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This is an index of the characters and pages in Chris Hazelton’s web comic, Misfile. The comic completed in 2019 so I’m not updating this page any more except perhaps correcting errors. See Help/About for more.
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3955 pages, 932 tags
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ch-01 [131] Book 01: March - April ’04
ch-02 [115] Book 02: April - May ’04
ch-03 [108] Book 03: May ’04
ch-04 [117] Book 04: May - June ’04
ch-05 [135] Book 05: June - July ’04
ch-06 [116] Book 06: July - August ’04
ch-07 [126] Book 07: August ’04
ch-08 [145] Book 08: September ’04
ch-09 [131] Book 09: September ’04
ch-10 [123] Book 10: September ’04
ch-11 [129] Book 11: October ’04
ch-12 [131] Book 12: October ’04
ch-13 [114] Book 13: Halloween ’04
ch-14 [115] Book 14: November ’04
ch-15 [129] Book 15: November - December ’04
ch-16 [117] Book 16: December ’04
ch-17 [127] Book 17: Christmas ’04
ch-18 [119] Book 18: December ’04 - January ’05
ch-19 [116] Book 19: January ’05
ch-20 [115] Book 20: February ’05
ch-21 [119] Book 21: February - March ’05
ch-22 [120] Book 22: March - April ’05
ch-23 [116] Book 23: Spring ’05
ch-24 [124] Book 24: Spring ’05
ch-25 [106] Book 25: Spring ’05
ch-26 [113] Book 26: Early Summer ’05
ch-27 [110] Book 27: Early Summer ’05
ch-28 [113] Book 28: Early Summer ’05
ch-29 [115] Book 29: Early Summer ’05
ch-30 [133] Book 30: Graduation
ch-31 [128] Book 31: All good things…
100 [1] -
2001 [1] -
3CaratPendant [2] -
3GemPendant [2] -
A-plus [1] -
Acura [19] Tom drives an Acura, licence plate: TOMSTER
Adam [57] a member of the Cherubim, with a cat on his shoulder and a bird (eagle?) in proximity
Advert [1] -
AerialView [1] -
Aiden [75] Aiden Brewster, car-whisperer; rebuilds & drives Nissan 240/260/280 series cars
AidenHome [35] house number 1066; Aiden lives opposite Bronwyn
AirFreshner [1] -
Airborne [1] -
Airport [14] -
AleHouse [23] bar-bistro on Cape Cod near Marie Upton’s house
AllTrac [10] Burt’s race car wikipedia: All-Trac
Alleyway [9] dumpster-filled dead-end
AlsDiner [19] Al’s Diner, Tempest area
Ambulance [2] -
AmericanRallyLeague [1] -
AndySherman [4] Andy Sherman, chivalrous to a fault
Angel [94] manifestin’ wingz, halo, powerz
AngelAsh [1] -
AngelEars [10] -
AngelGirl [2] another CFS minion
AngelGirl2 [2] yet another CFS minion
AngelHair [9] -
Anna [1] school kid
Annie [3] mouthy dyke-spotter school student
Antifreeze [1] -
Anvil [1] -
ApplicationForm [7] -
Archon [14] class of boss angel & an endangered species. Carry keys to their Branches of the file repository embedded in their hands
ArchonKiller [43] a mystery
Aries [64] ’Arry’s auto workshop
Arthur [19] racer boy
Artist [1] -
Ash [3038] Ash Upton “King of the Mountain”; our protagonist; drives a Merkur XR4Ti & “The Monster XR” an XR4Ti / Sierra Cosworth hybrid
Ash-f [2] female post-refile Ash created by Rumisiel’s congress with a photocopier
Ash-m [5] male post-refile Ash created by Rumisiel’s congress with a Post-It pad
AshKids [1] -
AshMale [9] representation of Ash as male
AshManShadow [1] -
AshWilliams [1] -
Ashley [14] forum’s name for Ash’s truly female alter-ego, seen in flashbacks and imagination (N.B. she never existed – WoG)
Audi [2] Edward Upton‘s car, licence plate DR-U
AudiQuattro [16] -
AudiS4 [0] Sheldon’s ride
AuntNatalie [2] Emily’s mother’s sister
AutoModerZ [30] automobile supplies emporium
BAM [1] -
Baby [17] -
BabyBottle [5] -
BabyShower [6] venue – unclear whether Kate’s family’s or Kate & Harry’s place
Bacon [4] traditional breakfast food
Bald [1] -
BaldDriver [1] -
BaldingDude [1] Christmas party-goer
Ball [2] -
Barn [6] -
BasicAutoMech [1] Basic Auto Mechanics – Emily’s first book on cars
Bat [1] “Twinkle, twinkle, little bat / How I wonder what you’re at”. Found in graveyards.
Bath [3] -
Batman [1] -
Battery [1] -
Baxter [29] racer, drives a Supra, has the effrontery to come from New York (and wear his cap backwards). Companion is Lucy. He suffered from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Beach [26] “too much sand in my shoes, and the seaweed and salt water … grossed me out”
Bed [166] -
Beer [2] -
Bell [1] -
BerkshireCollege [7] Community College in Pittsfield, MA
Bidet [1] -
Bikini [1] -
BinaryBackground [1] -
Bird [6] -
BirdPoop [2] -
BirthdayCake [5] -
Blink [1] -
Blobs [2] floating background – opaque Bubbles?
Blood [9] -
Blue [2] -
Blush [158] shows happiness / embarrassment / emotion
BodyHair [1] -
Boobies [3] -
Book [3] -
Bookshop [2] -
Booze [1] -
Boston [6] US city
BostonLogan [3] Boston Logan airport, identified by the twin pillar control tower
BowlingAlley [1] -
BoyA [2] fan of Fuller parties
BoyB [1] -
BoysLocker [1] school changing room for sports
Bra [9] -
Brain [1] -
Breakfast [3] -
BreakfastAnytime [7] ill-named diner (only open 5am-midnight)
Brent [37] Brent Westcott, racer from Falmouth, at college in California with James; drives an M3, licence HNDA ETR
BrentHouse [1] where Brent lives on Cape Cod
Bronwyn [37] Aiden’s psychic girlfriend; lives opposite his (parent’s) home
BronwynHome [7] across the road from AidenHome
Bubbles [0] happy floaty background
BubblesBG [67] -
Bull [7] -
BumperSticker [1] -
Bunny [1] -
BunnySuit [1] -
BurgerBarn [3] -
Burglar [1] -
Burn [1] -
Burt [22] Burt Clayton, car & parts sales
BurtsYard [19] one place where Burt does business
ButterCreamIcing [1] -
CFS [25] Celestial Filing System (properly the Celestial Filing Depository). Divided into five branches, four of which have an Archon.
CFS1 [0] First Branch: facets of time, space and celestial motion.
CFS2 [0] Second Branch: maintaining physical laws of the Creation.
CFS3 [1] Third Branch: (also?) maintaining the physical laws of the Creation.
CFS4 [5] Fourth Branch: takes measurements on Earth and compares them to extrapolations from the filing system.
CFS5 [74] Fifth Branch: deals with fairly mundane aspects of life on earth. Unimportant, no Archon [ref]. Rumisiel worked here.
Cake [1] -
California [1] -
Camera [21] takes pictures
Canada [11] -
Cancer [4] Ellen McArthur had a non-malignant tumour when Emily was young. See also June.
Candle [4] decorative/romantic light & scent source.
Cannabis [2] -
Cantina32 [8] restaurant in Tempest’s main street.
CapKid [5] generic: some kid wearing a cap.
Car [2] -
CarGraveyard [3] -
CarLot [6] -
CarOil [1] -
CardShop [3] selling greeting cards.
Carkeys [1] -
CarterHughes [4] -
CasHome [2] where Casper lives, somewhere on Cape Cod.
CashDesk [1] -
Casper [28] ‘Cas’, racer in Cape Cod, friend of Brent; drives an MR2.
Cassi [110] Cassiel’s dark-haired ‘mortal schoolgirl’ guise for stalking/harassing Rumisiel
CassiCreepy [1] alternative disguise used by Cassiel.
CassiLunchLady [1] alternative disguise used by Cassiel.
Cassiel [264] angel, works for 4th Branch of the CFS, Rumisiel’s ex-. Lucifer’s niece. Also see Cassi.
Cat [34] -
CatAndMouse [0] background, associated with Marie.
CatAndMouseBG [3] -
CatCallDriver [1] -
CatsBG [1] -
Chain [1] -
ChainSaw [2] for cutting trees, or zombies
Chains [18] -
ChainsBG [15] unhappy bind-y background
Chair [2] -
Cherub [1] -
Cherubim [8] very different from our regular angels: ‘gestalt being, four aspects, unpredictable’, also four wings. Think the Filing Depot is wrong. Regular angels worry about them.
ChickBG [1] -
Chicks [1] -
ChiliCheeseFries [1] -
Chocolate [10] mmmm!
ChrisHazelton [2] the author & artist himself
ChristmasBauble [1] -
ChristmasTree [4] -
Church [7] -
Cigarette [4] -
Cinema [22] generic: popcorn sales outlets
Clam [1] -
ClassicPartsCatalogue [1] -
Cliff [5] -
Clock [6] -
ClockTower [3] highest central point in Tempest
ClothesShop [16] generic
Cloud [1] -
CoatHooks [1] -
Coffee [1] -
Coin [1] -
CokeBottle [2] -
CokeCan [1] -
Cola [1] -
Colin [24] an heroic ‘Everyman’ figure, works at AutoModerZ; drives a Camaro “with 20 inch rims and a Borla exhaust”
College [1] -
CollegeGuide [2] -
Collision [1] -
Colour [87] page in colour rather than the usual pencil greyscale
Computer [48] generic, probably a consumer grade Windows XP Home box
Corner22 [2] location of the Old Shed on the Old Road
Cosmology [1] -
CostumeShop [3] “Another Face”
Couch [2] -
Cover [32] start of a new book/chapter
Crack [1] -
Crash [1] -
Cricket [2] -
Crunch [2] -
CupidBow [1] stylised bow and arrow
DAngeloHouse [5] -
DMV [2] Department of Motor Vehicles (?) driver testing site
DanCreed [1] track team jock bullied Ash before the Misfile - mentioned not seen
DangBlastedIdiot [1] customer at The Ale House
DannyWyman [1] -
DarkWood [1] -
Dates [73] entries with days, dates, ages, etc
DaveDAngelo [24] Dave D’Angelo, racer in Greene, close cut frizzy-looking hair. Drives a Subaru WRX. Sidekick Doug
DayOne [3] live-action movie adaptation of the first Misfile book via Kickstarter
DayeSpa [5] -
DevilAsh [2] -
Diet [1] -
Diner [56] generic: diners, cafe, restaurant
DirtRoad [7] -
DogWalsh [3] Dog-owning Walsh clan member
DollarSign [1] -
Donut [3] -
DoorWedge [2] -
Doorbell [1] -
Doorstep [1] -
Doris [3] caterer extrordinaire!
Doug [5] racer (?) in Greene, lip tuft beard, sidekick to Dave D’Angelo
DrEmily [4] -
DrPatriciaWarding [3] -
Dream [52] from daydreams to nightmares
Dress [83] Ash in a …
DressShopAsst [1] -
DriversLicense [1] -
Dweeb [3] Robin to Colin’s Batman
Dyke [2] Lesbian (slang, probably offensive)
Eagle [5] -
Eclipse [1] -
Edward [159] Dr Edward Upton, Ash’s father; gynaecologist; drives an Audi, practice at Tempest Health
Eggs [2] -
EllenMcArthur [120] Emily’s Mom (officially named Ellen after fan poll May 2015)
Emily [1818] Emily McArthur, “Blues” in a notable fanfic; our other protagonist; drives a Nissan 240SX and a classic Mustang
EmilyMD [4] Emily portrayed in white coat and forehead reflector when she is being particularly analytic/intellectual
EmilyMissingPages [5] -
EmptyLot [3] -
Engine [1] -
EnriqueSwan [1] fashion clothes designer
Envelope [4] -
Eponine [63] friend of Ash the girl
EponineHome [24] -
EveWallace [1] An exploitative girlfriend of James in his school days, cause of a race-duel with Ash.
EverythingUnder [2] lingerie shop
EvilDead [1] -
Eyes [1] -
FaceHugger [1] -
FairGround [1] -
FeathersBG [5] -
FeminineHygiene [2] -
Fence [3] -
Fern [4] -
Ferret [2] -
File [1] -
FileCabinet [9] -
FileFolder [5] -
Files [6] -
FilingTool [25] Rumisiel’s 5th Branch issue unit includes sound recorder, internet access, possibly 5th Branch Key
Fillaniel [3] angel, a CFS boss, joint administrator of 5th Branch with Terrael
Filler [186] non-story pages: Xmas, Remembrance, crossovers, adverts etc
Film [1] -
Finger [1] -
Fire [5] -
FireSupression [3] -
Fireworks [4] skyrockets and mortars
Fish [7] -
FlagPole [2] -
Flash [1] -
Flashback [54] sometimes to a past that everyone remembers but Ash and Emily
FootBath [1] -
Form [1] -
Fraud [1] -
Fred [1] footballer at the School
Fresh-Mart [2] supermarket / store in the Tempest area
Fridge [1] -
FullerHome [60] Missi Fuller’s lair (& Tom Fuller’s)
GTPrimeGame [6] -
Gabriel [3] archangel, ‘father’ to Rumisiel, Vashiel
GarageDoor [1] -
GasCard [2] -
GasPump [1] -
GasStation [2] -
GiftCertificate [1] -
GirlA [1] romantic schoolgirl
GirlB [1] romance-questioning schoolgirl
GirlsLocker [5] girls changing room for school sports
GoateeKid [2] customer at The Ale House with KidConvertable
God [1] notable for Her absence; clearly has a sense of humour if Rumisiel and Cassiel are angels
GossipGirl1 [1] -
GossipGirl2 [1] -
GraduationCeremony [2] -
GraduationDay [129] -
GraduationParty [5] -
GraduationPhoto [1] -
GraduationRobe [12] -
Graveyard [1] metaphorical, so far.
Greene [7] -
GreeneHouse [7] a party scene for Jenny Greene
Gun [1] -
Gyno [8] exams Ash tries to skip
HairSalon [3] -
HairSalonWorker [2] -
Hand [1] -
HappyCones [1] -
Harry [43] ‘Harry’ (Henry) Walsh, local race scene’s auto engineer, owner Aries auto workshop
HarryJr [18] Kate’s son, Harry. Another Harry may have been involved
Harvard [3] a new-ish university
Headlights [1] -
Heart [5] -
HeartBeat [1] -
Heather [100] Heather Walsh, Harry’s niece, drives a yellow ZX3
HeatherCar [1] -
HeatherHome [12] where Heather lurks; (Art Note: doorway has changed)
Heaven [117] -
HeavenSun [7] -
Helmet [6] -
Hickey [4] “love-bite” Wikipedia
Hit [32] punch / slap / kick / strangle / chase / fight
HobbyCanyon [2] a hobby store, covering car modelling to video games (with free popcorn, Rumisiel notes)
Homework [2] -
Honda [3] -
HondaCivic [1] -
Honk [1] -
Horns [1] -
Hose [1] -
Hosepipe [2] -
Hospital [22] -
HotPants [1] -
Hug [26] -
IRsensor [3] remote infrared & motion sensing camera
IceCream [15] -
IceCreamStall [10] -
IceCube [1] -
Iridium [2] rare transition metal used in high performance spark plugs; see Wikipedia: Iridium
Istambul [1] -
Ivan [23] self-proclaimed ‘Ice King’
IvanCar [3] -
JaguarXKR [33] Kate’s ride, tuned by Harry, license “Kate 3”
Jake [1] -
JakeElliot [7] -
James [167] nailed Ash, but only in flashback. Drives a Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4
JamesBike [9] James’s V-twin motorbike
JamesCar [2] -
JamesCreekMall [3] -
JamesHouse [11] set a couple of houses along from the Upton residence. Number 17. Door has changed over the course of the comic.
Janine [1] unseen friend of Missi
Jason [5] local racer kid
Jazz [7] restaurant
Jen [2] waitperson at the Breakfast Anytime diner
Jenny [5] conceited model
JennyGreene [5] member/leader of the Tempest High ‘rich bitch squad’
JennySnr [2] Jenny-the-model’s conceited Mom
Joint [2] -
JosephTheBarber [2] -
June [1] friend of Ellen McArthur who Emily stayed with one summer while Ellen had a tumour removed
Junkyard [4] source of parts
JunkyardGuy [2] supplier of parts
Kate [131] ‘Kamikaze’ Kate, the Demon of Greylock Mountain (has mellowed…); drives a Jaguar XKR, licence plate: KATE 3
KateHouse [18] Kate‘s ‘Victorian’ styled house
KateRel1 [3] elderly relative of Kate’s
KateRel2 [2] another elderly relative of Kate’s
Kay [35] Kay Wheeler, model, works for Marie, drives a Miata
Kevin [13] reconnaissance Sheldonista
Key [6] -
Keys [1] -
KidB [2] some boy at school
KidConvertable [4] tried to pick up Ash at The Ale House
Kilt [1] -
KingOfTheMountain [1] -
Kiss [33] … is just a kiss, a sigh is just …
Knock [1] -
Kowtow [1] -
Kylie [1] -
LaFondue [13] a French restaurant specialising in— fondue!
Lab [2] -
Ladder [1] -
Landslide [1] -
Lars [2] -
Leggings [1] -
LeicesterPark [40] outdoor wedding venue
Lesbian [12] pertaining to female same-sex relationships
Letter [1] -
Library [1] -
Lie [1] -
LightSwitch [2] -
Lightbulb [1] -
Lightning [3] -
Lingerie [3] -
Lisa [2] waitperson
Lock [7] -
Lockpicks [1] -
Logan [51] racer, homeschooled, sees angels, drives an RX-7 with a Pinapple engine
LoganCar [12] -
LoganHome [10] house number: 402
Lucifer [2] -
Lucy [17] Baxter’s lady, a.k.a. Pince-Nez from her glasses
M3 [14] Brent’s car
M3000GT [20] Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4 sports car, as driven by James
MIT [1] Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
MMO [4] Massive Multiplayer Online game.
Mace [1] pepper spray
Machete [3] -
MacsBar [3] a bar
Maid [1] -
MailBox [1] -
Marie [114] Marie Upton, Ash’s Mom, ex-model, ex-wife of Edward Upton
MarieCar [3] -
MarieHouse [99] Marie Upton’s home, number 225, with access to the beach, at Dennis, Cape Cod: WoG
MariePresent [3] -
MarieWork [19] where Marie runs a fashion/lingerie business
Mart [2] generic food store in/around Tempest area (“…ar MAR…”)
MassageRoom [2] -
Maude [1] canteen catering & hair advice
MaxSpeed [5] Maximum Speed Factor – car racing video game, named 2009-01-14 (Thx Cobra)
McArthurRes [371] The McArthur residence – Emily’s home, house no. 124
Melissa [10] Dr Melissa Frist, gynaecologist at Thorin Medical
MileHighClub [1] -
MiniVan [1] Mom McArthur’s ride
Mirror [8] -
Missi [504] Missi Fuller, adopted, hyperactive 15 year-old Freshman in September 2004 – held back “due to social/immaturity issues” (WoG on the Misfile Forum) so a year older than typical for her class); Ash-crush.
Mistletoe [1] -
ModelGirl [1] victim of Cassiel.
ModelGirl2 [1] fleeing Cassiel.
Molly [39] Molly Taber, bitch/tart (with a heart), drives a Volkswagen.
MollyHome [5] -
MomWaggon [2] -
MomsCar [2] -
Monster [255] The Monster XR: Ash’s frankencar, 4 wheel drive racer, built from various Cosworth models: higher spoiler with centre pillar; single right side hood intake.
Moon [23] -
Morgan [7] bit of a slapper.
Motel [3] -
Moustache [1] -
MrCuddles [3] Missi’s confidant & comforter.
MrGreen [1] -
MrMacMannus [1] teacher of 19th century literature.
MrMuffy [4] Walsh-clan dog with an inquisitive nose.
MrRenault [1] history teacher.
MrWalker [6] auto class teacher.
MsFlanery [1] teacher.
MtGreylock [4] -
Mud [2] -
Muffin [1] -
Munch [1] -
MushroomCloud [2] -
Mustang [31] a ’68 fast back, Emily’s other ride.
Myrael [1] missing Archon of 3rd Branch.
N240Z [33] Nissan 240Z sportscar, junker restored by Aiden.
NailPainter [1] -
Naked [4] -
Needle [1] -
NewJersey [1] -
Newspaper [3] -
Night [1] -
Nimble [1] -
Nissan240SX [126] Emily’s car, manual transmission upgrade by Ash.
Nissan240SXModel [1] -
Nosebleed [20] (you need a girlfriend, laddie!)
Noseplugs [2] -
Notebook [1] -
OhMyDressShop [12] women’s clothing retailer
OilTrap [1] -
OldRoad [465] local race site, a.k.a. the Mountain. A brief history.
OldRoadFlyer [2] -
OldShed [2] at Corner 22 of the Old Road.
Oscar [22] looks surprisingly like Emily.
OscarCar [5] unidentified model; has a spoiler.
OutHouse [1] -
Overcoat [4] -
Oversight [3] -
Package [1] -
PagerUnit [2] receive-only text messager.
Pancakes [5] -
Panties [4] -
Paperwork [2] -
Paris [1] -
ParkingLot [8] race/practice ground, after hours.
Party [89] let’s …
Patient [3] Ms J Random …
Patreon [16] bonus page from Patreon sponsorship
PearlyGates [3] -
Pee [1] -
Pencil [1] -
Perfume [1] -
Period [15] don’t say …
Pharmacy [2] -
Phone [98] calling on the tele…
Photo [13] the camera never lies
PhotoAlbum [1] -
Photocopier [1] -
Photographer [1] -
Pigeon [1] -
Pillow [1] -
Pin [1] -
Pink [2] -
PissBoy [1] -
Pizza [2] -
Planet [1] -
PlanetEarth [1] -
Plans [2] -
Plasters [3] -
PogoStick [1] -
Police [3] the long arm of the law
PoliceBox [1] -
PolkadotPanties [1] -
Pool [11] the McArthur house swimming pool
Poop [1] -
Pop [1] -
Popcorn [1] -
PostItNote [2] -
Pregnant [2] -
Puke [7] -
Puritan [1] -
Pyjamas [15] -
QuestiomarkBG [2] -
Quiche [1] -
RIP [2] -
Race [154] what Ash is all about
RaceFlag [1] -
RaceSuit [5] -
RacerA [1] guy interested in Nitrous Oxide engine enhancement
RacerB [5] lightly scrupled, resentful, pro-Burt guy
RacerBandana [1] a racer guy wearing a bandana on his head
RacerC [3] short light hair, dark collar, upper arm patches
RacerCheckshirt [1] -
RacerD [1] -
RacerF [2] dark shiny hair guy
RacerFrizz [2] -
RacerG [1] -
RacerGirl [1] -
RacerGlasses [1] -
RacerH [1] -
RacerJ [1] -
RacerMouth [3] -
RacerPat [3] condescending guy, glasses
RacerRCapDude [1] -
RacerSpecs [1] racer with glasses
RacerWhoDude [1] -
RacerXray [3] named from a shirt logo
Racers [12] the local crew (when not individualised)
Rachel [42] friend of Emily’s, a secret votary of Terpsichore
RachelHome [2] -
Raechiel [14] angel, Archon of the CFS 4th Branch, Cassiel’s boss
Rafael [2] angel (archangel?); sent a message by Ramael
RailRoad [11] -
RailroadSpike [5] -
Rain [28] -
Rainbow [1] -
Rake [1] -
RallyCar [1] -
Ramael [39] angel, Vashiel’s erstwhile comrade, field op for heaven’s ‘oversight’
RandomLady [1] unimpressed by a proposition from Ramael
Randy [8] into road maintenance
Rapists [9] would-be bad dudes
Razor [1] -
Receptionist [3] at Thorin Medical
RecoveryTruck [1] -
RecoveryTruckGuy [1] -
Restaurant215 [7] -
Roger [1] an unidentified colleague of Marie
Roof [16] -
Ropes [6] -
Rose [15] Ale House waitperson, Tyler’s sister, under 18
Roy [13] owner/operator of Speedway dirt track
Rumble [1] -
Rumisiel [1274] “son of Gabriel, Angel of the 3rd Circle, 437 years old, and unmarried” – used to work in the astral wing of 5th Branch of the celestial filing depository. The cause of all the bother
SATprimer [4] -
SUV [2] -
Sack [1] -
Salesman [5] car sales dude, but not Burt
Satan [1] -
Sausage [1] -
School [448] Tempest High
SchoolRoad [148] the long walk between the Upton home and Tempest High
ScienceTeacher [1] -
Scissors [1] -
Sea [1] -
SecretKiss [1] -
Security [1] private security staff
Selfies [1] -
Seraph [2] or Seraphim – a class of angel with six wings and made of pure flame. Associated with a “great dying” on Earth. See also Angel, Cherubim.
Seraphim [1] -
ShawsSteak [5] Shaw’s Steakhouse.
Sheldon [25] Machiavellian racer, drives an Audi S4.
Sheldonista [17] Sheldon’s bully boys: “just muscle”.
ShockBG [2] -
Shoes [1] -
ShopAsst [4] shop staff.
Shopping [52] recreational retail therapy.
Shorts [1] -
Shotgun [2] -
ShoulderAngel [35] conscience avatars.
Shower [24] steaminess and high emotions.
Shrimpy [2] rich bitch party-goer who hasn’t quite ‘got’ the memo.
SierraCarBook [1] -
Silhouette [2] -
Skirt [2] -
Skull [3] -
Sky [1] -
Skynet [1] -
Slam [1] -
Slap [3] -
Sleep [2] -
Sleepover [39] sharing a bedroom overnight, sleep optional.
Sleepware [2] -
Slush [2] -
Smack [1] -
Smoking [20] -
Smoothie [2] puréed fruit drink
Snip [1] -
Snow [93] -
Snowball [1] -
SoapBox [1] -
SomeMom [1] trying to get a word in edgeways
Sorry [1] -
Spa [1] -
SparkPlugs [3] -
Sparks [1] -
SparksBG [8] -
SpeccyKid [1] -
Speedway [27] dirtstrip race track
Spirit [31] spooky stuff
SpitTake [3] -
Spliff [4] -
Stake [1] -
StartLights [1] -
Starter [1] -
Statue [1] -
Steakknife [1] -
Steps [2] -
Stool [1] -
Strangle [4] -
StripLight [1] -
StripMall [8] “the strip mall parking lot over on Route 2”
StuntPlane [9] -
SubParSnacks [1] -
SubaruWRX [2] Dave D’Angelo’s car
SubtextDetector [1] -
SuicideGuy [9] tried to check out
Suit [2] -
SunPoisoning [3] -
Sunrise [1] -
Supra [22] Toyota Supra mark 4 (A80?), Baxter’s car
Surveyor1 [4] -
Surveyor2 [4] -
Sweatdrop [49] -
Sweatshirt [1] -
Swim [36] -place & -wear
Swimboy [1] -
Sword [31] For angelic smitings.
TORRSalumni [5] The Old Road Racing Society Alumni – proposed by Ash.
TV [1] -
TapeMeasure [4] -
Tardis [1] -
Tarot [1] Playing cards, with mystical properties when used with insight.
Teacher [17] Generic, unnamed – of math, gym, sport, etc.
TeamMisfile [8] -
Tears [72] (and generally crying.)
Teleport [1] -
Tempest [40] Small (pop ~8,000) town, est. 1876, in western Massachusetts. Scene of most of the action.
TempestHealth [14] Dr Upton’s workplace.
Tent [4] -
Tentacle [1] -
Terrael [4] Angel, co-administrator of 5th Branch with Fillaniel.
Teshiel [1] Hefty angel, once answered truthfully by Vashiel.
ThatWomanFromTheOtherComic [1] -
Therapist [2] -
Thermometer [3] -
Thief [1] -
Thong [1] -
Thorin [6] Thorin Medical practice, Dr Frist’s workplace.
ThreshingStreet [60] Racing venue (?) ‘off the state road’ close to Greene.
Thursday [9] -
Timeskip [1] -
Tire [3] -
Tissue [1] -
Toilet [16] -
ToiletRoll [4] -
Tom [35] Tom Fuller, Missi’s brother, adopted. Ash’s early rival. Drives an Acura.
Tongue [2] -
Towel [10] -
TrackTeam [3] -
TrafficLight [2] -
TransferSwirl [1] -
Transmission [1] -
Trap [1] -
TrashCan [3] -
TriangleMall [8] a mall.
Trolley [1] -
Truck [2] -
Truro [13] Town on Cape Cod, with beachfront parking areas suitable for racing.
Turkey [3] -
TwisterCloud [1] -
Tyler [3] Runs The Ale House, Rose’s brother.
UFO [1] -
UNbuilding [1] -
Umbrella [2] -
Underpants [1] -
Uniform [7] Mechanic’s uniform: blue shirt, pants and a hat, plus Team Misfile patches.
UptonHouse [1121] Edward and Ash live here.
Urtheniel [2] Angel, Rumisiel’s former weed dealer.
VW [7] Volkswagen – Beetle, modern edition: Molly’s car
Valentine [13] Related to the saint’s day on 14 February.
Vampire [1] -
Vashiel [373] Angel, Rumisiel’s truthful brother; “of the second order of holy swords, divine punishment division”
Veins [13] -
VendingMachine [1] -
VideoCamera [2] -
Vow [1] -
Wager [17] -
WaitPerson [5] burger bearer
WallaceMine [32] the pit mine at the top of the Old Road. Has a narrow dirt track which spirals and switchbacks down into it, but no guard rails.
WallaceSign [16] signs from the failed development Old Road sometimes used by the racers as meeting points and finish lines for races.
Wardrobe [2] -
WarningNotice [1] -
Wash [1] -
WashingMachine [1] -
Washout [3] -
Watcher [1] a shape at a window – probably Cassiel?
Water [3] -
Wedding [1] -
Wei [1] hospital medical worker
WetFloor [1] -
Wham [1] -
Whistle [1] -
WhiteRug [1] -
Window [4] -
WindowSticker [1] -
WingedOrb [1] -
Wings [1] -
Wink [2] -
Witch [1] -
WoG [0] Word of God: information from Chris Hazelton, not necessarily in the online comics
Woodpecker [1] -
Woods [29] -
Wormhole [2] -
Wrench [5] -
Wump [1] -
XR4Ti [212] Ash’s day-to-day street racing car, a Merkur, licence plate XR4TI. Twin symmetrical intakes on the hood, simple spoiler
XR4TiModel [1] -
XTremeRacer [1] -
Xaphrael [59] angel, rank: Captain, CFS security?, Vashiel’s erstwhile comrade, scarred face from a duel they fought
Yaoi [1] -
Ychromosome [1] -
YoghurtMelts [1] -
Z4 [0] rear-wheel drive sporty convertible coveted by Molly
ZX3 [17] Heather drives a yellow one.
