [59] -

Flight [12] -

FlockingBirds [8] -

Flowers [8] -

FlyingThing [2] Part cat, part goat, part eagle and big enough to carry The Boys. An Imsety construct

Fog [31] -

Forest [25] -

Fridge [1] -

G [2] A cook / food prep worker at Charm restaurant.

GafferTape [11] -

Gods [31] -

GooseHeadedGod [5] -

GreenCocktail [3] -

GreenOnion [3] -

Groceries [2] -

HairColor [2] -

HaloDisk [1] -

Hapi [47] God protecting the lungs. Baboon-headed. One of the four sons of Heru.

HareHead [9] God with a rabbit head, gossip partner of Kherty’s. May be Wenet (f) or Wenenu (m).

Hathor [97] God of parties and magic. Now favours her Greek name over Het-heru her older, Eqyptian name. Formerly Heru’s wife until an affair with Sobek. Godslave Hathor page. Also see Sekhmet.

HathorPoolRoom [55] Walkway and pool at the entrance to Hathor’s Temple.

HathorTemple [110] -

HathorWiki [1] A wiki-style website about Hathor?

Headache [2] -

Heartbeat [2] -

Heckle [1] -

HemNetjer [4] Hem Netjier: Ancient Egyptian: servant or slave of the god, i.e. priest. Hem is male Hemet is female (as used by Djehuty)

Heru [70] God of order. Horus (Greek). Son of Aset and Ausir. Has four sons, gods. Also has a mortal, mundane family. Also tagged as HeruGod in his god form.

HeruCar [11] -

HeruEye [1] The Heru Eye glyph.

HeruFamily [3] -

HeruGod [41] Heru in his god aspect: falcon head, larger than mortal form.

HeruOffice [16] -

HeruTemple [9] -

Hieroglyph [51] Ancient Egyptian writing and general decor.

HieroglyphTalk [10] -

HotBlacksmith [12] -

Ibis [1] One of Djehuty’s shapes.

Imsety [49] God protecting the liver. Human-headed. One of the four sons of Heru.

ImsetyConstruct [0] Imsety seems talented at making/controlling creatures: see FlyingThing and Serpopard.

InfernosPizza [21] -

Instagram [1] -

Isis [1] -

Iusaas [1] Feminine counterpart to the creator god, Amun. Embodies female creative energy.

Jar [18] -

Ka [2] Parts of a parts of a living being: the Spirit-Double.

Kai [138] Priest of Hathor. Pronouns they/them.

KaiCar [22] -

Kaplan [10] Museum worker selling off artefacts.

Kebeb [1] Who or where is Kebeb? Relevant to the Tree Chicken. May be an alternative name for Geb?

Keyboard [1] -

Khaibit [1] Parts of a living being: the Shadow.

Khat [1] Parts of a living being: the natural Body.

Kherty [11] God with Ramskull face. Mythological role unclear.

Khonsu [1] Lunar god. Violent past, then became protector over childbirth.

Khopesh [139] Ancient Egyptian sword, curved for slashing.

Khu [1] Parts of a living being: the Spirit-Soul.

Knock [1] -

Laughter [2] -

Laundry [1] -

Lena [87] Blacksmith, laid back. Two-tone hair.

Lightning [70] -

Limo [2] -

LineArt [16] tag for pages posted before completion: line art, pencils etc., usually due to clashing deadlines.

LionHead [1] -

LivingBeing [0] Comprises Ab, the heart, Ba the personality or powers, Ka the spirit double, Khaibit the shadow, Khat the body, Khu the spirit-soul, Ren the name, Sahu the Spirit Body.

Lotus [1] -

Macey [20] -

MagicCircle [34] -

MagicManacle [6] -

Map [12] -

Mary [33] Unsmiling one of a pair of Blacksmith servants of Sobek/Mayor Kelly. See also Shelly

MayorLimo [10] -

MayorsOffice [28] -

Mirror [2] -

Mist [5] -

Museum [50] The Museum of Art and Discovery.

NebetHet [42] known as Nephthys in Greek. Sister/Wife of Set. Sister of Aset. Green eyes.

NehebuKau [1] Snake-headed god helped kings in death. Son of Geb.

Nemty [1] God of Ferrymen.

NightSky [1] -

NineDisks [18] -

NoParking [1] -

Nosebleed [45] -

Noya [42] Blacksmith. Apparently senior to Chen, Lena, etc.

OneTrickPony [2] -

OrangeTank [7] -

PaddedCase [4] -

PalmTree [2] -

Papyrus [3] -

ParkingLot [13] -

Party [22] -

People [1] -

PerpWalk [2] -

Pesedjet [2] -

Phone [38] Talking, etc, on the telephone.

Pizza [1] -

Planets [1] -

Pool [11] -

Possessed [8] -

ProtectionCharms [11] -

Qadesh [1] Syrian god of pleasure and fertility.

Qebehsenuef [56] God protecting the intestines. Falcon-headed. One of the four sons of Heru.

Ra [17] God of the Sun sails on his boat through the sky by day, dies and sails through the underworld by night. (All hail the sun god, He is the fun god, Ra! Ra! RaRaRa! — and many variations)

RaBarque [24] Transport of the Sun God Ra (or Re).

RaStatue [1] -

Rain [64] -

RamessesII [1] -

RedGlow [12] -

RedheadBlacksmith [15] -

Reflection [4] -

Ren [1] Parts of a living being: the Name.

RiverOfStars [27] -

Roar [1] -

RootAndBranch [9] Militant roots (also see Roots, generally) and branches of the TreeChicken plant. (“What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow/Out of this stony rubbish?” —T.S. Elliot)

Roots [7] -

Rosalyn [1] -

Roundhead [13] A particular Blacksmith with no hair on their head. (May be same person as the also hairless HarpoonHand.)

Ruty [1] Twin lion deities, linked with the eastern and western horizons.

Sahu [1] Parts of a living being: the Spirit-Body.

Sandwiches [1] -

Sarcophagus [8] -

SchoolBus [1] -

SchoolKids [10] -

Scorpion [4] -

SealedBox [7] -

Sekhmet [3] An aspect of Hathor as a warrior god of vengeance.

Serpopard [18] Part serpent, part leopard - an Imsety construct.

Set [80] God of Storm. Protector of Ra and his boat from the serpent Apep; Murdered his brother Ausir. Has son with Anat.

Shadow [2] -

ShapeSlip [6] -

Shelly [28] Smiling one of a pair of Blacksmith servants of Sobek/Mayor Kelly. See also Mary

Shiver [1] -

Shop [2] -

SinisterSUV [12] -

Sleep [4] -

Snake [36] Aset often manifests or her influence shows as snakes, often white.

SnakeShadow [1] -

Sobek [14] God: Crocodile god who took over Set’s abandoned temples. Now presents as Warren Kelly the mayor.

Sofa [4] -

SonOfSet [1] -

Spear [14] -

Spell [2] -

SpellBind [2] -

SpellBlock [1] -

SpellSleep [1] -

SpellSummon [2] -

Sphinx [2] -

Sprinkler [26] -

Stairs [20] -

Stars [3] -

SteamCloud [1] -

Steps [1] -

Storage [8] -

StoreRoom [1] -

Storm [1] -

StreetScene [5] -

Sun [1] -

SweatDrop [1] -

Sweater [1] -

TV [2] -

Tail [1] -

Tatenen [1] Earth and creator god, protected kings in death. Green skinned.

Taweret [2] ‘The great female one’, god closely associated with Hathor and was consort of Set. Hippopotamus head and build. “Has the best stories about Set.”

TeaCup [8] -

Teacher [9] -

Tears [1] -

Temple [9] -

TheBoys [2] The four sons of Heru, who present as young children, often with their god-form heads: Duamutef (jackal), Hapi (ape), Imsety (human), Qebehsenuef (falcon). “They’re 2000+ year old gods. They just choose to LOOK like Kids.” —Kai

Thunder [1] -

TinCan [1] -

Tombstone [1] -

TopKnotGoddess [5] -

Traffic [1] -

Tray [2] -

TreeChicken [19] An unruly piece of vegetation, possessed by a Ba.

TreeSnake [3] -

Turner [34] Blacksmith. Regarded as an errand-boy by his peers.

TwoHeads [7] -

TykesClothesShop [4] -

Umbrella [19] -

UnnamedBlacksmith [5] -

Waiter [1] -

Wardrobe [1] -

WarrenKelly [53] Recently elected local mayor through Heru’s influence, Kelly is a shapeshifted form of Sobek, the crocodile god.

WasSceptre [41] Symbol of power or dominion associated with the Egyptian gods.

WheelieBins [2] -

WhiteDeathSpell [2] -

WhiteHair [10] Blacksmith?

WideHairGoddess [3] -

WineGlass [3] -

WingedSun [6] -

Wink [3] -

WorkingMagic [64] Casting spells, chanting, etc.

WorldSnake [1] -

YellowBird [21] -

YellowVest [4] -

p-000 [6] -

p-001 [7] -

p-002 [7] -

p-003 [7] -

p-004 [7] -

p-0047 [1] -

p-005 [7] -

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ch-01 [47] An Evil Day

ch-02 [84] Swallow Your Thoughts

ch-03 [85] He Who Crosses The Sky

ch-04 [136] He Above The Horizon

ch-05 [175] (Two Parties?)

ch-06 [136] Lions in Primordial Waters

ch-07 [61] TBA

The Pages

↑↑ index ↑ tags

Page links, tag list, identifying text and notes

yapping Aset Edith EyeWhite Heru NebetHet Scorpion Snake Sobek ch-07 p-060 Title: Yapping

troubling-information Aset Djehuty Edith Flashback Heru HeruFamily InfernosPizza ch-07 p-059 Title: Troubling information

our-experiences Aset Ba2 Ba3 Ba4 Djehuty Edith EyeRed Feathers Khopesh Rain Snake ch-07 p-058 Title: Elegant Solution

elegant-solution Aset Djehuty Edith EyeWhite Heru HeruTemple NebetHet Snake ch-07 p-057 Title: Elegant Solution

put-her-to-work Aset Djehuty Edith EyeWhite Heru HeruTemple NebetHet Snake ch-07 p-056 Title: Put her to work

a-second-longer Aset Heru HeruTemple NebetHet Scorpion Snake ch-07 p-055 Title: A second longer

all-that-ive-given-you Aset Heru HeruTemple Snake ch-07 p-054 Title: All that I’ve given you It is two months since the shattering of the Pot of Set, according to Aset.

your-job Aset Edith EyeWhite Heru HeruTemple Scorpion Snake ch-07 p-053 Title: Your job

what-am-i-doing Aset Edith EyeWhite Heru HeruTemple ch-07 p-052 Title: Full time job

full-time-job Aset Edith Heru HeruTemple NebetHet ch-07 p-051 Title: Full time job

early-to-rise Heru HeruTemple NebetHet ch-07 p-050 Title: Early to rise

my-brother Aset Axe Edith EyeWhite Khopesh Set ch-07 p-049 Title: My Brother

clever-girl Apartment Aset Edith EyeWhite Isis Snake ch-07 p-048 Title: Clever Girl

start-simple Apartment Aset Edith EyeWhite Snake SweatDrop ch-07 p-047 Title: Start simple References The Cheap Seats, ch-02, p-008

what-does-that-mean Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai ch-07 p-046 Title: What does that mean

for-now Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai ch-07 p-045 Title: For now

puppet Aset Bolt Edith EyeWhite Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Sekhmet ch-07 p-044 Title: Puppet

honor Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Sekhmet ch-07 p-043 Title: Honor

my-temple Aset Edith EyeWhite Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Sekhmet ch-07 p-042 Title: My temple

what-did-you-say Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Qebehsenuef TreeSnake ch-07 p-041 Title: What did you say

familiar-2 Aset Bolt Edith EyeWhite Fennec HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple OneTrickPony TreeSnake ch-07 p-040 Title: Familiar

hands-dirty Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Snake TreeSnake ch-07 p-039 Title: Hands Dirty

never-were-patient Aset Bolt Edith EyeWhite Fennec HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Snake ch-07 p-038 Title: Never were patient

break Aset Edith EyeWhite HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Snake WorkingMagic ch-07 p-037 Title: Break

vile-and-cowardly Edith EyeWhite Fennec HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple ch-07 p-036 Title: Vile and Cowardly

a-little-more-private Bolt Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Imsety Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-035 Title: A little more private Meaghan: Whatever Set saw, he knew to get themselves as far from the boys as possible.

good-guy-now Duamutef Edith EyeWhite Fennec Hapi HathorTemple Imsety Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-034 Title: Good guy now

dont-be-shy Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-033 Title: Don’t be shy

perfectly-healthy Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-032 Title: Perfectly healthy

pretty-lady Ankh Aset Edith EyeWhite Museum Ra RaBarque Snake ch-07 p-031 Title: Pretty Lady

why-did-i-do-that Aset Edith EyeWhite Museum Ra RaBarque Snake WasSceptre ch-07 p-030 Title: Why did I do that

familiar Aset Edith EyeWhite HathorTemple Kai Museum Snake ch-07 p-029 Title: Familiar

it-was-a-snake Aset Edith EyeWhite Kai Museum Snake Turner ch-07 p-028 Title: It was a snake

this-guy Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec Museum SchoolKids Snake Teacher Turner ch-07 p-027 Title: This guy

and-were-back Edith EyeWhite Fennec Flashback Hathor HathorTemple Museum Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-026 Title: And we’re back

remember-2 Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-025 Title: Remember

wasting-time Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-024 Title: Wasting time

like-sleep Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-023 Title: Like sleep

help Bolt Cocoa Duamutef Edith Fennec Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-022 Title: Help

because Cocoa Duamutef Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-021 Title: Because

we-were-told Cocoa Duamutef Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai LineArt Phone Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-020 Title: We were told

really-like Cocoa Duamutef Edith EyeRed Flashback Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety LineArt Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-019 Title: Really like Meaghan: Qeb’s dealing with a lot of new conflict for the first time!

pretty-little-heads Cocoa Duamutef Hapi Hathor HathorTemple Imsety Kai LineArt Phone Qebehsenuef ch-07 p-018 Title: Pretty little heads Technically “pencils and letters”, but there’s already a ‘LineArt’ tag for anything not full colour, so…

and-were-out Apartment Bolt Edith Fennec NebetHet Umbrella ch-07 p-017 Title: And we’re out

your-justifications Apartment Edith Fennec NebetHet Snake ch-07 p-016 Title: Your justifications

sacrifice Apartment Ba1 Edith Fennec Flashback Museum NebetHet Umbrella ch-07 p-015 Title: Sacrifice Flashback to ch-01, p-021 and catching up with ch-06, p-133

needs-her Apartment Edith Fennec NebetHet Set Umbrella ch-07 p-014 Title: Needs her

my-intentions Apartment Fennec NebetHet Roots Set Umbrella ch-07 p-013 Title: My intentions

little-choice Apartment Fennec NebetHet Umbrella ch-07 p-012 Title: Little choice

everything-you-touch Anat Apartment Fennec Flashback NebetHet Set ch-07 p-011 Title: Everything you touch Anat mention....

intetions Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback Khopesh MagicCircle NebetHet Nosebleed Set Umbrella ch-07 p-010 Title: Intentions

scapegoat Apartment Edith Fennec Khopesh NebetHet Umbrella ch-07 p-009 Title: Scapegoat

so-much-control Apartment Fennec NebetHet Snake Umbrella ch-07 p-008 Title: So much control

my-mess Apartment Fennec NebetHet ch-07 p-007 Title: My mess

back-here Apartment Fennec NebetHet ch-07 p-006 Title: Back here

banished Apartment Fennec Hieroglyph NebetHet Spell ch-07 p-005 Title: Banished

ensnaring Apartment Bike Fennec NebetHet Snake Umbrella ch-07 p-004 Title: Ensnaring

mean-you-harm Apartment Fennec NebetHet Snake Umbrella ch-07 p-003 Title: Mean you harm

prudent Apartment Fennec Hieroglyph NebetHet Spell Umbrella ch-07 p-002 Title: Prudent

nebet-het-3 Duat NebetHet RiverOfStars ch-07 p-001 Title: Nebet-het

chapter-7-queen-of-the-throne Aset Cover Edith EyeWhite Snake ch-07 p-000 Title: Chapter 7 - Queen of the Throne

the-wheel-is-taken Apartment Edith EyeWhite NebetHet Umbrella WorkingMagic ch-06 p-136 Title: The Wheel is Taken

nebet-het-2 Apartment Edith NebetHet Set Umbrella ch-06 p-135 Title: Nebet-het

whispers Apartment Edith Set ch-06 p-134 Title: Whispers

take-the-wheel Apartment Edith ch-06 p-133 Title: Take the Wheel

worth-the-trouble CherrywoodPark Edith HaloDisk Hathor ch-06 p-132 Title: Worth the Trouble

futility CherrywoodPark Edith EyeGlow Hathor ch-06 p-131 Title: Futility

drivers-seat CherrywoodPark Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Flashback HairColor Hathor ch-06 p-130 Title: Driver’s Seat

reproachful CherrywoodPark Edith Hathor ch-06 p-129 Title: Reproachful

psyche CherrywoodPark Edith Hathor Sleep ch-06 p-128 Title: Psyche

see-you-later Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Hapi Hathor Imsety Kai Lena Qebehsenuef Sleep ch-06 p-127 Title: See you later

youve-misunderstood Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Hapi Hathor Imsety Lena Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-126 Title: You’ve misunderstood

all-those-frowns Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Hapi Hathor Imsety Kai Lena Qebehsenuef Sleep ch-06 p-125 Title: All those frowns

invoked Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Hapi Hathor Imsety Kai Lena Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-124 Title: Invoked

cant-take-it Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Hathor Lena Qebehsenuef Rain Sleep WorkingMagic ch-06 p-122 p-123 Title: Can’t take it

its-not-fair Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Lena Lightning Qebehsenuef Rain ch-06 p-121 Title: It’s not fair

no-one-is-leaving Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Hapi Imsety Kai Lena Qebehsenuef Rain Thunder ch-06 p-120 Title: No one is leaving

i-can-win Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Hapi Imsety Lena Qebehsenuef Rain ch-06 p-119 Title: I can win

too-late Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Hapi Imsety Khopesh Qebehsenuef Rain SteamCloud ch-06 p-118 Title: Too Late

the-victor-emerges Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Hapi Imsety Kai Khopesh Lena Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-117 Title: The victor emerges

full-power-2 CherrywoodPark Edith Fight Lightning Serpopard ch-06 p-116 Title: Full power

the-one-two-zap Bolt CherrywoodPark Edith Fight Lightning Nosebleed Serpopard ch-06 p-115 Title: The one-two ZAP

he-has-felled-the-sky-to-the-ground CherrywoodPark Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Fight Lightning Serpopard ch-06 p-114 Title: He has felled the sky to the ground

fight-or-flight CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Hapi Imsety Qebehsenuef Rain Serpopard ch-06 p-113 Title: Fight or flight

bites-the-dust Ba5 Blacksmith CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Feathers Hapi Imsety Lena Lightning Rain RedGlow Serpopard ch-06 p-112 Title: Bites the dust

high-priest-of-set CherrywoodPark ChimaeraSkullHead Duamutef Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Imsety NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-111 Title: high priest of set

full-power Blacksmith Boom Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Kai Rain ch-06 p-110 Title: Full Power

come-forth CherrywoodPark ChimaeraSkullHead Duamutef Kai Khopesh NineDisks Qebehsenuef Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-109 Title: Come forth

want-to Blacksmith CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Hapi Imsety Kai Khopesh Lena Qebehsenuef Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-108 Title: Want to

spoke CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Khopesh Qebehsenuef Rain ch-06 p-107 Title: Spoke

isnt-that-enough Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed Kai Khopesh Lena Qebehsenuef Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-106 Title: Isn’t that enough

your-dad-needs-me Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed Kai Khopesh Lena Qebehsenuef Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-105 Title: Your Dad needs me

keep-an-eye Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed Hapi Kai Khopesh Lena Qebehsenuef Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-104 Title: Keep an eye

outnumbered Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed Imsety Kai Khopesh Lena Qebehsenuef Rain ch-06 p-103 Title: Outnumbered

you-really-thought-huh CherrywoodPark ChimaeraSkullHead Edith Forest Khopesh Rain Serpopard ch-06 p-102 Title: You really thought huh

into-my-hand CherrywoodPark ChimaeraSkullHead Edith EyeRed Forest Khopesh Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-101 Title: Into my hand

only-threat Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed Forest Kai Lena Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-100 Title: Only Threat

all-again Blacksmith CherrywoodPark ChimaeraSkullHead Edith EyeRed Forest Kai Lena NineDisks Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-099 Title: All again

expecting-someone Apartment Fennec NebetHet Rain ch-06 p-098 Title: Expecting Someone

mr-secrets Alma Apartment Bike Edith Fennec Flashback Rain ch-06 p-097 Title: Mr Secrets

still-sulking Alma Apartment Bike Fennec Rain ch-06 p-096 Title: Still Sulking

from-the-mist Apartment CherrywoodPark ChimaeraSkullHead Fennec Forest Mist NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-095 Title: From the mist

sounds-big Blacksmith Boom Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Forest Hapi Imsety Lena Mist Qebehsenuef Rain Serpopard ch-06 p-094 Title: Sounds big

end-of-the-line Blacksmith Chen CherrywoodPark Duamutef Forest Hapi Imsety Lena Mist Qebehsenuef Rain Serpopard ch-06 p-093 Title: End of the line Meaghan: “Adrian ‘I’m shutting this down’ Chen”

tough-it-out Blacksmith CherrywoodPark Duamutef Forest Hapi Imsety Lena Mist Qebehsenuef Rain Serpopard ch-06 p-092 Title: Tough it out

make-sense CherrywoodPark Chimaera Edith EyeRed Forest Kai Mist Pool ch-06 p-091 Title: Make sense

always-fuzzy Baby CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed Hapi Imsety Kai Lotus Qebehsenuef TheBoys ch-06 p-090 Title: Always fuzzy NB: Kai’s comment on The Boys:

brutal-contest CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed HeruGod Kai Set ch-06 p-089 Title: Brutal Contest

solid-ten Bolt CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef Serpopard ch-06 p-088 Title: Solid ten

getting-dangerous Bolt CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef Serpopard ch-06 p-087 Title: Getting dangerous

here-comes-the Boom CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef Serpopard WorkingMagic ch-06 p-086 Title: Here comes the

where-we-come-from CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef Serpopard WorkingMagic ch-06 p-085 Title: Where we come from

you-know-who CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef Serpopard WorkingMagic ch-06 p-084 Title: You know who

confront-2 CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith EyeRed FallenTree Hapi Imsety Qebehsenuef Serpopard ch-06 p-083 Title: Confront

read-a-book CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed FallenTree Kai Khopesh Lightning Serpopard WorkingMagic ch-06 p-082 Title: Read a book

correction CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Khopesh Lightning Qebehsenuef Serpopard WorkingMagic ch-06 p-081 Title: Correction

while-distracted CherrywoodPark Edith FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Khopesh Qebehsenuef Serpopard ch-06 p-080 Title: While distracted

more-output Ba Buff CherrywoodPark Edith FallenTree Kai Khopesh Lightning ch-06 p-079 Title: More output

careful-saying-her-name CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith FallenTree Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-078 Title: Careful saying her name

says-she-knows-a-place CherrywoodPark Duamutef Edith Hapi Imsety Kai Qebehsenuef WorkingMagic ch-06 p-077 Title: Says she knows a place

land-it CherrywoodPark Duamutef Flight Hapi Imsety Qebehsenuef WorkingMagic ch-06 p-076 Title: Land it

scare-her CherrywoodPark Duamutef Flight FlyingThing Hapi Imsety Qebehsenuef WorkingMagic ch-06 p-075 Title: scare her

slowest-record-yet Duamutef Flight FlyingThing Hapi Imsety Qebehsenuef WorkingMagic ch-06 p-074 Title: slowest record yet

natural-conclusion Chen CoffeeShop Lena ch-06 p-073 Title: natural conclusion

two-coffee-day-2 Chen CoffeeShop Duamutef Edith Hapi Imsety Kai Lena Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-072 Title: two coffee day

experiment Edith Kai ch-06 p-071 Title: Experiment Edith’s remarks here suggest this is two months since start of the comic; Leaves in scenes suggest autumn/fall.