Zombies [3] -
p-000 [31] -
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Page links, tag list, identifying text and notes
[And so Misfile ends, with Rumisiel farting rainbows…].
p.2019-08-27 Ash-m Emily TeamMisfile Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-126 Vashiel: I… Think I’m going to throw up. I should never have asked.
p.2019-08-26 Ash-m Emily Rumisiel TeamMisfile Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-125 Vashiel: You… Put… POST-IT NOTES IN A MACHINE THAT MANIFESTS THE POWER OF GOD?!
p.2019-08-23 CFS5 FileFolder Flashback Heaven PostItNote Rumisiel Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-124 Rumisiel: The signs are merely a clever ruse. You know the only reason Ash originally kept his memories is because the file couldn’t update properly.
p.2019-08-22 CFS5 FileFolder Flashback Heaven PostItNote Rumisiel Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-123 Vashiel: What about “boy” Ash.
p.2019-08-21 CFS5 FileCabinet FileFolder Flashback Heaven Photocopier Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-122 Rumisiel: They were constantly doing performance reports and stuff and all that crap has to be filed in triplicate, so I figure they had to have a copy machine in there. I took Ash’s file and I made a perfect copy.
p.2019-08-20 HeavenSun Rumisiel Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-121 Vashiel: First of all, Ramael has been gone for years now. He took some low stress job where he said he could relax and enjoy his hobbies, and frankly he deserves it.
p.2019-08-19 Ash-f Ash-m Rumisiel TeamMisfile Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-120 Vashiel: I’m still confused as to how that works.
p.2019-08-16 Ash-f Ash-m Rumisiel TeamMisfile Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-119 Rumisiel: There you go, right there. There’s Ash now. Quit your bitching
p.2019-08-15 Missi Rumisiel TeamMisfile Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-118 Vashiel: I mean “where”. You KNOW I mean “where”.
p.2019-08-14 Harry Kate Rumisiel Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-117 Vashiel: You just want me to tell you how well things turned out with a plan you totally made up at the last possible second.
p.2019-08-13 Rumisiel Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-116 Vashiel: I was worried that something would come out that I couldn’t hide if I stayed.
p.2019-08-12 AmericanRallyLeague CashDesk RallyCar Rumisiel Tempest Vashiel ch-31 p-115 Rumisiel: So what did Adam tell you?
p.2019-08-09 Heaven HeavenSun Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-114 Rumisiel: Look, I took this little break for a reason. Thought you might want to come with me and check up on some OTHER folks that helped with that whole “saving the universe” thing, if you catch my drift.
p.2019-08-08 Heaven HeavenSun Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-113 Rumisiel: I’m on vacation, paid this time. Being an Archon has its perks.
p.2019-08-07 Ash Emily Sunrise Timeskip ch-31 p-112 Emily: Ash. Ash! Time to wake up! Several years later…
p.2019-08-06 Adam Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel ch-31 p-111 Adam: Are you sure you really want to do this?
p.2019-08-05 CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel ch-31 p-110 Rumisiel: Sshh! Don’t distract me! I almost had it!
p.2019-08-02 Filler Misfile pins grab bag Advert.
p.2019-08-01 Ash CFS5 GraduationDay Harry Heaven Kate Marie Rumisiel ch-31 p-109 Rumisiel: And of course me. You would never have met me.
p.2019-07-31 Ash CFS5 GraduationDay Harry Heaven Kate Marie Rumisiel ch-31 p-108 Rumisiel: Then what would be the problem with changing back?
p.2019-07-30 Ash CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sweatdrop ch-31 p-107 Rumisiel: Before I put all this out there, what are the downsides of leaving things like they are?
p.2019-07-29 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Tears Vashiel ch-31 p-106 Vashiel: Now… No I’m sad too… And I’m not entirely sure what’s going on…
p.2019-07-26 Adam Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven Hug Tears ch-31 p-105 Adam: Well THIS is interesting. Choices, choices. What do you think…
p.2019-07-25 Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven Tears ch-31 p-104 Emily: … Don’t…
p.2019-07-24 Ash CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Strangle Vashiel Veins ch-31 p-103 Rumisiel: Look, if you’re in charge of oversight, no one ever has to know. I mean I clearly learned my lesson…
p.2019-07-23 CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Strangle Sweatdrop Veins ch-31 p-102 Cassiel: I FOUGHT FOR YOU! I took a blade of vengeance in the underboob!
p.2019-07-22 Filler Misfile Sequel – Samples
p.2019-07-19 CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sweatdrop Vashiel Veins ch-31 p-101 Vashiel: I know! I know. I don’t get it myself. I should be shocked and angry, I know. It’s just, after all this right now and saving the universe and all it just seems so… Ridiculous.
p.2019-07-18 CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sweatdrop Vashiel ch-31 p-100 Vashiel: HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
p.2019-07-17 CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-099 Cassiel: Those really were YOUR pages?! Wait! How did you she ahold of HER OWN pages?!
p.2019-07-16 CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel SoapBox Vashiel ch-31 p-098 Rumisiel: Bro, Cassi, we saved fifth branch today… But ir was already screwed up. I put it in danger.
p.2019-07-15 Ash Colour Filler Swim ThatWomanFromTheOtherComic Artist Holiday
p.2019-07-12 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Art Auction - Last Day
p.2019-07-11 Ash Blink CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-097 Ash: Nothing? Really? Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to say that, how hard it was?
p.2019-07-10 Ash AshManShadow CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven ch-31 p-096 Ash: I’m tired of waiting, Emily. I’m just… I’m SO tired.
p.2019-07-09 Adam Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Munch Popcorn ch-31 p-095 Emily: Really? Like, right now? You sure we shouldn’t clean up first.
p.2019-07-08 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Art Auction
p.2019-07-05 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sweatdrop ch-31 p-094 Cassiel: … I’m not dead though, so I will be ok. I’ll heal, so don’t feel too bad about making me do all the dirty work.
p.2019-07-04 Ash Colour Emily Filler Fireworks 4th July
p.2019-07-03 ArchonKiller Ash Blood CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Lie Rumisiel Tears Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-093 Vashiel: No, not for us. When an anghel dies… their energy becomes a new angel. They get another chance… Vashiel also states he is no longer bound by his vows and is able to lie
p.2019-07-02 ArchonKiller Ash Blood CFS5 Flashback GraduationDay Heaven Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-092 Xaphrael: Your father is in room M·947·D. The code is a series of scents… Brimstone… Old books… Fresh paper…
p.2019-07-01 Angel ArchonKiller Blood CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-091 Vashiel: Let me help you, old friend. It’s over.
p.2019-06-28 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-090 [Vashiel impales Xaphrael]
p.2019-06-27 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-089 Cassiel: Funny, you didn’t notice I had no sword. Of course, now I have yours.
p.2019-06-26 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-088 Xaphrael: Good show. Very good show. Still, you’ve lost.
p.2019-06-25 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-087 [blood splatter]]
p.2019-06-24 Angel ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily Fire FireSupression GraduationDay Heaven Spliff Xaphrael ch-31 p-086 Emily: [fx: flick]
p.2019-06-21 Angel ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven Xaphrael ch-31 p-085 Rumisiel: … What the heck are you two DOING?!
p.2019-06-20 Angel ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-084 Xaphrael: You were one heck of a commander, Vashiel, but your fight could use some work. If I wanted you dead I’ve had two openings.
p.2019-06-19 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven ch-31 p-083 Emily: Where you go, I go. Besides… I think I have a plan.
p.2019-06-18 Adam Angel Ash CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven ch-31 p-082 Adam: And there’s the rub. I’m curious to see the nature of man. Does he save himself and the universe as he knows it, or does he try to save the angel who came to his aid?
p.2019-06-17 Filler Father’s Day
p.2019-06-14 Angel ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Hit Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-081 Cassiel: This is it! This is our chance! Go for the door!
p.2019-06-13 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Hit SparksBG Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-080 File Depository: Class one threat detected. Vow override processed.
p.2019-06-12 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 Chains FileCabinet GraduationDay Heaven Hit Rumisiel SparksBG Sword Xaphrael ch-31 p-079 Rumisiel: Pretty sure cutting that whole cabinet in half constitutes an “immanent threat” to the filing depot.
p.2019-06-11 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 FileCabinet GraduationDay Heaven Hit Rumisiel Sweatdrop Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-078 Ash: Vashiel…
p.2019-06-10 Angel ArchonKiller Blood CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Hit Rumisiel Sword Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-077 Rumisiel: Vash… I want to help but… what can I even do?
p.2019-06-07 Angel Ash CFS5 Cassiel FileFolder Fire GraduationDay Heaven Hit Sword ch-31 p-076 Cassiel: Xaphrael has trained for centuries since they last fought.
p.2019-06-06 Angel ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Hit Sword Xaphrael ch-31 p-075 Emily: That’s it. The door is closed. We’re stuck…
p.2019-06-05 Angel ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven SparksBG Sword Xaphrael ch-31 p-074 Emily: That’s it. The door is closed. We’re stuck…
p.2019-06-04 Adam Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 FeathersBG GraduationDay Heaven Sword Xaphrael ch-31 p-073 Xaphrael: This IS God’s will! I AM God’s will! Your kind despise the system as it stands!
p.2019-06-03 Adam ArchonKiller CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Xaphrael ch-31 p-072 Adam: Xaphrael, Xaphrael, Xaphrael. I’m just here to watch the will of god play out. I don’t know who will win, but in the grand scheme it is sure to be a pivotal point in the history of the universe and I would very much like to bear witness.
p.2019-05-31 Adam ArchonKiller CFS5 DoorWedge GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-071 Vashiel: Door was wedged open.
p.2019-05-30 ArchonKiller CFS5 GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-070 Rumisiel: Kinder. The word you are forgetting is kinder. You see, he may be better than me at damn near everything, but all that means is that to compete with him on a day to day basis, I had to learn every dirty trick in the book. My brother is kind. I’m not.
p.2019-05-29 ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-069 Xaphrael: Rumisiel […] so if you’d be so kind as to sit your ass back where I threw it I’ll be happy to get to you after I’ve taken control of the entire universe.
p.2019-05-28 CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Kiss Rumisiel Sweatdrop ch-31 p-068 Rumisiel: What was that for? I mean… I’m not complaining, but…
p.2019-05-27 Colour Filler Memorial Day 2019
p.2019-05-24 CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel SparksBG Sweatdrop ch-31 p-067 Cassiel: Hey! Pssst! Hey! We gotta get out of that door!
p.2019-05-23 ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily FilingTool GraduationDay Heaven Sword Xaphrael ch-31 p-066 Emily: What kind of people does he takes us for? There’s no way we would…
p.2019-05-22 ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Xaphrael ch-31 p-065 Cassiel: Hey! What gives? Why are you working with Ramael? What did he offer you?
p.2019-05-21 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily FilingTool GraduationDay Heaven ch-31 p-064 Ash: Until what? Until Rumisiel pulls some terrible plan out of his backside?
p.2019-05-20 Colour Filler Chris absence announcement
p.2019-05-17 ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily FilingTool GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sword Xaphrael ch-31 p-063 Xaphrael: There’s no way you wouldn’t have brought the key with you! You have to…
p.2019-05-16 Angel ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sword THOOOOOOM Wings Xaphrael ch-31 p-062 Xaphrael: Before you ask, your brother is fine. I’m not going to just kill my best friend. I’m doing my best no[t] to harm his family either, but you abd Gabriel are really making it SO difficult. Key. Now.
p.2019-05-15 AngelEars AngelHair ArchonKiller Ash CFS5 Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-061 Xaphrael: Time crunch, Rumisiel!
p.2019-05-14 ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel DoorWedge GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sweatdrop Xaphrael ch-31 p-060 Xaphrael: I’m told there is no plan. I have one. First though, where is the key?
p.2019-05-13 ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Sweatdrop Xaphrael ch-31 p-059 Rumisiel: Man, you have NO idea how long we’ve…
p.2019-05-10 CFS5 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven Knock Rumisiel Sweatdrop ch-31 p-058 Cassiel: So much TROUBLE!
p.2019-05-09 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily EmilyMissingPages GraduationDay Heaven Sweatdrop ch-31 p-057 Emily: Oh! Uh… Yeah. About this…
p.2019-05-08 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily EmilyMissingPages GraduationDay Heaven RIP Sweatdrop ch-31 p-056 Emily: It’s called a grand gesture, Ash. It is showing I don’t want that part of my life back. I don’t need it any more. It’s a grand gesture because I can’t takke it back. I prefer my life it is, my “new” life, my life with you in it. It’s also a grand gesture because I did it here in front of you so you would know how I stand and how I feel.
p.2019-05-07 AngelEars Ash CFS5 Emily EmilyMissingPages GraduationDay Heaven RIP Sweatdrop ch-31 p-055 Emily: Can I… Can I see them?
p.2019-05-06 Ash CFS5 Emily EmilyMissingPages GraduationDay Heaven ch-31 p-054 Emily: What is that? Don’t tell me.. Did you actually find your file?
p.2019-05-03 ArchonKiller CFS5 Cassiel Chains CokeBottle FileCabinet GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-053 Ramael: There’s a trap door on the ceiling. I caught it being adjusted when he was spying from the other side once. Cut your ropes and go.
p.2019-05-02 ArchonKiller Chains GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Ropes Vashiel Wink Xaphrael ch-31 p-052 Vashiel: Wait! Don’t go! Where’s my dad?
p.2019-05-01 ArchonKiller Chains GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Xaphrael ch-31 p-051 Xaphrael: What exactly was that act of defiance supposed to accomplish?
p.2019-04-30 ArchonKiller Chains CokeBottle GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Xaphrael ch-31 p-050 Xaphrael: And you’ll drink this how, exactly? I’m not stupid enough to unchain you.
p.2019-04-29 ArchonKiller Chains GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Ropes Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-049 Vashiel: In old times… In old times I was wrong; shortsighted and wrong, Xaphrael
p.2019-04-26 ArchonKiller GraduationDay Heaven Ropes Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-048 Vashiel: Why are you doing this? I thought you always believed in the will of God…
p.2019-04-25 CFS5 Cassiel FireSupression GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Spliff WarningNotice ch-31 p-047 Cassiel: Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
p.2019-04-24 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily FileCabinet FireSupression GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Spliff ch-31 p-046 Emily: Where did you get…
p.2019-04-23 Ash CFS5 Cassiel Emily FileCabinet GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Spliff Sweatdrop ch-31 p-045 Ash: What do you think I’m doing? I’m looking for my file.
p.2019-04-22 CFS5 FileCabinet GraduationDay Heaven LightSwitch Rumisiel StripLight ch-31 p-044 Emily: Seriously? This is where the universe is controlled?
p.2019-04-19 ArchonKiller Chains GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Ropes Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-31 p-043 Vashiel: Xaphrael? What is his beef? Of the three of us, he’s the one who toed the line and moved up the chain of command.
p.2019-04-18 Chains GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Ropes Vashiel ch-31 p-042 Vashiel: Wait… Why are you in chains if I’m in ropes?
p.2019-04-17 Chains GraduationDay Heaven Ramael Ropes Vashiel ch-31 p-041 Vashiel: Where am i? I can’t see. / I feel bindings. / Clearly I’m a prisoner.
p.2019-04-16 Ash Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Urtheniel ch-31 p-040 Emily: How much for what you’re selling AND Rumisiel and us were never here?
p.2019-04-15 Filler Kickstarter Final Week
p.2019-04-12 Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven HeavenSun Rumisiel Urtheniel ch-31 p-039 Cassiel: That way? That seems crazy out of the way. How did you ever find this route in the first place?
p.2019-04-11 Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel WingedOrb ch-31 p-038 Rumisiel: This isn’t Heaven. I mean it’s IN heaven, but THIS is the Celestial Filing Depot. It’s like being backstage at a concert. You need a special pass. Regular visitors don’t get to go. This whole area is angels only.
p.2019-04-10 Adam Bull Cat GraduationDay Heaven Sword Vashiel ch-31 p-037 Vashiel: You’re not really a cat, are you?
p.2019-04-09 Adam Cassiel Cat GraduationDay Heaven HeavenSun Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-036 Rumisiel: Well, guys, I don’t want to run into too many people myself.
p.2019-04-08 AngelEars AngelHair Ash GraduationDay Heaven Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-035 Ash: Why don’t we all meet up inside, say fifth branch? You know, at Rumisiel’s old work station. At least I’m confident he can find his way there.
p.2019-04-05 AngelEars AngelHair Ash Cassiel GraduationDay Heaven HeavenSun PearlyGates Planet Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-034 Ash: Now THAT’S a bit more like it…
p.2019-04-04 AngelEars AngelHair Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay PearlyGates Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-033 Cassiel: Welcome to the pearly gates.
p.2019-04-03 Ash Colour Emily Filler Kickstarter advert
p.2019-04-02 AngelEars AngelHair Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay TransferSwirl UptonHouse ch-31 p-032 Cassiel: Any other questions before I do this.
p.2019-04-01 AngelEars AngelHair Ash Cassiel Cosmology GraduationDay UptonHouse Vashiel ch-31 p-031 Vashiel: We don’t really “go” anywhere. From an interdimensional perspective everything, I mean, Heaven, Hell and Earth all exist in the same space.
p.2019-03-29 Filler Misfile Sequel Kickstarter: update Kickstarter
p.2019-03-28 AngelEars AngelHair Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay PearlyGates Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-31 p-030 Vashiel: I don’t think you have to. If we use the back door it will set off alarm bells everywhere. If we just go through the front no one will bat an eyelid.
p.2019-03-27 AngelEars AngelHair Ash BodyHair Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-31 p-029 Cassiel: It’s an all senses illusion. Those pointed ears you don’t really have will still provide real sensations to you and anyone who touches them,
p.2019-03-26 AngelEars AngelHair Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Rumisiel Sweatdrop UptonHouse Vashiel ch-31 p-028 Cassiel: Behold my amazing powers of disguise!
p.2019-03-25 Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay UptonHouse ch-31 p-027 Ash: Ok, just thowing a SUPER crazy thought out there, but so long as we’re disguising, maybe I should really go all out and be a boy.
p.2019-03-22 Ash Cassiel Emily GraduationDay Rumisiel Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-31 p-026 Ash: I don’t have to wear a long white robe or anything, right? Please tell me I don’t have to wear an outfit like I’ve seen Cassiel wear.
p.2019-03-21 Cassiel GraduationDay Rumisiel Woods ch-31 p-025 Rumisiel: Look, we STILL need your help. This wouldn’t just get back in Dad’s good graces. Someone is messing with the files. That’s not good.
p.2019-03-20 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Misfile 15 Years
p.2019-03-19 Cassiel Flashback GraduationDay HeavenSun Rumisiel Tent Vashiel Woods ch-31 p-024 Cassiel: He made me take a pretty incriminating letter to oversight. He hates authority and has a history of working outside the rules.
p.2019-03-18 Cassiel GraduationDay Rumisiel Tent Vashiel Woods ch-31 p-023 Cassiel: You’re insane. You’re certifiably insane.
p.2019-03-14 Ash Emily GraduationDay Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-31 p-022 Vashiel: That won’t work. They might not notice Rumisiel being back right away but a human walking around will ring alarm bells all the way to the top.
p.2019-03-13 Ash Emily GraduationDay Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-31 p-021 Rumisiel: I don’t see any way to avoid going there. We can’t just GIVE him the key, as much as I’d like to end this the easy way…
p.2019-03-12 Ash Blush Emily FeathersBG FilingTool GraduationDay Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-31 p-020 Vashiel: You know, devices just like this recorded the first speaking of the ten commandments, the assassination of Julius Caesar, the coronation of Charlemagne and now…
p.2019-03-11 Adam ArchonKiller GraduationDay Heaven Hospital Sky ch-31 p-019 ArchonKiller: It’s been so long in coming. I can almost taste it.
p.2019-03-08 Ash Emily GraduationDay Hospital McArthurRes Phone Rumisiel Sweatdrop Vashiel ch-31 p-018 Ash: I’ll take Missi home. She’s not involved and I want to keep it that way. Em, take Vash and get the key from your mom. Everybody meet back at my place. My dad isn’t home. We can sort this out.
p.2019-03-07 Ash Emily GraduationDay Hospital Rumisiel Vashiel ch-31 p-017 Emily: Are you sure it’s ok to just leave him in there?
p.2019-03-06 DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Hospital Rumisiel Sweatdrop ThreshingStreet Vashiel ch-31 p-016 Rumisiel: But… I don’t know what to do…
p.2019-03-05 Ash GraduationDay Rumisiel ThreshingStreet Vashiel ch-31 p-015 Vashiel: He said… “We have your father”… They have Dad, Rumisiel.
p.2019-03-04 ChrisHazelton Colour Filler Holiday announcement
p.2019-03-01 Adam Ash GraduationDay Race ThreshingStreet Vashiel XR4Ti ch-31 p-014 Adam: Four simple words.
p.2019-02-28 Adam GraduationDay Race Rumisiel ThreshingStreet Vashiel XR4Ti ch-31 p-013 Rumisiel: What do you want?
p.2019-02-27 Adam AudiQuattro DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Race Rumisiel ThreshingStreet ch-31 p-012 Adam: Of course I can’t have you remembering any of this…
p.2019-02-26 Adam Ash AudiQuattro Blood Crack DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Pop Race ThreshingStreet Vashiel XR4Ti ch-31 p-011 Adam: Seeing as that accident just now SHOULD have killed you, I’m thinking breaking every bone from your fingertips to your shoulder is a pretty fair trade.
p.2019-02-25 Adam Angel AudiQuattro Bull Crunch DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Race ThreshingStreet Vashiel XR4Ti ch-31 p-010 Vashiel: I have to… There’s no time!
p.2019-02-22 AudiQuattro Collision Crunch DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Race ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-31 p-009 Ash: Fuck! He’s not trying! to push me into a trap. He’s trying to run me off the damn road
p.2019-02-21 AudiQuattro DaveDAngelo Emily GraduationDay Race Rumisiel ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-31 p-008 Dave: Yes, that’s it, bitch. Now just a push to the left. I mean, how can I help it if this rough old road knocks me around a bit…
p.2019-02-20 Ash GraduationDay Race RailroadSpike ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-31 p-007 Ash: That’s where we pulled out most of those rail spikes.
p.2019-02-19 Ash AudiQuattro GraduationDay Race ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-31 p-006 Ash: All that time in the monster I was counting on grip. What if I just let myself slide right across…
p.2019-02-18 Ash Colour Emily Filler Heart Auction Advert: Valentine’s Day artwork
p.2019-02-15 AerialView Angel Ash AudiQuattro GraduationDay Race Rumble ThreshingStreet TwisterCloud Vashiel XR4Ti ch-31 p-005 Ash: There it is, that frikkin’ transition to gravel. Just let this be one of the times it goes smoothly or I will never hear the end of it…
p.2019-02-14 Ash Colour Emily Filler Heart Valentine’s Day 2019
p.2019-02-13 Angel Ash AudiQuattro DaveDAngelo Finger GraduationDay Race ThreshingStreet Vashiel XR4Ti ch-31 p-004 Ash: And here you think that is going to piss me off. That’s just a sign post saying I’ve gotten to you
p.2019-02-12 Emily GraduationDay Race Rumisiel ThreshingStreet Vashiel ch-31 p-003 Emily: It kills me not to able to see what’s happening
p.2019-02-11 Ash AudiQuattro GraduationDay Missi Race ThreshingStreet Washout XR4Ti ch-31 p-002 Ash: The washout is coming up. He has so much more power. There’s no way I’ll be in front. Light isn’t going to help me here…
p.2019-02-08 AudiQuattro Emily GraduationDay Missi Race ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-31 p-001 Emily: Holy… The power of that thing. How is Ash supposed to compete against that without the Monster?
p.2019-02-07 Colour Cover Rumisiel ch-31 p-000 Book 31: All good things…
p.2019-02-06 Ash AudiQuattro DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Missi ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-30 p-132 Ash: Okay. Lets’s do this.
p.2019-02-05 Ash AudiQuattro DaveDAngelo Emily GraduationDay Missi Rumisiel ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-131 Emily: I know you don’t actually have a plan, Ash, but good luck. I know you’ll find a way. You always do.
p.2019-02-04 Ash GraduationDay Missi Nissan240SX Rumisiel ThreshingStreet Vashiel ch-30 p-130 Ash: Oh! I… didn’t expect you.
p.2019-02-01 Ash AudiQuattro DaveDAngelo GraduationDay Nissan240SX ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-129 Ash: Pit crew. Just in time. Let me get on that car thing.
p.2019-01-31 Ash DaveDAngelo GraduationDay ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-128 Ash: Nah. I can tell you don’t have a lot in your life beyond your inflated sense of self-worth, So I’m not going to damage it. I mean the race is just one more fun thing I’m doing today. What else have you got planned in Dave’s sad little self-pity land?
p.2019-01-30 Colour Filler FTX Jan 2019
p.2019-01-29 Ash DaveDAngelo GraduationDay ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-30 p-127 Ash: I… Don’t know what to say. Thanks?
p.2019-01-28 Ash GraduationDay RacerGlasses RacerJ ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-30 p-126 Ash: Did Dave really bring all these people just to intimidate me? It’s not like he doesn’t have home field advantage already. That piece of …
p.2019-01-25 Ash Emily GraduationDay ThreshingStreet XR4Ti ch-30 p-125 Ash: I should go before I get too introspective. Don’t want to crap on my own mood.
p.2019-01-24 Ash Emily GraduationDay ch-30 p-124 Ash: Could you provide cover? I just… I can’t shake this feeling like someone is watching me. I thought it was Heather but I still feel it. It’s creepy.
p.2019-01-23 Ash Eagle Emily GraduationDay ch-30 p-123 Emily: Are you sure you don’t want to go home first?
p.2019-01-22 Cassi Cassiel Eponine GraduationDay GraduationParty School ch-30 p-122 Cassi: So this is… Is this it? Is this “good bye?” This is it isn’t it?
p.2019-01-21 Ash GraduationDay GraduationParty Heather School ch-30 p-121 Heather: Oh, and if you let Dave win this thing this afternoon I’ll never forgive you. Kick his ass.
p.2019-01-18 Filler Chris 43rd Birthday
p.2019-01-17 Ash GraduationDay GraduationParty Heather School ch-30 p-120 Ash: I think I know why you’re here. You are now officially King of the Mountain.
p.2019-01-16 Ash Emily GraduationDay GraduationParty Heather Rumisiel School ch-30 p-119 Rumisiel: I know the difference between an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach and a stuck fart… Though I grant you they are admittedly rather similar. It’s nothing really. Just the sensation of being…
p.2019-01-15 Ash Emily GraduationDay GraduationParty Rumisiel School ch-30 p-118 Emily: How’s it feel “graduate”?
p.2019-01-14 Ash GraduationCeremony GraduationDay GraduationPhoto Photographer School ch-30 p-117 Photographer: Face the camera.
p.2019-01-11 Ash GraduationCeremony GraduationDay School ch-30 p-116 Ash: This is probably the last time I see a lot of these people… But in the end I suppose everyone I really care about seeing again is out there in the audience.
p.2019-01-10 Ash GraduationDay Rumisiel School Smack ch-30 p-115 Rumisiel: Kick ass and take names!
p.2019-01-09 Ash Edward Marie Pancakes UptonHouse ch-30 p-114 Edward: Well don’t expect anything like that from me. All I got you was a gas card. It’ll have to be Shell, but I’ll pay it monthly. Try not to bankrupt me. I figure you’d probably need it to get back and forth from college. Try not to get banned from parking at this one.
p.2019-01-08 3CaratPendant Ash Emily Marie UptonHouse ch-30 p-113 Ash: I can’t just wear something like this around. It’s tiny and can get lost in an instant and it’s worth more than either of my cars.
p.2019-01-07 3CaratPendant Ash Marie MariePresent Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-112 Ash: Uh… Gift? You didn’t have to.
p.2019-01-04 Ash Edward Emily Marie Pancakes Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-111 Ash: I mean, I don’t remember ever having a big family breakfast and now here it is on what’s sort of my last day of childhood ever.
p.2019-01-03 Ash Edward Marie Pancakes UptonHouse ch-30 p-110 Marie: Knock, knock! Happy graduation day. Marie is stopping by for her first family dinner in 16 years
p.2019-01-02 Blush Canada Edward Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Whistle ch-30 p-109 Edward: Emily, you’re practically family. If Ash wants you there, you’re welcome to come.
p.2019-01-01 Ash Filler Filler: New Year 2019
p.2018-12-31 Ash Edward Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-108 Edward: Oh! Hello, Emily. Did you spend the night?
p.2018-12-28 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-107 Ash: Morning, Dad. Are you making…
p.2018-12-27 Edward Pancakes Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-106 Ed: I never thought I’d see this day, and now it’s suddenly here! I don’t know how to feel…
p.2018-12-26 Ash Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-30 p-105 Ash: How’s it look? Can you tell? I feel like my ankles give it away.
p.2018-12-25 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Christmas 2018
p.2018-12-24 Ash Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-30 p-104 Emily: … You are going to be wearing underwear, right?
p.2018-12-21 Ash Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-30 p-103 Ash: Which shirt do I wear? I mean, I feel like it’s a special day and I should wear something kind of nice but it is also going to be beneath the robe, so maybe just go for comfortable?
p.2018-12-20 Ash Filler Advert: Misfile Art Auction
p.2018-12-19 Ash Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-30 p-102 [Ash’s bedroom: Ash x Emily. D’awww] 2:37 on clock
p.2018-12-18 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-30 p-101 Ash: I think that’s about all I can do.
p.2018-12-17 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-30 p-100 Ash: Damn… I think this may be a bit more complicated and possibly more permanent than I’d imagined. I mean the front seats just pop out but the back ones are really in there.
p.2018-12-14 Ash Filler Advert: Misfile Art Auction
p.2018-12-13 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-30 p-099 Ash: Sacrifices must be made. Besides it’s not like I can’t put it back.
p.2018-12-12 Ash Emily Fence UptonHouse ch-30 p-098 Ash: Upton Family Auto Works, also known as my garage. I have a day to see if I can make my car even lighter!
p.2018-12-11 Ash Emily Fence ch-30 p-097 Emily: Can’t you just, you know, reshedule the race?
p.2018-12-10 Aries Ash Emily Monster ch-30 p-096 Emily: Ash? Are you really ok with that?
p.2018-12-07 Aries Ash Harry Monster ch-30 p-095 Harry: It’s not simple. You blew a cylinder ’ead, Ash.
p.2018-12-06 Ash Emily Missi Nissan240SX Rumisiel School ch-30 p-094 Rumisiel: You know I TECHNICALLY finished high school today too. May be the first thing I ever finished.
p.2018-12-05 Ash School ch-30 p-093 Ash: Why do I feel so numb? Why am I even here today?
p.2018-12-04 Ash Emily Nissan240SX School ch-30 p-092 Ash: I guess nothing will be more of a surprise than anything that’s already happened to us. We’ll always have that.
p.2018-12-03 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-30 p-091 Ash: This… This is my last day of high school.
p.2018-11-30 Ash Dream Monster ch-30 p-090 Monster: I’m just a car. I’m a tool. I won’t be your car forever. Things break. Technology changes. I’m not the racer, Ash. You are. Race with or without me. Enjoy it. Trust yourself. Your friends will have your back either way. You woke up someone different and still found yourself in there. You don’t need me. Deep down, who are you?
p.2018-11-29 Ash ChainsBG Dream Monster ch-30 p-089 Monster: So what if this is a dream? Didn’t Emily tell you to listen to this crap? Don’t be a hypocrit, dude.
p.2018-11-28 Ash Dream Monster ch-30 p-088 Ash: Who are you?! What are you!?
p.2018-11-27 Ash Dream ch-30 p-087 Ash: Darkness… Am I blind?
p.2018-11-26 Aries Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel Tears ch-30 p-086 Rumisiel: Aiden was crazy. A car is just a thing. You call it the monster, but any qualities you give it beyond a machine, that’s really just you.
p.2018-11-23 Aries Ash Emily Missi Monster Rumisiel ch-30 p-085 Ash: It looks sad, doesn’t it, just sitting there?
p.2018-11-22 Angel FileFolder Filler Rumisiel Turkey Thanksgiving 2018
p.2018-11-21 Ash Monster RecoveryTruck RecoveryTruckGuy ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-084 Recovery Truck Guy: Hi. Sorry it took so long. This place is hard to find.
p.2018-11-20 Ash Emily Heart Monster Nissan240SX ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-083 Emily: Hi. We weren’t expecting to see you here.
p.2018-11-19 Ash Monster Rumisiel ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-082 Ash: You remeber how I told you it was running too close to perfect and it was about to have issues? Well, “it has issues”.
p.2018-11-16 Emily McArthurRes Missi Tears ch-30 p-081 Emily: You’re looking at this all wrong. This isn’t something “I’m” doing. It’s something “We’re” doing. The patch, the club, it’s something we’re ALL doing.
p.2018-11-15 Emily McArthurRes Missi Tears ch-30 p-080 Missi: I wanted to talk to you… Without Ash.
p.2018-11-14 Adam Ash Eagle Monster Rumisiel ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-079 Rumisiel: Warn me before things like that! There’s no seat back here!
p.2018-11-13 Ash Monster Rumisiel ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-078 Rumisiel: I’m saying you’re good. Why don’t you stop trying to come up with some last minute trick or plan and just be a better driver than he is?
p.2018-11-11 Ash Monster Rumisiel ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-077 Ash: There’s got to be a trick. There’s ALWAYS a trick.
p.2018-11-09 Ash Missi School ch-30 p-076 Ash: Next week… Next week seems like a whole different life.
p.2018-11-08 Ash Missi OldRoad RailroadSpike School TORRSalumni ch-30 p-075 Ash: Opinions aside, can you do something with it?
p.2018-11-07 Ash Emily Missi Nissan240SX School TORRSalumni ch-30 p-074 Ash: OK… But… What do I do with this?
p.2018-11-06 Ash Emily Nissan240SX TORRSalumni ch-30 p-073 Ash: For me? I have to be honest… I’m not actually sure WHAT they are.
p.2018-11-05 Ash Emily Nissan240SX TORRSalumni ch-30 p-072 Ash: You look tired. You get any sleep?
p.2018-11-02 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Pencil TORRSalumni ch-30 p-071 Emily: No that’s not right either…
p.2018-11-01 Ash Computer Emily UptonHouse ch-30 p-070 Emily: You’re driving yourself crazy.
p.2018-10-31 Ash Emily Filler Happy Halloween: be someone else for the day.
p.2018-10-30 Ash Computer Emily UptonHouse ch-30 p-069 Emily: Ash, you’re going to be fine.
p.2018-10-29 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-30 p-068 Emily: Why can’t you just continue to use the Old Road?
p.2018-10-26 Ash MomWaggon MtGreylock XR4Ti ch-30 p-067 Emily: What’s wrong? Is the road no good?
p.2018-10-25 Ash MomWaggon MtGreylock XR4Ti ch-30 p-066 Ash: I can’t do this.
p.2018-10-24 Airborne MtGreylock Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-30 p-065 [views of Rumisiel beening tossed around on a hight speed drive]
p.2018-10-23 Ash Emily MtGreylock Rumisiel ch-30 p-064 Emily: Why mount Greylock?
p.2018-10-22 Ash Emily Nissan240SX Rumisiel School ch-30 p-063 Rumisiel: I miss my old habits. I want to kick back and toss a few back and smoke a bit and just forget the stress and the worry. I mean everybody needs an oitlet and you took mine. Ok, I admit I abused it a bit, but at times like this it was so useful and easy to help me cope.
p.2018-10-19 Ash BirdPoop Emily Rumisiel School Statue ch-30 p-062 Rumisiel: Flocks of angels have rained holy turd bombs down on statues as birds for hundreds of years now!
p.2018-10-18 Ash BirdPoop Emily Nissan240SX Rumisiel School ch-30 p-061 Emily: What are you doing?
p.2018-10-17 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-060 Emily: Did that feel good?
p.2018-10-16 Ash Emily Lock School ch-30 p-059 Ash: Even if leaving everything behind might make you happy?
p.2018-10-15 Ash Emily Lock School ch-30 p-058 Ash: Anyway, I AM sorry. I guess I just lost track of time.
p.2018-10-12 Ash Emily Fence School ch-30 p-057 Emily: There you are. Look, I’m sorry, ok?
p.2018-10-11 Ash Clock Emily Lock Nissan240SX School ch-30 p-056 Emily: Where ARE you, Ash? Time: 2:15pm, school’s out
p.2018-10-10 Pigeon Rumisiel ch-30 p-055 Rumisiel: I know you are out there! What do you want from me? I don’t have the key any more, so you can leave my friends an I alone!
p.2018-10-09 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-054 Ash: You spaced out for a second there. We were right in the middle of…
p.2018-10-08 Ash DrEmily Emily School ShoulderAngel ch-30 p-053 DrEmily: You SHOULD start talking. Isn’t this the chance to stee things just the way you want?
p.2018-10-05 Ash Emily Lock School ch-30 p-052 Ash: I keep asking myself the same question. I guess it boils down to whether I am hanging on to the past for no good reason, whether it’s just making me miserable or keeping me from enjoying anything in the now. Like, maybe I’d be happier just moving on, but that feels like a mistake too.
p.2018-10-04 Emily Lock Rachel School ch-30 p-051 Rachel: In short don’t be who someone else wants you to be. Be you, Emily.
p.2018-10-03 Emily Rachel School ch-30 p-050 Rachel: What made you think that anyway?
p.2018-10-02 A-plus Emily Rachel School ch-30 p-049 Emily: This should make me happy. Why isn’t this making me happy?
p.2018-10-01 Ash Eponine Lock School ch-30 p-048 Ash: What do I do with this? Same lock I’ve been bringing for four years despite everything else that has changed.
p.2018-09-28 Ash Eponine School ch-30 p-047 Eponine: Nice “Whoah”. Glitch in ther matrix, Neo?
p.2018-09-27 Ash Emily Nissan240SX School ch-30 p-046 Emily: Ash, sometimes I can be in a mood and it has nothing to do with anything. Do you understand?
p.2018-09-26 Ash Emily Nissan240SX School ch-30 p-045 Ash: Wha… Sonova bitch! Take up two damn spots, why don’t you?
p.2018-09-25 Ash Emily Nissan240SX School ch-30 p-044 Ash: You’ve been awfully quiet this morning. Don’t leave me hanging. Did you have the dream again?
p.2018-09-24 Cassiel Couch Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-043 Cassiel: Can Cherubim make storms? Is he your lightening man?
p.2018-09-21 Cassiel Couch Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-042 Rumisiel: Bwuh! What are you doing here!?.
p.2018-09-20 DrEmily Dream Emily Tears ch-30 p-041 Dr Emily: You’re afraid of change.
p.2018-09-19 DrEmily Dream Emily Mud ch-30 p-040 Dr Emily: Or… You know… YOU could just save me the trouble and sit down.
p.2018-09-18 DrEmily Dream Emily Moon Mud ch-30 p-039 Mud Emily: I guess it all started with my mother’s controlling expectations.
p.2018-09-17 Adam Cassi Eagle Eponine School ch-30 p-038 Eponine: Hello. Hello? You seem pre-occupied, Cassie.
p.2018-09-14 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-037 Ash: Still hasn’t solved my original problem. With PE this afternoon going without is not an option. Sometimes I feel like boobs are far more trouble than they’re worth … Don’t take my man card for that.
p.2018-09-13 Ash Emily Mirror School ch-30 p-036 Ash: No way. That’d be worse. I’d have had to wake up every day and look in the mirror in fear watching myself growing slowly and steadily into a body I didn’t want.
p.2018-09-12 Colour Filler Hurricane Florence: possible effect on comic
p.2018-09-11 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-035 Ash: Thank god it’s just you. It’s… not what it looks like. Something is poking me, like, right there.
p.2018-09-10 Cassi Rumisiel School WetFloor ch-30 p-034 Cassi: What? Oncoming storm and all that crap? Who do we know that deals in crappy used up metaphors
p.2018-09-07 Cassi Rumisiel School ch-30 p-033 Cassi: I hear you, jackass. Stop “pst-ing” me. You’re actually at school today?
p.2018-09-06 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-30 p-032 Ash: Anyway, I think it’s about me leaving for college.
p.2018-09-05 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-30 p-031 Emily: What a stupid dream.
p.2018-09-04 Clock Dream Emily EmilyMD ch-30 p-030 Emily: Oh. I get it. This is a dream. That’s fine. I can wait it out. No one is chasing me. I’m not naked at school. Dawn comes eventually. Emily’s school morning alarm is set to 5:45
p.2018-09-03 Dream Emily ch-30 p-029 Emily: So empty.. Where am I?
p.2018-08-31 Ash Lightning Rain Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-028 Rumisiel: Uh… I meant my feet.
p.2018-08-30 Ash Lightning Rain Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-027 Ash: Whoa… It’s really storming out.
p.2018-08-29 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-026 Rumisiel: You know you spend a lot of time fretting over something you claim to enjoy.
p.2018-08-28 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-025 Ash: If experience has taught me anything it’s that when you have your car running right on the edge like this, when everything is broken in and smooth and tight, you’re a hair’s breadth from failure. I almost want to loosen the tolerences but it’s so…
p.2018-08-27 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-024 Rumisiel: You know, if you off yourself with carbon monoxide fumes we’ll never fix your problem.
p.2018-08-24 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-023 Emily: … I… Don’t know what to say that can possibly help. They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone… I’ve never been anyone but me… Even if I’ve been me twice now.
p.2018-08-23 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-022 Ash: You think someone in a wheelchair likes it every time someone worries about whether or not there’ll be wheelchair access.
p.2018-08-22 Ash Emily School ch-30 p-021 Emily: There you are! You weren’t at our usual lunch table. I was worried.
p.2018-08-21 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Lightning damage sale advert
p.2018-08-20 Ash Missi School ch-30 p-020 Missi: Killing you is not what I’m worried he might do.
p.2018-08-17 Ash Missi Sack School ch-30 p-019 Missi: Some nails, some un-identifiable metal bits, a surprising number of coins and another railroad spike.
p.2018-08-16 Ash Emily Nissan240SX School SecretKiss ch-30 p-018 Emily: I know how you feel about PDA, and we both know that kissing in public would start the talk of the school buzzing. That was a secret kiss. Whenever I do that it means really I’m kissing you.
p.2018-08-15 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Lightning damage sale advert
p.2018-08-14 Ash Emily Nissan240SX School ch-30 p-017 Ash: And thus is the irony of the school parking lot. Just because you can park here doesn’t mean you can park here.
p.2018-08-13 Ash CoatHooks Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-30 p-016 Ash: My identity is so tied up in being a driver it feels downright bizarre when someone else takes me somewhere. It’s, like, over the last year all the hooks that I hang my identity on have been yanked out one by one. Now driver is all that’s left.
p.2018-08-10 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad UptonHouse ch-30 p-015 Emily: My parking pass for school finally got approved
p.2018-08-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-014 Ash: The fastest damn fish in Tempest, thank you.
p.2018-08-08 Ash Rumisiel SpitTake UptonHouse ch-30 p-013 Rumisiel: I’ll come up with something. We could get engaged.
p.2018-08-07 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-30 p-012 Ash: I just can’t sleep. Too much to think about. My head is spinning over everything.
p.2018-08-06 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Tears ch-30 p-011 Ellen: Emily? I’ll be late tomorrow. I just thought you should…
p.2018-08-03 Ash Batman Edward UptonHouse ch-30 p-010 Edward: I just hope I did a good job. I did the best I could. It wasn’t always easy without your mother around, but I tried to be…
p.2018-08-02 Ash Edward UptonHouse ch-30 p-009 Edward: It’s an itinerary for your graduation.
p.2018-08-01 Ash Blush Missi Tears UptonHouse ch-30 p-008 Missi: I’m still going, by the way. I have to.
p.2018-07-31 Ash Missi PolkadotPanties UptonHouse ch-30 p-007 Missi: Oooooh! Naughty!
p.2018-07-30 Ash Missi Towel UptonHouse ch-30 p-006 Missi: My underwear is soggy…
p.2018-07-27 Ash Filler Ashville Anime Convention Advert
p.2018-07-26 Ash Missi Monster MrGreen Rain ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-005 Ash: … Wait… You don’t have a car, how did you even GET here? Mention of “Mr Green, from Chemistry” (a teacher or lab tech?)
p.2018-07-25 Ash Missi Monster Rain ThreshingStreet ch-30 p-004 Ash: Missi! What are you doing?
p.2018-07-24 Ash DAngeloHouse Monster Rain Rumisiel ch-30 p-003 Ash: Because like it or not, physically I’m still a girl, especially to an ass like Dave. I want to do this myself, but… Well, I guess I’m coming to grips with the idea that I may sometimes need the help of a friend in my life.
p.2018-07-23 Ash DAngeloHouse DaveDAngelo Rain Umbrella ch-30 p-002 Dave: Oh… It’s you. What the hell do you want? Ash graduates in two weeks time
p.2018-07-20 Ash DAngeloHouse Monster Rain Umbrella ch-30 p-001 Rumisiel: You ready for this?
p.2018-07-19 Ash Colour Cover GraduationRobe Monster ch-30 p-000 Chapter 30 cover page
p.2018-07-18 ArchonKiller CFS5 Heaven ch-29 p-113 Archon Killer: … It is time to open everything.
p.2018-07-17 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-112 Ash: You just want to watch…
p.2018-07-16 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-112 Ash: Hold up. That’s totally different. I’m a jerk to YOU, the alpha and omega of my problems. It didn’t turn me into a jerk to EVERYone.
p.2018-07-13 Ash Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-111 Ash: It’s my butt and it’s my bug and I’m still creeped out when you manhandle me even as a joke!
p.2018-07-12 Ash Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-110 Rumisiel: Guess who’s feelin’ free! Come on! Guess. Guess!
p.2018-07-11 Ash Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-109 Ash: But he was TEN at the oldest. Look, I HATE Dave but I want to hate him for the right reasons. I can’s blame a ten yoear old for his family’s tax evasion. It legitimately ISN’T his fault an that almost makes me feel worse.
p.2018-07-10 Ash Emily Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-108 Ash: And Dave was how old during all this?
p.2018-07-09 Ash Emily Monster Nissan240SX ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-107 Emily: Ash, you need to stop giving Dave any benefit of the doubt and stop feeling sorry for him. There is nothing going on here that is not of his family’s own making.
p.2018-07-06 Cassiel Eponine Rumisiel ch-29 p-106 Rumisiel: That’s… So sudden. I feel… Weird. Eponine mentioned
p.2018-07-05 Cassiel Colour Rumisiel ch-29 p-105 Cassiel: Stop.
p.2018-07-04 Ash Colour Filler US Independence Day 2018
p.2018-07-03 Ash Missi Monster RailroadSpike ch-29 p-104 Ash: And the fact he doesn’t know which ones I HAVE found will be to MY advantage. I can pounce where he thinks he’s safe without having to play dirty.
p.2018-07-02 Ash Missi Monster ch-29 p-103 Missi: I’m telling you, a good swift groin kick before the race and he’ll be off his game all day. It’s like guy kryptonite!
p.2018-06-29 Computer Emily Library ch-29 p-102 Emily: Huh… Seriously?
p.2018-06-28 Ash Emily Missi School Sweatdrop ch-29 p-101 Ash: … I should never have gone to his house that day…
p.2018-06-27 Ash Emily Missi School Sweatdrop ch-29 p-100 Emily: No I think Missi could drop a dude. There’s not a lot of mass there but I think the ferocity would surprise the hell out of someone.
p.2018-06-26 Ash Emily Missi School ch-29 p-099 Ash: How do you know? Maybe I could knock him on his backside.
p.2018-06-25 Ash Emily Missi School Sweatdrop ch-29 p-098 Emily: Just believe me when I tell you, Missi, this isn’t the job for you.
p.2018-06-22 Ash Blush Emily Missi School ch-29 p-097 Ash: What are you…
p.2018-06-21 Church Donut Rumisiel Vashiel ch-29 p-096 Rumisiel: A Donut?
p.2018-06-20 Church Rumisiel Steps Vashiel Vow ch-29 p-095 Vashiel: But for you it shows growth. Took me forever. That’s one reason I had to take the honesty vow.
p.2018-06-19 Church Rumisiel Steps Vashiel ch-29 p-094 Vashiel: Hey there. You look tired.
p.2018-06-18 Ash Emily SchoolRoad Tongue ch-29 p-093 Ash: Why am I even talking about this? I was trying to get one over on YOU. Now suddenly I’m spurting uncomfortable stuff about myself as if you hearing it is some sort of victory on my part.
p.2018-06-15 Ash Emily SchoolRoad Thursday ch-29 p-092 Emily: But… Thursday? I figured the last time would have been before… US was a thing. You have ME for that now.
p.2018-06-14 Ash Emily SchoolRoad Thursday ch-29 p-091 Ash: Well now I feel stupid for having no secrets. Reference to Thursday just passed.
p.2018-06-13 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-29 p-090 Ash: But no each other, right?
p.2018-06-12 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-29 p-089 Emily: You look lost in thought. Should I be worried?
p.2018-06-11 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-088 Ash: Well that… That can’t be bad, right? I mean I can’t get mad at you for saving my friend’s brother’s life…
p.2018-06-09 Emily Filler Angel Emily Pin & Gamga Con advert
p.2018-06-08 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-087 Rumisiel: So nothing? Not under ANY circumstances should I EVER use my powers during a race for ANY reason? Link
p.2018-06-07 Ash Moon Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-086 Rumisiel: I still don’t get why, if he’s cheating, you still feel like you can’t. You’d be amazed at what I can do to help.
p.2018-06-06 Ash Emily Monster RailroadSpike ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-085 Emily: Someone must have put them there deliberately.
p.2018-06-05 Ash Emily Monster RailroadSpike ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-084 Emily: Looks like railroad spikes.
p.2018-06-04 Ash Beach Colour Emily Filler Rumisiel “Summer is here!” also features 6 Gun Mage characters
p.2018-06-01 Ash Emily Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-083 Ash: I’m going to walk it. It’s a useful technique. It should give me a different point of view.
p.2018-05-31 Filler Donation Advert
p.2018-05-30 Ash Emily Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-082 Ash: Shit… It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t mid corner. I have to find a line where I can just do one thing at a time.
p.2018-05-29 Cassiel Monster Rumisiel SchoolRoad ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-081 Cassiel: You know what? Don’t answer that. I know the real reason no one trusts me, and it has nothing to do with me.
p.2018-05-28 Filler Memorial Day 2018
p.2018-05-25 Cassiel Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-29 p-080 Cassiel: I know! We can practice.
p.2018-05-24 Cassiel Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-29 p-079 Rumisiel: PLEEEEEEEASE?
p.2018-05-23 Adam Ash Bull Eagle Emily ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-078 Emily: So much for your non-angel day?
p.2018-05-22 Adam Ash Eagle Emily FeathersBG Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-077 Emily: What’s wrong? That was meant to be a joke. I didn’t mean anything by it.
p.2018-05-21 Ash Emily Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-076 FX: Thunk Thunk
p.2018-05-18 Ash Emily Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-075 Emily: You sure you want to do this? I mean, Dave could be down there waiting and ruin your whole day again.
p.2018-05-17 Ash Cassi Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-29 p-074 Ash: You have permission to exist, but today you are not an angel to me. No boyfriend crap either. You’re just Rumisiel the stupid exchange student to me. This wrong body is a no angel zone.
p.2018-05-16 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-29 p-073 Rumisiel: Actually, I thought of some new places to look…
p.2018-05-15 Ash Bed Edward McArthurRes Rumisiel SchoolRoad UptonHouse ch-29 p-072 Edward Upton: Ahem
p.2018-05-14 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-29 p-071 Emily: Ash… I love you… Never forget that.
p.2018-05-11 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone Tears UptonHouse ch-29 p-070 Emily: It almost sounds like you hate it when we’re together…
p.2018-05-10 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-29 p-069 Emily: Ash… What do you imagine when we’re together; when you close your eyes?
p.2018-05-09 Kickstarter advert
p.2018-05-08 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-29 p-068 Emily: Either. I just hate hiding us. It feels wrong. But the alternative terrifies me. I feel like we’re screwed either way and I hate how unfair the whole thing is.
p.2018-05-07 Ash Emily McArthurRes Moon Phone UptonHouse ch-29 p-067 Emily: I just wanted to warn you, I’m not sure my mom was QUITE as convinced by my misdirection earlier today as I may have let on…
p.2018-05-05 Kickstarter advert
p.2018-05-04 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-29 p-066 Ellen McArthur: Well, you may not be, but Ash…
p.2018-05-03 Kickstarter advert
p.2018-05-02 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-29 p-065 Ellen McArthur: You know I can’t even imagine not having grandchildren one day. You’d have such beautiful children.
p.2018-05-01 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-064 Rumuisiel: I’m jumping on the bed. You don’t have a head board to bang on the wall so it’s the best way to make it sound like we’re doin’ it in here. You may want to make some little muffled screams too. You know, to set your dad’s mind at ease.
p.2018-04-30 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-063 Ash: Well, he thinks I’m gay, or a lesbian or whatever.
p.2018-04-27 Angel Ash Cassiel Files Missi Rumisiel Sword UptonHouse Vashiel XR4Ti Kickstarter advert
p.2018-04-26 Ash LightSwitch Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-062 Rumisiel: Why are you sitting in the dark?
p.2018-04-25 2001 Ash Edward Silhouette UptonHouse ch-29 p-061 Edward: You’d tell me though, right?.
p.2018-04-24 Ash Edward Headlights Horns UptonHouse ch-29 p-060 Edward: What about in front of Emily’s mother?.
p.2018-04-23 Ash Edward Missi Rumisiel TrashCan UptonHouse ch-29 p-059 Rumisiel: So, your dad is distant, Emily’s is long gone and mine is off the grid. I guess only Ash’s dad is normal.
p.2018-04-20 Missi Rumisiel TrashCan ch-29 p-058 Missi: Kind of a generation gap, huh?
p.2018-04-19 Missi Rumisiel TrashCan ch-29 p-057 Missi: What ‘cha doin’?
p.2018-04-18 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Phone Woods ch-29 p-056 Ash: Anyway, I’m glad you are not super pissed at me. Are you SURE she bought your story?
p.2018-04-17 Ash Emily Woods ch-29 p-055 Emily: Um… Mostly? I mean, I’m good. I’m VERY good. I told her it was Missi’s idea of a joke. She knows I’ve had issues with her and in turn mom doesn’t like her. I said you lost a bet with her and didn’t expect my mom to be home when you did it.
p.2018-04-14 Ash Carkeys Emily Kickstarter Advert
p.2018-04-13 Ash Emily Woods ch-29 p-054 Emily: Ash!
p.2018-04-12 Ash Tears Woods ch-29 p-053 Ash: What did I do? What did I just do?!
p.2018-04-11 Ash Blush EllenMcArthur Emily Kiss McArthurRes ch-29 p-052 Emily: Ash! I, Uh,… What was THAT?
p.2018-04-10 Ash Emily Kiss McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-051 Rumisiel: You want to hit me? Normally when you get like this you want to hit me. If it would help, I’ll take one for the team today
p.2018-04-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-050 Rumisiel: By standing around looking really uncomfortable in clothes your mom is trying to peddle? Who do you think they are selling to, voyeurs? Stalkers? Serial killers?
p.2018-04-06 Ash Blush Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse ch-29 p-049 Rumisiel: Didn’t they also say they hoped you cried? Stop giving them the satisfaction
p.2018-04-05 Ash Blush Period Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse ch-29 p-048 Ash: What’s worse, Rumisiel? Is it how shitty I feel being written off and mocked for just being “some stupid” girl, or that it bothers me so much I am fighting tears despite the fact I’m NOT EVEN a girl?
p.2018-03-30 Ash Cassiel Eggs Emily Filler Missi Rumisiel Happy Easter 2018 “from Misfile and 6Gun Mage”
p.2018-03-26 Ash Missi Rumisiel Woods ch-29 p-041 Rumisiel: I’m hot and thirsty. Why can’t we just drive there?
p.2018-03-23 Ash Ferret Missi Rumisiel School ch-29 p-040 Missi: Ok… Rumisiel’s sudden rodent fetish aside, I’m here to put forward a spy mission!
p.2018-03-22 Ash Ferret Missi Rumisiel School ch-29 p-039 Ash: What’s next? Me looking for Vashiel seemed to work. Why not try the same thing with your dad?
p.2018-03-21 Emily Missi School ch-29 p-038 Missi: Emily? Hey! The gang is over there. Are you blind?
p.2018-03-20 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-29 p-037 Ash: We’re that much closer… Maybe. I mean, it wasn’t what I expected
p.2018-03-19 Ash Cassiel Nosebleed UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-036 Cassiel: … What the heck was THAT?! ‘that’ was an enthusiastic hug from Ash
p.2018-03-16 Ash Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-035 Cassiel: SCORE! I got an apology out of the big, bad angel of vengeance!
p.2018-03-15 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-034 Vashiel: Cassiel… I can’t stand you. The way you’ve acted all the years I’ve known you has been utterly horrid despite any mitigating circumstances. However…
p.2018-03-14 Ash AshMale Filler Mirror Memories fade but the feeling of wrongness feels the same…
p.2018-03-13 Ash Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-033 Rumisiel: […] I even took a little nap just before we met. I mean, I had to let you wake up and all…
p.2018-03-12 Ash Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-032 Cassiel: Wakey. Wakey.
p.2018-03-09 Ash Filler ShoulderAngel Ash & shoulder angels
p.2018-03-08 Ash Cassiel Sleepover UptonHouse ch-29 p-031 Cassiel: Hey, that was about Rumisiel, not you. It was just sex. It’s not like I wouldn’t have followed through, and trust me, it would have been awesome for you
p.2018-03-07 Ash Cassiel UptonHouse ch-29 p-030 Ash: I’d love too score some points in your nice game and say I care about you, but it might actually affect me more than you know.
p.2018-03-06 Ash Cassiel Cricket UptonHouse ch-29 p-029 Cassiel: What are YOU doing up?
p.2018-03-05 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-028 Vashiel: …I’m sorry
p.2018-03-02 Cassiel Rumisiel Sword UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-027 Vashiel: Don’t play innocent! What about the way you treat Ash?
p.2018-03-01 Cassiel Sword Tears UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-026 Vashiel: And she shows her true colors. This is a private conversation.
p.2018-02-28 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-025 Vashiel: … You make a compelling argument
p.2018-02-27 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-024 Rumisiel: So… Just us, huh?
p.2018-02-26 Ash Rumisiel Sword UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-023 Ash: Look, he hasn’t really explained anything. He explained it to me and he has a point. Give him time to convince you.
p.2018-02-23 Ash Rumisiel Sword UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-022 Vashiel: Wow… That must have taken a lot of courage. I’m very proud of you!
p.2018-02-22 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-021 Vashiel: Are you two getting married?!
p.2018-02-21 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-020 Ash: Ok. I’m here. I’m fully dressed. And… What can I say? Vashiel is back. I… never thought this would work
p.2018-02-20 Ash Rumisiel Toilet UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-019 Ash: WAIT!
p.2018-02-19 Ash Nosebleed Rumisiel Toilet UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-018 Ash: I’m sort of pre-occupied in here!
p.2018-02-17 Ash Filler Monster ShoulderAngel Misfile Art Auction
p.2018-02-16 Moon Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-017 Rumisiel: …Vashiel! This is, like, the exact oppositeof how it was the first time you showed up here!
p.2018-02-15 Moon Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-29 p-016 Rumisiel: Why do I bother? I can’t find Vashiel. I don’t even know how. Even if I do I sure don’t know how to find dad.
p.2018-02-14 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-29 p-015 Ash: Besides I feel like a jerk for thinking those kinds of things about people
p.2018-02-12 Ash Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX XR4Ti ch-29 p-014 Emily: Good for you! I think you made the right choice. No one likes being spied on
p.2018-02-09 Ash DAngeloHouse DaveDAngelo Monster ShoulderAngel ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-013 Angel Ash: Drive on! You wouldn’t want him spying on YOU!
p.2018-02-08 Ash DAngeloHouse DaveDAngelo Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-012 Ash: His house is at the end of this thing somewhere, right?
p.2018-02-07 Ash Monster ThreshingStreet ch-29 p-011 Ash: Shit!
p.2018-02-06 Cassi Emily Rachel Rumisiel School ch-29 p-010 Cassi: I mean I’ve spent so long hating you, trying to ruin you, destroy you. I even did come research on how to kill you.
p.2018-02-05 Cassi Emily Rachel Rumisiel School ch-29 p-009 Rachel: Seriously though, are you… ok?
p.2018-02-02 Emily Rachel School ch-29 p-008 Emily: See? It doesn’t work
p.2018-02-01 Emily Rachel School ch-29 p-007 Emily: Don’t change. Don’t be you
p.2018-01-31 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-29 p-006 Rumisiel: So, you tell the whole crew about your impending race?
p.2018-01-30 Ash Rumisiel School ch-29 p-005 Ash: What an I doing? Vashiel’s not going to be in a locker. I feel like an idiot
p.2018-01-29 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-29 p-004 Emily: Look the point is you don’t know the answer and there is no way to find out, so don’t worry too much about it
p.2018-01-26 Ash Emily Pin SchoolRoad ch-29 p-003 Emily: How many can dance on the head of a pin?
p.2018-01-25 Angel Ash Dream Dress Vashiel ch-29 p-002 Vashiel: It’s your dream. At very least it’s how you assume I see you
p.2018-01-24 Angel Ash Dream Vashiel ch-29 p-001 Ash: You’re floating in an endless void, stupid. Of course you’re dreaming
p.2018-01-23 Ash Colour Cover Tire ch-29 p-000 Chapter 29
p.2018-01-22 Ash Bird Emily McArthurRes Night Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-112 [Three sleeping beauties and two views of a white bird of prey]
p.2018-01-19 Ash Rumisiel Towel UptonHouse ch-28 p-111 Ash: It had to come off eventually
p.2018-01-18 Filler Birthday filler Chris is 42…
p.2018-01-17 Ash Rumisiel Towel UptonHouse ch-28 p-110 Rumisiel: I’m being serious!
p.2018-01-15 Ash Rumisiel Towel UptonHouse ch-28 p-109 Ash: How longh will it take you to learn not to enter without knocking? I’m basically naked here
p.2018-01-12 Emily Homework McArthurRes ch-28 p-108 Emily: “Happy Anger?” Seriously?
p.2018-01-11 Ash Emily Phone ch-28 p-107 Emily: So… Ash is a girl, sad anger? Ash hates some guy he just met, happy anger?
p.2018-01-10 Ash Emily Moon Phone Shower ch-28 p-106 Ash: Hello Emily? What’s up? I was just about to wash off a day’s worth of accumulated Dave’s road grime
p.2018-01-09 Ash Emily Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-105 Ash: Somebody get in. We’re driving up and down this road all afternoon and we’re making it loud
p.2018-01-08 Ash Cigarette DaveDAngelo Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-104 Ash: What are you doing?
p.2018-01-05 Ash Cigarette DaveDAngelo Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-103 Ash: What are you spying on me? You trying to psych me out?
p.2018-01-04 Ash Monster ThreshingStreet Washout ch-28 p-102 Ash: There’s the washout. I have to be ahead of him by here
p.2018-01-03 Emily Homework Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-101 Emily: Wow… That’s… Pretty slow…
p.2018-01-02 Ash Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-100 Ash: I can’t have you back there with no seat. I shouldn’t have even let you sit there on the way
p.2018-01-01 Ash Emily Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-099 Missi: This is beginner stuff. It shouldn’t need explaining
p.2017-12-29 Ash Emily Monster ch-28 p-98 Emily: The car feels different. I don’t know… Higher?
p.2017-12-28 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-28 p-097 Emily: So what’s with this new road? Are you keeping a racing secret from me?
p.2017-12-27 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-096 Rumisiel: I… uh, already did talk to Emily
p.2017-12-26 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-095 Ash: At the current rate we’re going I’ll be ninety before you fix things. I probably won’t even live that long. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but even if it is a long shot it may be time to start throwing hail Mary passes.
p.2017-12-25 Ash Filler Kylie Christmas 2017
p.2017-12-22 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-094 Rumisiel: I’m… I’m trying to think about other people… But it is complicated.
p.2017-12-21 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-093 Rumisiel: Look, I’ve got MY shirt off. We can just be two dudes sitting around shirtless trying to get cool
p.2017-12-20 Ash Moon Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-092 Ash: I see you there at the door, you know. I’m still awake. Too hot to sleep. Come on in
p.2017-12-19 Cassiel Moon Rumisiel Woods ch-28 p-091 Cassiel: Wha… You… You’re actually DOING that?
p.2017-12-18 Cassiel Moon Rumisiel Woods ch-28 p-090 Rumisiel: Ugh! This is pointless. Humans can just ask at the sky and expect a response but an actual angel just wants to find another one and we have ZERO infrastructure
p.2017-12-15 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-28 p-089 Missi: We both think that, but I still wonder. I’m not saying we should try, or that it was the wrong decision. I’m just curious
p.2017-12-14 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-28 p-088 Ash: Now that’s a good days work
p.2017-12-13 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-087 Rumisiel: What about brothers? You got any experience with brothers
p.2017-12-12 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-086 Rumisiel: Look. Ignore everything I’ve said so far. Have you ever done anything wrong?