smile College Edith Kai SchoolBus ch-06 p-070 Title: Smile

loose Chen Coffee Duamutef Hapi HeruGod Imsety Lena Qebehsenuef Set TykesClothesShop ch-06 p-069 Title: Loose

stop-him Chen Coffee Duamutef Hapi HeruGod Imsety Lena Qebehsenuef Set TykesClothesShop ch-06 p-068 Title: Stop him

amazing Chen Coffee Duamutef Hapi Imsety Lena Qebehsenuef TykesClothesShop ch-06 p-067 Title: Amazing

late Chen Coffee Lena TykesClothesShop ch-06 p-066 Title: Late

secret Edith Fennec Hathor Heru InfernosPizza Kai ch-06 p-065 Title: Secret

only-option ArmBleed AusirsHall BloodStain Edith Flashback Heru HeruFamily InfernosPizza Set ch-06 p-064 Title: Only Option

the-chance ArmBleed AusirsHall BloodStain Edith Flashback Heru InfernosPizza Set ch-06 p-063 Title: The chance

that-person ArmBleed Edith Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-062 Title: That person

fairs-fair ArmBleed Edith Fennec Heru InfernosPizza Khopesh Set ch-06 p-061 Title: Fair’s fair

against-the-rules ArmBleed Edith Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-060 Title: Against the rules

options-2 Edith Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-059 Title: Options

slingshot ArmBleed Edith Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-058 Title: Slingshot

accident Edith Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-057 Title: Accident

off-guard Edith EyeBlack Fight Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-056 Title: Off guard

so-careful Edith EyeBlack Fight Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-055 Title: So careful

as-if Edith Heru InfernosPizza ch-06 p-054 Title: As if

strawberry Edith Heru HeruFamily InfernosPizza ch-06 p-053 Title: Strawberry

another-matter Djehuty Duamutef Edith EyeBlack HairColor Heru Imsety Lena Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-052 Title: Another Matter

the-face Chen Djehuty Duamutef EyeBlack Hapi Imsety Qebehsenuef ch-06 p-051 Title: The face

the-boys Chen Djehuty Duamutef EyeBlack Hapi Imsety Jar Lena PaddedCase Qebehsenuef TheBoys ch-06 p-050 Title: The boys

fun Chen Djehuty Lena PaddedCase ch-06 p-049 Title: Fun

utmost-importance Blacksmith Chen Djehuty Lena PaddedCase WorkingMagic ch-06 p-048 Title: Utmost Importance

whats-the-point Blacksmith Chen Djehuty Lena ch-06 p-047 Title: What’s the point

figuring-out Edith Fennec GreenCocktail Hathor InfernosPizza Kai ch-06 p-046 Title: Figuring out

full-extent Ba Edith EyeBlack Fennec Flashback GreenCocktail Hathor Heru InfernosPizza Kai ch-06 p-045 Title: Full Extent

only-human Ba Edith EyeBlack Fennec Flashback GreenCocktail Hathor InfernosPizza Kai Khopesh Lightning ch-06 p-044 Title: Only Human

who-is-she Apep Edith EyeBlack Fennec Flashback Hathor InfernosPizza Kai Rain Set ch-06 p-043 Title: Who is she

out-of-the-fire Chen Edith Fennec Flashback Hathor InfernosPizza Kai ch-06 p-042 Title: Out of the fire

loaded-potatoes Edith Entranced Fennec Hathor InfernosPizza Kai Waiter ch-06 p-041 Title: Loaded Potatoes

mortal-test Fennec Hathor InfernosPizza Kai ch-06 p-040 Title: Mortal Test

possibly-fatal Edith Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Phone ch-06 p-039 Title: possibly fatal

super-normal Edith Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Phone ch-06 p-038 Title: Super normal

good-news-2 Edith Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Phone ch-06 p-037 Title: Good news

mistakes-haunt Anat Axe Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple Khopesh Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set ch-06 p-036 Title: Mistakes haunt

near-the-end Anat Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple RaBarque RiverOfStars Spear ch-06 p-035 Title: near the end

colorful Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple RaBarque SonOfSet Spear ch-06 p-034 Title: Colorful

expected Fennec Flowers Hathor HathorTemple ch-06 p-033 Title: Expected

doing-in Ba4 Blacksmith Edith Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-032 Title: Doing in

supposed-to Ba4 Bolt Edith Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning Rain ch-06 p-031 Title: Supposed to

the-prize Ba4 Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning Rain ch-06 p-030 Title: The prize

like-god-like Chimaera Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Flashback Flight Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning NineDisks Rain Set Spear ch-06 p-029 Title: Like God, like

bullseye Ba4 Chimaera Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Flight Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-028 Title: Bullseye

not-so-fast Bolt Chimaera Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Flight Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-027 Title: Not so fast

she-is Blacksmith Chen Chimaera Flight Fog Lena Rain ch-06 p-025 Title: She is

the-plan Blacksmith Bolt Chen Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Fight Fog Heru Kai Khopesh Lightning Rain ch-06 p-025 Title: The plan

cut-it-off Blacksmith Chen Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Fight Flashback Fog Heru Kai Khopesh Lightning Rain ch-06 p-024 Title: Cut it off

still-here Blacksmith Chen Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Flight Fog Kai Khopesh Lena Lightning Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-023 Title: Still here?

take-off Blacksmith Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Flight Fog Khopesh Lena Lightning Rain ch-06 p-022 Title: Take off

element Blacksmith Bolt Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lena Lightning Rain ch-06 p-021 Title: Element

light-show Blacksmith Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lena Lightning NineDisks Nosebleed Rain ch-06 p-020 Title: Light show

lighting-rains-down Blacksmith Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lena Lightning NineDisks Nosebleed Rain ch-06 p-019 Title: Lighting rains down

here-comes-the-rain Blacksmith Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lena Lightning NineDisks Nosebleed Rain ch-06 p-018 Title: Here comes the rain

take-it-from-here Blacksmith Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lena Rain ch-06 p-017 Title: Take it from here

stunned Blacksmith Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lena Lightning NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-016 Title: Stunned

close-for-comfort Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh Lightning NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-015 Title: Close for comfort

not-as-planned Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Khopesh Lightning NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-014 Title: Not as planned

nice-and-easy Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fog Khopesh Lightning NineDisks Rain ch-06 p-013 Title: Nice and easy

the-birdy Blacksmith Chen Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fog Kai Khopesh Lena NineDisks Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-012 Title: The birdy

lions-in-primordial-waters-2 Blacksmith Chen Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fog Kai Khopesh Lena NineDisks Rain WorkingMagic ch-06 p-011 Title: Lions in Primordial Waters

show-time Blacksmith Chen Chimaera Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Kai Lena NineDisks WorkingMagic ch-06 p-010 Title: Show time

one-more-2 Blacksmith Chen Edith EyeRed Fight Flashback Fog Kai Khopesh Lena WorkingMagic ch-06 p-009 Title: One more

stingy Blacksmith Chen Earbud Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Kai Khopesh WorkingMagic ch-06 p-008 Title: Stingy

predictable Blacksmith Chen Earbud Edith EyeRed Fight Fog ch-06 p-007 Title: Predictable

practicing Blacksmith Chen Earbud Edith EyeRed Fight Fog ch-06 p-006 Title: Practicing

careful Blacksmith Chen Earbud Edith EyeRed Fight Fog Kai Phone ch-06 p-005 Title: Careful

from-here Blacksmith Chen Earbud Edith Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning Phone Stairs ch-06 p-004 Title: From here

broadcast Earbud Edith Fog Kai Khopesh Lightning Phone Shadow Stairs ch-06 p-003 Title: Broadcast

stuffed Earbud Edith Fog Kai Khopesh Phone Stairs ch-06 p-002 Title: Stuffed This is about a month after Chapter 5, according to Meaghan in the comments. Chapters 1-5 cover just over a week.

foggy Earbud Edith Fog Khopesh Phone Stairs ch-06 p-001 Title: Foggy

chapter-6 BeastSkull Edith EyeBlack EyeRed Lightning LionHead NineDisks ch-06 p-000 Title: Chapter 6

chapter-5-end Apartment Edith Fennec ch-05 p-174 Title: Chapter 5 end

unfair-2 Apartment Edith Fennec ch-05 p-173 Title: Unfair

sit-with-me Apartment Edith Fennec ch-05 p-172 Title: Sit with me

by-my-friend Apartment Edith Kai KaiCar ch-05 p-171 Title: By my friend

horizontal Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Kai KaiCar ch-05 p-170 Title: Horizontal

loop-2 Alma BigGlasses Edith Fennec Flashback Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar ch-05 p-169 Title: Loop

enjoy-yourselves Alma Edith EyeBlack Fennec Heru HeruCar Kai KaiCar ch-05 p-168 Title: Enjoy yourselves

war-is-here Aset EyeBlack Heru HeruCar Noya Snake WhiteHair ch-05 p-167 Title: War is here

war Aset EyeBlack Heru HeruCar Snake ch-05 p-166 Title: War

attack Aset Heru HeruCar Snake ch-05 p-165 Title: Attack

surprise-2 Aset Heru HeruCar Noya Snake WhiteHair ch-05 p-164 Title: Surprise

sigh ArmBleed Aset Flashback Heru HeruCar HeruGod Lightning Noya Snake ch-05 p-163 Title: Sigh

cursed ArmBleed Edith Flashback Heru HeruCar Khopesh Lightning Noya WhiteHair ch-05 p-162 Title: Cursed

blessed-2 ArmBleed Heru HeruCar WarrenKelly ch-05 p-161 Title: Blessed

angry-young-man Heru HeruCar WarrenKelly WhiteHair ch-05 p-160 Title: Angry Young Man

impression Heru HeruCar Mary Noya Shelly WarrenKelly WhiteHair ch-05 p-159 Title: Impression

nerve Alma Ash BigGlasses Edith Fennec Gods Hathor HathorTemple Kai NebetHet WineGlass ch-05 p-158 Title: Nerve

splash Alma Ash BigGlasses Edith Fennec Gods Hathor HathorTemple Kai NebetHet WineGlass ch-05 p-157 Title: Splash

confront Alma BigGlasses Edith Fennec Gods HathorTemple NebetHet WineGlass ch-05 p-156 Title: Confront

cut-and-run Alma BigGlasses Edith EgyptianBust Fennec GooseHeadedGod Hathor HathorTemple Kai NebetHet TopKnotGoddess WideHairGoddess ch-05 p-155 Title: Cut and run

passing-gift Edith Fennec Flashback GooseHeadedGod Hathor HathorTemple Heru TopKnotGoddess ch-05 p-154 Title: Passing Gift

curse Edith Hathor HathorTemple Nosebleed ch-05 p-153 Title: Curse

stewing Edith GooseHeadedGod HathorTemple HeruEye TopKnotGoddess ch-05 p-152 Title: Stewing

storyteller Edith GooseHeadedGod HathorTemple Heru TopKnotGoddess WideHairGoddess ch-05 p-151 Title: Storyteller

cornered Edith EgyptianBust GooseHeadedGod HathorTemple TopKnotGoddess WideHairGoddess ch-05 p-150 Title: Cornered

split-up Alma Edith HathorTemple Iusaas Kai Ruty Sandwiches Taweret ch-05 p-149 Title: Split up

getting-to-know-each-other Alma Bastet CreamCakes Edith HathorTemple Kai Khonsu NehebuKau ch-05 p-148 Title: Getting to know each other

montage Alma Ash Edith HathorTemple Kai Qadesh Tatenen ch-05 p-147 Title: montage

secrets-and-gossip Alma Edith Elevator Gods HathorTemple Kai ch-05 p-146 Title: Secrets and Gossip

proceed Edith Elevator Fennec Hathor HathorTemple OrangeTank TeaCup ch-05 p-145 Title: Proceed

demands Alma Edith Elevator Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai OrangeTank TeaCup ch-05 p-144 Title: Demands

promise Alma Edith Elevator Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai OrangeTank TeaCup ch-05 p-143 Title: Promise

wrangler Alma Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai OrangeTank TeaCup ch-05 p-142 Title: Wrangler

nunya Alma Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai OrangeTank TeaCup ch-05 p-141 Title: Nunya

the-throne Alma Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple OrangeTank TeaCup ch-05 p-140 Title: The throne

formal-sit-down Alma Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple OrangeTank Sobek TeaCup ch-05 p-139 Title: Formal sit down

confidence Alma Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai TeaCup ch-05 p-138 Title: Confidence

manners Alma Edith Fennec Gods Hathor HathorTemple Kai ch-05 p-137 Title: Manners

lesson Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple ch-05 p-136 Title: Lesson

take-you-in Alma Edith Hathor HathorTemple Kai ch-05 p-135 Title: Take you in

axe-to-grind Aset CoffeeCup Edith HathorTemple Mary MayorsOffice Noya Scorpion Shelly Snake WhiteHair ch-05 p-134 Title: Axe to grind

vindictive Aset CoffeeCup FamilyTree Mary MayorsOffice Noya Shelly Snake WhiteHair ch-05 p-133 Title: Vindictive

counter-measures CanopicJar CoffeeCup Djehuty Heru MayorsOffice PaddedCase WarrenKelly ch-05 p-132 Title: counter measures

maintain CoffeeCup Heru Mary MayorsOffice Tray WarrenKelly ch-05 p-131 Title: Maintain

no-war CoffeeCup Mary MayorsOffice Noya Shelly Tray WarrenKelly WhiteHair ch-05 p-130 Title: No war

giant-lizard-baby CoffeeMachine Fridge Mary MayorsOffice Noya Shelly WarrenKelly WhiteHair ch-05 p-129 Title: giant lizard baby

squirm CoffeeMachine Heru Mary MayorsOffice Noya WarrenKelly ch-05 p-128 Title: Squirm

discuss Edith Elevator Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Heru Kai Khopesh MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-05 p-127 Title: Discuss

seen-enough Alma Edith Fennec Fight Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning ch-05 p-126 Title: Seen Enough

lightning-in-a-jar Edith Fight HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-125 Title: Lightning in a jar

obvious Fight HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-124 Title: Obvious

almost-missed-it Alma Edith EyeRed Fennec Fight Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Khopesh Lightning ch-05 p-123 Title: Almost missed it

here-comes-the-thunder Edith EyeRed Fight Flashback Gods HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning Set Spear WorkingMagic ch-05 p-122 Title: Here comes the thunder

about-time Alma Bolt Edith Entranced EyeRed Fennec Fight Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-121 Title: About time

something-interesting CrowdMutters Edith EyeRed Fight HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-120 Title: Something Interesting.

stubborn Alma Edith Entranced Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh ch-05 p-119 Title: Stubborn

this-time-with-feeling Edith HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh WorkingMagic ch-05 p-118 Title: This time, with feeling!

here-comes-the-boom Alma Edith Entranced Fennec Fight Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-117 Title: Here comes the BOOM

the-ol-one-two Edith Fight HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-116 Title: The ol’ one-two

charge-up Edith Fight HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-115 Title: Charge up!

a-difference Edith Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-114 Title: A difference

one-more-time-3 Alma Edith Entranced Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh ch-05 p-113 Title: One! More! Time!

bottom-of-the-barrel Djehuty Edith Flashback HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple HeruGod Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh ch-05 p-112 Title: Bottom of the barrel

expectation Alma Edith Entranced Fennec Gods Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh ch-05 p-111 Title: Expectation

victory Edith EyeRed HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh WorkingMagic ch-05 p-110 Title: Victory

say-a-little-prayer Edith EyeRed Fight HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-109 Title: Say a little prayer

ready-start Alma Edith Entranced EyeRed Fennec Fight Gods Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Heckle Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-108 Title: Ready, Start

no-dunking Alma Edith Entranced EyeRed Fennec Gods Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-107 Title: No dunking

booted Edith EyeRed HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-106 Title: Booted

a-good-host Alma Cakes Edith Entranced EyeRed Fennec Gods Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Kai Khopesh Lightning WorkingMagic ch-05 p-105 Title: a Good Host

party-time-2 Edith EyeRed Gods Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Khopesh Lightning ch-05 p-104 Title: Party Time

cordially-invited Alma Cakes Edith Fennec HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph WorkingMagic ch-05 p-103 Title: Cordially invited

off-limits Alma Edith Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph ch-05 p-102 Title: Off limits

honored-guests Alma Edith Fennec Gods Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph ch-05 p-101 Title: Honored Guests

hathors-party Alma Edith Gods HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple ch-05 p-100 Title: Hathor’s Party

allow-me-to-introduce Alma Djehuty Edith Elevator Flashback HathorTemple Heru Kai ch-05 p-099 Title: Allow me to introduce

follow-my-lead Alma Edith Elevator Fennec HathorTemple Kai ch-05 p-098 Title: Follow my lead

debut Alma Edith Fennec HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Steps ch-05 p-097 Title: Debut

pulling-in Alma Edith Heru HeruCar Kai KaiCar MayorsOffice Noya Phone WarrenKelly WhiteHair ch-05 p-096 Title: Pulling in

good-impression Edith Mary MayorsOffice Phone Shelly StreetScene WarrenKelly ch-05 p-095 Title: Good Impression

scrambling Edith KaiCar MayorsOffice Phone StreetScene WarrenKelly ch-05 p-094 Title: Scrambling

allies Alma Edith Fennec Kai KaiCar Mary MayorsOffice Phone Shelly WarrenKelly ch-05 p-093 Title: Allies

specialty Alma Edith Fennec KaiCar Mary MayorsOffice Phone Shelly WarrenKelly ch-05 p-092 Title: Specialty

of-heaven-and-earth Alma Edith Fennec Flashback Hathor Kai KaiCar Phone Set ch-05 p-091 Title: Of Heaven and Earth

brush-up Alma Edith Fennec HathorWiki Kai KaiCar StreetScene ch-05 p-090 Title: Brush up

a-better-party Alma Edith Fennec Kai KaiCar Wink ch-05 p-089 Title: A Better Party

plus-one Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Kai KaiCar ch-05 p-088 Title: Plus One

waiting-on Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Kai KaiCar ch-05 p-087 Title: Waiting on

together Alma Apartment Edith Fennec ch-05 p-086 Title: Together

at-the-hip Alma Apartment Edith Fennec ch-05 p-085 Title: At the hip

what-to-wear Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Mirror Phone ch-05 p-084 Title: What to wear

cleanser Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-05 p-083 Title: Cleanser

shed-some-light-2 Apartment Bed Edith Fennec Set ch-05 p-082 Title: Shed some light

land-of-the-living Apartment Bed BloodStain Dream Duat Edith Set ch-05 p-081 Title: Land of the Living

apologize-lines AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith LineArt Set ch-05 p-080 Title: Apologize - lines

what-do-you-think-2 AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith Set ch-05 p-079 Title: What do you think

Sorry Ausir AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith Set ch-05 p-078 Title: Sorry

the-threads Ausir AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith Set WasSceptre ch-05 p-077 Title: The Threads

the-ausirian-family Ausir AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith Set ch-05 p-076 Title: The Ausirian Family

the-murder-of-osiris Ausir AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith Set ch-05 p-075 Title: The murder of Osiris

dont-look AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith ch-05 p-074 Title: Don’t look

nebet-het AusirsHall BloodStain Dream Duat Edith NebetHet Stairs ch-05 p-073 Title: Nebet-het

run AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith NebetHet Stairs ch-05 p-072 Title: Run

the-murder AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Set Stairs ch-05 p-071 Title: the murder

leap-of-faith Dream Duat Edith EyeRed RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-070 Title: Leap of faith

belong Dream Duat Edith RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-069 Title: Belong

swallow-whole Djehuty Dream Duat Edith Flashback RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-068 Title: Swallow whole

humiliated Dream Duat Edith RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-067 Title: Humiliated

one-big-lie Dream Duat Edith RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-066 Title: One big lie

the-precipice Dream Duat Edith RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-065 Title: The precipice

what-happens-next Dream Duat Edith RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-064 Title: What happens next

the-partys-over AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Lightning RiverOfStars Set Stairs ch-05 p-063 Title: The Party’s Over

go Anat Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-062 Title: Go

ausir-loves-you Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Spear ch-05 p-061 Title: Ausir loves you

salvage Anat Axe Dream Duat Edith EyeRed Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-060 Title: Salvage