p.2017-12-11 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-085 Edward: You live in this house. There’s really no need to knock just to come into the kitchen
p.2017-12-08 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-28 p-084 Ash: So you’re saying if I was a guy, this whole friendship and mentor thing wouldn’t be a thing
p.2017-12-07 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-28 p-083 Missi: Truth be told though… That’s part of why I like you so much. You’re so confident. You don’t flaunt what you’ve got. You don’t take the easy way out. You’re kind of my best female role model
p.2017-12-06 Filler [snowy, military camping scene]
p.2017-12-05 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-28 p-082 Missi: How do you have special tires for this? You are always claiming to be broke! I call bullshit…
p.2017-11-30 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-28 p-079 Missi: I’ve got a book from Tom’s collection. It should have everything we need to get your car ready for dirt.
p.2017-11-29 Emily McArthurRes Molly Rumisiel ch-28 p-078 Emily: No. I considered that, but that’s not it. I was thinking about when I was in middle school and the rich girls found out my mom cleaned houses for a living.
p.2017-11-28 Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-28 p-077 Emily: An apology? For what?
p.2017-11-27 Emily EmilyMD McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-28 p-076 Rumisiel: I don’t even know if you CAN help, I just…
p.2017-11-24 Ash Emily McArthurRes Moon Phone Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-075 Emily: Wait. You need MY help with your car?
p.2017-11-23 Filler Rumisiel Thanksgiving 2017
p.2017-11-22 Ash Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-074 Ash: Looks like it turns to dirt up there too. May need to make some tire and suspension changes
p.2017-11-21 Ash Missi Monster ThreshingStreet Washout ch-28 p-073 Ash: There’s a process to it, a science, you know? This isn’t a video game. I have to learn every corner, every curve
p.2017-11-20 Ash Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-072 Missi: You’ve suddenly got so much energy. People should insult you more often
p.2017-11-17 Filler Con attendance
p.2017-11-16 Ash Missi Monster ThreshingStreet ch-28 p-071 Ash: That is narrow. No center line. Even two cars going in opposite directions would have a hard time keeping all tires on the road.
p.2017-11-15 Ash Missi Monster ch-28 p-070 Missi: What are you doing?
p.2017-11-14 Ash DaveDAngelo Diner Greene Missi ch-28 p-069 Ash: My driving? I will whup your ass any time, any place, anyhow. I’m Tempest’s King of the Mointain, ass face.
p.2017-11-13 Ash DaveDAngelo Diner Doug Greene Missi ch-28 p-068 Ash: Wait. “My place?” What the hell does that mean?
p.2017-11-10 Ash DaveDAngelo Diner Doug Greene Missi ch-28 p-067 Missi: Hey, guys. Could you let me know if we’re, like, covered in ranch dressing or something?
p.2017-11-09 Ash Diner Greene Missi ch-28 p-066 Ash: Enough memories for one day?
p.2017-11-08 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-28 p-065 Cassiel: I already said I have your back. Do NOT ask me for anything else
p.2017-11-07 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-28 p-064 Cassiel: What, did one of you friends say something mean or push you away? Did one of the dozen people who hang out with you at that school not save you a seat?
p.2017-11-06 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-28 p-063 Rumisiel: You know, regular people are going to wonder how you got up there
p.2017-11-03 Emily McArthurRes Pool Rumisiel Swim ch-28 p-062 Emily: You’re thinking about consequences, maybe about other people? Those are good things
p.2017-11-02 Emily Hose McArthurRes Pool Rumisiel Swim ch-28 p-061 Rumisiel: Ah! Wow… It’s a HOSE! I’m glad it’s a hose. For a second I thought I’d made a second misfile
p.2017-11-01 Ash EmptyLot Greene HotPants Missi Monster ch-28 p-060 Missi: Sounds good… But… First… Can I slide across the hood of your car and jump in through the window? I mean, I wore hot pants and all…
p.2017-10-31 Colour Filler Hallowe’en 2017
p.2017-10-30 Ash Donut EmptyLot Greene Missi Monster ch-28 p-059 Ash: To be honest I can sort of see why Tom was on you about being careful… Why don’t we try grip before slip. It’s sort of what this drive train was designed for
p.2017-10-27 Ash Donut EmptyLot Greene Missi Monster ch-28 p-058 Ash: Ok. This place has been empty for years. We should be good to go. Now if you just apply a little pressure to the gas while…
p.2017-10-26 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-28 p-057 Missi: But you STILL owe me. I’ll cancel ALL debts if you do this for me
p.2017-10-25 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-28 p-056 Missi: Pleeeeeaaaase?
p.2017-10-24 Ash Bed Missi Pyjamas Sleepover UptonHouse ch-28 p-055 Missi: I wanna drive your car today!
p.2017-10-23 Ash Doorstep James Missi Pyjamas Rumisiel UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-054 James: Well if you want to play hide and seek I think I we can make that happen
p.2017-10-20 Ash James Missi Pyjamas UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-053 Ash: You’ve both seen more of me than I show most people, but that doesn’t make me a “thing”. I’m standing right here.
p.2017-10-19 Ash Blush James Missi Pyjamas ShockBG UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-052 Missi: So you… And him… / But I thought I was your first!
p.2017-10-18 Ash Boobies James Missi Pyjamas ShockBG UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-051 Missi: All you men are a paradox. You are all about boobs until we want to have an honest to goodness conversation about them, then suddenly you are all hush hush
p.2017-10-17 Ash Blush Boobies James Missi Pyjamas Trap UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-050 Missi: That’s BS. James, we need an outsider’s opinion. Ash’s rack, or my rack? Don’t think about it. Just answer. ‘Boobies’ is all talk… almost
p.2017-10-16 Ash Boobies James Missi Pizza Pyjamas UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-049 James: How are you both out eating me? ‘Boobies’ is all talk…
p.2017-10-13 Emily McArthurRes Moon Rumisiel ch-28 p-048 Rumisiel: Now I wonder if you were really happy before, and if changing anything back again might make you happy again, even if it is not your file
p.2017-10-12 Emily McArthurRes Moon Rumisiel ch-28 p-047 Emily: So what’s the deal?
p.2017-10-11 Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel Window ch-28 p-046 Rumisiel: Look, I just realised I spend so much time dealing with Ash about everything that we, you and I, haven’t really talked much lately.
p.2017-10-10 Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel Window ch-28 p-045 Emily: GHUUUH! What are you…
p.2017-10-09 Ash Burn Lingerie Missi Pyjamas UptonHouse Wager Wash ch-28 p-044 Missi: Look… I know you and Emily are a thing. I’m just playing. I know this won’t go anywhere…Just promise me you won’t forget me, ok? Lingerie reference (presumed…)
p.2017-10-06 Ash James Missi Pizza Pyjamas UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-043 Missi: So… A deal is still a deal, right?
p.2017-10-05 Ash Cloud James Missi Pyjamas UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-042 Ash: I don’t like them, something feels… Off
p.2017-10-04 Ash Blush James Missi Pyjamas UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-041 Missi: You comfortable? You ready for the show?
p.2017-10-03 Ash Missi UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-040 Ash: You really think you’re going to find something in MY drawers?
p.2017-10-02 Ash GasCard James Missi UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-039 Ash: Wait… A double loss? You’re not seriously going to hold me to…
p.2017-09-29 Ash Crash GTPrimeGame James Missi UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-038 Missi: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
p.2017-09-28 Ash GTPrimeGame Missi UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-037 Ash: How are you…
p.2017-09-27 Ash GTPrimeGame James Missi UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-036 James: Ok, remember, you’re in “separate cars”. No touching each other. No verbal taunting. Any crash counts as a loss.
p.2017-09-26 Ash GTPrimeGame James Missi UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-035 Missi: Wait… Why a Subaru?
p.2017-09-25 Ash GTPrimeGame James Missi Pyjamas Sleepware UptonHouse Wager ch-28 p-034 Ash: No. Back me up, James. Without the opening in the front they’re not REALLY boxer shorts. Ergo they are pyjamas. Prosecution, your witness.
p.2017-09-22 Ash GTPrimeGame James Missi Pyjamas Sleepware UptonHouse ch-28 p-033 Ash: There. This is far more comfortable. Who wants to race?
p.2017-09-21 James Missi UptonHouse ch-28 p-032 James: So, um, does that mean you’re…
p.2017-09-20 Ash GraduationRobe James Missi UptonHouse ch-28 p-031 Ash: Yeah… We just did this. I’m going to put some clothes on.
p.2017-09-19 Ash GraduationRobe James Missi UptonHouse ch-28 p-030 Missi: Nah. It’s ok. I’ll work it into a threesome. Before you ask, yes, I’m kidding. I don’t share well in bed.
p.2017-09-18 Ash GraduationRobe James UptonHouse ch-28 p-029 Ash: Ok, it’s funny, but not THAT funny
p.2017-09-15 Ash GraduationRobe James Therapist UptonHouse ch-28 p-028 James: He didn’t… Take advantage, did he?
p.2017-09-14 Ash GraduationRobe James Therapist UptonHouse ch-28 p-027 James: No. You’re still my friend. But I would say that I think you were happier then
p.2017-09-13 Ash GraduationRobe James UptonHouse ch-28 p-026 Ash: Would it hurt you if I said I wasn’t that Ash any more, if I didn’t even know what it was like to be that Ash anymore?
p.2017-09-12 Ash GraduationRobe James UptonHouse ch-28 p-025 James: Look at that collar. The neck line is open. If you are not wearing a shirt it’s a dead givaway.
p.2017-09-11 Ash GraduationRobe James UptonHouse ch-28 p-024 James: Are you naked under that thing?
p.2017-09-08 Ash GraduationRobe James Missi UptonHouse ch-28 p-023 Ash: Jeeze, Missi. You’re early I thought you weren’t…
p.2017-09-07 Ash GraduationRobe Missi School UptonHouse ch-28 p-022 Ash: Well, now I feel crappy. Suddenly I’m the root of all this depression. Look. Stop by tonight. We… Do… Something, just you and me
p.2017-09-06 Ash Missi OldRoad School ch-28 p-021 Ash: Why are you staring? Are you imagining me naked under a graduation robe?
p.2017-09-05 Ash Missi School ch-28 p-020 Missi: Tom didn’t. He didn’t wear anything underneath. He said, like half his class didn’t. Even if he was exaggerating there had to be a bunch
p.2017-09-04 Ash Missi School ch-28 p-019 Missi: You you going to wear anything under your robe?
p.2017-09-01 Cassi Rumisiel School Toilet ch-28 p-018 Rumisiel: Uh… You aren’t looking at me anymore… Is that good or bad?
p.2017-08-31 Cassi Rumisiel School Toilet ch-28 p-017 Cassi: Don’t! Don’t you dare…
p.2017-08-30 Cassi Rumisiel School Toilet ch-28 p-016 Cassi: You LOST IT?!
p.2017-08-29 CFS5 Cassi Key PissBoy Rumisiel School Toilet ch-28 p-015 Cassi: You, piss boy! / Shake it off and scram!
p.2017-08-28 CFS5 Cassi Key Rumisiel Satan School ch-28 p-014 Cassi: Well now… That’s a little self-important. Why would a nobody like you think that? mention of Key to 5th Branch; and Satan
p.2017-08-25 Cassi Kowtow Rumisiel School ch-28 p-013 Cassi: Well, clearly you are in a bad place, so… No
p.2017-08-24 Ash Emily Hand Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-28 p-012 Ash: So you’re…
p.2017-08-23 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-28 p-011 Ash: Does it? Does it really , or does it just distract you? I’m always worried that one day you’ll just explode with resentment and it will be my fault
p.2017-08-22 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-28 p-010 Rumisiel: What about my hand?
p.2017-08-21 Colour Eclipse Filler Silhouette Enjoy the Eclpise / View it safely
p.2017-08-18 Ash Emily GraduationRobe SchoolRoad UptonHouse ch-28 p-009 Ash: It’s my graduation robe… Please don’t be depressed
p.2017-08-17 Ash Doorbell Emily Package UptonHouse ch-28 p-008 Emily: Is that for you? What did you get?
p.2017-08-16 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-007 Ash: You losing your memory now? Your stupid recorder has been gone for a while now
p.2017-08-15 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-006 Ash: Putting on some clothes. I don’t do “casual naked”… And stop watching. It’s creepy.
p.2017-08-14 Ash Bed Cassiel Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Window ch-28 p-005 Rumisiel: Look, so long as you’re here, I want to talk angel stuff. Ash, Emily, could you give us some privacy for a moment.
p.2017-08-10 Ash Bed Cassiel Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Window ch-28 p-004 Cassiel: And to think I came here to out-nice you. Now I’m just pissed off!
p.2017-08-09 Bed Cassiel Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-28 p-003 Emily: Awkward as this may be… You looked pretty worried. Was something the matter?
p.2017-08-08 Ash Bed Blush Emily Rumisiel Sleepover UptonHouse ch-28 p-002 Rumisiel: Ash! Ash, I…
Voice: Take up the Angel’s burden…
Send forth thy host on wings…
Go send they sons to exile…
See what thy power brings…
See The White Man’s Burden —Kipling
p.2017-08-04 Ash CokeCan Colour Cover Emily ch-28 p-000 Chapter 28
p.2017-08-03 Ash Emily Kiss UptonHouse ch-27 p-106 Emily: I guess… I guess it’s something I’ll never really understand
p.2017-08-02 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-27 p-105 Ash: I could stop by. It’s much less creepy for me to come hang out with high school girls after graduation no that I’m not sporting… you know
p.2017-08-01 Ash Emily Moon UptonHouse ch-27 p-105 Emily: I’m going to miss this…
p.2017-07-31 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-104 Emily: Hello? Am I interrupting?
p.2017-07-28 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-103 Ash: Cassiel? You asked the Queen of Fail for help?
p.2017-07-27 Emily Rachel School ch-27 p-102 Rachel: Yo, Emily. Eating alone? Where’s your other half? reference to a ‘graduation meeting thing’ for Ash
p.2017-07-26 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-27 p-101 Rumisiel: You’re about half an inch from losing it completely. You NEED what I’m offering
p.2017-07-25 BowlingAlley Cassiel Rumisiel Spa Woods ch-27 p-100 Cassiel: Why on earth should I help you?
p.2017-07-24 Rumisiel Woods ch-27 p-099 Rumisiel: Vashiel! Vash!
p.2017-07-21 Ash Emily School ch-27 p-098 Ash: Don’t say stuff like that in public…
p.2017-07-20 Ash Emily School ch-27 p-098 Ash: That last worry is the worst kind of worry, because unlike the other bits that directly involve me there’s nothing I can think of to do to even affect that last one
p.2017-07-19 Ash Emily School ch-27 p-097 Emily: Hey. That is a worried Ash brow
p.2017-07-18 Ash Bed Cassi UptonHouse ch-27 p-096 Ash: WAIT! Before you go… Rumisiel tole me some really… Heavy stuff is going down with the filing… If I promise not to…
p.2017-07-14 Ash Bed Breakfast Cassi UptonHouse ch-27 p-095 Ash: … Is that… supposed to be toast?
p.2017-07-13 Ash Ladder Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-094 Ash: There you go, thinking again. Always seems to lead to trouble, but I’m beginning to see it as a positive development in your character
p.2017-07-12 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-093 Rumisiel: Does that not sound a bit suspicious to you?
p.2017-07-11 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-27 p-092 Ash: My dad giving you a hard time again?
p.2017-07-07 Ash Emily McArthurRes XR4TiModel ch-27 p-091 Ash: Open it
p.2017-07-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-27 p-090 Emily: Come on in. The door is open.
p.2017-07-05 Ash Cassiel Rumisiel ch-27 p-089 Rumisiel: So the Archons go missing and then the guy investigating them being missing disappears and that doesn’t bother you on some level?
p.2017-07-04 Colour Filler Fireworks Rumisiel 4th July 2017
p.2017-07-03 Cassiel Rumisiel ch-27 p-088 Rumisiel: Uh… You knocked down, like, four trees on the way here. It was a pretty easy follow
p.2017-06-30 Cassiel Rumisiel ch-27 p-087 Cassiel: Stupid Ash and her stupid “thank you”…
p.2017-06-29 Ash Cassi School ch-27 p-086 Ash: You helped us, and I KNOW it wasn’t FOR us, but you still deserve thanks
p.2017-06-28 Ash Cassi School ch-27 p-085 Ash: … Everyone keeps saying that … But I’m not the only one who saved the Old Road
p.2017-06-27 Ash Cassi Eponine Rumisiel School Swim ch-27 p-084 Eponine: Clearly SOME people enjoy water safety
p.2017-06-26 Ash Eponine School Swim ch-27 p-083 Ash: This is, I think, my least favorite thing about warm weather
p.2017-06-24 Ash Emily Filler Patreon Rumisiel Banana Hammock
p.2017-06-23 Ash FullerHome ch-27 p-082 Ash: I just… I need to know it’s for you and not for me
p.2017-06-22 Ash FullerHome ch-27 p-081 Emily: What gives?
p.2017-06-21 Ash FullerHome Rumisiel ch-27 p-080 Emily: Huh? Why? I thought you’d want me to…
p.2017-06-19 Ash FullerHome Rumisiel ch-27 p-079 Emily: I AM THE CHAMPION
p.2017-06-16 Ash BinaryBackground FullerHome Rumisiel ch-27 p-078 Rumisiel: That’s not… You tricky bitch!
p.2017-06-15 Ash FullerHome Rumisiel ch-27 p-077 Ash: Look, I’ve spent the last year and a half trying to make things the same; trying to get things back to the way they used to be
p.2017-06-14 Ash FullerHome Rumisiel ch-27 p-077 Rumisiel: Come on. Just ‘cause you got beat by a REAL girl doesn’t mean you’ve got to sulk by the window
p.2017-06-13 Ash Emily FullerHome Rumisiel XTremeRacer ch-27 p-076 Missi: ASH! You came! Rumisiel send you weren’t going to make it
p.2017-06-12 Ash FullerHome Missi ch-27 p-075 Missi: ASH! You came! Rumisiel send you weren’t going to make it
p.2017-06-09 Ash Moon OldRoad ch-27 p-074 Ash: This is familiar. Just me, my car, the road
p.2017-06-08 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel School ch-27 p-073 Rumisiel: Missi is going to try to throw another shindig tonight. You want in?
p.2017-06-06 Ash Rumisiel School ch-27 p-072 Rumisiel: It’s isn’t though. You’ve just got a narrow perspective
p.2017-06-05 Ash Rumisiel School ch-27 p-071 Rumisiel: Earth to Ash. Come in, space cadet
p.2017-06-02 Ash Missi SchoolRoad ch-27 p-070 Missi: Ash, I… I told Emily last night… But it’s harder with you
p.2017-06-01 Ash Missi SchoolRoad ch-27 p-069 Missi: I can’t believe he threw you out… I mean PHYSICALLY picked you up and THREW you out of his room
p.2017-05-31 Ash FullerHome Missi Naked Tom ch-27 p-068 Tom: What the hell, Missi? Are you still four years old? And, Ash, if you wanted to see the goods you could have just asked
p.2017-05-30 Ash FullerHome Missi Underpants ch-27 p-067 Ash: Stop. I never said…
p.2017-05-29 Ash FullerHome Missi ch-27 p-066 Ash: Do not make me empathise with your brother. I’ve gotten way too much crap from him over the years to start trying to understand his motivations now.
p.2017-05-26 Ash FullerHome Missi ch-27 p-065 Ash: Did… You let my Dad know where I was? He has to be freaking out
p.2017-05-25 Ash FullerHome Missi Sleepover ch-27 p-064 Ash: I, uh… Why am I in my underwear?
p.2017-05-24 Ash FullerHome Missi Sleepover ch-27 p-063 Ash: Oh come on. This dream again?
p.2017-05-23 Ash Emily FullerHome Missi Sleep ch-27 p-062 Missi: You know, Ash has a really nice butt from this angle
p.2017-05-22 Ash Cricket Emily FullerHome Missi Moon Sleep ch-27 p-061 Missi: Hey! You two coming back inside or what?
p.2017-05-19 Ash Emily FullerHome ch-27 p-060 Emily: You don’t want to go to the party? We don’t have to go to the party
p.2017-05-18 Ash Emily FullerHome ch-27 p-059 Ash: I hate this body. It intrudes in my life in the most awkward ways in the most awkward moments. Every time I find some calm it’s like “by the way, you’re a GIRL.”
p.2017-05-17 Ash Emily FullerHome Missi Rumisiel ch-27 p-058 Emily: Hey! Ash? You coming in?
p.2017-05-16 Cassiel OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-057 Rumisiel: But… But why would you have any interest in this place?
p.2017-05-15 Cassiel DrPatriciaWarding OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-056 Rumisiel: Who are you?
p.2017-05-13 Ash Colour Filler ShoulderAngel Dakimakura (body pillow case) Kickstarter pledge rewards
p.2017-05-12 Emily Missi OldRoad ch-27 p-055 Missi: Is this it? Is the road saved now?
p.2017-05-11 Ash CarterHughes Cassiel DrPatriciaWarding OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-054 Carter Hughes: It’s everywhere
p.2017-05-10 Ash Colour Filler Misfile, etc, Coloring Book - Kickstarter Advert
p.2017-05-09 Ash CarterHughes Cassiel DrPatriciaWarding OldRoad ch-27 p-053 Rumisiel: Look, science guy… Can I call you science guy? The plant thing, which is totally here, by the way, it’s almost inconsequential
p.2017-05-08 Ash CarterHughes Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-052 Rumisiel: Look, science guy… Can I call you science guy? The plant thing, which is totally here, by the way, it’s almost inconsequential
p.2017-05-05 Ash CarterHughes Emily Missi OldRoad ch-27 p-051 Ash: No, no, no. This IS the spot! Did it die? I don’t see a dead plant!
p.2017-05-04 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-050 Rumisiel: Where is it?
p.2017-05-03 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad XR4Ti ch-27 p-049 Missi: I don’t see anyone that looks official yet…
p.2017-05-02 Acura Ash Emily Missi OldRoad Tom XR4Ti ch-27 p-048 Missi: I made some calls, some invites. Some of it may just have been gossip.
p.2017-05-01 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad XR4Ti ch-27 p-047 Emily: You look nervous
p.2017-04-28 Ash Emily School ch-27 p-046 Ash: Just… Promise not to grow a goatee
p.2017-04-27 Ash Emily School ch-27 p-045 Ash: I’m not… Emily? What are you doing here?
p.2017-04-26 Ash Missi Phone ch-27 p-044 Missi: Houston, we are go
p.2017-04-25 Ash FeminineHygiene Missi Pharmacy Vampire ch-27 p-043 Ash: That’s condoms. What exactly are these supposed to advertize?
p.2017-04-24 Ash FeminineHygiene Missi Pharmacy ch-27 p-042 Notebook: I am a stranger in a strange land. So far the natives do not appear to have noticed me, but as I engage in this commonplace ritual I feel as though I am being watched… judged…
p.2017-04-21 Cassi Cassiel Eponine EponineHome Fern OldRoad OldRoadFlyer ch-27 p-041 Eponine: It’s, like, part of the collective consciousness of this town. Even if it’s always been a little silly to me I’m still part of it, and it’s part of me. I’d feel sad to see it go.
p.2017-04-20 Cassi Cassiel Eponine EponineHome OldRoadFlyer ch-27 p-040 Eponine: It’s a flyer Ash gave me. Apparently someone is trying to buy up and develop the Old Road
p.2017-04-19 Emily HobbyCanyon Nissan240SXModel Rumisiel ch-27 p-039 Emily: A model of my car. I enjoy my car and my car stuff… Most of the time… When we’re not trying to save the road. Not actually stated which car, but the thumbnail picture on the side of the box doesn’t look very like a Mustang
p.2017-04-18 Emily HobbyCanyon Rumisiel ch-27 p-038 Rumisiel: Whatcha doing?
p.2017-04-12 Ash Missi School ch-27 p-034 Ash: You’re… Uh… Kind of in my personal space.
p.2017-04-11 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-27 p-033 EllenMcArthur: Let me finish. I’m just saying I know your mom isn’t always the person you want to talk to, but sometimes, even if you don’t talk, it’s nice to know the option is always there.
p.2017-04-10 EllenMcArthur Emily Fridge McArthurRes Moon ch-27 p-032 Emily: No, Just… Mom, I love you but sometimes I just can’t talk to you about… Everything, you know?
p.2017-04-08 Ash Colour Filler Patreon Phone Nissan: Nissan main switchboard. How may I direct your call? Patreon Bonus Page
p.2017-04-07 Angel Ash Cassiel Cliff OldRoad Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-27 p-031 Rumisiel: I think I found it, the cryptic grandma celery or whatever!
p.2017-04-06 Angel Ash Cliff OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-030 Ash: Let’s just find some of the other spots you went. I don’t know how much time we have
p.2017-04-05 Angel Ash Bird Cliff OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-029 Rumisiel: Are you scared of birds now? What gives?
p.2017-04-04 Angel Ash Cliff OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-028 Ash: In this case I’ll give you a pass. As bad of an idea as this is it’s important to me
p.2017-04-03 Ash Cliff OldRoad Rumisiel ch-27 p-027 Ash: Seriously? This is one of the cliffs you fell down?
p.2017-03-31 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-27 p-026 Ash: I’m just realizing why you two hang out. You’re like the poster child of not growing up.
p.2017-03-30 Ash Emily Missi School YoghurtMelts ch-27 p-025 Ash: What on earth are you eating?
p.2017-03-29 Ash Emily GasPump NewJersey SchoolRoad ch-27 p-024 Ash: Oh, sure, at first. Then there will be laws. You can’t pump your own gas in New Jersey, you know that? Not even if you want to. You think self-driving cars will be any different?
p.2017-03-28 Ash Emily Mirror MushroomCloud SchoolRoad Skynet ch-27 p-023 Ash: I hate giving up autonomy. Where’s the fun in a self driving car. It’s like being stuck in a cab. Have you BEEN in a cab lately? Was it fun?
p.2017-03-27 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-27 p-022 Ash: Fast enough? People walking here, asshole! Close pass by a fast car
p.2017-03-24 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-27 p-021 Emily: What’s to tell? It was boring. That’s why I only did it once. It was just Molly and I ditching.We hid under her house all day trying to keep quiet and I practically got sick from stress
p.2017-03-23 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-27 p-020 Emily: Well, at the very least, I am glad you’re feeling better
p.2017-03-22 Ash Bed Emily Period SchoolRoad UptonHouse ch-27 p-019 Ash: Wow! THAT feels like a million times better. Almost feels like I could take on the world today…
p.2017-03-21 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-018 Ash: Ok… That’s really… I mean, thanks… But on the flip side, you sitting there staring at me all night while I sleep is pretty creepy
p.2017-03-20 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-017 Rumisiel: She went home a while ago. It was late…
p.2017-03-17 Filler Missi Muffin PogoStick Filler: Missi on a pogo stick, eating a muffin
p.2017-03-16 Ash Ashley Dream Dress Emily ch-27 p-016 Ash: Real or not, I’m the one here now. There is no you. Get out of my head
p.2017-03-15 Ash Ashley Dream Dress ch-27 p-015 Ashley: Oh, yes. We need to talk.
p.2017-03-14 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-27 p-014 Emily: Maybe. That girl wouldn’t be you though, so what difference does it make how she would or wouldn’t feel?
p.2017-03-13 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-27 p-013 Ash: I guess what bothered me most was just that I was… Happy
p.2017-03-10 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-27 p-012 Emily: I mean, maybe you’re worried I’m taking the masculine role in the relationship.
p.2017-03-08 Filler Computer Status: DEAD
p.2017-03-07 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-27 p-011 Emily: Ah! That face is a total “yes!”. Do tell!
p.2017-03-06 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-27 p-010 Ash: You’ll get in trouble…
p.2017-03-03 Ash Bed Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-009 Emily: Ash, I’m here because I care. I am really and truly here. Rumisiel said he couldn’t wake you up
p.2017-03-02 Ash Bed Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-008 Ash: Emily? Is school out already? Time flies today… 11:53 shown on the clock
p.2017-03-01 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-007 Ash: I woke up in an ice bath with a nefarious character. I’m checking to make sure I still have my kidneys.
p.2017-02-28 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-006 Rumisiel: No, no, no! Don’t go back to sleep. Get angry! Hit me! Stay with me! The water isn’t even that cold! Are you getting chills now too? Here, let me help you out of there.
p.2017-02-27 Ash Bath Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-005 Rumisiel: You ok, Ash?
p.2017-02-25 Ash Colour Dress Emily Patreon Patreon Bonus: Transformation!
p.2017-02-24 Ash Bath Dream Emily IceCube Kate Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-27 p-004 Missi: Ash, are you ok? Still hot?
p.2017-02-23 Ash Dream Emily Kate Missi Snow ch-27 p-003 Kate: Ash! Get your backpack. Your boyfriend is here
p.2017-02-22 Ash Chicks Dream Kate Missi ch-27 p-002 Kate: Good morning, Ash! I’m afraid you took too long and the eggs I made you for breakfast hatched. You’ll have to catch them if you want to eat
p.2017-02-21 Ash Bed Dream Kate Missi ch-27 p-001 Missi: Get your butt out of bed! It’s time for school!