Faded Anat Apep Axe Dream Duat Edith Lightning Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-059 Title: Faded

god-of-storms Apep Dream Duat Edith Lightning RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-058 Title: God of Storms

apep Anat Apep Dream Duat Edith Lightning RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-057 Title: Apep

better Anat Dream Duat Edith RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-056 Title: Better

lectures Anat Axe BoatMan Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-055 Title: Lectures

anat Anat Apep Axe BoatMan Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set Spear ch-05 p-054 Title: Anat

embarrass-yourself Anat Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set ch-05 p-053 Title: Embarrass yourself

ra Anat BoatMan Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set ch-05 p-052 Title: Ra

meet-the-family Anat BoatMan Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set ch-05 p-051 Title: Meet the Family

the-barque Anat Ba BoatMan Dream Duat Edith Ra RaBarque RiverOfStars Set ch-05 p-050 Title: The Barque Nine Ba birds

the-darkest-of-me Dream Duat Edith Set ch-05 p-049 Title: The darkest of me

a-risk Dream Duat Edith EyeRed Flashback Khopesh Set ch-05 p-048 Title: A risk

took-too-long Dream Duat Edith RiverOfStars Set ch-05 p-0047 Title: Took too long

construct Dream Duat Edith PalmTree RiverOfStars Set Sphinx Stairs ch-05 p-046 Title: Construct

the-duat Dream Duat Edith PalmTree RiverOfStars Set Sphinx Stairs WorldSnake ch-05 p-045 Title: The Duat

come-around Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods NebetHet Party Set Stairs Taweret Tears ch-05 p-044 Title: Come Around

wait AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods NebetHet Party Set ch-05 p-043 Title: Wait

cowards Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Gods Laughter Lightning NebetHet Party Set ch-05 p-042 Title: cowards

control Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods Kherty Laughter NebetHet Party Set Wink ch-05 p-041 Title: Control

ruining-your-night Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Gods NebetHet Party Set WasSceptre ch-05 p-040 Title: Ruining your night

alone Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods Kherty Party Set ch-05 p-039 Title: Alone

feel-that AusirsHall Dream Duat HareHead Kherty Lightning Party Set ch-05 p-038 Title: Feel that

cant-touch-me Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Gods HareHead Kherty NebetHet Party Set ch-05 p-037 Title: Can’t touch me

the-advantage AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith HareHead Kherty Party Set ch-05 p-036 Title: The Advantage

options AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith HareHead Kherty Party Set ch-05 p-035 Title: Options

no-chance AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith EyeRed HareHead Kherty Party Set Stairs ch-05 p-034 Title: No Chance

events-in-motion AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods HareHead Kherty Party Set ch-05 p-033 Title: Events in Motion

heru-said AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods Party Set ch-05 p-032 Title: Heru said

blessed Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods NebetHet Party Set ch-05 p-031 Title: Blessed

ausir Aset Ausir AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods HareHead Kherty NebetHet Party Set Stairs ch-05 p-030 Title: Ausir Maybe Aset standing next to Nebet-het, her sister.

shed-some-light AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods Party Set ch-05 p-029 Title: Shed some light

put-it-mildly AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith HareHead Kherty Party Set ch-05 p-028 Title: Put it Mildly

the-nerve AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods HareHead Kherty Party Set ch-05 p-027 Title: The nerve

at-the-table AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith NebetHet Party Set ch-05 p-026 Title: At the Table

enjoy-yourself AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods NebetHet Nemty Party Set ch-05 p-025 Title: Enjoy Yourself

is-this-real AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods Party ch-05 p-024 Title: Is this real

party-time AusirsHall Dream Duat Edith Gods Party ch-05 p-023 Title: Party time

never-said Apartment Bed Dream Edith Fennec RedGlow ch-05 p-022 Title: Never said

both-ways Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-05 p-021 Title: Both ways

tell-me-that Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-05 p-020 Title: Tell me that

jumping-in Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-05 p-019 Title: Jumping in

good-night Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-05 Title: Good night

confrontation-2 Apartment Edith Fennec ch-05 p-017 Title: Confrontation

not-ready Apartment AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fight Flashback Mirror ch-05 p-016 Title: Not ready

go-to-sleep Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Khopesh ch-05 p-015 Title: Go to sleep

disaster Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Khopesh ch-05 p-014 Title: Disaster

bad-dog Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Khopesh ch-05 p-013 Title: Bad Dog

condolences Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback Khopesh Mary Shelly WarrenKelly ch-05 p-012 Title: Condolences

easy-does-it Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Kai KaiCar Khopesh ch-05 p-011 Title: Easy does it

prepare Edith Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph KaiCar Phone WasSceptre ch-05 p-010 Title: Prepare

trerrible-host Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Phone WasSceptre ch-05 p-009 Title: Trerrible host

due-respect Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Phone WasSceptre ch-05 p-008 Title: Due respect

not-particularly Edith Fennec Hathor HathorTemple Kai KaiCar Phone WasSceptre ch-05 p-007 Title: Not particularly

laughing Hathor HathorTemple Hieroglyph Kai Phone WasSceptre ch-05 p-006 Title: Laughing

out-of-date AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Kai Khopesh ch-05 p-005 Title: Out of date

makes-sense AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Kai Khopesh ch-05 p-004 Title: Makes sense

hilarious AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Kai ch-05 p-003 Title: hilarious

side-effects AscendBuilding Bolt Edith EyeRed Fennec HeruGod Kai ch-05 p-002 Title: Side effects

no-business AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec HeruGod Kai Khopesh ProtectionCharms ch-05 p-001 Title: No business

chapter-five Edith EyeRed Hathor Khopesh Set ch-05 p-000 Title: Chapter five

under-protection AscendBuilding Edith EyeRed Fennec Kai Nosebleed Sprinkler ch-04 p-135 Title: Under Protection

official-business AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec HeruGod Kai Khopesh Lightning Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-134 Title: Official business

cut-in AscendBuilding Edith EyeRed Fennec HeruGod Kai Khopesh Lightning Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler ch-04 p-133 Title: Cut in

one-more-time-2 AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec HeruGod Jar Khopesh Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler ch-04 p-132 Title: One More Time

trust-2 AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed HeruGod Jar Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler ch-04 p-131 Title: Trust

hrm AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed HeruGod Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh Lightning Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler ch-04 p-130 Title: Hrm

nothing-to-lose AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed HeruGod Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh Lightning MagicCircle MagicManacle Nosebleed Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-129 Title: Nothing to lose

finally AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed HeruGod Hieroglyph Jar MagicCircle Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-128 Title: Finally

words AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec Hieroglyph Jar MagicCircle Sprinkler WorkingMagic ch-04 p-127 Title: Words

open-without-breaking AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec HeruGod Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh Lightning MagicCircle MagicManacle Nosebleed Sprinkler WasSceptre WorkingMagic ch-04 p-126 Title: Open without breaking

focus AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec HeruGod Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh Lightning MagicCircle MagicManacle Sprinkler WasSceptre WorkingMagic ch-04 p-125 Title: Focus

not-over-until-its-over AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh MagicCircle MagicManacle Nosebleed Sprinkler ch-04 p-124 Title: Not over until it’s over

this-chaos AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec Heru Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh MagicCircle MagicManacle Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler WasSceptre WorkingMagic ch-04 p-123 Title: This chaos

lessons AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh MagicCircle MagicManacle Nosebleed Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-122 Title: Lessons

not-yet AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod Hieroglyph Khopesh Lightning MagicCircle Nosebleed Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-121 Title: Not yet

make-it-count AscendBuilding Bolt Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod Hieroglyph Jar Khopesh Lightning MagicCircle Nosebleed Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-120 Title: Make it count

favor-2 AscendBuilding Concussion Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod Jar Khopesh Nosebleed Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-119 Title: Favor

get-up-stand-up AscendBuilding Concussion Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod Jar Khopesh LineArt Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 Title: Get up. stand up

distracted ArmBleed AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod Jar Khopesh LineArt MagicCircle Sprinkler WasSceptre ch-04 p-117 Title: Distracted

bravado-this AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fennec Fight HeruGod Jar Khopesh Lightning MagicCircle Nosebleed Sprinkler ch-04 p-116 Title: Bravado THIS

lost-2 AscendBuilding Edith EyeRed Fight HeruGod Khopesh Lightning Nosebleed Sprinkler ch-04 p-115 Title: Lost

bravado AscendBuilding Edith EyeRed Fight HeruGod Khopesh Nosebleed Sprinkler ch-04 p-114 Title: Bravado

what-a-mess AscendBuilding Dust Kai Khopesh Sprinkler WingedSun ch-04 p-113 Title: What a mess

prayer AscendBuilding Edith HeruGod Kai Khopesh Sprinkler WingedSun ch-04 p-112 Title: Prayer

storm-god AscendBuilding Edith Fennec HeruGod Khopesh MagicCircle Nosebleed ProtectionCharms Sprinkler ch-04 p-111 Title: Storm God

where-you-told-me AscendBuilding Fennec HeruGod MagicCircle ch-04 p-110 Title: where you told me

welcome-to-try AscendBuilding Bolt Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod Jar MagicCircle Nosebleed WorkingMagic ch-04 p-109 Title: Welcome to Try

nor-a-ghost AscendBuilding Chibi Djehuty Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod MagicCircle Nosebleed ProtectionCharms WasSceptre WingedSun WorkingMagic ch-04 p-108 Title: Nor a ghost

bloated-ego AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod MagicCircle Nosebleed ch-04 p-107 Title: Bloated Ego

a-rage AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Fight HeruGod MagicCircle Nosebleed ch-04 p-106 Title: A rage

herus-specialty AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec HeruGod MagicCircle Nosebleed ProtectionCharms WasSceptre WingedSun ch-04 p-105 Title: Heru’s specialty

umbilical-cord AscendBuilding Edith Fennec HeruGod MagicCircle ch-04 p-104 Title: Umbilical cord

protection-charm AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec HeruGod MagicCircle ProtectionCharms WasSceptre WingedSun ch-04 p-103 Title: Protection Charm

murderer AscendBuilding Edith Fennec HeruGod MagicCircle ch-04 p-102 Title: Murderer

surprised AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec HeruGod MagicCircle Nosebleed ch-04 p-101 Title: Surprised

bless-this-mess AscendBuilding Edith Fennec HeruGod Hieroglyph MagicCircle ch-04 p-100 Title: Bless this mess

what-do-you-think AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Hieroglyph MagicCircle ch-04 p-099 Title: What do you think

fine-thats-fine AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Hieroglyph MagicCircle ch-04 p-098 Title: Fine. That’s fine

whats-the-story AscendBuilding Edith Fennec Hieroglyph MagicCircle ch-04 p-097 Title: What’s the story

yikes Alarm AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith Elevator EyeRed Fight Macey Noya ch-04 p-096 Title: Yikes

using-your-head Alarm AscendBuilding Blacksmith Edith Elevator EyeRed Fight Macey ch-04 p-095 Title: Using your head

boxed-in Alarm AscendBuilding Blacksmith Chen Edith Elevator EyeRed Fight Macey Noya ch-04 p-094 Title: Boxed in

enough Alarm AscendBuilding Blacksmith Chen Edith Elevator EyeRed Fight ch-04 p-093 Title: Enough

spin-me-right-round AscendBuilding Blacksmith Chen Edith Elevator Fight LineArt ch-04 p-092 Title: Spin me right round

bait-and-switch AscendBuilding Blacksmith Bolt Chen Edith Fight LineArt ch-04 p-091 Title: Bait and Switch

got-you AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith Fight GafferTape LineArt Noya ch-04 p-090 Title: Got you

cumbersome AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Edith Fight GafferTape LineArt Macey Noya ch-04 p-089 Title: Cumbersome

a-little-space AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith Fight GafferTape Lena LineArt Macey Noya ch-04 p-088 Title: A Little Space

nothing-personal AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith EyeRed Fight GafferTape Lena ch-04 p-087 Title: Nothing Personal

seriously-hurt AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith EyeRed GafferTape Lena Macey Noya ch-04 p-086 Title: Seriously Hurt

hostage AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith EyeRed GafferTape Lena Macey Noya ch-04 p-085 Title: Hostage

reunited AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith Elevator EyeRed GafferTape Lena Macey Noya ch-04 p-084 Title: Reunited

end-of-the-road AscendBuilding Blacksmith Cerise Chen Edith Elevator EyeRed GafferTape ch-04 p-083 Title: End of the Road

safe-way AscendBuilding Cerise Edith Elevator EyeRed GafferTape ch-04 p-082 Title: Safe Way