Book 27
Early Summer ’05 (?)
p.2017-02-17 Ash Bed Rumisiel Thermometer UptonHouse ch-26 p-111 Rumisiel: Ash? Uh… It’s a lot harder to get the chair back upstairs than it was to get it down
p.2017-02-16 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-110 Ash: So… I guess… As long as you are here all day… You can pull up a chair… You know… If you want to hang out with a boring old car guy who…
p.2017-02-15 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-109 Rumisiel: How? I can’t really talk about my past or anything I’ve done. I don’t have much in common with anyone.
p.2017-02-14 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-108 Rumisiel: Friends? I don’t really HAVE any friends there
p.2017-02-13 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-107 Rumisiel: So what’s the plan for the day then?
p.2017-02-10 100 Ash Rumisiel Thermometer UptonHouse ch-26 p-106 Rumisiel: Just over one hundred… why are you smiling?
p.2017-02-09 Ash Bed Flashback Puke StuntPlane Toilet UptonHouse ch-26 p-105
p.2017-02-08 Ash McArthurRes Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-26 p-104 Rumisiel: I think your big “Conspiracy” is that guys like boobs
p.2017-02-07 Ash McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-26 p-103 Ash: Well NOW it doesn’t!
p.2017-02-03 Ash McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-26 p-102 Ash: I… Wha… It’s too tight and hot to do the top buttons! Don’t tell me you…
p.2017-02-02 Ash McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-26 p-101 Rumisiel: You look relieved. I never thought I’d see you being relieved to leave Emily’s house
p.2017-02-01 Ash Emily Fern McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-26 p-100 Emily: Well assuming it is what I think it is AND we can find where it came from and more of it we may have something here
p.2017-01-31 Ash Emily Fern McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-26 p-099 Emily: Fragile Rock-brake “Cryptogramma stelleri”. Status endangered
p.2017-01-30 Ash Fern Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-098 Rumisiel: Well, there’s a fern or something ground into the rug there, but if you mean something useful… probably not.
p.2017-01-27 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-097 Rumisiel: I was… out
p.2017-01-26 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse WhiteRug ch-26 p-096 Ash: Hello? Anyone home? Who the heck left the door open?
p.2017-01-25 Airport Ash Emily Flash ch-26 p-095 Ash: Crap! While I was up there I should have had Jake swing by the Old Road!
p.2017-01-24 Airport Ash Emily ch-26 p-094 Emily: Anyway, I’m sorry. Here I just wanted to help you to relax and have a good time and now you’re wiping puke off your face in a public restroom
p.2017-01-23 Airport Ash Emily ch-26 p-093 Emily: I’m actually guessing it’s not the first time since he seemed to take it pretty well
p.2017-01-20 Airport Ash Emily ch-26 p-092 Emily: I’m sorry. It… Didn’t turn out quite how I expected it to
p.2017-01-19 Airport Ash Emily JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-091 Jake: Well that’s no good! Smile for me! You know how many G’s we just pulled?
p.2017-01-18 Filler Chris’s Birthday
p.2017-01-17 Airport Ash Emily JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-090 Jake: I can only do this for so long before we are in the trees!
p.2017-01-16 Airport Ash JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-089 Ash: <My stomach feels… I… Actually…>
p.2017-01-14 Cassiel Filler Patreon PoliceBox Rumisiel Tardis “The angels have the phonebox…”
p.2017-01-13 Airport Ash JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-088 Jake: Listen to that engine. Don’t get a whine like that in a car, do you?
p.2017-01-12 Airport Ash Emily JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-087 Jake: Comfy back there?
p.2017-01-11 Airport Ash Emily StuntPlane ch-26 p-086 Emily: Give it a chance. I think you’ll like it. It will get your mind off your troubles at the very least.
p.2017-01-10 Airport Ash Emily JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-085 Jake Elliot: It’s not the size. It’s how you handle the stick.
p.2017-01-09 Airport Ash Emily JakeElliot StuntPlane ch-26 p-084 Emily: See that? It’s a stunt plane. It’s like the air equivalent of your car… Well newer I guess.
p.2017-01-06 Airport Ash Emily MileHighClub Nissan240SX ch-26 p-083 Ash: A plane? You can’t afford a plane, You can’t even afford to RENT a plane…
p.2017-01-05 Airport Ash Emily Nissan240SX ch-26 p-082 Ash: We’re quite a way out of town…
p.2017-01-04 Ash Emily Envelope School ch-26 p-081 Emily: TAA-DAAAAAA!
p.2017-01-03 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-080 Rumisiel: You still awake? I’m… Sorry we didn’t find anything
p.2017-01-02 Ash Book Emily OldRoad ch-26 p-079 Emily: Holy crap… Heather is actually human
p.2016-12-30 Ash Emily Heather OldRoad Tears ch-26 p-078 Ash: Haven’t you ever wanted to be part of something that outlasts you?
p.2016-12-29 Ash Heather OldRoad Rumisiel ch-26 p-077 Heather: You’re going about this all wrong.
p.2016-12-28 Ash Emily Heather OldRoad Rumisiel ch-26 p-076 Heather: Oh, no. What’s she doing here?
p.2016-12-27 Ash Heather ch-26 p-075 Heather: Your car. It’s just… Really old not clear which car this is
p.2016-12-26 Ash Emily Heather HeatherHome School ch-26 p-074 Heather: What the hell are you doing here?
p.2016-12-23 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Christmas 2016
p.2016-12-22 Ash Battery Emily Nissan240SX School ch-26 p-073 Ash: You look unusually happy
p.2016-12-21 Cassi Cassiel Key Rumisiel School ch-26 p-072 Cassi: You know I can do anything with that key, right?
p.2016-12-20 Cassi Cassiel Key Rumisiel School ch-26 p-071 Rumisiel: I know you live in a tent. I know you shower in the school locker room.
p.2016-12-19 Filler Moving Day!
p.2016-12-16 ArchonKiller CFS CFS5 Heaven Key ch-26 p-070 Archon Killer: Nothing. Nothing! NOTHING!
p.2016-12-15 Ash UptonHouse ch-26 p-069 Ash: I mean I always knew I wouldn’t be here to drive it someday,
p.2016-12-14 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-068 Rumisiel: It’s kind of a blur now. It was about you and me and sex…
p.2016-12-13 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-26 p-067 Ash: Are you still moping up there?
p.2016-12-12 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-066 Edward: My daughter is a beautiful, wonderful girl. She is a thing of dreams and you are a horny teenager with obvious impulse control issues. So what gives?
p.2016-12-09 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-065 Rumisiel: OH! I haven’t had sex with your daughter, if that helps!
p.2016-12-08 Ash Emily OldRoad WallaceMine ch-26 p-064 Ash: Not a single damn woodpecker
p.2016-12-07 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad Woodpecker ch-26 p-063 Emily: What about the traffic circle in the town center?
p.2016-12-06 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-26 p-062 Emily: And what SHOULD you be dealing with? James? Your dad? Oh, sorry. I’m being silly. The big picture. Being a boy again
p.2016-12-05 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-26 p-061 Emily: Letting it out is good. Acknowledging your emotions is good. You know guys have have hormonal shifts too
p.2016-12-02 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-26 p-060 Emily: It was awful. There was a lump in my stomach the whole time
p.2016-12-01 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-26 p-059 Emily: … I could never be a doctor.
p.2016-11-30 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-058 Rumisiel: Ever since you made me admit my role in your troubles I’ve had the weirdest feeling
p.2016-11-29 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-057 Rumisiel: Ash, am I a terrible person?
p.2016-11-28 Cassiel Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-056 Cassiel: What bothers me is that people like you and your family push me aside and make assumptions about me because of my uncle
p.2016-11-26 AngelAsh Ash DevilAsh Filler Patreon Patreon bonus page: Angel / Devil Ash
p.2016-11-25 Cassiel Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-055 Cassiel: Look, if coming around giving you shit makes you nostalgic I’m only too happy to oblige,
p.2016-11-24 Angel Ash Filler Turkey Thanksgiving 2016
p.2016-11-23 Cassiel Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-054 Cassiel: “Cassi?” Seriously?
p.2016-11-22 Cassiel Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-053 Cassiel: Oooooh. Somebody’s mopey. Here I came to bring you down and something’s already done my job for me
p.2016-11-21 Ash Edward Restaurant215 Thursday ch-26 p-052 Ash: Look, the fact that I’m growing up and able to make the decision to go off on my own and be comfortable wth it is your success, not your failure.
p.2016-11-18 Ash Edward Marie Restaurant215 Thursday ch-26 p-051 Edward: I mean, recently I feel like I’m out of things to provide for you. Your mother got you that job…
p.2016-11-17 Ash Beer Edward Restaurant215 Thursday ch-26 p-050 Edward: I’m not very good at this “fathering” thing am I?
p.2016-11-16 Cancer EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-26 p-049 Ellen: Weeeeell, I was a fairly sexually active teen as you may have figured out, so there was this one time…
p.2016-11-15 Cancer EllenMcArthur Emily June McArthurRes ch-26 p-048 Ellen: How did you… Do I want to know? No. It’s not important
p.2016-11-13 Cancer EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-26 p-047 Ellen: Old taxes and financial statements? Honey, none of those will be relevant for your financial aid that far back…
p.2016-11-11 Ash ChiliCheeseFries James Restaurant215 Thursday Wink ch-26 p-046 Ash: Look I keep thinking I need to fix the awkwardness but I don’t.
p.2016-11-10 Ash Edward James Restaurant215 Thursday ch-26 p-045 Edward: See? Isn’t this nice? Could you pass me the wine list?
p.2016-11-09 Ash Edward James Restaurant215 Thursday ch-26 p-044 James: Good evening
p.2016-11-08 Ash Edward Marie Phone Restaurant215 Thursday UptonHouse ch-26 p-043 Edward: Grab your shoes. We’re going to dinner
p.2016-11-07 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-26 p-042 Marie: This has to be the oddest phone call I’ve ever received
p.2016-11-04 Ash Cigarette Emily OldRoad Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-26 p-041 Rumisiel: There’s some good news and some bad news.
p.2016-11-03 Ash Cigarette Emily OldRoad Plans Rumisiel Surveyor1 Surveyor2 XR4Ti ch-26 p-040 Ash: What the heck is he doing?!
p.2016-11-02 Ash Emily OldRoad Plans Rumisiel Surveyor1 Surveyor2 XR4Ti ch-26 p-039 Emily: Good idea. I can check the library and the town records and see if any paperwork turns up, you could check the local papers, Rumisiel…
p.2016-11-01 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel SUV Surveyor1 Surveyor2 Truck XR4Ti ch-26 p-038 Ash: They can’t… They can’t just do that
p.2016-10-31 Ash Colour Filler Hallowe’en: Ash as Kylie from 6Gun Mage!
p.2016-10-28 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel SUV Surveyor1 Surveyor2 Truck XR4Ti ch-26 p-037 Ash: What the heck is this?
p.2016-10-27 Ash Edward Emily Marie School ch-26 p-036 Ash: I’m just saying I can’t help but feel like my life is filled with a lot more offers and parental incentives since I stopped being the person I still wish I was
p.2016-10-26 Ash Emily School ch-26 p-035 Ash: At least you get a choice. I’m working for my mom in fashion and undergarments whether I like it or not
p.2016-10-25 Ash Emily School ch-26 p-034 Emily: So, a night of awkward for everyone then?
p.2016-10-24 Ash Edward Tears UptonHouse ch-26 p-033 Edward: You’ll always be my daughter. That’ll never change
p.2016-10-22 Ash Colour Emily Moon Patreon XR4Ti Patreon bonus page
p.2016-10-21 Ash Edward James Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-032 Edward: I always kind of figured the two of you would probably get married some day
p.2016-10-20 Ash BubblesBG Edward Flashback James UptonHouse ch-26 p-031 Edward: Well, if you are wondering if I figured out you two had sex the answer is yes…
p.2016-10-19 Ash Bed Edward UptonHouse ch-26 p-030 Ash: Dad? Could we… Talk?
p.2016-10-18 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-029 Rumisiel: You sure you want to know? You didn’t like some of the stuff you already found out
p.2016-10-17 Ash Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-26 p-028 Rumisiel: Is that a motorcycle website? I thought you hated them
p.2016-10-14 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Mustang ch-26 p-027 Ellen: I’m your mom, Emily. I know when something is up. It’s like a superpower
p.2016-10-13 Ash Cafe225 Emily ch-26 p-026 Ash: You ever tell your mom about the misfile?
p.2016-10-12 Ash Cafe225 Emily ch-26 p-025 Ash: Not hungry? Is your mom still… You know… Is she going to be ok? I don’t really know how t talk about stuff like this
p.2016-10-07 Ash Cancer Emily Files Phone TempestHealth UptonHouse ch-26 p-024 Ash: You did what?
p.2016-10-06 Ash Emily Files TempestHealth ch-26 p-023 Emily: Ok, it’s not creepy to run across you own file in here or anything. What’s even in these?
p.2016-10-05 Ash CatCallDriver HappyCones IceCream Rumisiel ch-26 p-022 Ash: I don’t know if I feel good or bad about this
p.2016-10-04 Ash Edward Emily TempestHealth ch-26 p-021 Emily: I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with this
p.2016-10-03 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-26 p-020 Ash: I’ll make it happen
p.2016-09-30 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-26 p-019 Emily: Do I need a reason to visit my boyfriend? I thought you liked spending time with me
p.2016-09-29 Ash Emily Fire UptonHouse ch-26 p-019 Ash: I can’t believe he just left… Should I have lied?
p.2016-09-28 Ash Emily James UptonHouse ch-26 p-018 James: What was wrong with it?
p.2016-09-27 Ash Emily Helmet James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-26 p-017 Emily: So? How was it?
p.2016-09-26 Ash Helmet James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-26 p-016 Ash: Oh, this is awful…
p.2016-09-23 Ash Emily Helmet UptonHouse ch-26 p-015 Emily: If you do it now, even if it sucks of you, it’s done and you can claim to have done it.
p.2016-09-22 Ash Emily Helmet James UptonHouse ch-26 p-014 Emily: Because I want you to at least try being on that motorcycle. Do it for me.
p.2016-09-20 Ash Emily Helmet James UptonHouse ch-26 p-013 Ash: It’s… Terrifying. Motorcycles scare the crap out of me, ok?
p.2016-09-19 Ash Emily Helmet James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-26 p-012 Ash: Well, at least I can always hear him coming now
p.2016-09-16 Ash Emily Rachel Rumisiel School ch-26 p-011 Ash: Look, it’s your life and your habit. Just… Don’t drag me into it, ok?
p.2016-09-15 Ash Blush Emily Rachel Rumisiel School ch-26 p-010 Rachel: Come on… I did a strip tease at your birthday party…
p.2016-09-14 Ash Emily Rachel School ch-26 p-009 Rachel: Hey, hey, you two!
p.2016-09-13 Ash Emily SATprimer School ch-26 p-008 Emily: Something finally trumps your period, huh?
p.2016-09-12 Ash Emily SATprimer School ch-26 p-007 Ash: So… Um… I just realized… You’re going local, right? I mean, I know you don’t KNOW know yet anymore but imagining life with you at school in, like some other state from me…
p.2016-09-09 Ash Emily SATprimer School ch-26 p-006 Ash: “SAT Prep?” Already? It’s still your junior year
p.2016-09-08 Car Cassi FlagPole Rumisiel School ch-26 p-005 Rumisiel: I’m going to rashly assume that was you
p.2016-09-07 Ash Car Cassi Emily FlagPole Rumisiel School ch-26 p-004 Ash: All the interviewers turned out to be aliens and I spent the rest of the dream fighting them to save the planet
p.2016-09-06 Ash Dream Emily Moon MushroomCloud PlanetEarth SchoolRoad Tentacle UFO ch-26 p-003 Ash: All the interviewers turned out to be aliens and I spent the rest of the dream fighting them to save the planet
p.2016-09-05 Ash Dream Emily RaceSuit SchoolRoad ch-26 p-002 Emily: Look, Ash. I appreciate the attention you give my twins, really, but they are not exactly MY thing.
p.2016-09-02 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-26 p-001 Emily: Awww. So you and your dad had a moment?
Book 26
Early Summer ’05 (?)
p.2016-08-31 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-104 Ash: I’m going to say goodnight to my dad. Maybe there will even be hugging.
p.2016-08-30 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-103 Rumisiel: You worried you may have screwed that up? Feeling guilty?
p.2016-08-29 Ash James Photo Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-102 Ash: It’s an old photo of James and me… Although now I’m beginning to realise it’s more like a picture of James and some girl that used to be his best friend that I replaced one day.
p.2016-08-27 Ash Colour Emily Kilt Patreon ch-25 Patreon Bonus: Emily: Wow, Ash… I never thought I’d see you wearing a skirt by choice…
p.2016-08-26 Ash James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-25 p-101 James: *Sigh* Maybe I should take that thing back
p.2016-08-25 Ash James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-25 p-100 Ash: It feels like a hot vibrating machine between my…
p.2016-08-24 Ash James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-25 p-099 Ash: What were you thinking REALLY?
p.2016-08-23 Ash James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-25 p-098 James: Yeah, but it is fast. A ride on the back might change your mind
p.2016-08-22 Ash James JamesBike UptonHouse ch-25 p-097 James: Ash! Check it out! You like it?
[fx: VrroOoooom…]
Ash: Ok, seriously… What kind of jackass…
p.2016-08-18 Ash Emily Rain School ch-25 p-095 Emily: … You know I wasn’t the nicest person to you before all this either
p.2016-08-17 Ash Blush Emily James Rain School TrackTeam ch-25 p-094 Emily: Maybe it didn’t happen now. Remember how it changed with James? Like you said. Relationships between boys and girls are different
p.2016-08-15 Ash DanCreed Emily Flashback School TrackTeam XR4Ti ch-25 p-093 Emily: I thought you were “practicing your drifting” Dan Creed named not shown
p.2016-08-12 Ash Emily Rain School TrackTeam ch-25 p-092 Ash: I didn’t tear up their track with my car for my health
p.2016-08-11 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-091 Ash: Do I? It’s got to be the bathroom. I still feel like an interloper who’s going to be caught; like I’m not supposed to be here
p.2016-08-10 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-090 Emily: Upside? I don’t know. I work harder?
p.2016-08-09 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-089 Ash: I don’t get it. The teacher just … Accepted it as the truth
p.2016-08-08 Ash Rumisiel School Teacher ch-25 p-088 Ash: Again? Seriously? They’ve printed this problem wrong on the last three assignment sheets!
p.2016-08-05 Ash Rumisiel School ch-25 p-087 Rumisiel: She can be SO thick headed! She just won’t get it though her head what a bad idea it is
p.2016-08-04 Cassi Cassiel Fish Rumisiel School Shark ch-25 p-086 Rumisiel: Look on the bright side. If you didn’t think about feeding them until today they’d be dead by now anyway
p.2016-08-03 Cassi Cassiel Fish Hit Rumisiel School ch-25 p-085 Cassi: Where are my fish, Rumisiel?
p.2016-08-02 Ash BubblesBG Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-25 p-084 Ash: … Push me. I’ve got to get a handle on this ‘sleepover’ implied here?
p.2016-08-01 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-25 p-083 Ash: Progress is made
p.2016-07-29 Ash Emily UptonHouse Wardrobe ch-25 p-082 Emily: I wear boys clothes all the time…
p.2016-07-28 Ash Emily UptonHouse Wardrobe ch-25 p-081 Emily: See? You’ve got layered shirts all through here. How did you not notice this already? Oh! This is cute… Can I borrow this?
p.2016-07-27 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-25 p-080 Emily: Yeah, the whole layering fad is kind of a rip off… You don’t sound very angry though. You’re usually angry about stuff like that
p.2016-07-26 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-25 p-079 Ash: This humidity is the worst. I feel like I’m still swimming only without the cooling benefits
p.2016-07-25 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-078 Emily: Anyway, maybe a list isn’t the right idea for you. Try just addressing things as they come up
p.2016-07-23 Ash Filler Patreon Patreon Bonus Page: And now: HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN ASH COSTUME!
p.2016-07-22 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-077 Ash: I wanted to make a list of things I could do to make my life easier instead of being all victim-y but I’m coming up with nothing
p.2016-07-21 Ash HeartBeat Rumisiel Swim ch-25 p-076 Rumisiel: ...... Uh… I was kind of expecting a punch in the face…
p.2016-07-20 Ash Colour DevilAsh Kiss 3,000 Pages
p.2016-07-19 Ash Rumisiel Swim ch-25 p-075 Ash: Never thought I’d say this, but stop mansplaining.
p.2016-07-18 Ash Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel Swim ch-25 p-074 Ash: So YOU clearly love the view
p.2016-07-15 Eyes Naked Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-25 p-073 Emily: Look on the bright side, At least you’re not changing with that body in the boys’ locker room
p.2016-07-14 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-25 p-072 Emily: Um… Not to pry, but that’s, like, the third time you’ve scratched your butt in the last five minutes…
p.2016-07-13 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-071 Rumisiel: Weeeeeeell, there’s some good news and some bad news
p.2016-07-12 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-070 Ash: get your damn shoes on! We’re going to be late!
p.2016-07-11 AshMale Emily McArthurRes Moon ch-25 p-069 Emily: Ash’s eyes…
p.2016-07-08 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-25 p-068 Rumisiel: One last question then. How do you ever know what to come down there for?
p.2016-07-07 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-25 p-067 Rumisiel: But we go into the files all the time!
p.2016-07-06 Cassiel Oversight Rumisiel Woods ch-25 p-066 Cassiel: Why on earth would you want to talk to ME when you’re already feeling down?
p.2016-07-05 Cassiel Rumisiel Woods ch-25 p-065 Rumisiel: Cassiel!
p.2016-07-04 Ash Filler Gun Independence Day Filler 2016
p.2016-07-01 Ash Panties Rumisiel Toilet UptonHouse ch-25 p-064 Rumisiel: Are you, uh, really doing that here while I’m peeing, like right now?
p.2016-06-30 Ash Rumisiel Toilet Towel UptonHouse ch-25 p-063 Ash: Look at me! I mean REALLY look at me! I’m a glitch, Rumisiel. My while life is an error; a lie
p.2016-06-29 Ash Rumisiel Towel UptonHouse ch-25 p-062 Ash: …I don’t want to lose my memories when this is all over
p.2016-06-28 Ash Mirror Rumisiel Shower Towel UptonHouse ch-25 p-061 Rumisiel: What exactly are you expecting to see?
p.2016-06-27 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-25 p-060 Emily: There’s an upside though. I can see both your eyes for once. You do have the most beautiful green eyes
p.2016-06-23 Ash HairSalon HairSalonWorker ch-25 p-058 Hair Workers: There! Do you like it?
p.2016-06-22 Ash HairSalon HairSalonWorker ch-25 p-057 Ash: Believe me, I know change. It’s NOT always fun…
p.2016-06-21 Ash Emily HairSalon ch-25 p-056 Emily: Ash, have you SEEN your hair lately? Just get comfortable and wait for them to call your name
p.2016-06-20 Ash Emily IceCreamStall ch-25 p-055 Emily: Oh, I don’t know. Maybe want to look good for your girlfriend. Wouldn’t know. Look if your barber is being a creep, come with me to my stylist
p.2016-06-18 Ash AshWilliams ChainSaw Colour Edward EvilDead Filler Patreon Shotgun Ash: Dad? Where did my name come from? Was it, like, a family name or…
p.2016-06-16 Ash Blush Emily IceCream IceCreamStall ch-25 p-053 Ash: That’s… Not entirely true
p.2016-06-15 Ash Emily Hug IceCream IceCreamStall Tears ch-25 p-052 Emily: There are philosophies that state we are just the sum total of our memories.
p.2016-06-14 Ash Emily IceCream IceCreamStall ch-25 p-051 Ash: Ice cream? Seriously?
p.2016-06-13 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-050 Emily: Oh… This isn’t just academic, is it?
p.2016-06-10 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-049 Ash: What? Why? What about fighting the good fight?
p.2016-06-09 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-048 Emily: … Uh, no. I choose to get the good grade
p.2016-06-08 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-047 Emily: Anyway, your car is up and running again. Aren’t you supposed to be happy?
p.2016-06-07 Ash Emily School ch-25 p-046 Ash: Test today?
p.2016-06-06 Ash Cassi Cassiel Emily Fish School Water ch-25 p-045 Cassi: Really? You… You’re… Giving me a compliment?
p.2016-06-03 Ash Cassi Cassiel Fish School Water ch-25 p-044 Ash: Who’s “they”?
p.2016-06-02 Ash Fish Missi School Water ch-25 p-043 Missi: Holy crap! You’ve gotta see it! YOU’VE GOTTA SEE IT!
p.2016-06-01 Ash EllenMcArthur McArthurRes Tears Towel ch-25 p-042 Emily: *Sigh*. I’m not going to let this turn into a fight. It happens too often. You’re right about the shirt. I should have thought about it
p.2016-05-31 Ash EllenMcArthur McArthurRes Towel ch-25 p-041 Emily: You’re a bit young to be going senile. We generally call that a “shirt”
p.2016-05-30 Colour Filler Rumisiel Memorial Day 2016
p.2016-05-28 Ash Colour Emily Filler Newspaper Patreon Thief Patreon bonus page: Manual Transmission
p.2016-05-27 Ash Monster UptonHouse ch-25 p-040 Ash: Anyway… All the crap I did… I’m glad I could fix you even with all that. I’d miss you. I’d seriously miss you
p.2016-05-26 Ash Monster Shower UptonHouse ch-25 p-039 Ash: Sometimes I wonder if Aiden was right. You seem… Cars seem more like someones than somethings
p.2016-05-25 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-038 Emily: We going to fix this thing or what? Wouldn’t want my auto shop skills getting rusty
p.2016-05-24 Ash Emily Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-037 Ash: What? I was joking Why would you… You realise it is really a boy ass right? You’re staring at a guy’s ass!
p.2016-05-23 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-036 Rumisiel: That’s a cool breeze. Do you not like it.
p.2016-05-20 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-035 Ash: New part, Greasy engine bay
p.2016-05-19 Ash Cassi Cassiel Chain Emily Eponine Lock School ch-25 p-034 Ash: What gives? Why isn’t anyone going inside?
p.2016-05-18 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-25 p-033 Ash: I don’t really see the irony
p.2016-05-17 Ash Emily Pregnant SchoolRoad ch-25 p-032 Ash: I was pregnant with a screaming baby. It wouldn’t be quiet. Then it invited all its friends in and they were ALL screaming
p.2016-05-16 Ash Dream UptonHouse ch-25 p-031 Ash: No, they can’t come in… There’s not enough room for…
p.2016-05-13 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-25 p-030 Ash: Not as a girl. That would take me places I’m not willing to go. As I guy I always figured I would though
p.2016-05-12 Ash Baby Blush Emily HarryJr Kate KateHouse Moon XR4Ti ch-25 p-029 Ash: Uh, Kate. Your shirt… I don’t think it is buttoned right
p.2016-05-11 Ash Baby Emily HarryJr Kate KateHouse Moon ch-25 p-028 Kate: Oh, wow! I need a picture of this!
p.2016-05-10 Ash Emily KateHouse ch-25 p-027 Emily: And you really think something comparable wouldn’t have happened this year regardless?
p.2016-05-09 Ash Baby BabyBottle Emily HarryJr KateHouse ch-25 p-026 Emily: No. Given the stories about my real dad I’m not sure that is a bad thing.
p.2016-05-06 Ash Baby BabyBottle Emily HarryJr KateHouse ch-25 p-025 Ash: I don’t think I’d be a good dad anyway
p.2016-05-05 Ash Baby BabyBottle Emily HarryJr KateHouse ch-25 p-024 Emily: I don’t know. It’s just… A sweet image. It’s oddly attractive
p.2016-05-04 Ash Baby BabyBottle Emily HarryJr KateHouse ShoulderAngel ch-25 p-023 Ash: Are you kidding? We’re talking Kate here. Even if that isn’t wierd creepy on its own. This is practically the nectar of a she demon. I’d probably sprout wings and horns.
p.2016-05-03 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Advert: Misfile Film
p.2016-05-02 Ash BabyBottle Emily KateHouse ch-25 p-022 Emily: You’re taking this pretty well
p.2016-04-29 Ash Baby Emily HarryJr KateHouse ch-25 p-021 Emily: You’re taking this pretty well
p.2016-04-28 Ash Baby Emily HarryJr KateHouse Pee ch-25 p-020 Ash: He’s wet. So I guess I just… Open it and swap it out?
p.2016-04-27 Ash Bidet Emily KateHouse ch-25 p-019 Ash: Why does the bathroom have a midget sink?
p.2016-04-26 Ash Emily KateHouse ch-25 p-018 Emily: Why is there a random gear knob with the family photos?
p.2016-04-25 Ash Emily KateHouse ch-25 p-017 Emily: He’s asleep. Don’t you want to see the house?
p.2016-04-23 Ash Emily Filler Patreon Patreon Bonus page: Baby-Vision
p.2016-04-22 Ash Emily KateHouse ch-25 p-016 Kate & Harry: Have fun. Not too much fun. We’ll be back before you know it.
p.2016-04-21 Ash Emily JaguarXKR KateHouse XR4Ti ch-25 p-015 Ash: I’m still more afraid of that. It’s like a symbol representing all my defeats
p.2016-04-20 Ash Emily KateHouse XR4Ti ch-25 p-014 Emily: You brought your backpack? That’s unusually studious of you.
p.2016-04-19 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-013 Rumisiel: I said I was sorry, right? I wish You’d let me so more to help out now…
p.2016-04-18 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-012 Rumisiel: You sure you don’t need me the tomorrow?
p.2016-04-16 Ash Colour Filler Pin advert
p.2016-04-15 Ash Baby HarryJr Kate KateHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-25 p-011 Kate: Ash! Little Harry’s new favorite “aunt”. I just ordered your part.
p.2016-04-14 Ash Edward UptonHouse ch-25 p-010 Edward: Ash… Do we… Need to have a talk?
p.2016-04-13 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-25 p-009 Emily: Me? Why did you pick me?
p.2016-04-12 Aries Ash Kate ch-25 p-008 Kate: Ash. I haven’t had sex with my husband in a VERY long time. I need one night, just one night. You get your part. I get my… bell rung. Everybody wins
p.2016-04-11 Aries Ash Kate ch-25 p-007 Kate: There’s the rub. You see, I have a bit of a trust problem. I know you and Harry didn’t get off to the best start…
p.2016-04-08 Aries Ash Harry Kate ch-25 p-006 Kate: *Ahem!*
p.2016-04-07 Aries Ash Harry ch-25 p-005 Ash: I’m… I’m afraid to ask if it is good news
p.2016-04-06 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-004 Rumisiel: There’s always an upside. Just think how fast the next 72 years would fly by in a coma
p.2016-04-05 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-003 Rumisiel: … Is it working?
p.2016-04-04 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-002 Ash: That’s it? No “witty retort”? No offer for a magical head gasket that changes itself for free?
p.2016-04-01 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-25 p-001 Rumisiel: Wow. You look like shit.