ensnare AscendBuilding Cerise Edith Elevator EyeRed GafferTape Wink ch-04 p-081 Title: Ensnare

unbelievable AscendBuilding Cerise Edith EyeRed GafferTape ch-04 p-080 Title: Unbelievable

wouldn39t-dare AscendBuilding Cerise Desk Dust Edith EyeRed ch-04 p-079 Title: Wouldn’t dare

dusted AscendBuilding Bolt Cerise ConjuredSerpent Dust Edith Fight Fire FireBreath TwoHeads ch-04 p-078 Title: Dusted

out-of-options AscendBuilding ConjuredSerpent Edith EyeRed Fight Fire FireBreath TwoHeads ch-04 p-077 Title: Out of options

the-serpent-is-here AscendBuilding ConjuredSerpent Edith EyeRed Fight TwoHeads WorkingMagic ch-04 p-076 Title: The serpent is here

unfair AscendBuilding ConjuredSerpent Edith EyeRed Fight Fire Tail TwoHeads ch-04 p-075 Title: Unfair

illusion AscendBuilding ConjuredSerpent Edith EyeRed Fight FireBreath TwoHeads ch-04 p-074 Title: Illusion

waste-on-this-fool AscendBuilding Cerise ConjuredSerpent Edith EyeRed Fight TwoHeads WorkingMagic ch-04 p-073 Title: Waste on this fool

chapter-4-he-above-the-horizon AscendBuilding Bolt Cerise ConjuredSerpent Edith Fight Keyboard TwoHeads WorkingMagic ch-04 p-072 Title: Chapter 4: He above the Horizon

on-edge AscendBuilding Cerise Edith Roar WorkingMagic ch-04 p-071 Title: On edge

cautious AscendBuilding Cerise Edith WorkingMagic ch-04 p-070 Title: Cautious

entrance AscendBuilding Cerise Edith ch-04 p-069 Title: Entrance

if-you39re-sure AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fennec HeruGod Hieroglyph MagicCircle WingedSun ch-04 p-068 Title: If you’re sure

entice AscendBuilding Cerise Djehuty Fennec HeruGod Hieroglyph MagicCircle ch-04 p-067 Title: Entice

hurt AscendBuilding Cerise Fennec HeruGod Hieroglyph MagicCircle ch-04 p-066 Title: Hurt

hidden AscendBuilding Cerise Djehuty Fennec Heru HeruGod Hieroglyph MagicCircle WorkingMagic ch-04 p-065 Title: Hidden

busy-work AscendBuilding Cerise Djehuty Fennec Heru MagicCircle WorkingMagic ch-04 p-064 Title: Busy work

absolutely-not Alma Apartment AscendBuilding Edith ch-04 p-063 Title: Absolutely not

you-can-heckin39-do-this Alma Apartment Edith Wardrobe ch-04 p-062 Title: You can heckin’ do this

weak-willed Alma Apartment Edith Flashback Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Heru Mary Phone Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-061 Title: Weak-willed Mary smiles…

on-the-other-hand-of-ptah Alma Apartment Edith Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Mary Phone Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-060 Title: On the other hand of Ptah

thrilled Edith Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Papyrus Phone WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-059 Title: Thrilled

half-hearted Edith Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Papyrus Phone WasSceptre ch-04 p-058 Title: Half-hearted

convenient Bolt Edith Flashback Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Heru Mary Papyrus Phone WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-057 Title: Convenient

whim Apartment CoffeeTable Edith Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Map Mary Phone Shelly Sofa WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-056 Title: Whim

opportunity Apartment Edith Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Mary Phone Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-055 Title: Opportunity

lost Alma Apartment Edith Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Mary Phone Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-054 Title: Lost

sit Alma Apartment Bolt Edith EyeRed Flashback RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-053 Title: Sit

goodbye Apartment Bolt DarkCar Edith EyeRed HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-052 Title: Goodbye

chaos Apartment Bolt Edith EyeRed RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-051 Title: Chaos

bolt Apartment Bolt Edith EyeRed HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-050 Title: Bolt

unpredictable Apartment Bolt Edith EyeRed RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-049 Title: Unpredictable

agreement Flashback Heru HeruOffice HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-048 Title: Agreement

your-guard Apartment Edith Fight HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-047 Title: Your guard

nothing-else Apartment Edith EyeRed Fight HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-046 Title: Nothing else

keep-fighting Apartment Edith EyeRed HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-045 Title: Keep fighting

beast Apartment Edith EyeRed Fight HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-044 Title: Beast

mad Apartment CoffeeTable DoorLock Edith EyeRed Fight HotBlacksmith Knock Map RedheadBlacksmith Sofa Sweater ch-04 p-043 Title: Mad

distract-yourself Alma Apartment Edith ch-04 p-041 Title: Distract yourself

hives Alma Apartment DarkCar Edith HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith ch-04 p-040 Title: Hives

appointment Alma Apartment CherrywoodPark Djehuty Edith Fennec SpellBind ch-04 p-039 Title: Appointment

submit Cerise CherrywoodPark Djehuty EvilDay Fennec Hieroglyph Ibis MagicCircle SpellBind WorkingMagic ch-04 p-038 Title: Submit

no-need Bolt Cerise CherrywoodPark Djehuty Fennec Hieroglyph WorkingMagic ch-04 p-037 Title: No need

places-to-be Cerise CherrywoodPark Djehuty Fennec ch-04 p-036 Title: Places to be

stand-a-chance CherrywoodPark Djehuty EggFragments FallenTree Fennec Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Mary Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-035 Title: Stand a chance

true-name EvilDay Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph HieroglyphTalk Mary Shelly SpellBlock SpellSummon WarrenKelly WasSceptre WorkingMagic ch-04 p-034 Title: True name

magical-girl-hathor EvilDay Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph HieroglyphTalk Mary Shelly SpellSummon WarrenKelly WasSceptre WorkingMagic ch-04 p-033 Title: Magical Girl Hathor

shame Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Mary Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-032 Title: Shame

bail-out Hathor HathorTemple Hieroglyph Mary Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-031 Title: Bail out

offer Hathor HathorTemple Hieroglyph Mary Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-030 Title: Offer

hathor Hathor HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Hieroglyph Mary Shelly WarrenKelly WasSceptre ch-04 p-029 Title: Defining

keep-track Blacksmith Elevator HathorPoolRoom HathorTemple Mary Shelly WarrenKelly ch-04 p-028 Title: Keep Track

defining- AscendBuilding AscendEmployees Cerise Djehuty HeruTemple Mary ch-04 p-027 Title: Defining

sit-tight Apartment AscendBuilding Cerise Djehuty Edith Mary MayorLimo Phone WarrenKelly ch-04 p-026 Title: Sit tight!

confrontation Alma Apartment Edith Mary MayorLimo Phone Shelly WarrenKelly ch-04 p-025 Title: Confrontation

tell-me-what-you-want Alma Apartment Edith MayorLimo ch-04 p-024 Title: Tell me what you want

events-unfolding Edith Mary MayorLimo Nosebleed Set Shelly Sobek WarrenKelly ch-04 p-023 Title: Events unfolding

blood-feud Edith MayorLimo Nosebleed Set Sobek ch-04 p-022 Title: Blood Feud

harmony Edith Fennec Heru MayorLimo Nosebleed Set Sobek ch-04 p-021 Title: Harmony

a-good-shake Aset Djehuty Edith Flowers Heru MayorLimo Nosebleed Sobek ch-04 p-020 Title: A good shake

agenda Edith MayorLimo Nosebleed Sobek ch-04 p-019 Title: Agenda

gaslighting Edith MayorLimo Nosebleed Sobek ch-04 p-018 Title: Gaslighting

magic-reinforced-trunk AscendBuilding Edith EyeRed Mary MayorLimo Shelly Sobek ch-04 p-017 Title: Magic Reinforced Trunk

get-in-the-car AscendBuilding Edith EyeRed Fight Mary Nosebleed Shelly Sobek WarrenKelly ch-04 p-016 Title: Get in the car

utmost-care AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Fight Macey Mary Nosebleed Noya Shelly WarrenKelly ch-04 p-015 Title: Utmost care

favor AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Macey Nosebleed Noya WarrenKelly ch-04 p-014 Title: Favor

everything-is-normal AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Heru HeruOffice Khopesh Nosebleed ch-04 p-013 Title: Everything is normal

surprise AscendBuilding AscendEmployees Djehuty Edith Heru HeruOffice Macey Nosebleed PerpWalk ch-04 p-012 Title: Surprise

thug AscendBuilding AscendEmployees Cerise Djehuty Edith Macey Noya PerpWalk ch-04 p-011 Title: Thug

favorable AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith HemNetjer Heru HeruOffice Macey Nosebleed ch-04 p-010 Title: Favorable HemNetjer actually referred to as Hemet Netjer (f)

natural-order-3 AscendBuilding Djehuty Edith Heru HeruOffice Hieroglyph Macey Nosebleed Noya Set ch-04 p-009 Title: Natural order

set Anpu AscendBuilding Blood Djehuty Edith Fennec Fire Heru HeruOffice Khopesh Nosebleed Set ch-04 p-008 Title: Set

the-dynamite Anpu AscendBuilding Blood Djehuty Edith EyeRed Heru HeruOffice Nosebleed ch-04 p-007 Title: The dynamite Anpu mention

it-just-did Anpu AscendBuilding Blacksmith Blood Chen Confusion Djehuty Edith EyeRed Fight Heru HeruOffice Lena Macey Noya UnnamedBlacksmith ch-04 p-006 Title: It just did Anpu mention

with-feeling Anpu AscendBuilding Blacksmith Blood Chen Djehuty Edith Fight Heru HeruOffice Macey ch-04 p-005 Title: With Feeling Anpu mention

pick-a-fight AscendBuilding Blacksmith Chen Djehuty Edith EyeRed Heru HeruOffice ch-04 p-004 Title: Pick a fight

answer AscendBuilding Blacksmith Chen Djehuty Edith Heru HeruOffice ch-04 p-003 Title: Answer

stolen AscendBuilding AscendEmployees Blacksmith Cerise Chen Djehuty Edith Heru HeruOffice Lena Macey Noya UnnamedBlacksmith ch-04 p-002 Title: Stolen

planning-to-do AscendBuilding AscendEmployees Cerise ch-04 p-001 Title: Planning to do

chapter-four Cerise Chen Djehuty Edith Hathor Heru Mary Shelly Sobek ch-04 p-000 Title: Chapter four

heru Blacksmith Chen Djehuty Edith Heru HeruOffice Lena Macey Noya UnnamedBlacksmith ch-03 p-084 Title: Heru “End Chapter 3”

good-morning Ba3 Bolt CherrywoodPark Edith FallenTree Heru HeruOffice Rain ch-03 p-083 Title: Good morning - Good morning

sunny-day Ba3 CherrywoodPark Edith EggFragments FallenTree Rain Sun ch-03 p-082 Title: Sunny day

remember Ba3 BennuBird CherrywoodPark Edith EggFragments FallenTree HieroglyphTalk YellowBird ch-03 p-081 Title: Remember

trust Ankh Ba3 Blacksmith CherrywoodPark Edith EggFragments FallenTree Fennec Forest HieroglyphTalk Lena Snake YellowBird ch-03 p-080 Title: Day break

day-break Ba3 CherrywoodPark Edith EggFragments FallenTree Forest YellowBird ch-03 p-079 Title: Day break

survive-this CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FallenTree Forest HieroglyphTalk YellowBird ch-03 p-078 Title: Survive this