Book 25
April / May ’05 (?)
p.2016-03-30 Aries Ash Harry Monster ch-24 p-122 Ash: Are you sure it’s not the electrical or the filters or…
p.2016-03-29 Aries Ash Harry Monster ch-24 p-122 Ash: It stutters worse under load. I checked the filters and the electrical and I couldn’t find anything
p.2016-03-28 Aries Ash Hug Kate Tears ch-24 p-121 Kate: Oh Ash. It’s ok. Don’t make hateful wishes.
p.2016-03-26 Ash Colour Filler Missi Patreon bonus page - Dress Up Ash
p.2016-03-25 Aries Ash Kate Tears ch-24 p-120 Ash: Why can’t I just be a boy?
p.2016-03-24 Aries Ash Baby Harry HarryJr Kate ch-24 p-119 Ash: Ah! It… Smells like bad cheese! It’s everywhere!
p.2016-03-23 Aries Ash Baby HarryJr Puke ch-24 p-118 Ash: I guess if you are not screaming you are not so bad
p.2016-03-22 Aries Ash Baby HarryJr Kate Monster ch-24 p-117 Ash: My engine is running rough and hesitating and I wanted to ask Harry for a second opinion
p.2016-03-21 Aries Ash Baby HarryJr Kate Monster UptonHouse ch-24 p-116 Ash: Shit. I’m NOT imagining it. That is NOT right.
p.2016-03-18 Ash Bra Edward Shorts UptonHouse ch-24 p-115 Ash: Good riddance. I’m not sure whether to just chuck you or burn you
p.2016-03-17 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-24 p-114 Ash: That must be why the necks of all my girl shirts are so much bigger than the necks of all my boy shirts
p.2016-03-16 Ash Emily School ch-24 p-113 Ash: Like… A “bra pocket”? Why didn’t you mention that earlier when we were discussing pockets
p.2016-03-15 Ash Emily School ch-24 p-112 Ash: First of all, you don’t get to pretend to understand anything about my life until you spontaneously sprout a vagina
p.2016-03-14 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-24 p-111 Emily: Wait. I know that face. Why do you look guilty?
p.2016-03-11 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-24 p-110 Ash: No, it was me. It wasn’t intimate, and was totally just a friendly thing but…
p.2016-03-10 Ash Rumisiel School ch-24 p-109 Ash: I’ve got a wierd question. Is, uh… Is hugging cheating?
p.2016-03-09 Angel Colour Filler Sword Vashiel Vashiel
p.2016-03-08 Ash Eponine Hug School ch-24 p-108 Ash: ‘Nine… I just… I don’t know if I have said this enough, or ever really, but…
p.2016-03-07 Ash Bed Colour Emily Filler Hug “Love is…”
p.2016-03-04 Ash Eponine School Sweatshirt ch-24 p-107 Ash: What’s this? I mean, I know it is a sweatshirt, but I don’t get it
p.2016-03-03 Ash Eponine School ch-24 p-106 ’Nine: You ok? You don’t look so good
p.2016-03-02 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-24 p-105 Ash: Well, someone should start a big pockets movement
p.2016-03-01 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-24 p-104 Emily: Don’t worry so much about it. You look fine, butt and all. No one will even notice
p.2016-02-29 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-24 p-103 Emily: Ok, you’re totally checking out your own ass. I Caught you. Don’t deny it
p.2016-02-27 Ash Emily Filler Sea Patreon bonus page: Height
p.2016-02-26 EllenMcArthur Emily FilingTool McArthurRes ch-24 p-102 Emily: Mom? Funny question…
p.2016-02-25 Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-24 p-101 Rumisiel: You should put it in you[r] underwear drawer
p.2016-02-24 Ash FilingTool McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-24 p-100 Emily: Where am I supposed to put it?
p.2016-02-23 Ash FilingTool McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-099 Ash: Look we have to lay down some ground rules for what we do with this thing
p.2016-02-22 Ash Cassi FilingTool Rumisiel School UptonHouse ch-24 p-098 Ash: I think we’re done here. If you want to be analysed, pay a professional
p.2016-02-19 Ash Cassi School ch-24 p-097 Ash: My first guess is “because you’re a raging bitch”
p.2016-02-18 Ash Cassi School ch-24 p-096 Cassiel: I have an important question and you have to promise not to laugh
p.2016-02-17 Ash FilingTool School ch-24 p-095 Ash: You need to keep it where you can protect it!
p.2016-02-16 Ash FilingTool Rumisiel School ch-24 p-094 Rumisiel: Oh, that. I left it on the coffee table at home
p.2016-02-15 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-24 p-093 Ash: … My junk? Why was I naked?
p.2016-02-12 Ash Colour Emily Filler Valentine’s Day 2016
p.2016-02-11 Ash Missi School ch-24 p-092 Missi: I’m trying to imagine you as a boy
p.2016-02-10 Ash Edward Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-091 Edward: What a morning! Wow. I slept like the dead last night. I am SO rested
p.2016-02-09 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-090 Emily: What a relief…
p.2016-02-08 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-089 Emily: Ash? It’s two in the morning! What are you doing here?
p.2016-02-05 FilingTool Moon Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-088 Rumisiel: Vash! Dude, it’s cool! You can totally come back now! … I kind of need some guidance here!
p.2016-02-04 Ash FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-087 Ash: And what if the next one to figure it out is more interested in punitive action?
p.2016-02-03 Ash FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-086 Rumisiel: I can’t … I can’t reabsorb it. I don’t know. He must have done something
p.2016-02-02 Ash FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-085 Filing tool: Adam: “You play the girl so well, Ash. It’s amusing to watch.”
p.2016-02-01 Adam Ash Bird Bull Cat FilingTool UptonHouse ch-24 p-084 Adam: You have a day, a year, ten years or a life time. Haven’t quite made up my mind which yet
p.2016-01-30 Ash Beach Emily Filler Rumisiel Swim Patreon bonus page
p.2016-01-29 Adam Ash Cat FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-083 Adam: All this trifle over such a small thing
p.2016-01-28 Adam Ash Cat Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-082 Ash: Time! It’s all about time!
p.2016-01-27 Adam Ash Cat Heaven Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-081 Ash: I don’t get you! Why tell us all this? Clearly you have your own plan. Is this a game to you? Because it isn’t a game to us!
p.2016-01-26 Adam Ash Cat Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-080 Adam: Please. Let’s discuss what really matters. I know you have the key.
p.2016-01-25 Adam Ash Cat Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-079 Rumisiel: HEY! What’d you do THAT for?!
p.2016-01-23 Adam Donation/Pin Advert
p.2016-01-22 Adam Ash Cat Rumisiel UptonHouse Wrench ch-24 p-078 Ash: You!
p.2016-01-21 Ash UptonHouse Wrench ch-24 p-077 Ash: Something’s not right
p.2016-01-20 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-24 p-076 Ash: If I hope for something that gives me faith in it. Then that faith can be shattered leaving me worse off than before.
p.2016-01-19 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-24 p-075 Emily: Do you think we can actually turn that key thing to our advantage?
p.2016-01-18 Filler Chris turns 40
p.2016-01-15 Cassi Ramael Rumisiel School ch-24 p-074 Cassi: … Incidentally, what is it exactly that you did?
p.2016-01-14 Cassi Rumisiel School ch-24 p-073 Cassi: What’s up, lazy boy?
p.2016-01-13 Ash Emily School ch-24 p-072 Ash: Seventy five frikkin’ dollars. It almost makes me not want to go
p.2016-01-12 Ash Form School Teacher ch-24 p-071 Ash: What is this?
p.2016-01-11 Adam Ash Cake Cat Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-24 p-070 Ash: So… No cakewalk
p.2016-01-08 Ash File Heaven Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-24 p-069 Rumisiel: First I’d have to get, all sneaky like since I’m not allowed
p.2016-01-07 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-24 p-068 Rumisiel: What gives? We could have had this out of our hands and been home free!
p.2016-01-06 Adam Angel Vashiel ch-24 p-067 Adam: Where are you off to at this time of night?
p.2016-01-05 Ash BubblesBG Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-066 Rumisiel: What gives? We could have had this out of our hands and been home free!
p.2016-01-04 Ash Emily FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-24 p-065 Emily: We’re getting off track. The point is we FOUND it. Now we have it… What do we DO with it?
p.2016-01-01 Ash Emily FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-24 p-064 Vashiel: So this is the key to Fifth Branch. Hardly seems like anything.
p.2015-12-31 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-063 Emily: Maybe that’s it then. Maybe instead of looking for something you forgot we should be looking you’ve always known you had but never knew was a key.
p.2015-12-30 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-062 Ash: Why are we looking in my room? Adam already turned this place upside down
p.2015-12-29 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-061 Ash: Why are we looking in my room? Adam already turned this place upside down
p.2015-12-28 Ash Emily Pillow Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-060 Rumisiel: So… You two were pretty close there. If you were gunna kiss or something don’t let me stop you.
p.2015-12-26 Angel Ash Filler Donation pin advert
p.2015-12-25 Ash Filler Ychromosome Christmas 2015
p.2015-12-24 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-059 Rumisiel: Ah, it’s cool. You going to kiss now?
p.2015-12-23 Ash Emily Missi Rain UptonHouse ch-24 p-058 Emily: You can’t be using Missi as a yardstick for normal. I’m betting a lot of those aren’t actual “friend touches”
p.2015-12-22 Ash Emily Rain UptonHouse ch-24 p-057 Ash: Anyway, if I wanted to run my finger from the top of a girl’s head to her toes it’d be like walking through a mine field to not hit a slap zone
p.2015-12-21 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-24 p-056 Ash: I want to ask you a question… Promise you wan’t get mad?
p.2015-12-19 Ash Filler Patreon Ash: For this month’s bonus strip I figured I’d take some reader suggestions
p.2015-12-18 Ash Emily Heaven Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-055 Rumisiel: Cherubim are closer in order to the divine will of the universe than my order. WE created the filing system to help us understand and order it. THEY already have a sort of innate grasp of it
p.2015-12-17 Angel Ash Emily Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-054 Ash: THIS is why you don’t ever get to be part of our plans!
p.2015-12-16 Adam Angel Ash Cat Emily Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-053 Rumisiel: You don’t mess with them. You don’t talk with them. You want something from me? You come to me!
p.2015-12-15 Adam Angel Ash Cat Emily Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-052 Adam: … Your argument has merit. I’m sorry for the problems with your files, whatever they may be.
p.2015-12-14 Adam Ash Cat Emily WallaceMine ch-24 p-051 Ash: Then why are you helping… Whoever you are helping?
p.2015-12-11 Adam Ash Cat Emily WallaceMine ch-24 p-050 Adam: You’re a terrible liar, you know. And I don’t mean you’re a liar and that makes you terrible. I mean you’re very bad at it
p.2015-12-10 Adam Ash Emily WallaceMine ch-24 p-049 Adam: Wouldn’t want everyone upstairs to know that I stumbled on a couple of misfiled humans now would you?
p.2015-12-09 Adam Ash Emily WallaceMine ch-24 p-048 Emily: This job… This is going to be impossible
p.2015-12-08 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-24 p-047 Rumisiel: Where’s Ash?
p.2015-12-07 Ash BubblesBG Emily School ch-24 p-046 Emily: Maybe we’re being too cautious then
p.2015-12-04 Ash Camera Emily Missi School ch-24 p-045 Emily: Look on the bright side. When you finally get your real racing team up and running you’ll already have a publicity person
p.2015-12-03 Ash Camera Emily Missi School ch-24 p-044 Emily: It’s close by. I’ll visit, like all the time. I’ll be your rock
p.2015-12-02 Ash Emily Missi School ch-24 p-043 Missi: And then she came right up the road and right after the whole thing came down!
p.2015-11-30 Adam Ash Cat Emily Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-041 Adam: Fair I suppose. Well then, rather than stand around making things awkward I suppose I’ll take my leave
p.2015-11-27 Adam Ash Cat Missi WallaceMine ch-24 p-040 Missi: It’s ok, Ash. I don’t know who he is but… He sort of just saved my butt
p.2015-11-26 Ash Filler Istambul Rumisiel Rumisiel: What? I thought you said you wanted Turkey for Thanksgiving… Thanksgiving 2015
p.2015-11-25 Adam Ash Cat Emily Missi Monster Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-039 Adam: Well, this is starting too feel familiar. At least you stopped under your own power this time
p.2015-11-24 Adam Ash Cat Emily Missi Monster WallaceMine ch-24 p-038 Ash: This feeling. Is this joy or fear?
p.2015-11-23 Adam Ash Cat Emily Missi Monster WallaceMine ch-24 p-037 Missi: Who are… Where did you come from
p.2015-11-22 Filler Missi Patreon Rumisiel Missi: In my heart I could feel that someone was going over the edge tonight Patreon bonus page: “Missifile”
p.2015-11-20 Adam Cat Emily Missi Monster WallaceMine ch-24 p-036 Adam: In my heart I could feel that someone was going over the edge tonight
p.2015-11-19 Camera Emily Missi Monster WallaceMine ch-24 p-035 Missi: GOTTA get this!
p.2015-11-18 Ash Monster Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-034 Ash: So… Frikkin’ Awesome…
p.2015-11-17 Adam Ash Camera Cat Emily Missi Monster WallaceMine ch-24 p-033 Missi: What are you looking at?
p.2015-11-16 Adam Camera Cat Emily Missi Moon WallaceMine ch-24 p-032 Missi: You’ve gotta stop grabbing my camera every time they get to the most exciting bits
p.2015-11-13 Ash Monster Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-031 Ash: This dirt is even looser than my practice track…
p.2015-11-12 Ash Monster Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-030 Ash: You ready for the ride of your life?
p.2015-11-11 Ash Camera Missi Monster Rumisiel WallaceMine ch-24 p-029 Rumisiel: No sign of our “new friend”. Where do you want me?
p.2015-11-10 Ash Camera Emily Missi Monster WallaceMine ch-24 p-028 Missi: Camera check!
p.2015-11-09 Ash BubblesBG Emily Hug Monster UptonHouse ch-24 p-027 Ash: Emily? Hey. What are you doing here at this time of …
p.2015-11-06 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-026 Emily: This is… This is how Ash feels all the time, isn’t it?
p.2015-11-05 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-025 Emily: No. No, wait. This… I can’t just keep digging a deeper hole like this. I’m not gay, ok? That was it. That was the whole point of this.
p.2015-11-04 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-024 Ellen: You seemed pretty intent on some male attention the other day. That’s the number for the son of a colleague of mine. Bit of a pretty boy, but SO smart. You could do worse.
p.2015-11-03 Adam Cat Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-023 Adam: I’ve met them, you know. … And I know something you don’t know. I have a secret…
p.2015-11-02 Adam ArchonKiller Bird Bull Cat Key ch-24 p-022 Archon Killer: Have you found it?
p.2015-10-30 Ash Emily Rumisiel Vashiel ch-24 Halloween filler Star Wars theme with characters from 6 Gun Mage
p.2015-10-29 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-24 p-021 Ash: Why does this camera thing bother me more than that damn angel
p.2015-10-28 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-24 p-020 Emily: I don’t think you are the first girl to be weirded out by inappropriate camera use… Sorry… For calling you a girl
p.2015-10-27 Ash Camera Missi School ch-24 p-019 Missi: I’m testing my camera and my mad camera skills
p.2015-10-26 Ash DirtRoad Emily Monster ch-24 p-018 Emily: Accepted. So… Do we keep driving or is your heart still in it right now?
p.2015-10-24 Ash Cherubim Colour Filler Rumisiel Seraphim Rumisiel: I’ve had lots of questions about the different kinds of angels lately! Patreon bonus page
p.2015-10-23 Ash DirtRoad Emily Monster ch-24 p-017 Ash: Well… He gets more surreal every time we meet?
p.2015-10-22 Adam Ash Cat DirtRoad Emily Monster ch-24 p-016 Adam: There. Was that so hard? Keep an eye out will you? Still love the car, by the way. It’s like me, made up of parts
p.2015-10-21 Adam Ash Bird Bull Cat ch-24 p-015 Adam: Our name is Adam. We are cherubim. I am here for Rumisiel’s Key. That is both what and why.
p.2015-10-20 Adam Ash Cat DirtRoad Emily Monster ch-24 p-014 Emily: Could we take it back a step? Who ARE you?
p.2015-10-19 Adam Ash Cat DirtRoad Monster ch-24 p-013 Ash: … You! What are you doing here?
p.2015-10-16 Adam Ash Bull DirtRoad Emily Monster ch-24 p-012 (a bull appears on the dirt road).
p.2015-10-15 Ash DirtRoad Emily Monster ch-24 p-011 Ash: It’s nowhere special. It’s a loose dirt road. I can’t practice for the course I don’t want to crash on AT the course I don’t want to crash on
p.2015-10-14 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-24 p-010 Ash: Trust me it’s different. To me it almost looks silly, except I know why I made the changes I did
p.2015-10-13 Clam EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-009 Ellen McArthur: Please do. You know all I want is to see you happy as a clam
p.2015-10-12 DannyWyman EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-008 Ellen McArthur: Honey do you remember Danny Wyman?
p.2015-10-10 Ash Colour Filler Art Auction Advert
p.2015-10-09 Cherubim Rumisiel Seraph UptonHouse Vashiel ch-24 p-007 Rumisiel: So… What DO I do then? I feel like I have to keep looking over my shoulder
p.2015-10-08 Cherubim Rumisiel Seraph UptonHouse Vashiel p-006 Vashiel: Cherubim? What are THEY doing here?
p.2015-10-07 Ash Emily Missi Tempest VideoCamera ch-24 p-005 Emily: Is that… A video camera?
p.2015-10-06 Ash Colour Filler Art Auction Advert
p.2015-10-05 Ash Emily Missi Tempest VideoCamera ch-24 p-004 Ash: You told your mom you were headed to school to pick up dudes?
p.2015-10-02 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-24 p-003 Emily: Mom, do you like this outfit?
p.2015-10-01 Ash CFS CFS5 Cherubim Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-002 Rumisiel: I’m pretty sure he’s the guy who messed up the house a few days back. He said he was looking for my key to fifth branch
p.2015-09-30 Adam Ash Cherub Cherubim Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-24 p-001 Ash: A cherub? Adam is one of those weird chubby baby things?
Book 24
April/May ’05 (?)
p.2015-09-28 Adam Bird Cat Cherubim Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-115 Adam: Not that key, you fool
p.2015-09-25 Adam Cat Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-114 Rumisiel: You could have knocked. You know, if Ash finds a single thing out of place she’s going to be pissed
p.2015-09-24 Ash Emily Machete WallaceMine ch-23 p-113 Ash: Whoah! Slow down! Didn’t we have this debate once? I thought we both decided it was still a bad idea to tell people
p.2015-09-23 Ash Emily Machete WallaceMine ch-23 p-112 Emily: Yeah, and it bothers you, or are you going to try to convince me you haven’t been “dwelling on it” for the last year
p.2015-09-22 Ash Emily Lesbian Machete WallaceMine ch-23 p-111 Emily: I’m pretty sure she thought I was going to tell her I was gay. Ash, my mom thinks I’m a lesbian
p.2015-09-21 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-23 p-110 Ellen: Of COURSE not! I mean, I was pretty prepared to hear… Never mind what I was prepared to hear. I would be perfectly happy for you to be an engineer.
p.2015-09-18 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-23 p-109 Emily: We’ve been on the phone all evening, and she thinks I should tell you and I think I should tell you, but at the same time…
p.2015-09-17 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-23 p-108 Emily: Uh, mom?
p.2015-09-16 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-23 p-107 Emily: I feel like I’m somehow tricking my mom, or cheating
p.2015-09-15 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-23 p-106 Emily: Ash, do you think I’m being silly?
p.2015-09-14 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-105 Ash: Not you “Rumisiel”. You, “boyfriend obviously spying on us from the living room window”
p.2015-09-12 Ash BaldDriver Bikini Colour Emily Filler Patreon bonus page: Bikini Car Wash
p.2015-09-11 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-104 Rumisiel: Who was THAT guy?
p.2015-09-10 Adam Ash Cat Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-103 Ash: I… Yes. Mostly. I mean, it started as one
p.2015-09-09 Adam Ash Cat UptonHouse ch-23 p-102 Ash: And the creepy cat is…
p.2015-09-08 Adam Ash Cat Monster UptonHouse ch-23 p-101 Adam: Don’t mind me. There’s just something about watching a master at work
p.2015-09-07 Ash Colour Filler Labor Day: Ash as Rosie the Riveter
p.2015-09-05 Advert Ash Colour Hosepipe Monster Advert for monthly pin
p.2015-09-04 Bookshop Emily James ch-23 p-100 James: SATs huh? Glad I’m done with all that
p.2015-09-03 Bookshop Emily James SATprimer ch-23 p-099 Emily: Oh! Hi… Aren’t you…
p.2015-09-02 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-098 Ash: Wow… I don’t know what surprises me more; that I just said that or that you’re not laughing
p.2015-09-01 Ash Blush Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-097 Ash: …And sometimes, yes.
p.2015-08-31 Ash Blush Emily Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-096 Rumisiel: Seriously… You get off on this, don’t you?
p.2015-08-28 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-095 Ash: My car is set up for tarmac. I have to make adjustments if I want to drive on dirt and gravel
p.2015-08-27 Ash Missi School ch-23 p-094 Missi: That’s gunna be so COOL! I’m going to let everyone know about…
p.2015-08-26 Cassi Rumisiel School ch-23 p-093 Cassi: I’m sorry. Did you say something? I couldn’t here you over the sound of your crippling failure
p.2015-08-25 Ash Emily OldRoad WallaceMine ch-23 p-092 Emily: I take it you don’t want a crowd then. Should I cater?
p.2015-08-24 Ash Filler Link to the Misfile film trailer
p.2015-08-21 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad WallaceMine ch-23 p-091 Emily: I hate to be the fly in the ointment, but is it really a challenge worth celebrating if Rumisiel is making it easy?
p.2015-08-20 Ash Emily OldRoad WallaceMine ch-23 p-090 Ash: There it is
p.2015-08-19 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-089 Rumisiel: You sure you don’t want to do something… Less boring to celebrate your college thing
p.2015-08-18 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse WallaceMine ch-23 p-088 Ash: Got to let it all stew in my mind a bit. Just help me pick up, ok? … And no more awkward underwear comments or I’ll have to ban you from my bedroom
p.2015-08-17 Ash Blush James UptonHouse WallaceMine ch-23 p-087 Ash: Look, it is not the aesthetics. It fits right and it’s comfortable. You wouldn’t understand if you have never worn one.
p.2015-08-14 Ash Blush James ch-23 p-086 Ash: it’s… Kind of a disaster in here. Let’s go to my room… Don’t you dare get the wrong idea
p.2015-08-13 Ash James Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-085 Ash: CRAP! He’s home! Clean up! I’ll stall!
p.2015-08-12 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-084 Ash: What the heck happened in here?!
p.2015-08-11 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-083 Rumisiel: It doesn’t HAVE to be women in bathing suits. It could be a nude beach
p.2015-08-09 Anvil Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-082 Rumisiel: I know this might be pointing a big “what an asshole” arrow at myself, but
Patreon bonus page: Ash channel-hopping on the car radio
Lyrics are
· Lola – The Kinks (1970)
· Dude (Looks Like a Lady) – Aerosmith (1987)
· Killer Queen – Queen (1974)
p.2015-08-07 Ash Edward Marie Paperwork Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-081 Edward: Mail for you
p.2015-08-06 Cherubim DarkWood Heaven ch-23 p-080 Hello. Fancy seeing you here One speaker is Cherubim (four wings), the other might be Ramael, from the closeup of mouth and hair. It is not clear whether they are in the same conversation.
p.2015-08-05 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad SparkPlugs ch-23 p-079 Emily: … Can we? What am I saying? I have no money for that and you’ll have college stuff any time now …
p.2015-08-04 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-23 p-078 Ash: Anyway, I’m glad you still like the car we picked out.
p.2015-08-03 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-23 p-077 Ash: Back in the 240, Huh? Your mom run off with the Stang again?
p.2015-07-31 Ash Filler Birth: Ivy
p.2015-07-30 Ash Emily Nissan240SX SchoolRoad ch-23 p-076 Emily: Hey there babe. Want a ride to my place?
p.2015-07-29 Ash Missi School ch-23 p-075 Missi: I’M TRYING TO BE DIFFICULT HERE! Stop responding so reasonably!
p.2015-07-28 Ash Missi School ch-23 p-074 Missi: You’ve been doing things without me!
p.2015-07-27 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-073 Rumisiel: … You know… Vashiel says there is another way to sneak back in. If I get caught though…
p.2015-07-24 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-072 Rumisiel: Hey, I’m just trying to have a man to man here, but but if you insist on playing the girl card…
p.2015-07-23 Ash Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-071 Ash: Look I’d console you, but I can’t exactly get up there…
p.2015-07-22 Ash Baxter Heaven Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-23 p-070 Ash: You know one day my dad is going to find you up there and just flip out
p.2015-07-21 Ash Blush Emily XR4Ti ch-23 p-069 Emily: Still, you were totally a trooper about that. I didn’t think you’d go through with it. We need to have a REAL celebration about your college still
p.2015-07-20 Ash Blush Emily Tears XR4Ti ch-23 p-068 Ash: I’m sorry… I think I just had a panic attack or something. … Are you … Are you mad at me?
p.2015-07-17 Ash DayeSpa Lars MassageRoom ch-23 p-067 Ash: STOP! STOP THE MASSAGE! STOP!
p.2015-07-16 Ash DayeSpa Emily MassageRoom ch-23 p-066 Ash: Seriously? He’s only touching my back, right?
p.2015-07-15 Ash DayeSpa Emily Lars NailPainter ch-23 p-065 Nail Painter: Would you like to pick a colour for your toes?
p.2015-07-14 Ash DayeSpa Emily FootBath ch-23 p-064 Ash: Ok, ok. I admit it. I’m… Mildly curious what you see in this
p.2015-07-13 Ash DayeSpa Emily ch-23 p-063 Ash: You trapped me. You totally trapped me
p.2015-07-10 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-23 p-062 Ash: It’s wierd… I mean, I feel like a boy… but for some reason I don’t feel very “boyfriendy”
p.2015-07-09 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-23 p-061 Ash: I guess. It sort of feels like an extension of high school. Let me tell you, the worst part was checking the “female” box on the application
p.2015-07-08 Ash Emily Letter UptonHouse ch-23 p-060 Emily: Holy crap!
p.2015-07-07 Ash Monster OldRoad ch-23 p-059 Rumisiel: You think he’ll be ok?
p.2015-07-06 Ash Baxter Monster OldRoad ch-23 p-058 Baxter: That’s real easy to say with your perfect life. You never walked a day in my shoes…
p.2015-07-03 Ash Baxter Monster OldRoad Supra ch-23 p-057 Baxter: Hey! HEY! You could have fucking KILLED me!
p.2015-07-02 Ash Baxter Monster OldRoad Supra ch-23 p-056 Ash: Show him your stuff, monster
p.2015-07-01 Ash Baxter Monster OldRoad Rumisiel Supra ch-23 p-055 Ash: Oh, yeah. Put on your seat belt I guess. You may be immortal but my windows aren’t
p.2015-06-30 Ash Filler Rumisiel Guts and Glory game advert
p.2015-06-29 Ash Monster OldRoad Rumisiel Supra ch-23 p-054 Ash: Wait! I think that’s …
p.2015-06-27 Ash Colour DayOne Emily Filler Patreon Emily: I kind of like this movie. It speaks to me.
p.2015-06-26 Ash Monster OldRoad Rumisiel ch-23 p-053 Ash: … Why are those two dudes staring at us?
p.2015-06-25 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-052 Rumisiel: I always cut my losses… So trying to fix it is probably the better option
p.2015-06-24 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-051 Rumisiel: Dude! Why didn’t you just hit her back?
p.2015-06-23 Ash Emily Lucy UptonHouse ch-23 p-050 Emily: Are you ok? That wasn’t fair. Rumisiel deserved that, not you
p.2015-06-22 Ash Hit Lucy UptonHouse ch-23 p-049 Lucy: So Baxter came back early last night
p.2015-06-19 Ash Lucy UptonHouse ch-23 p-048 Ash: It’s you… You’re not THAT creepy…
p.2015-06-18 Ash ChrisHazelton DayOne Emily Filler UptonHouse XR4Ti Misfile movie/production stills
p.2015-06-17 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-23 p-047 Emily: Maybe it’s just a guy thing. I just like being pampered now and then
p.2015-06-16 Ash DayOne Emily Filler Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti Misfile movie stills
p.2015-06-15 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-23 p-046 Ash: No way! It’s not even the girly-ness. I just… I, like, don’t even get it. How can anything so stressful sounding be relaxing?
p.2015-06-12 Ash Emily Missi School UptonHouse ch-23 p-045 Ash: Let it be known. If I mysteriously die this week, you get NONE of my stuff
p.2015-06-11 Ash Blue Emily Missi Pink School ch-23 p-044 Missi: YOOOO! Morning Ash!
p.2015-06-10 Ash Blue Emily Pink School ch-23 p-043 Ash: You’re in an unusually good mood after a weekend alone with your mom. Is that a new nail color?
p.2015-06-09 Boston EllenMcArthur Emily ch-23 p-042 Emily: I wish I’d known in advance. I’d have brought a bathing suit. We could have had a spa day.
p.2015-06-08 Boston EllenMcArthur Emily ch-23 p-041 Emily: So… Wait. No colleges this trip? Where’s my real mom?
p.2015-06-05 Ash Emily Filler Auction advert
p.2015-06-04 Ash Baxter OldRoad Supra ch-23 p-040 Rumisiel: You see why we don’t generally do this now?
p.2015-06-03 Ash Baxter OldRoad Rumisiel ch-23 p-039 Baxter: Knowing the universe is spiteful and unfair and withholds justice it could easily dole out without effort on a daily basis is supposed to be a gift?
p.2015-06-02 Ash Baxter OldRoad ch-23 p-038 Ash: Hold on. This is sort of my fault
p.2015-06-01 Baxter OldRoad Rumisiel ch-23 p-037 Baxter: That’s all it take? No side effects? No life deal? Nothing you’re not telling me?
p.2015-05-29 Baxter OldRoad Rumisiel ch-23 p-036 Rumisiel: Ok, That’s it. You’re cured. See ya
p.2015-05-28 Angel Ash Baxter OldRoad Rumisiel ch-23 p-035 Baxter: This is too much. Just stop fucking with me and leave me alone. I just want to beat SOMEBODY on this road so I can move on
p.2015-05-27 Ash Baxter OldRoad Rumisiel ch-23 p-034 Ash: Stop. Just stop. You don’t have to believe in anything. Results talk, right?
p.2015-05-26 Ash Bald Baxter OldRoad Rumisiel Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-033 Ash: I… What did you do to your hair?
p.2015-05-25 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-032 Ash: Yeah. I know. I realize you were born well before the age of enlightenment but these days we have this thing called the internet
p.2015-05-23 Ash Colour Filler Patreon Rumisiel UptonHouse Ash: So… What exactly does your name mean? Patreon bonus page
p.2015-05-22 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-23 p-031 Rumisiel: Any luck?
p.2015-05-21 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-23 p-030 Rumisiel: Where are we going?
p.2015-05-20 Ash Rumisiel Toilet ToiletRoll UptonHouse ch-23 p-029 Ash: Are we seriously having a discussion with this level of consequence while I’m wiping my ass?
p.2015-05-19 Ash Rumisiel Toilet ToiletRoll UptonHouse ch-23 p-028 Rumisiel: Ok, yeah. It may have been me but you shouldn’t just assume. Girls and their frikkin’ toilet paper
p.2015-05-18 Ash Rumisiel Toilet ToiletRoll UptonHouse ch-23 p-027 Rumisiel: Ash! What’s wrong? The door is locked!
p.2015-05-15 Boston EllenMcArthur ch-23 p-026 (Boston landmarks: USS Constitution, Bunker Hill Monument, Museum of Science)
p.2015-05-14 EllenMcArthur Emily MomsCar ch-23 p-025 Emily: Mom? Remember when I was little and we’d go to Boston and […]
p.2015-05-13 Bed Breakfast EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-23 p-024 Emily’s Mom: Morning, birthday girl Emily’s birthday, a Saturday
p.2015-05-12 Ash Bed UptonHouse ch-23 p-023 Ash: Six in on, half a dozen in the other. Is it good or bad?
p.2015-05-11 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-022 Rumisiel: No middle ground
p.2015-05-08 Ash Camera Filler Film Misfile film Kickstarter advert
p.2015-05-07 Ash Coin Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-021 Ash: So I find something I actually WANT to do: Something I think is right that helps someone in need, and I risk getting punished for it?
p.2015-05-06 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-23 p-020 Rumisiel: I just don’t know if that is such a good idea…
p.2015-05-05 Ash Blush BubblesBG Emily McArthurRes ch-23 p-019 Ash: You know… You look really good in that. I meant to say. I mean, if your mom wasn’t in the next room…
p.2015-05-04 Ash Dress Emily McArthurRes ch-23 p-018 Ash: WOW it feels good to be back in my regular human clothes!
p.2015-05-02 Ash Filler Misfile movie - kickstarter advert
p.2015-05-01 Ash Baxter Dress Lucy XR4Ti ch-23 p-017 Lucy: Don’t talk like that! Nothing is over yet
p.2015-04-30 Ash Baxter Dress Emily Lucy XR4Ti ch-23 p-016 Baxter: Good race, by the way. I didn’t really get the chance to say anything…
p.2015-04-29 Ash Baxter Dress Hospital Lucy ch-23 p-015 Lucy: You can’t just check out. Aren’t you at least going to wait for your parents?
p.2015-04-28 Ash Baxter Dress Hospital Lucy ch-23 p-014 Ash: Actually I… I kind of get where he’s coming from
p.2015-04-27 Ash Dress Emily Hospital Lucy ch-23 p-013 Ash: Hyper what?
p.2015-04-25 Ash Filler Misfile Movie Kickstarter Ad
p.2015-04-24 Ash Baxter Dress Lucy OldRoad Racers Supra ch-23 p-012 Baxter: I think…
p.2015-04-23 Ash Baxter Dress OldRoad Racers Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-011 Baxter: Well… Shit. I thought I had that
p.2015-04-22 Ash Baxter Dress Emily Lucy OldRoad Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-010 Baxter: Just a few more feet…
p.2015-04-21 Emily Lucy OldRoad Race RacerRCapDude RacerWhoDude Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-009 Emily: I’m sure Ash was more interested in… The car
p.2015-04-20 Emily Lucy OldRoad ch-23 p-008 Pince-Nez: Plus she spent more time looking at me than Baxter… And not in a “she’s competition” kind of way
p.2015-04-18 Ash AshKids Colour Emily Fire Patreon Pregnant Stake Emily: Hey, Ash, you’re kind of lucky about when this misfile happened you know? Patreon Bonus page
p.2015-04-17 Emily Lucy OldRoad ch-23 p-007 Pince-Nez: You hear something, princess? Baxter named
p.2015-04-16 Ash Dress OldRoad Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-006 Ash: Grip! Just PLEASE hold, dammit!
p.2015-04-15 Ash Dress OldRoad Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-005 Ash: He’s heavier than me. I should stop faster! How did I screw that up?!
p.2015-04-14 Ash Corner22 Dress OldRoad OldShed Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-004 Ash: The Shed!
p.2015-04-13 Ash Dress OldRoad Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-003 Ash: Wait… How is he suddenly driving better.
p.2015-04-09 Baxter OldRoad Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-002 Baxter: Tunes. SO much better
p.2015-04-08 Ash Dress OldRoad Race Supra XR4Ti ch-23 p-001 Ash: This is so much slower up hill. The lines are different… I should have practiced more
Book 23
April ’05
p.2015-04-06 Emily Lucy OldRoad Race Starter Supra XR4Ti ch-22 p-119 Lucy: So what’s YOUR excuse for the fancy get up? Are you the Mountain Princess or some shit?
p.2015-04-03 Ash Dress OldRoad XR4Ti ch-22 p-118 Ash: What do you know… It works…
p.2015-04-02 Ash Dress Emily OldRoad ch-22 p-117 Emily: What was that? It was like you were suddenly a different person
p.2015-04-01 Ash Baxter Corner22 Dress Lucy OldRoad OldShed ch-22 p-116 Ash: You ever drive in a dress? I’m guessing no.
p.2015-03-31 Ash Baxter Dress Emily Lucy OldRoad XR4Ti ch-22 p-115 Ash: This feels so weird…
p.2015-03-30 Baxter Lucy OldRoad RacerB RacerPat ch-22 p-114 Pat: Where IS she? I got this whole road cleared. She said she’d BE here.
p.2015-03-27 Ash Dress Emily LaFondue XR4Ti ch-22 p-113 Ash: I do want to win. I REALLY want to win.
p.2015-03-26 Ash Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-112 Ash: Crap, crap CRAP! I’m already running late and your house is in the wrong direction!
p.2015-03-25 Ash Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-111 Ash: This is taking forever!
p.2015-03-24 Ash Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-110 Ash: Should I have them bring a cake?
p.2015-03-23 Ash BubblesBG Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-109 Emily: Ok. Let’s turn the metaphor on its head.
p.2015-03-21 Ash BubblesBG Chocolate Colour Dream Dress Emily Filler LaFondue Emily: Hello Ash. Welcome to fantasy land… Patreon Bonus page
p.2015-03-20 Ash BubblesBG Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-108 Emily: So Good…
p.2015-03-19 Ash Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-107 Emily: Ooooo… Molten cheese. It’s like a little pot of delicious lava
p.2015-03-18 Ash Dress Emily LaFondue ch-22 p-106 Emily: You know there’s an upside to this, right?
p.2015-03-17 Ash Dress Emily McArthurRes Suit XR4Ti ch-22 p-105 Emily: This isn’t about blame. It’s about solutions
p.2015-03-16 Ash Emily McArthurRes Suit ch-22 p-104 Ash: What the hell? We’re the same size!
p.2015-03-13 Ash Emily Filler Missi Guest page by Samantha Roman
p.2015-03-12 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-22 p-103 Ash: You’re not going to finish your lunch?
p.2015-03-11 Ash CassiLunchLady Cassiel Emily Rumisiel School ch-22 p-102 Rumisiel: Dude! The new lunch lady keeps giving me the stink eye!
p.2015-03-10 Ash Emily School ch-22 p-101 Emily: Apparently your opponent has been spotted up on the old road all week.
p.2015-03-09 Ash Bed James Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-100 Ash: It’s totally handled. I called James. I can go to his place and borrow a suit of his.
p.2015-03-05 Ash LaFondue Phone UptonHouse ch-22 p-099 Ash: Seven Fifteen? That’s cutting it a bit close…
p.2015-02-27 Ash RacerB RacerPat School ch-22 p-095 Pat: I’ll spread the word. You’ll have your hour
p.2015-02-26 Ash RacerB RacerPat School ch-22 p-094 Pat: What do you mean we can’t race on Friday? arranging the race vs Baxter
p.2015-02-25 Ash Poop Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-093 Rumisiel: I am the KING jackass. I’m also RIGHT though
p.2015-02-24 Ash Paperwork Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-092 Ash: Paperwork from my mom’s company
p.2015-02-23 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-22 p-091 Ash: Damn New Yorkers crowding up MY road…
p.2015-02-20 Ash AutoModerZ Baxter Emily ch-22 p-090 Emily: Is there, like, a testosterone drip in this aisle?
p.2015-02-19 Ash AutoModerZ Baxter ch-22 p-089 Ash: Like pulling up next to a random person and trying to make them drag race?
p.2015-02-18 Ash AutoModerZ Baxter ch-22 p-088 Ash: Sorry I… YOU!
p.2015-02-17 Ash AutoModerZ Emily ch-22 p-087 Ash: Pick a place
p.2015-02-16 CassiCreepy Cassiel FullerHome Missi ch-22 p-086 Creepy Cassi: Hello. I hear SOMEone is celebrating a birthday?
p.2015-02-13 Filler Katsucon
p.2015-02-12 Ash Quiche Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-085 Rumisiel: Everybody likes a surprise. Invite everyone from her class
p.2015-02-11 Ash Rumisiel SubtextDetector UptonHouse ch-22 p-084 Ash: She said she didn’t want anything, but my woman to man subtext detector is telling me she sort of would
p.2015-02-10 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-083 Rumisiel: How was your drive?
p.2015-02-09 Ash Missi OldRoad XR4Ti ch-22 p-082 Missi: Woooooooooo!
p.2015-02-07 Emily Filler Donation pin advert
p.2015-02-06 Ash Baxter OldRoad Supra WallaceSign XR4Ti ch-22 p-081 Baxter: Holy… She’s fast
p.2015-02-05 Ash Missi Uniform XR4Ti ch-22 p-080 Missi: If you beat this guy I have no idea how to stop myself from jumping on you right here in this car!
p.2015-02-04 Ash Baxter Supra Tempest XR4Ti ch-22 p-079 Baxter: What gives? You car is clearly set up for racing
p.2015-02-03 Ash Supra Tempest TrafficLight XR4Ti ch-22 p-078 Ash: New York plates… 180° handbrake turn
p.2015-02-02 Ash Missi Supra Tempest TrafficLight Uniform XR4Ti ch-22 p-077 Missi: He wants to race. This is so COOL. Kick his ass!
p.2015-01-30 Ash FullerHome Missi Party XR4Ti ch-22 p-076 Ash: When this place clears out I’ll give you the ride of your life
p.2015-01-29 Ash FullerHome Missi Party ch-22 p-075 Ash: Stop that… Seriously… It’s creeping me out
p.2015-01-28 Ash BirthdayCake ButterCreamIcing Diet Emily FullerHome Party ch-22 p-074 Emily: Cake me. I’ll skip lunch tomorrow.
p.2015-01-27 BirthdayCake Cassiel FullerHome Party Rumisiel ch-22 p-073 Cassiel: Free food… Free cake… I should be there!
p.2015-01-26 Ash Cassiel FullerHome Party Rumisiel Uniform ch-22 p-072 Missi: Taa daa!
p.2015-01-23 Ash Blush Dates FullerHome Party Rumisiel ch-22 p-071 Emily: Aaaaaand now she’s going to model it Emily’s birthday ‘around now’.
p.2015-01-22 Ash FullerHome Missi Party Rumisiel Uniform ch-22 p-070 Ash: I know it’s bad, but I meant for it to match the one you got for me a few month ago.
p.2015-01-21 Ash FullerHome Missi Party Rumisiel ch-22 p-069 Ash: Ow! Come on. I got jabbed enough times dealing with your present
p.2015-01-20 BirthdayCake Dates Emily FullerHome Missi Party ch-22 p-068 Missi: Emily! You came! Missi is 16
p.2015-01-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-22 p-067 Emily: Why don’t you just iron them on?
p.2015-01-16 Ash Clock Emily McArthurRes Phone Uniform ch-22 p-066 Ash: I admit I thought it was going to be something more…
p.2015-01-15 Ash Emily McArthurRes Needle Uniform ch-22 p-065 Emily: My mother is a drug addict
p.2015-01-14 Ash Emily School ch-22 p-064 Emily: You ever wonder how much different we’ll be when we’re older
p.2015-01-13 Ash Emily School ch-22 p-063 Ash: Domestic emergency. Do you have a needle and thread
p.2015-01-12 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-062 Emily: You going back to work today?
p.2015-01-09 Ash JamesCreekMall Rumisiel Shopping Uniform ch-22 p-061 Ash: It’s a mechanic’s uniform… Sort of
p.2015-01-08 Ash JamesCreekMall Rumisiel Shopping ch-22 p-060 Ash: Well, she IS a mechanic
p.2015-01-07 Ash JamesCreekMall Rumisiel Shopping ch-22 p-059 Ash: How the heck do you buy presents for girls
p.2015-01-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-058 Ash: I’m going to need someone on my team when the sexy pillow fights start
p.2015-01-05 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-057 Ash: Shouldn’t you enjoy yourself in the here and now?
p.2015-01-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-056 Emily: Party secrets? I’m not sure. I don’t think I’m going
p.2015-01-01 ApplicationForm Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-055 Ash: Check it out. One application neatly filled out
p.2014-12-31 Ash Missi Rumisiel School Skull ch-22 p-054 Ash: This isn’t like a pajama party or anything, right?
p.2014-12-30 Ash Missi School Skull ch-22 p-053 Missi: It means I’m having a party and you have to come
p.2014-12-29 Ash BubblesBG Missi School Skull ch-22 p-052 Missi: Well MY sixteenth birthday is coming up and I’M getting my learners permit
p.2014-12-26 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-051 Ash: You want to be part of my racing team?
p.2014-12-25 Ash Emily Filler Kiss Mistletoe Christmas 2014
p.2014-12-24 ApplicationForm Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-050 Emily: It’s personal. I don’t think I should go into it.
p.2014-12-23 ApplicationForm Ash BubblesBG Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-049 Ash: Should I dot my i’s with little circles?
p.2014-12-22 ApplicationForm Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-048 Ash: “Where do you see yourself five years from now?” Seriously?
p.2014-12-19 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-22 p-047 Rumisiel: It is? You don’t mind if I sneak back into heaven?
p.2014-12-18 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-22 p-046 Rumisiel: So, uh, Vash… That question I asked…
p.2014-12-17 ApplicationForm Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-045 Ash: I… I figured you’d filled out, like, a thousand of these
p.2014-12-16 Emily Mart Rachel Shopping ch-22 p-044 Rachel: It’s not mean if I’m totally going to make out with him afterwards…
p.2014-12-15 Emily Mart Rachel Shopping ch-22 p-043 Rachel: Well howdy. Doing some shopping?
p.2014-12-12 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-22 p-042 Marie: You do all that and I’LL fund that racing team dream
p.2014-12-11 Ash CatAndMouseBG Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-22 p-041 Ash: Don’t get too happy
p.2014-12-10 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-22 p-040 Ash: Mom, I’ve got a decision to make and…
p.2014-12-09 Bed EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-039 Emily: How is this going to work now?
p.2014-12-08 Bed Breakfast EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-22 p-038 Emily: It LOOKS like breakfast in bed!
p.2014-12-06 Ash Emily Swim Auction: hand colored pin art (swimsuits)
p.2014-12-05 Ash Hosepipe Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-22 p-037 Rumisiel: Gyaaa! Why did I even ask him that stupid question?!
p.2014-12-04 Missi Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-036 Missi: Want to unload?
p.2014-12-03 Missi Roof Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-035 Missi: Why the long face?
p.2014-12-02 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-22 p-034 Rumisiel: Is there a way to sneak in?
p.2014-12-01 Ash Bat Bunny Graveyard Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-033 Ash: It makes a HUGE difference.
p.2014-11-28 Ash BubblesBG Chair Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-032 Ash: Ok. Please. Continue
p.2014-11-27 Angel Ash Emily Filler Puritan Rumisiel Tears Turkey Thanksgiving 2014
p.2014-11-26 Ash Chair Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-031 Rumisiel: Ash! Ash!
p.2014-11-25 EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-22 p-030 Emily: Ok? Ok “You’re right” or OK “I just want to end this conversation”
p.2014-11-24 EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX Tears ch-22 p-029 Emily: You’re not allowed to die because “we need the money”.
p.2014-11-22 Ash Emily Filler Donation pin advert
p.2014-11-21 EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-22 p-028 Emily: Speed? Seriously?
p.2014-11-20 Ash Filler Transgender Remembrance Day
p.2014-11-19 EllenMcArthur Emily Hospital ch-22 p-027 Emily’s Mom: *Sigh* I didn’t think you’d even be home yet…
p.2014-11-18 EllenMcArthur Emily Hospital ch-22 p-026 Emily’s Mom: It wasn’t even a heart attack. It was a “cardiac episode”
p.2014-11-17 Ambulance Emily McArthurRes SchoolRoad ch-22 p-025 Emily: Mom?
p.2014-11-14 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-22 p-024 Emily: YOU’RE the one with racing dreams. School or job, what are you doing to make THAT happen?
p.2014-11-13 Ash Emily Rachel Rumisiel School ch-22 p-023 Emily: I have done good and it has brightened my soul (Rachel mentioned, as Raechel)
p.2014-11-12 Ash Bed BubblesBG Cassiel Computer Emily Race UptonHouse ch-22 p-022 Ash: School or work?
p.2014-11-11 Ash Bed Computer Phone Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-021 Rumisiel: It’s not like I can “go back to Canada” so to speak
p.2014-11-10 Ash Bed Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-22 p-020 Rumisiel: Where do I go next year?
p.2014-11-07 Emily Rachel RachelHome ch-22 p-019 Emily: I hope this doesn’t mean you’re not going to follow through…
p.2014-11-06 Ash Emily Rachel RachelHome XR4Ti ch-22 p-018 Ash: Feeling better about yourself now?
p.2014-11-05 Emily Oscar ch-22 p-017 Oscar: If you want we could double date. You could bring your boyfriend
p.2014-11-04 Ash Emily Oscar OscarCar XR4Ti ch-22 p-016 Oscar: What the heck?
p.2014-11-03 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-22 p-015 Ash: It’s not your responsibility, or mine, or anyone’s but Oscar’s 180° handbrake turn
p.2014-10-31 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Witch Hallowe’en Filler
p.2014-10-30 Ash Emily Oscar OscarCar XR4Ti ch-22 p-014 Emily: Wait… This isn’t the way back to town Road sign: Indian Hill 0.5, Russell St 2.3
p.2014-10-29 Ash BerkshireCollege Emily ch-22 p-013 Emily: You know you have this like your dog just died
p.2014-10-28 Ash BerkshireCollege Emily ch-22 p-012 Ash: But Colin…
p.2014-10-27 Ash BerkshireCollege Emily ch-22 p-011 Emily: You’ve been treating it like you’re choosing between life in prison and a fatal disease.
p.2014-10-25 Filler Donation patch advert
p.2014-10-24 ApplicationForm Ash BerkshireCollege Colin Computer Emily ch-22 p-010 Emily: When my email send me a message asking if I was interested in a “big dick today” I never thought I’d see it before lunch
p.2014-10-23 ApplicationForm Ash BerkshireCollege Colin Computer Emily ch-22 p-009 Colin: I’ve been going here for three years. Working here is part of my financial aid
p.2014-10-22 Ash BerkshireCollege Colin Computer Emily ch-22 p-008 Colin: Look who walked into Colin’s office today
p.2014-10-21 Ash BerkshireCollege Emily ch-22 p-007 Ash: I think I understand why you hate looking at colleges now
p.2014-10-20 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-22 p-006 Emily: Wow, I love air conditioning
p.2014-10-17 Ash Blush Emily UptonHouse ch-22 p-005 Emily: So you DID try it on
p.2014-10-16 Ash Blush Emily UptonHouse ch-22 p-004 Ash: Wha?! It’s not what you think! I wasn’t going to wear it!
p.2014-10-15 Emily IceCream Nissan240SX Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-22 p-003 Rumisiel: Hi, Emily. Isn’t that your old car?
p.2014-10-14 IceCream Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-22 p-002 Rumisiel: Year’s first scorcher, huh?
p.2014-10-13 ArchonKiller Files Heaven Keys ch-22 p-001 ArchonKiller: I’m growing impatient.
Book 22
March – April ’05
p.2014-10-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-118 Rumisiel: Hey, didn’t your mom offer you a job at some point?
p.2014-10-08 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-117 Ash: I’m trying to decide between community college and a shitty job
p.2014-10-07 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-21 p-116 Emily: That’s not the story I’ve always heard
p.2014-10-06 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-21 p-115 Emily: Mom? Why do you want me to go to Harvard?
p.2014-10-03 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-21 p-114 Emily: Think of it sort of like “good” change
p.2014-10-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-21 p-113 Ash: How do I get into college?
p.2014-10-01 Ash Edward Newspaper UptonHouse ch-21 p-112 Ash: Wow… Growing up sucks…
p.2014-09-30 Ash Edward Newspaper UptonHouse ch-21 p-111 Ash: Uh… Thanks? I read my news online
p.2014-09-29 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-110 Ash: That makes me a double loser because I can’t do either
p.2014-09-27 Ash Filler Donation / Pin advert
p.2014-09-26 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-109 Emily: Just putting it out there, but “in practice” a girl can actually wear less than a guy on an every day basis
p.2014-09-25 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-108 Ash: Clearly summer is on the way
p.2014-09-24 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-107 Ash: Being kissed by Rumisiel is like being kissed by some creepy drunk in stranger in an alley
p.2014-09-23 Ash Emily FaceHugger Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-106 Ash: All he did was stick his tongue in my throat. An Alien facehugger could have done that
p.2014-09-22 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-105 Ash: So… Here we are walking home together…
p.2014-09-19 Ash Lesbian Rumisiel School ch-21 p-104 Ash: You taste like a smoker! And tongue? Seriously?!
p.2014-09-18 Annie Ash Dyke Emily Rumisiel School ch-21 p-103 Emily: Taking it “dyke” has a different meaning to you than it does for me
p.2014-09-17 Annie Ash Dyke Emily Kiss Lesbian Rumisiel School ch-21 p-102 Annie: I’m straight up saying you’re a dyke and totally lesbianing it up with THAT dyke
p.2014-09-16 Annie Ash Emily School ch-21 p-101 Annie: Ash and Emily alone in a corner mid day. Now THERE’S a surprise.
p.2014-09-15 Ash Rumisiel School ch-21 p-100 Ash: *Sigh* Without Emily it’s like the beginning of Junior Year all over again
p.2014-09-12 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-099 Rumisiel: If it WASN’T for me […] YOU would never have met her
p.2014-09-11 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad UptonHouse ch-21 p-098 Rumisiel: You’re going to break up with her!?
p.2014-09-10 Ash Bed Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-097 Emily: I don’t like girls. I just make an exception for you
p.2014-09-09 Ash Bed Flashback Lesbian Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-096 Rumisiel: “Totes a dyke dish” I think was the exact phrase Flashback to 2013-08-07
p.2014-09-08 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-095 Ash: The guy network came through!
p.2014-09-05 Filler Artwork auction: angel / devil Ash
p.2014-09-04 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-094 Cassiel: I suppose the boyfriend is always the last to know…
p.2014-09-03 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-093 Ash: Great. Now whenever I see her in a turtleneck I’m going to think about…
p.2014-09-02 Ash Hickey Marie Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-092 Marie: Uhg. I knew it was too muggy for a turtleneck
p.2014-09-01 Ash Emily Marie Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-091 Marie: I’m not going to see these on Ebay when I get home am I?
p.2014-08-29 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-090 Ash: Everybody? How does my mom win in all this?
p.2014-08-28 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-089 Ash: How do these count as pants?
p.2014-08-27 Ash CatAndMouseBG Marie Rain UptonHouse ch-21 p-088 Ash: That’s… A big box
p.2014-08-26 Ash Emily Marie MarieCar Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-087 Marie: Do a couple of pretty girls need a ride? MarieCar = Lexus SC 430
p.2014-08-25 Ash Emily Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-086 Emily: I will be patient and reap the rewards in time
p.2014-08-22 Ash Dates Emily Rain Rumisiel School ch-21 p-085 Rumisiel: I seem to recall some old saying about April showers Date: April
p.2014-08-21 Ash Lab Rumisiel School ch-21 p-084 Ash: You know all those racers. Why don’t you just ask them?
p.2014-08-20 Ash Lab Rumisiel School ch-21 p-083 Ash: Ask them why people are snickering at Emily, or me or us.
p.2014-08-19 Ash Emily School UNbuilding ch-21 p-082 Emily: Something must be up. I’ll have to check my sources
p.2014-08-18 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-081 Rumisiel: My socks all have holes in them
p.2014-08-15 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-21 p-080 Emily: Don’t think of it as wierd. Just think of it as… Adventurous
p.2014-08-14 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-21 p-079 Ash: Apparently I need quantitative measurement of my tits and ass and you’re the only person I trust to help
p.2014-08-13 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-21 p-078 Ash: I need… The laundry ate some of my clothes
p.2014-08-12 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-077 Ash: I HATE shopping for clothes
p.2014-08-11 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-076 Ash: Warning. Doing laundry. There will be underthings involved.
p.2014-08-08 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-21 p-075 Emily: I used almost all of your eggs
p.2014-08-07 Ash Emily Rachel School SchoolRoad ch-21 p-074 Rachel: Total deal killer. Discuss it with HIM first
p.2014-08-06 Emily Rachel School ch-21 p-073 Rachel: You’re kidding, right?
p.2014-08-05 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-21 p-072 Ash: Should I hook him up with one of the vast array of girls I get along with?
p.2014-08-04 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-21 p-071 Ash: Me?! No way! I already told you he reminds me of you
p.2014-08-01 Ash Emily Monster Mustang OldRoad ch-21 p-070 Emily: So, did you enjoy your “man-night”?
p.2014-07-31 Emily OldRoad Oscar ch-21 p-069 Oscar: “Adorkably cute” hasn’t really gotten me far.
p.2014-07-30 Emily OldRoad Oscar ch-21 p-068 Emily: < … Awkward … > Uh, hey… Oscar. Ash, like, told you I was seeing someone, right?
p.2014-07-29 Emily OldRoad Oscar ch-21 p-067 Emily: Perfect. Ash gets to race. Ash doesn’t have to mingle. A good night is had by everyone
p.2014-07-28 Emily Mustang OldRoad RacerG RacerH RacerXray ch-21 p-066 Emily: You want Ash, you’ve got to find her on the road
p.2014-07-25 Ash Computer Emily OldRoad RacerXray UptonHouse ch-21 p-065 Ash: So much for not being treated like a girl today
p.2014-07-24 Ash Computer Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-064 Ash: Exactly. It’s Saturday. That’s an Old Road day.
p.2014-07-23 Ash AshMale Computer Emily MMO UptonHouse ch-21 p-063 Ash: Ok. I admit is. I was hesitant, but this is… Fun.
p.2014-07-22 Ash AshMale Computer Emily MMO ch-21 p-062 Ash: Uh… So what are we actually supposed to DO?
p.2014-07-21 Ash AshMale Computer Emily MMO UptonHouse ch-21 p-061 Ash: Ok, I’m still not entirely sure why we’re doing this
p.2014-07-18 Ash AshMale Computer Emily MMO UptonHouse ch-21 p-060 Ash: An MMO? Really?
p.2014-07-17 Ash Computer Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-059 Ash: It’s awesome, thank you
p.2014-07-16 Ash Bacon Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-058 Emily: No, it’s not a dream, silly
p.2014-07-15 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-057 Ash: Hello? Where is everybody?
p.2014-07-14 Ash Dates UptonHouse ch-21 p-056 Ash: One full year… Misfile anniversary day 2005-03-20, Sunday
p.2014-07-11 Filler Connecticon Filler
p.2014-07-10 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-055 Emily: You’d be surprised what I believe in after this last year
p.2014-07-09 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-054 Ash: When the heck did I become Obi-Wan Kenobi?
p.2014-07-08 Ash Computer Emily UptonHouse ch-21 p-053 Emily: No! Just trust me…
p.2014-07-07 Ash RacerXray School ch-21 p-052 X-Ray: I’ve been having some trouble in the third corner
p.2014-07-04 Filler Fireworks Rumisiel 4th July 2014
p.2014-07-03 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-21 p-051 Emily: If you can’t enjoy the good things when they are right in front of you then what’s the point
p.2014-07-02 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-21 p-050 Ash: Can we talk now? I mean, like, a normal conversation. Or normal for US at least…
p.2014-07-01 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-21 p-049 Emily: Let me sit down. Ok, I’m ready. Do it.
p.2014-06-30 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-21 p-048 Ash: I thought that it might bother you, like I was throwing your being wrong about Oscar in your face
p.2014-06-27 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-21 p-047 Emily: So he called you and told you? He, like, actually said it?
p.2014-06-26 Ash Blush Computer Emily McArthurRes Phone Rachel UptonHouse ch-21 p-046 Emily: We will talk about this later!
p.2014-06-25 Ash Computer Emily McArthurRes Phone Rachel UptonHouse ch-21 p-045 Ash: It’s not ME. It’s YOU!
p.2014-06-24 Ash Computer Emily McArthurRes Oscar Phone Rachel UptonHouse ch-21 p-044 Oscar: Your friend, Emily… Is she seeing anyone?
p.2014-06-23 Ash Blush Oscar Phone UptonHouse ch-21 p-043 Oscar: Just wanted to ask you something. It’s… Kind of awkward
p.2014-06-20 Ash Phone Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-042 Rumisiel: Do you have any idea how much a sibling would complicate your situation right now?
p.2014-06-19 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-041 Rumisiel: Harsh… Not denying it, but still harsh
p.2014-06-18 Ash Emily IceCreamStall Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-040 Ash: Is this an awkward pause in the conversation?
p.2014-06-17 Ash Chocolate Emily IceCream IceCreamStall Oscar Smoothie ch-21 p-039 Ash: Can I get a scoop of chocolate?
p.2014-06-16 Ash Emily IceCream IceCreamStall Oscar OscarCar ch-21 p-038 Ash: Not THAT much. Not much at ALL actually
p.2014-06-13 Ash Emily IceCream IceCreamStall Oscar ch-21 p-037 Emily: Oscar. I’ve heard SO much about you
p.2014-06-12 Ash Emily IceCream IceCreamStall Oscar XR4Ti ch-21 p-036 Emily: I even promise I won’t bring up Oscar unless you do Oscar mentioned
p.2014-06-11 Ash Emily Mustang XR4Ti ch-21 p-035 Emily: There were days growing up when we didn’t have power because we needed to eat
p.2014-06-10 Ash Emily Mustang XR4Ti ch-21 p-034 Ash: I still don’t understand why I couldn’t just buy you gas Talking about the Mustang
p.2014-06-09 Ash Emily McArthurRes Mustang Oscar Phone UptonHouse ch-21 p-033 Emily: Does this mean your Oscar thing is over?
p.2014-06-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-21 p-032 Ash: I just wanted to say sorry for the way I was moping around…
p.2014-06-05 Aries Ash Baby Blush HarryJr Kate ch-21 p-031 Ash: Doesn’t that hurt?
p.2014-06-04 Aries Ash Baby HarryJr Kate ch-21 p-030 Kate: Could you hand him to me
p.2014-06-03 Aries Ash Baby HarryJr Kate ch-21 p-029 Kate: The baby was up all hours
p.2014-06-02 Aries Ash Kate ch-21 p-028 Ash: Kate… Is this a bad time?
p.2014-05-30 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-027 Rumisiel: Should I… Er… Mark it somehow?
p.2014-05-29 Ash Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-026 Rumisiel: Then what’s so important about one year?
Ash: It’s going to be March twenthieth soon
Misfile day: 2004-03-20
Ash’s 12th period
p.2014-05-27 Ash Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-21 p-024 Ash: Have you seen a calendar lately?
p.2014-05-26 Ash BubblesBG Flashback UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-023 Vashiel: Life isn’t simple because you have so many choices ‘flashback’ view of pre-industial period Ash, with kids
p.2014-05-23 Ash Monster UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-022 Ash: You’re like the anti-Emily
p.2014-05-22 Ash Monster UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-021 Vashiel: Are you… Feeling ok?
p.2014-05-21 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-020 Rumisiel: “He?” That’s new for you
p.2014-05-20 Ash Emily Period Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-019 Ash: You put that stupid thought about Oscar and me
p.2014-05-19 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-21 p-018 Emily: You look tired
p.2014-05-16 Ash Dream Oscar UptonHouse ch-21 p-017 Ash: Ssshhh! My dad is home.
p.2014-05-15 Cassi Cassiel Honda Missi Rumisiel ch-21 p-016 Cassiel: He is NOT a HERO!
p.2014-05-14 Cassi Cassiel Honda Missi Rumisiel ch-21 p-015 Missi: Oh WOW! You totally SAVED her!
p.2014-05-13 Blush Cassi Cassiel Eponine Honda Rumisiel ch-21 p-014 Eponine: Cassie? Is that you? Where have you been? …and what are you wearing
p.2014-05-12 Cassi Cassiel Missi Rumisiel ch-21 p-013 Missi: Ok… Picking up trash is… Nice. But it is hardly heroic
p.2014-05-09 Emily Filler Kickstarter advert
p.2014-05-08 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-012 Vashiel: My vows can’t be allowed to get in the way of my duty, so there are loopholes Vashiel can lie.
p.2014-05-07 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-21 p-011 Vashiel: Rough day?
p.2014-05-06 Missi Rumisiel ch-21 p-010 Missi: You’d have been fine if you’d just handed it back to her
p.2014-05-05 Missi Rumisiel Tears ch-21 p-009 Rumisiel: Go ahead Say “I told you so.”
p.2014-05-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-21 p-008 Emily: That doesn’t sound like something you came up with…
p.2014-05-01 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-21 p-007 Ash: Emily… If your yardstick for logic and possibilities is this past year for us, then I don’t know
p.2014-04-30 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-21 p-006 Ash: What? Blech! Emily, I don’t like guys!
p.2014-04-29 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-21 p-005 Emily: You went out to LUNCH with him? That’s like “first date” stuff!
p.2014-04-28 Cassiel Missi Rumisiel ch-21 p-004 Missi: Fine! Ok… But I’m reserving my “I told you so” in advance.
p.2014-04-25 Missi Rumisiel ch-21 p-003 Rumisiel: Hero time!
p.2014-04-24 Ash GasStation Monster Oscar ch-21 p-002 Ash: I’m glad I ran into you
p.2014-04-23 Ash GasStation Monster Oscar ch-21 p-001 (A chance meeting at the pump)
Book 21
late February - early April ’05
p.2014-04-21 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-114 Everyone thinks they are the protagonist
p.2014-04-18 Ash MaxSpeed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-113 Rumisiel: Ash, do I have a hero personality?
p.2014-04-17 Missi Rumisiel School ch-20 p-112 Rumisiel: Maybe you just don’t realize how important I am…
p.2014-04-16 Missi Rumisiel School ch-20 p-111 Missi: It’s our new secret “Sidekicks” handshake
p.2014-04-15 Ash Filler Misfile Kickstarter: books 13-19
p.2014-04-14 Ash Blush Emily SchoolRoad ch-20 p-110 Ash: If seeing me is wierd for you, you could wear a blindfold
p.2014-04-11 Ash Blush BubblesBG Emily SchoolRoad ch-20 p-109 Ash: Ok. New rule. Nothing that leaves any marks
p.2014-04-10 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-108 Please, Ash, PLEASE tell me you used protection!
p.2014-04-09 Ash Edward Hickey Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-107 That’s an invasion of privacy!
p.2014-04-08 Ash Edward Hickey UptonHouse ch-20 p-106 It’s supposed to be warm today. You may want to wear a t-shirt
p.2014-04-07 AngelGirl2 CFS CFS4 Cassiel Computer Heaven Oversight Tempest Xaphrael ch-20 p-105 There’s nothing for Oversight to even DO with the branches closed
p.2014-04-04 AngelGirl2 CFS CFS4 CFS5 Cassiel Heaven ch-20 p-104 It’s the fifth branch alarm
p.2014-04-03 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-103 Did you just use the “L” word?
p.2014-04-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-102 You realize he’s going to think he has a chance at dating you now, right?
p.2014-04-01 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel April Fools Day 2014
p.2014-03-31 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-101 Hello, I’ve got my shirt off here…
p.2014-03-28 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-100 That was… Unexpected.
p.2014-03-27 Ash BubblesBG Emily Kiss McArthurRes ch-20 p-099 Ash? I didn’t think…
p.2014-03-26 Ash Monster OldRoad Oscar ch-20 p-098 Here’s your jack, by the way
p.2014-03-25 Ash Monster OldRoad Oscar OscarCar ch-20 p-097 We took forever to get together and I’ve wanted to be physical for the longest time
p.2014-03-24 Ash Monster OldRoad Oscar OscarCar ch-20 p-096 “sometimes it helps to tell your problems to a total stranger on a bus”
p.2014-03-21 Ash Monster OldRoad Oscar ch-20 p-095 I don’t suppose you can change a tire
p.2014-03-20 Ash Filler Ten Years of Misfile
p.2014-03-19 Ash Monster OldRoad Oscar ch-20 p-094 I’m sorry… You look like someone I know
p.2014-03-18 Ash Monster OldRoad Oscar ch-20 p-093 Emily?! What the heck are you…
p.2014-03-17 Ash Emily Flashback Kiss McArthurRes Monster OldRoad ch-20 p-092 Pants! Pants! Pants…
p.2014-03-14 Ash Emily Flashback Kiss McArthurRes Monster OldRoad ch-20 p-091 So… Does this change your opinion of Valentines day?
p.2014-03-13 Ash Emily Flashback Kiss McArthurRes Monster OldRoad ch-20 p-090 I feel… Weak? Like PHYSICALLY Weak. Like I just want to lay here.
p.2014-03-12 Ash Emily Flashback Kiss McArthurRes Monster OldRoad ch-20 p-089 Just drive… No! Just DRIVE!
p.2014-03-11 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-20 p-088 Seriously? Am I not sending enough sub text about “coming back to my place”?