ascend CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FallenTree FlockingBirds Forest ch-03 p-077 Title: Ascend

leg-up CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FallenTree FlockingBirds Forest ch-03 p-076 Title: Leg up

scenic-route CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FlockingBirds Forest ch-03 p-075 Title: Scenic Route

swarm CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FlockingBirds Forest Pool ch-03 p-074 Title: Swarm

kill-it CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FlockingBirds Forest Pool ch-03 p-073 Title: Kill it

can39t-make-an-omlette CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed FlockingBirds Forest HieroglyphTalk Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-072 Title: Can’t make an omlette

from-the-primordial-waters CherrywoodPark Edith Egg EyeRed Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-071 Title: From the Primordial Waters

something-deeper CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed Forest Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-070 Title: Something deeper

a-little-birdy-told-me CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed EyesInTheDark FlockingBirds Forest HieroglyphTalk Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-069 Title: A little birdy told me

a-choir CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed EyesInTheDark FlockingBirds Forest Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-068 Title: A choir

look-around-look-around CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed EyesInTheDark Forest Pool ch-03 p-067 Title: Look around, look around

more-dangerous CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed Forest HieroglyphTalk Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-066 Title: More dangerous

in-the-water CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed Forest Pool YellowBird ch-03 p-065 Title: In the water

deep CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed EyesInTheDark Forest YellowBird ch-03 p-064 Title: Deep

definitely-no-snakes CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed YellowBird ch-03 p-063 Title: Definitely no snakes

harmless CherrywoodPark Edith EyeRed YellowBird ch-03 p-062 Title: Harmless

activated Edith EyeRed Flashback Reflection ch-03 p-061 Title: Activated

worse Blacksmith Edith HemNetjer Lena Phone ch-03 p-060 Title: Worse Lena named here on phone screen

good-news Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Lena Phone YellowBird ch-03 p-059 Title: Good news

reconstitute Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena YellowBird ch-03 p-058 Title: Reconstitute

closer Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena YellowBird ch-03 p-057 Title: Closer

test Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena ch-03 p-056 Title: Test

spectator Blacksmith Dumpster Edith EyeRed Fight Lena NoParking YellowBird ch-03 p-055 Title: Spectator

rebound Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena SinisterSUV ch-03 p-054 Title: Rebound

give-39em-the-ol-razzle-dazzle Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena ch-03 p-053 Title: Give ‘em the ol razzle dazzle

mutt Alarm Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena Shop TinCan ch-03 p-052 Title: Mutt

come-into-my-lair Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena Shop ch-03 p-051 Title: Come into my lair

stop-and-stare Edith EyeRed Lena SinisterSUV StreetScene ch-03 p-050 Title: Stop and stare

right-behind Edith StreetScene YellowBird ch-03 p-049 Title: Right Behind

air Alma Apartment Edith LineArt ch-03 p-048 Title: Air

die Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback ch-03 p-047 Title: Die

awkward-3 Alma Apartment Edith Fennec ch-03 p-046 Title: Awkward

better-not Alma Apartment Edith Sobek ch-03 p-045 Title: Better not Sobek mentioned

stopped-dead Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback Shadow YellowBird ch-03 p-044 Title: Stopped Dead

shake-it-off Alma Ankh Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback Snake ch-03 p-043 Title: Shake it off

ruthless Apartment Edith ch-03 p-042 Title: Ruthless

slow Alma Apartment CoffeeTable Edith Fennec Map Sofa ch-03 p-041 Title: Slow

byyyeee Alma Apartment Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec Possessed Sofa ch-03 p-040 Title: Byyyeee

no-more-of-that Alma Apartment Aset Dispel Edith EyeWhite Fennec Possessed WhiteDeathSpell ch-03 p-039 Title: No more of that

aset-yes Alma Apartment Aset Edith EyeWhite Fennec Possessed WhiteDeathSpell ch-03 p-038 Title: Aset YES

storm Alma Apartment Aset CoffeeTable Edith EyeWhite Fennec Map Possessed ch-03 p-037 Title: Storm

sniffing Alma Apartment Aset CoffeeTable Edith EyeWhite Fennec Ka Map Possessed ch-03 p-036 Title: Sniffing Edith’s Ka mentioned

mess Alma Apartment Aset CoffeeTable Edith EyeWhite Fennec Map Possessed ch-03 p-035 Title: Mess

back-up Alma Apartment Aset CoffeeTable Edith EyeWhite Fennec Map Possessed ch-03 p-034 Title: Back up

working Alma Apartment Aset Ba Doorway Edith EyeWhite Fangs Fennec Fight Map Possessed Snake Temple ch-03 p-033 Title: Working

backwards Alma Ankh Apartment Ba Doorway Edith Fennec Fight Hieroglyph Map SealedBox Snake Temple ch-03 p-032 Title: Backwards

whole Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Hieroglyph Map SealedBox Snake Temple WorkingMagic ch-03 p-031 Title: Whole

in-for-a-pound Ankh Ba Edith Hieroglyph SealedBox Snake Temple ch-03 p-030 Title: In for a pound

a-door-not-made-for-opening Ba Edith Hieroglyph SealedBox Temple ch-03 p-028 Title: A door not made for opening

trick Ba Edith Hieroglyph SealedBox Temple ch-03 p-027 Title: Trick

supposed-to-be-here Ba Edith Hieroglyph SealedBox Temple ch-03 p-026 Title: Supposed to be here

in-time Ba Edith Fennec Temple ch-03 p-025 Title: In Time

heart Alma Apartment Ba Edith Fennec Map WorkingMagic ch-03 p-024 Title: Heart

please Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Map ch-03 p-023 Title: Please

freehand Alma Apartment Edith Fennec ch-03 p-022 Title: Freehand

nest Alma Apartment Edith YellowBird ch-03 p-021 Title: Nest

call Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-03 p-020 Title: Call

magic-whatever Apartment Bed Edith Fennec ch-03 p-019 Title: Magic whatever

password-3 Apartment Bed Chen Edith Fennec Instagram Lena SinisterSUV ch-03 p-018 Title: Password

fooling-around Apartment Bed Blacksmith Bolt Edith EyeRed Macey Noya SinisterSUV WheelieBins ch-03 p-017 Title: Fooling around

kicked-by-a-horse Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Macey Noya SinisterSUV WheelieBins ch-03 p-016 Title: Kicked by a horse

knock-out Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Fight Lena SinisterSUV ch-03 p-015 Title: Knock out Meaghan: Today’s soundtrack

make-me Backpack DriversLicense Edith EyeRed Flashback Groceries HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith UnnamedBlacksmith ch-03 p-014 Title: Make me

seriously Edith Groceries HotBlacksmith RedheadBlacksmith UnnamedBlacksmith ch-03 p-013 Title: Seriously

yadda-yadda Alma Apartment Edith Fennec ch-03 p-012 Title: yadda yadda

the-cycle-3 Alma AncientEgyptians Apartment Baby Bike Edith Fennec Gods NightSky Planets Tombstone ch-03 p-011 Title: The Cycle

kebeb Alma Apartment Blacksmith ClayPot Edith Fennec Kebeb ch-03 p-010 Title: Kebeb

power Alma Apartment Ba2 Edith EyeRed Fennec Flashback Khopesh TreeChicken ch-03 p-009 Title: Power

challenging Alma Apartment Blacksmith Chen ClayPot Edith Fennec Flashback Lena Noya TreeChicken Turner ch-03 p-008 Title: Challenging

much-later Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Pizza ch-03 p-007 Title: Much Later

start-small Alma Edith Rain Umbrella ch-03 p-006 Title: Start small

loop Alma Edith Fennec Rain Umbrella ch-03 p-005 Title: Loop

shrieking Alma Edith Fennec Rain Umbrella ch-03 p-004 Title: Shrieking

magic-dog Alma Edith Fennec Rain Umbrella ch-03 p-003 Title: Magic Dog

reflection Alma Blacksmith Edith EyeRed Flashback Khopesh Rain TreeChicken Umbrella ch-03 p-002 Title: Reflection

chapter-3-he-who-crosses-the-sky Edith Rain Reflection ch-03 p-001 Title: Chapter 3: He Who Crosses The Sky

chapter-three Edith SnakeShadow ch-03 p-000 Title: Chapter three background Egyptian art here hints at events of the story

interesting-chapter-2-end Alma CityHall Edith Fennec Flashback MayorsOffice Rosalyn ShapeSlip Umbrella WarrenKelly ch-02 p-083 Title: Interesting- Chapter 2 end

skinny Djehuty Edith Flashback Limo MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-02 p-082 Title: Skinny

stranger Edith Flashback Limo MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-02 p-081 Title: Stranger

done Edith MayorsOffice ShapeSlip WarrenKelly ch-02 p-080 Title: Done

jostled Edith MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-02 p-079 Title: Jostled

the-jar Edith LineArt MayorsOffice ShapeSlip WarrenKelly ch-02 p-078 Title: The jar

safe Anpu Anubis Edith LineArt MayorsOffice ShapeSlip WarrenKelly ch-02 p-077 Title: Safe

things-change Edith Fennec LineArt MayorsOffice Reflection Sobek WarrenKelly ch-02 p-076 Title: Things change

different-lines Edith Fennec LineArt MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-02 p-075 Title: Different - lines

found Edith Fennec MayorsOffice ShapeSlip WarrenKelly ch-02 p-074 Title: Found

my-friend Edith Fennec MayorsOffice ShapeSlip WarrenKelly ch-02 p-073 Title: My friend

zap Edith EyeRed Fennec Headache MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-02 p-072 Title: Zap

sobek Edith Fennec Headache MayorsOffice Sobek WarrenKelly ch-02 p-071 Title: Easy

easy Edith Fennec MayorsOffice WarrenKelly ch-02 p-070 Title: Easy

natural Bolt Chen ConstructionLot Edith Fennec HemNetjer Lena MayorsOffice Noya RedGlow WarrenKelly ch-02 p-069 Title: Natural

bury-you Ba2 Blacksmith Bolt Chen ConstructionLot Edith HemNetjer Lena Noya RedGlow Roundhead ch-02 p-068 Title: Bury you

trouble Ba2 Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith Lena Noya RedGlow Roundhead ch-02 p-067 Title: Trouble

exploded Ba2 Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith Khopesh Noya RedGlow Roundhead ch-02 p-066 Title: Exploded

rough- Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith Lena Noya RedGlow Roundhead ch-02 p-065 Title: Rough

bird-brains Blacksmith Boom Chen ConstructionLot Djehuty Noya Phone Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-064 Title: Bird Brains

active Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Flight Lena Noya Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-063 Title: Active

nice-to-decapitate-you Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Flight Lena Noya Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-062 Title: Nice to Decapitate you

tied-down Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Flight Khopesh Lena Noya RedGlow Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-061 Title: Tied down

hold-tight ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Khopesh TreeChicken ch-02 p-060 Title: Hold tight

with-my-teeth Boom ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Heartbeat Khopesh RootAndBranch Roots TreeChicken ch-02 p-059 Title: With my Teeth

i-can-hear-your-heart-beat ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Heartbeat Khopesh RootAndBranch Roots TreeChicken ch-02 p-058 Title: I can hear your heart beat!

one-more-time ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Khopesh RootAndBranch TreeChicken ch-02 p-057 Title: One more time

found-you ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Khopesh RootAndBranch TreeChicken ch-02 p-056 Title: Found you

roots Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Khopesh Lena RootAndBranch Roots Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-055 Title: Roots

want-some Blacksmith Boom Chen ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Khopesh Lena Noya RootAndBranch Roots Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-054 Title: Want some

old-song-and-dance Blacksmith ConstructionLot Edith EyeRed Khopesh RootAndBranch Roots TreeChicken ch-02 p-053 Title: Old song and dance

rooted-in Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith Khopesh Lena Noya RootAndBranch Roots Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-052 Title: Rooted in Noya named here

growing Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith Khopesh Lena Noya RootAndBranch Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-051 Title: Growing

bring-her-down-2 Blacksmith Chen ConstructionLot Edith Lena Noya Roundhead TreeChicken ch-02 p-050 Title: Bring her down

all-in ConstructionLot Edith TreeChicken ch-02 p-049 Title: All in

out-of-the-frying-pan Bike Blacksmith Edith FireTruck YellowVest ch-02 p-048 Title: Out of the frying pan

password Bike Boom Edith FireTruck YellowVest ch-02 p-047 Title: password

keep-moving Bike Chen Edith Lena SinisterSUV YellowVest ch-02 p-046 Title: Keep moving

jammed Bike Edith SinisterSUV Traffic YellowVest ch-02 p-045 Title: Jammed

sworn-in Alma Apartment Fennec TV WarrenKelly ch-02 p-044 Title: Sworn in

hard-to-read Alma Apartment Fennec TV WarrenKelly ch-02 p-043 Title: Hard to Read

five-minutes-lines Bike Charm CharmBoss Dumpster Edith G ParkingLot ch-02 p-042 Title: Five Minutes- Lines ‘G’ mentioned in speech

my-life Blacksmith Charm Chen Dumpster Edith Fennec Flashback Khopesh Lena ParkingLot ch-02 p-041 Title: My life

lectured Blacksmith Charm Chen Dumpster Edith Khopesh Lena ParkingLot ch-02 p-040 Title: Lectured

red-of-heart Blacksmith Charm Chen Edith Khopesh Lena ParkingLot ch-02 p-039 Title: Red of Heart

free-hand Blacksmith Charm Chen Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh ParkingLot ch-02 p-037 Title: Free hand

attitude Blacksmith Charm Chen Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh ParkingLot ch-02 p-036 Title: Attitude

cute Blacksmith Charm Chen Dumpster Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh ParkingLot ch-02 p-035 Title: Cute

garbage-run Blacksmith Charm Chen Dumpster Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh ParkingLot ch-02 p-034 Title: Garbage Run

a-lesson Blacksmith Charm Chen Dumpster Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh ParkingLot ch-02 p-033 Title: A Lesson

team-colors Blacksmith Charm Chen Dumpster Edith EyeRed Fight ParkingLot Reflection ch-02 p-032 Title: Team Colors

and-there-she-was Blacksmith Charm Chen Edith EyeRed Khopesh ParkingLot ch-02 p-031 Title: And there she was

unsafe Chen Edith EyeRed Khopesh Lena ParkingLot SinisterSUV ch-02 p-030 Title: Unsafe

listen-up BystanderPair Chen Edith ch-02 p-029 Title: Listen up

this-garbage Chen Edith ch-02 p-028 Title: This Garbage

don39t-stop-me-now Chen Edith Lena SinisterSUV ch-02 p-027 Title: Don’t stop me now

talents Charm CharmBoss Chen Edith Lena SinisterSUV ch-02 p-026 Title: Talents

awkward Charm CharmBoss Edith G GreenOnion ch-02 p-025 Title: Awkward

sometimes-it-feels-like Blacksmith Charm Chen Edith GreenOnion Lena SinisterSUV ch-02 p-024 Title: Sometimes it feels like

my-bombae Edith GreenOnion Phone ch-02 p-023 Title: My bombae

great-walk-across-the-land Apartment Edith ch-02 p-022 Title: Great walk across the land

just-in-case Alma Apartment Edith ch-02 p-021 Title: Just in case

compensation Apartment Edith Fennec ch-02 p-020 Title: Compensation

heru-and-the-blacksmiths Apartment Blacksmith Edith Fennec Heru ch-02 p-019 Title: Heru and the Blacksmiths

magic-egg-baby Apartment Edith Fennec ch-02 p-018 Title: Magic Egg Baby

shephuahua Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-017 Title: Shephuahua

puppy Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-016 Title: Puppy

for-you Apartment Ba Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-015 Title: For you

the-ba Ba Flashback Gods People Pesedjet ch-02 p-014 Title: The Ba

the-living-being Ab Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback Ka Khaibit Khat Khu Ren Sahu ch-02 p-013 Title: The Living Being

approach-the-throne Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-012 Title: Approach the throne

natural-order Flashback Pesedjet ch-02 p-011 Title: Natural Order Exposition by the Fennec on Anpu (Anubis) and the the 9 gods of the Pesedjet

the-cycle Anpu Apartment ClayPot Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-010 Title: The cycle

meet-anpu Anpu Apartment DogGuy Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-009 Title: Meet Anpu

the-cheap-seats Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-008 Title: The cheap seats

preferably Alma Apartment Edith Fennec Flashback ch-02 p-007 Title: Preferably

oh-my-god Alma Apartment Edith Flashback ch-02 p-006 Title: Oh my God

weird-voice Apartment Bed Edith Fennec Phone ch-02 p-005 Title: Weird voice

conscious Apartment Bed Edith Fennec Phone ch-02 p-004 Title: Conscious

rude-awakening Apartment Apep Bed Dark Edith Stars ch-02 p-003 Title: Rude Awakening

content Apep Dark Ra RaBarque Set Spear Stars ch-02 p-002 Title: Content

chapter-two-swallow-your-thoughts Apep Dark RaBarque Set Stars ch-02 p-001 Title: Chapter two: Swallow your thoughts

chapter-two Cover Dark Edith EyeRed Khopesh ch-02 Title: Chapter two

close-one Dark Edith Fennec FireTruck Museum Rain ch-01 p-047 Title: Close one

clean-up Cop Dark Kaplan Museum Turner ch-01 p-046 Title: Clean up

fiveoh Bolt Cop Dark FireCrew Museum Rain Sarcophagus ch-01 p-045 Title: Five-oh!

what39s-left Dark Djehuty EyeRed Heru HeruOffice Lightning Museum Rain Turner ch-01 p-044 Title: What’s left

page-40 Blacksmith Dark Edith EyeRed Fennec Fight Khopesh Museum Turner ch-01 p-040 Title: Page 40 - Smug

page-39 Blacksmith Dark Edith EyeRed Fight Khopesh Museum OneTrickPony Turner ch-01 p-039 Title: Page 39 - New tricks

page-38 Blacksmith Dark Edith EyeRed Fennec Fight Khopesh Museum Turner ch-01 p-038 Title: Page 38 - Hypnotized

page-36 Dark DogGuy Edith Fennec Museum ch-01 p-036 Title: Page 36 - Who are you and what were you before

page-35 Blacksmith Dark EyeRed Fennec Khopesh Museum Turner ch-01 p-035 Title: Page 35 - It’s dangerous to go alone

page-34 BystanderPair Cop CopCar Dark DogGuy Fight FireCrew FireTruck Museum Rain Sarcophagus ch-01 p-034 Title: Page 34 - Getting old

page-33 BystanderPair Cop CopCar Dark Fennec FireCrew FireTruck Museum Rain ch-01 p-033 Title: Page 33 - the rain rain rain came down down down

page-32 Blacksmith Dark Edith Fennec Fight Museum Turner ch-01 p-032 Title: Page 32 - Tougher stuff

page-31 Blacksmith Dark Edith Fight Museum Turner ch-01 p-031 Title: Page 31 - Break

page-30 Blacksmith Dark Edith Fight Museum Turner ch-01 p-030 Title: Page 30 - Dangerous measures

page-29 Blacksmith Dark Edith Fennec Museum RamessesII Turner ch-01 p-029 Title: Page 29 - Spotted

page-27 Blacksmith Dark Edith Museum Turner ch-01 p-027 Title: Page 27 - Promises

page-25 Blacksmith Dark Door Edith Fight Museum Storage Turner ch-01 p-025 Title: Page 25 - Maybe not

page-24 Blacksmith Dark Edith Fennec Museum Storage Turner ch-01 p-024 Title: Page 24 - thank you may I have another

page-23 Blacksmith Dark Edith Fennec Fight Museum Storage Turner ch-01 p-023 Title: Page 23 - No hiding

page-22 Blacksmith Dark Door Edith EmergencyLight Museum RedGlow Storage Turner ch-01 p-022 Title: Page 22 - I need to know

page-20 Ba1 Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Museum RedGlow Storage ch-01 p-020 Title: Page 20 - Up and At ‘em

page-19 Blacksmith Bolt Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Museum Storage Turner ch-01 p-019 Title: Page 19 - Return of Bun-dog

page-18 Blacksmith Bolt Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Fight HieroglyphTalk Museum Ra RaBarque Sarcophagus Turner WasSceptre ch-01 p-018 Title: Page 18 - Welcome to the jam

page-17 Blacksmith Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Museum Ra RaBarque Sarcophagus Turner WasSceptre ch-01 p-017 Title: Page 17 - runAWAY

page-16 Blacksmith Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Museum Turner ch-01 p-016 Title: Page 16 - Easier

page-15 Blacksmith Dark DogGuy Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Museum Sarcophagus Turner ch-01 p-015 Title: Page 15 - Weird Chihuahua

page-14 Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec Museum ch-01 p-014 Title: Page 14 - I stole a dog

page-13 Alarm Blacksmith Dark Edith EmergencyLight Fennec HieroglyphTalk Kaplan Museum SchoolKids SpellSleep Sprinkler Teacher Turner ch-01 p-013 Title: Page 13 - Get to work

page-12 Alarm Dark Edith Fennec Kaplan Museum SchoolKids Teacher ch-01 p-012 Title: Page 12 - I am alarm

page-11 Dark Edith Fennec Fight Kaplan Museum RedGlow ch-01 p-011 Title: Page 11 - What you’ve done

page-10 ClayPot Dark Edith Fennec Museum SchoolKids Teacher ch-01 p-010 Title: Page 10 - Blackout

page-9 ClayPot Edith FX-Crack Kaplan Lightning Museum SchoolKids Teacher Turner ch-01 p-009 Title: Page 9 - It’s FINE

page-8 ClayPot Edith Kaplan Museum Turner ch-01 p-008 Title: Page 8 - Very careful

page-7 DogGuy Edith Lightning Museum Sarcophagus SchoolKids Shiver Storm Teacher ch-01 p-007 Title: Page 7 - A nice day Edith seems to shiver (?) looking at Anubis (Dog-guy)

page-6 DogGuy Edith Museum Ra RaBarque Sarcophagus SchoolKids WasSceptre ch-01 p-006 Title: Page 6 - Dog guy

page-5 ClayPot Kaplan Museum SchoolKids StoreRoom Turner ch-01 p-005 Title: Page 5 - Prepare the package

page-4 Edith ExhibitionTicket Museum SchoolKids Turner ch-01 p-004 Title: Page 4 - the only adult

page-3 Alma Apartment Edith ExhibitionTicket Flashback Kaplan Teacher ch-01 p-003 Title: Page 3 - Plans “Chapter One An Evil Day” & “It’s supposed to be nice tomorrow!”“

page-2 Alma Edith ExhibitionTicket Flashback Kaplan Teacher ch-01 p-002 Title: Page 2 - get outta bed

page-1 Edith Kaplan RaBarque SchoolKids Teacher ch-01 p-001 Title: Godslave page one

chapter-one Edith Fennec Hieroglyph Lightning ch-01 p-000 Title: Chapter one