p.2014-03-10 Ash Emily Missi School ch-20 p-087 I keep looking at people and feeling like they know
p.2014-03-07 Ash Dates Emily School ch-20 p-086 You’re… Unusually bright this morning Tuesday
p.2014-03-06 Ash Hickey Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-20 p-085 Also, you have lipstick on your ear… And a hicky
p.2014-03-05 Ash Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-20 p-084 Wow. You’re on time. How was your night out?
p.2014-03-04 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-083 if it was wrong to be doing this the universe would do SOMEthing to let us know
p.2014-03-03 Ash BubblesBG Emily Kiss McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-082 I’m not going to be able to explain this one away am I?
p.2014-02-28 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-081 What I’m trying to say is…
p.2014-02-27 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-080 I’m nervous, ok?
p.2014-02-26 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-079 Missi: I saw Ash in her braaaa agaaaaaain…
p.2014-02-25 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-078 These things catch food like a shelf
p.2014-02-24 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-077 I think I’ve found a flaw in this meal as date food
p.2014-02-21 McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-076 If you weren’t so busy pining after Ash you’d have probably been in a dozen relationships by now
p.2014-02-20 McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel Tears ch-20 p-075 Oh no! Spaghetti! They are going to do the spaghetti kissing thing!
p.2014-02-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-074 If this is all some elaborate plan to do the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti kiss thing…
p.2014-02-18 Ash McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-073 No! The inevitable sexy love-fest that follows!
p.2014-02-17 McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-072 … Dinner?
p.2014-02-14 Ash Emily Filler Hug Valentines Day 2014
p.2014-02-13 McArthurRes Missi Rumisiel ch-20 p-071 Rumisiel: I made it… I can’t feel my fingers, but I made it.
p.2014-02-12 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-070 Emily: What’s simple to cook?
p.2014-02-11 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-069 Emily: But… I followed the instructions
p.2014-02-10 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-068 Emily: It’s… Did I cook leather?
p.2014-02-07 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-067 Emily: Let me bring out dinner
p.2014-02-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-066 I’m still not sure about the food, but I can coordinate a table
p.2014-02-05 Ash Rumisiel ch-20 p-065 I cannot WAIT to watch your sexy girl date go down, Ash
p.2014-02-04 Ash Rumisiel ch-20 p-064 Ok, we’re clear of the house. Where do you want to get out?
p.2014-02-03 Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-063 I still have to find something to cook!
p.2014-01-31 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-062 So do I just hang out while you two are awkwarding over each other?
p.2014-01-30 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-061 Plausible deniability
p.2014-01-29 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-20 p-060 I know two people who ARE dating
p.2014-01-28 Ash BubblesBG Dates UptonHouse Valentine Vashiel ch-20 p-059 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Monday
p.2014-01-27 Aries Ash Harry ch-20 p-058 By the way do you babysit?
p.2014-01-24 Aries Ash Harry ch-20 p-057 ’Arry … I mean “other ’Arry”, is still in the NICU
p.2014-01-23 Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-20 p-056 Why did I suggest cooking?
p.2014-01-22 Ash Emily School ch-20 p-055 “Blimp Bras”!
p.2014-01-21 Ash Bacon Emily Flashback School ch-20 p-054 She trusts you at home all week by yourself?
p.2014-01-20 Ash Emily School ch-20 p-053 I was thinking some more about Valentine’s Day…
p.2014-01-17 Ash Emily School ch-20 p-052 Ash! I just heard about Kate!
p.2014-01-16 Harry HarryJr Hospital Kate ch-20 p-051 You should beg forgiveness now while I’m still high on endorphins
p.2014-01-15 Ash HarryJr Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-050 So was it a boy or a girl?
p.2014-01-14 Ash Edward Hospital Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-049 You’re almost there. I can see the head
p.2014-01-13 Ash Hospital Kate Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-048 You can’t get pregnant just being near it, you know
p.2014-01-10 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-047 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD… SHEATH THAT THING!
p.2014-01-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-20 p-046 Ash? You… Ok?
p.2014-01-08 Ash Blush Hospital Kate ch-20 p-045 Ash, promise me, if Harry doesn’t make it and I have this baby tonight,
p.2014-01-07 Ash Hospital Kate ch-20 p-044 I know. That cake thing is horrible, right?
p.2014-01-06 Ash Blush Hospital Kate ch-20 p-043 So help me take my mind off all this
p.2014-01-03 Ash Edward Hospital Kate ch-20 p-042 You’re the closest I have to family outside Harry
p.2014-01-02 Ash Edward Hospital Kate ch-20 p-041 Well, I have some good news and some bad news.
p.2014-01-01 Ash Hospital Kate Tears ch-20 p-040 Her hand is… Shaking
p.2013-12-31 Ash Hospital Kate Wei ch-20 p-039 Your blood pressure is still quite low
p.2013-12-30 Ash BabyShower Heather Kate ch-20 p-038 This is SUPPOSED to be fun
p.2013-12-27 Ash BabyShower Blush Heather Kate KateRel1 KateRel2 ch-20 p-037 That is a HEART, NOT A BUTT
p.2013-12-26 Ash BabyShower Heather Kate ch-20 p-036 “Episiotomy”
p.2013-12-25 Ash Filler Christmas 2013
p.2013-12-24 Ash BabyShower Heather KateRel1 KateRel2 ch-20 p-035 Your concern is touching
p.2013-12-23 Ash BabyShower Kate KateRel1 ch-20 p-034 Welcome to my shower, Ash!
p.2013-12-20 Ash BabyShower ch-20 p-033 I know two people here. One freaks me out and the other pisses me off.
p.2013-12-19 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes MiniVan ch-20 p-032 I have a little reunion and I want to show up in something nicer than my old mini-van
p.2013-12-18 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Mustang ch-20 p-031 Can I borrow your Mustang next week?
p.2013-12-17 Ash BubblesBG Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-20 p-030 Other guy split quick enough though.
p.2013-12-16 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-20 p-029 Rumisiel… Ok. We can go with that.
p.2013-12-13 Ash Marie Phone UptonHouse ch-20 p-028 Ash: What did you and Dad do on your first date?
p.2013-12-12 Ash Rain Rumisiel Valentine ch-20 p-027 I still don’t know what to do for the actual day though
p.2013-12-11 Ash CardShop Rumisiel ShopAsst Shopping Valentine ch-20 p-026 “Wanting to get closer to your heart because…”
p.2013-12-10 Ash CardShop Rumisiel ShopAsst Shopping Valentine ch-20 p-025 Shop Assistant: I don’t want to see couples fighting in my store this close to Valentine’s Day
p.2013-12-09 Ash CardShop Rumisiel ShopAsst Shopping Valentine ch-20 p-024 Ash: Because Emily and I decided we were doing something for Valentine’s Day
p.2013-12-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-023 Being passive can be infuriating
p.2013-12-05 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-022 The he started laughing nervously like it had all been a joke
p.2013-12-04 Ash AutoModerZ Blush Colin Valentine ch-20 p-021 It wasn’t sweet. It creeped me out. I will never, ever go on a date with you
p.2013-12-03 Ash AutoModerZ BubblesBG Colin Valentine ch-20 p-020 Welcome to Automoderz. May I…
p.2013-12-02 Ash ShoulderAngel XR4Ti ch-20 p-019 You’re going to crush that guy, you know?
p.2013-11-29 Ash Computer Missi UptonHouse ch-20 p-018 It’s HIS car. I KNOW that car!
p.2013-11-28 Filler Rumisiel Thanksgiving 2013
p.2013-11-27 Ash Camera IRsensor Missi UptonHouse ch-20 p-017 It’s blinking.
p.2013-11-26 Camera IRsensor Rain UptonHouse ch-20 p-016 Shkk… Shkk… Shkk…
p.2013-11-25 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-20 p-015 That doesn’t mean I want to get all close and naked with him wrapped up in a blanket
p.2013-11-22 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-20 p-014 You know, they SAY the fastest way to warm up a cold person is
p.2013-11-21 Ash Missi Rain UptonHouse ch-20 p-013 This is my project. No, it’s a MISSION
p.2013-11-20 Ash Missi Rain UptonHouse ch-20 p-012 I hear a car…
p.2013-11-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes Valentine ch-20 p-011 We totally have to do something nice for Valentines day
p.2013-11-18 Ash Emily McArthurRes Valentine ch-20 p-010 That’s just you being too busy to date
p.2013-11-15 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-009 there are times I envy Rumisiel’s ability to just give responsibility the finger
p.2013-11-14 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-20 p-008 Shoot me
p.2013-11-13 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-20 p-007 You know you have issues, right?
p.2013-11-12 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-20 p-006 It’s always important to at least HAVE a plan
p.2013-11-11 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-20 p-005 I’m not even related to Kate except through marriage
p.2013-11-08 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-20 p-004 Well you weren’t answering the phone…
p.2013-11-07 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-20 p-003 Seriously? You just show up at my house now?
p.2013-11-06 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-20 p-002 I will find him and expose him, and then I will crush him
p.2013-11-05 Ash Camera IRsensor Missi UptonHouse ch-20 p-001 Operation Stalker Smack Down is underway!
Book 20
February ’05
Valentine – Baby Shower – Early – The Stalkers
p.2013-11-01 Ash Bed UptonHouse ch-19 p-115 I’ve got to find out who is leaving those letters
p.2013-10-31 Ash Filler Halloween 2013
p.2013-10-30 Ash ChainSaw Dream Kate Shotgun Zombies ch-19 p-114 THE BABY IS COMING! POINT ME AT THE ZOMBIES!
p.2013-10-29 Ash CupidBow Dream Zombies ch-19 p-113 Weeeee wuuuuuuvv youuuuuu…
p.2013-10-28 Ash Dream Valentine Zombies ch-19 p-112 Booooobs… Boooobs....
p.2013-10-25 Ash Emily McArthurRes Valentine ch-19 p-111 You mean stalker
p.2013-10-24 Ash Computer Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-110 Here’s another one: guess the babyfood
p.2013-10-23 Aries Ash Kate ch-19 p-109 You’ll be working with Harry’s niece Heather
p.2013-10-22 Aries Ash Hit Kate ShoulderAngel ch-19 p-108 You jackass!
p.2013-10-21 Aries Ash Kate ch-19 p-107 Oh no! She has… a baby belly thing starting
p.2013-10-18 Aries Ash Rumisiel ch-19 p-106 Ok, it’s simple. I just go in, tell her I can’t make it because…
p.2013-10-17 Ash UptonHouse ch-19 p-105 So, what’s worse, this secret admirer crap or the baby shower?
p.2013-10-16 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-104 Remind me to send a fruit basket with you
p.2013-10-15 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-103 Oh, Kate.
p.2013-10-14 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-102 And just how is this pregnancy my fault?
p.2013-10-11 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-19 p-101 What does this mean when I change back?
p.2013-10-10 Ash Dates Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-19 p-100 Sounds like Harry was in deeper 2005 Feb “five month since they got married”
p.2013-10-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-099 Aw… It’s a baby shower!
p.2013-10-08 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad UptonHouse ch-19 p-098 Another looooooove letter?
p.2013-10-07 Ash GirlA GirlB Rumisiel School Valentine ch-19 p-097 It has terrible handwriting and it’s only signed “your secret admirer”
p.2013-10-04 Ash Rumisiel School Valentine ch-19 p-096 A challenge with a bow? That’s new…
p.2013-10-03 Ash Emily Mustang OldRoad ch-19 p-095 Should we make a grand unromantic gesture?
p.2013-10-02 Ash Emily Mustang OldRoad ch-19 p-094 Aren’t you SORT of in a relationship now?
p.2013-10-01 Ash Emily James Molly Mustang OldRoad ch-19 p-093 I wonder if Molly knows how it works.
p.2013-09-30 Ash Emily James Mustang OldRoad ch-19 p-092 If James and I could do it in the front seat of his 3000GT…
p.2013-09-27 Ash Emily Mustang OldRoad ch-19 p-091 How did people have sex in the back of these things?
p.2013-09-26 Ash Emily Mustang OldRoad ch-19 p-090 So come on. Do you like it?
p.2013-09-25 Angel Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-089 We had lots of fun together; great times.
p.2013-09-24 Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-088 Would you even KNOW if it was your thing?
p.2013-09-23 Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-087 I mean, have you ever BEEN with a girl?
p.2013-09-20 Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-086 Missi: Good thing I know you’re gay, or I’d totally think you’re checking me out
p.2013-09-19 Canada Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-085 Missi: What are you doing here all by yourself?
p.2013-09-18 ArchonKiller Heaven Sword ch-19 p-084 Keys…
p.2013-09-17 Aries Emily Harry Mustang ch-19 p-083 Harry: My favorite of the Yank Tanks
p.2013-09-16 Aries Ash Emily Lesbian ch-19 p-082 Emily: Yeah. But I wanted it to bite HER, not ME!
p.2013-09-13 Ash Emily Lesbian School ch-19 p-081 Emily: I thought the only bad fallout from that party would be from my mom
p.2013-09-12 Emily GossipGirl1 GossipGirl2 Lesbian School XR4Ti ch-19 p-080 Gossips: … Jenny … this weekend … total closet case … always suspected …
p.2013-09-11 Ash Emily School ch-19 p-079 I mean, there were some tense moments…
p.2013-09-10 Ash Emily School ch-19 p-078 Did you win Publisher’s Clearing House or something
p.2013-09-09 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-077 I have to show Ash! This is so Awesome!
p.2013-09-06 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-076 “Oh, Patricia, what beautiful wrinkles…”
p.2013-09-05 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-075 She was being a bitch, mom!
p.2013-09-04 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-074 You could have been arrested, you know!
p.2013-09-03 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-073 Mom… Before you say anything…
p.2013-09-02 Ash Rumisiel Shower UptonHouse ch-19 p-072 Well, if you go with that image maybe you can make it work
p.2013-08-30 Ash Blush Rumisiel Shower UptonHouse ch-19 p-071 Missi and I talk. She thinks she’s my “fruit fly”
p.2013-08-29 Ash Blush Rumisiel Shower UptonHouse ch-19 p-070 I’ll take that as a “yes”. How was it? I mean, comparatively…
p.2013-08-28 Angel Ash Blush Rumisiel Shower UptonHouse ch-19 p-069 My bathroom is a fortress of solitude!
p.2013-08-27 Ash Blush Rumisiel Shower UptonHouse ch-19 p-068 Ash! I’ll save you!
p.2013-08-26 Ash Blush ShoulderAngel UptonHouse ch-19 p-067 Can’t argue. Too turned on
p.2013-08-23 Ash Blush Shower UptonHouse ch-19 p-066 Damnit, Emily… Now I’m all turned on
p.2013-08-22 Ash BubblesBG Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-065 Ok, now I’m thinking about your dad
p.2013-08-21 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-064 Wait… Are you not wearing underwear?
p.2013-08-20 Ash BubblesBG Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-063 This is nice…
p.2013-08-19 Filler 6GM
p.2013-08-16 Ash Emily Kiss Tears UptonHouse ch-19 p-062 What? What are you thinking and not saying?
p.2013-08-15 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-061 Maybe you could grab MY ass and you could see if it was still creepy
p.2013-08-14 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-060 I’ve got to admit I’m flattered
p.2013-08-13 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-059 The way the phones came out I’m sure my mom already knows
p.2013-08-12 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-058 So what’s going on?
p.2013-08-09 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-19 p-057 Oh… My… God…
p.2013-08-08 Ash Computer Emily GreeneHouse JennyGreene Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-056 That’s a goodbye kiss, Jenny!
p.2013-08-07 Blush Emily GreeneHouse JennyGreene Kiss Party Shrimpy ch-19 p-055 Right. Like you could even…
p.2013-08-06 Emily GreeneHouse JennyGreene Party ch-19 p-054 Fine. I was trying to be nice, but you are now on the out
p.2013-08-03 Emily GreeneHouse JennyGreene Party Shrimpy ch-19 p-053 Hey, I don’t think we’ve met. Shrimp?
p.2013-08-02 Emily GreeneHouse Party ch-19 p-052 I can’t believe I used to actually like these things…
p.2013-08-01 Emily GreeneHouse JennyGreene ch-19 p-051 Emily! So glad you could make it, girl.
p.2013-07-31 Ash GreeneHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-050 You’re a good brother, you know that?
p.2013-07-30 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-049 In many ways we envy your human freedom to pursue your dreams.
p.2013-07-29 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-048 Why not just ask Rumisiel? Why me?
p.2013-07-26 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-19 p-047 Cultural differences causing tension in your relationship?
p.2013-07-25 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Vashiel ch-19 p-046 You just wait until you see how “going” I am.
p.2013-07-24 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-045 I let you be friends with that Ash girl, but you need to broaden your horizons. (mention of the Rich Bitch squad: Jenny Greene, Abigail LaFontain, Brittany Wu
p.2013-07-23 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-19 p-044 I don’t want to have anything to do with those girls
p.2013-07-22 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-19 p-043 It’s just a little gathering for you to go to
p.2013-07-19 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-19 p-042 Emily, please tell me you are not busy this evening
p.2013-07-18 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-041 Rumisiel: Being a huge douche is just one of the many services I’m prepared to offer
p.2013-07-17 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-040 Rumisiel: I hadn’t really thought about it
p.2013-07-16 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-19 p-039 What’s our backup plan?
p.2013-07-15 Ash Cantina32 Diner James ch-19 p-038 I apologize for the awkwardness, you know
p.2013-07-12 Ash Cantina32 Diner James Marie ch-19 p-037 You’re eighteen. You’re not the kid you used to be
p.2013-07-11 Filler ConnectiCon
p.2013-07-10 Ash Cantina32 Diner James Marie ch-19 p-036 You could design car bras car bras
p.2013-07-09 Ash Cantina32 Diner Marie ch-19 p-035 Ok, so then what are you doing after high school?
p.2013-07-08 Ash Cantina32 Diner James Marie ch-19 p-034 Underwear. Number two on the list is totally underwear.
p.2013-07-05 Ash Cantina32 Diner James Marie SpitTake ch-19 p-033 Who’s a better kisser, Ash, James or your new boyfriend?
p.2013-07-04 Ash Emily Filler Fireworks for 4th July 2013
p.2013-07-03 Ash Cantina32 Diner James Marie ch-19 p-032 I hope this isn’t awkward. Did you two used to date?
p.2013-07-02 Ash Cantina32 Diner James Marie ch-19 p-031 There’s no way dinner with my mom could be nearly so awkward 2005-01-16 Sunday Lunch
p.2013-07-01 Ash Lesbian Rumisiel ch-19 p-030 Ash: That was so awkward!
p.2013-06-28 Ash Rumisiel ch-19 p-029 You want to talk about it?
p.2013-06-27 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-19 p-028 EVERYBODY KISS ASH
p.2013-06-26 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily Kiss Missi Rumisiel ch-19 p-027 Whoa! Getting a little dark there.
p.2013-06-25 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-19 p-026 You could bring Emily and her dad and make it an estranged parent free for all
p.2013-06-24 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily Rumisiel ch-19 p-025 It’s not like she’ll dare ask about your sex life if I’m there
p.2013-06-21 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily Jen WaitPerson ch-19 p-024 Oh… Iced tea then, I guess
p.2013-06-20 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily Jen Missi WaitPerson ch-19 p-023 Should it be called “breakfast anytime we happen to be open”?
p.2013-06-19 Ash BreakfastAnytime Diner Emily ch-19 p-022 How can they call this place Breakfast Anytime?
p.2013-06-18 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-19 p-021 We won but… It’s just not the same kind of rush
p.2013-06-17 Ash Heather Missi OldRoad Phone ch-19 p-020 Missi: Heather wants to say something
p.2013-06-14 Ash CapKid Emily Missi OldRoad Phone ch-19 p-019 They want you to know first
p.2013-06-13 Heather Ivan OldRoad Race ch-19 p-018 Just a little more juice
p.2013-06-12 Heather Ivan OldRoad Race ch-19 p-017 YOU spend entirely TOO much time checking me out
p.2013-06-11 Filler art auction
p.2013-06-10 Heather Ivan OldRoad Race ch-19 p-016 Where is this “mythical” passing point?
p.2013-06-07 Ivan OldRoad Race ch-19 p-015 She’s done nothing but ride my ass
p.2013-06-06 Ash Emily Heather OldRoad ch-19 p-014 Like I said, I figured I’d play to our strengths
p.2013-06-05 Ash Emily Heather OldRoad Race ch-19 p-013 Damn… I was hoping he would end up being a paper tiger
p.2013-06-04 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-19 p-012 So this is what it is like to be stuck up top with you guys
p.2013-06-03 Ivan OldRoad Race ch-19 p-011 I’m in front. Just gotta stay there
p.2013-05-31 Ash Emily OldRoad Race ch-19 p-010 I thought you had no plan
p.2013-05-30 Filler Philadelphia Comic Con
p.2013-05-29 Ash Emily OldRoad Race ch-19 p-009 Go!
p.2013-05-28 Ash Heather Ivan OldRoad ch-19 p-008 There’s no way you can lose
p.2013-05-27 Ash Heather Ivan OldRoad ch-19 p-007 It’s a secret I learned from James about this road
p.2013-05-24 Ash Emily Heather Ivan OldRoad ch-19 p-006 I heard you lost to some girl named Emily
p.2013-05-23 Ash Ivan OldRoad ch-19 p-005 Feeling pretty warm tonight
p.2013-05-22 Ash Dates Heather OldRoad ch-19 p-004 Looks like we’re ready to go 2005-01-15 Saturday ref: 2013-04-30
p.2013-05-21 Ash Emily School ch-19 p-003 Ash: You know what I SHOULD be thinking about?
p.2013-05-20 Ash Emily School ch-19 p-002 Ash: It’s worth more than my car and has a clasp weaker than a shoelace
p.2013-05-17 Ash Emily School Snow ch-19 p-001 I’m really happier with the gas card
Book 19
January ’05
Heather–Ivan race II — lunch with mom — Jenny Greene’s party – 68 Mustang – Fruit Fly – Valentine – Baby Shower
Ash must choose a successor to keep a usurper who fancies himself an “ice racing specialist” from stealing the title of “King of the Mountain”. Is Heather an enemy, or an ally?
p.2013-05-15 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-117 there are “things” I’d have gotten rid of
p.2013-05-14 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-116 personal panic fest
p.2013-05-13 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-115 strapdangle, weatherman
p.2013-05-10 Ash Dates UptonHouse ch-18 p-114 The sleeper awakes 2005-01-12 Wednesday
p.2013-05-09 3GemPendant Ash Diner Marie ShawsSteak WaitPerson ch-18 p-113 Marie: It’s so beautiful on you
p.2013-05-08 3GemPendant Ash Diner Marie MariePresent ShawsSteak ch-18 p-112 Marie: They belonged to your grandmother… sort of. I had them reset.
p.2013-05-07 Ash Diner Edward ShawsSteak ch-18 p-111 a good time for presents
p.2013-05-06 Ash Diner Edward Marie ShawsSteak ch-18 p-110 How’s the underwear business going?
p.2013-05-03 Ash Diner Edward Marie ShawsSteak ch-18 p-109 More awkward than I imagined
p.2013-05-02 Ash Marie UptonHouse ch-18 p-108 Marie: My little girl’s eighteenth
p.2013-05-01 Ash Marie Rachel UptonHouse ch-18 p-107 Rachel: I’m not exactly dressed for snow
p.2013-04-30 Ash Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-106 Ash: I’m not getting THAT back anytime soon… / race on Saturday
p.2013-04-29 Ash Emily James Missi UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-105 Seriously, Ash. What do you want?
p.2013-04-26 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-104 Emily: I just hope you remember me
p.2013-04-25 Ash Emily Tears UptonHouse ch-18 p-103 It’s not too late
p.2013-04-24 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-102 You told me you just looked like a more masculine
p.2013-04-23 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-101 I can’t remember what I looked like
p.2013-04-22 BirthdayCake Emily Eponine Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-100 I’ll go check
p.2013-04-19 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-099 Remember how everything looked…
p.2013-04-18 Ash Camera Rachel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-098 You like it? It’s from your mom’s
p.2013-04-17 Ash BirthdayCake Emily Missi Rachel UptonHouse ch-18 p-097 Ash: Ok, your outfit is still REALLY distracting
p.2013-04-16 Ash Emily Eponine Nosebleed Rachel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-096 Is it time for cake yet?
p.2013-04-15 Ash Emily Rachel UptonHouse ch-18 p-095 Oh dear Lord
p.2013-04-12 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-094 Emily: I… Arranged an alternative?
p.2013-04-11 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-18 p-093 Emily: MOST of them made it on time
p.2013-04-10 Ash Emily Eponine James Rachel Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-092 Missi: Surprise!!!
p.2013-04-09 Ash McArthurRes Snow ch-18 p-091 Some Birthday
p.2013-04-08 Ash Emily School ch-18 p-090 I know you don’t think it is a big thing
p.2013-04-05 Ash Edward Emily Missi Rumisiel School UptonHouse ch-18 p-089 Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday. Happy…
p.2013-04-04 Ash Bed UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 I don’t really GET breakfast in bed does not appear in the print Book 18
p.2013-04-03 Ash Bed Dates Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-088 Happy Birthday
p.2013-04-02 Ash Dream ShoulderAngel ch-18 p-087 Horizontal dancing
p.2013-04-01 Ash Dream Filler ShoulderAngel April 2013 foolishness, in Japanese
p.2013-03-29 Ash Dates Dream ShoulderAngel ch-18 p-086 You deserve a pretty party dress 2005-01-11 02:00 Tuesday
p.2013-03-28 Ash Rumisiel Snow ch-18 p-085 Do you like being the bad kid?
p.2013-03-27 Ash Rumisiel Snow ch-18 p-084 I’m making a snow you
p.2013-03-26 Ash Rumisiel School Snow Teacher Tempest ch-18 p-083 Ash, is there some sort of problem?
p.2013-03-25 Ash School Snow ch-18 p-082 Eighteen. I didn’t think it would affect me this much
p.2013-03-22 Emily Rachel School ch-18 p-081 Like EVERYONE goes to college
p.2013-03-21 Emily Rachel School ch-18 p-080 College doesn’t really seem like her thing
p.2013-03-20 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad Snow ch-18 p-079 And that’s why he’ll use a knife
p.2013-03-19 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad Snow ch-18 p-078 You don’t have to stand that far from the road
p.2013-03-18 Ash Edward Rumisiel Sausage Scissors Snip UptonHouse ch-18 p-077 Edward: I know you know Ash turns eighteen at midnight. I also know you know that means certain… things change legaly in regard to what can be done to her person. What you may NOT know is that I keep a variety of instruments at my home office;
p.2013-03-15 Ash BubblesBG Dates Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-076 Welcome to your last day as a minor
p.2013-03-14 Ash Bed Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-075 Ash: Snow again? 2005-01-10 07:00 Monday
p.2013-03-13 CFS Cassiel Heaven Tempest Xaphrael ch-18 p-074 You will tell him nothing
p.2013-03-12 CFS Cassiel Heaven Xaphrael ch-18 p-073 Any news of Ramael’s wherabouts?
p.2013-03-11 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-072 A ‘legal gray area’!
p.2013-03-08 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-18 p-071 You have to warn me about these things!
p.2013-03-07 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-070 So explain this again. Nobody won?
p.2013-03-06 Ash Ivan OldRoad Race Snow ch-18 p-069 Ivan: You just nullified this whole race!
p.2013-03-05 Ash Ivan OldRoad Race Snow ch-18 p-068 Time to put the brakes on
p.2013-03-04 Ash Heather Ivan OldRoad Race Snow ch-18 p-067 I may not be a snow specialist…
p.2013-03-01 Ash OldRoad Race ch-18 p-066 Ash: Move over Heather
p.2013-02-28 Heather Ivan OldRoad Race Snow ch-18 p-065 Heather: I have no intention of making this easy for you.
p.2013-02-27 Ash OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-064 Ash: I just hope this ‘plan’ actually works
p.2013-02-26 Ash Heather Ivan Missi OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-063 Heather: Enough talk. Let’s do this.
p.2013-02-25 Ash Heather Missi OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-062 Ivan: So Ash’s protégé arrives at last
p.2013-02-22 Ash Emily Ivan Missi RacerFrizz Racers Rumisiel Snow ch-18 p-061 Ivan: Rumor has it you’ve picked a racer
p.2013-02-21 Ivan OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-060 The game is afoot
p.2013-02-20 Dates FullerHome Hug Missi MrCuddles ch-18 p-059 Missi: Like some horrible Faustian deal 2005-01-08 Saturday
p.2013-02-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-18 p-058 Ivan on Ice?
p.2013-02-18 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-18 p-057 Emily: How could you?
p.2013-02-15 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-18 p-056 Heather: That bought you a couple of seconds
p.2013-02-14 Ash Heather HeatherHome ch-18 p-055 Ash: I can’t believe I’m considering this…
p.2013-02-13 Ash RacerC Rumisiel School ch-18 p-054 Ash: That only gives me two days…
p.2013-02-12 Ash Dates RacerC Rumisiel School ch-18 p-053 Rumisiel: You’re in a better mood than I thought 2005-01-06 Thursday
p.2013-02-11 Emily Rumisiel School Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-052 Emily: Well if Ash isn’t expecting anything
p.2013-02-09 Filler 6 Gun Mage
p.2013-02-08 Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-051 Emily: We HAVE to do something
p.2013-02-07 Ash BubblesBG Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-050 Ash: I always knew it was a long shot but I’d really hoped I’d be a boy again by the time I turned eighteen
p.2013-02-06 Ash Emily Flashback UptonHouse ch-18 p-049 Ash: You know, I spent half my life so far trying to get girls to touch me
p.2013-02-05 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-048 Emily: Ash… How many layers of clothing are you wearing?
p.2013-02-04 Ash Emily Gyno Melissa Snow Thorin UptonHouse ch-18 p-047 Melissa: Now, if you could take off your clothes and lie down on the table please
p.2013-02-02 Ash Filler 6 Gun Mage
p.2013-02-01 Ash FeathersBG Gyno Melissa Thorin ch-18 p-046 Melissa: Ash, you seem REALLY nervous
p.2013-01-31 Ash Gyno Melissa Thorin ch-18 p-045 Melissa: Now, I’d like to start with a few questions about your sexual history
p.2013-01-30 Ash Gyno Melissa Thorin ch-18 p-044 Melissa: Glad you could make it
p.2013-01-29 Ash ChainsBG Gyno Receptionist Thorin ch-18 p-043 Ash: Why does everything in this room look like it evolved from a medieval torture device
p.2013-01-28 Ash Dates Gyno Receptionist Thorin ch-18 p-042 Miss Upton? The doctor will see you now Wednesday
p.2013-01-25 Ash Bed Melissa UptonHouse ch-18 p-041 Ash: Who gets to be King next year
p.2013-01-24 Emily MrRenault Rachel School ch-18 p-040 Em’s pencil: Tap… tap… Mr Renault, a history teacher, mentioned
p.2013-01-23 Ash Blush Ivan RacerC RacerF School ch-18 p-039 Racer guy: Have you met this Ivan guy? Ivan mentioned
p.2013-01-22 Ash Rumisiel School ch-18 p-038 Ash: One small step and all…
p.2013-01-21 Ash Blush Rumisiel School SchoolRoad Snow ch-18 p-037 Rumisiel: You’re just lucky Missi and James were watching that stupid ball
p.2013-01-20 Filler Death: Chris’s birthday
p.2013-01-17 Ash Rumisiel School SchoolRoad Snow ch-18 p-036 Rumisiel: You’re in an unusually good mood
p.2013-01-16 Ash Dates Emily FeathersBG Fireworks Kiss UptonHouse ch-18 p-035 Ash: Is this how YOU want to spend next year? 2004-12-31 23:59, Friday
p.2013-01-15 Ash Emily James Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-034 Well now we’re here, just the two of us
p.2013-01-14 Ash Filler 6 Gun Mage
p.2013-01-11 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-18 p-033 Ash: You know, Rumisiel told me you’re supposed to be doing what you want to do for the rest of the year
p.2013-01-10 Ash Emily Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-032 Emily: Are you ok?
p.2013-01-09 James Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-031 Rumisiel: So… We’re going to sit around all night and wait for some sparkly ball to drop?
p.2013-01-08 Ash ChickBG Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-030 Rumisiel: Why don’t you just try it in the shower with no pants on?
p.2013-01-07 Ash Blush Rumisiel Toilet UptonHouse ch-18 p-029 Ash: IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!
p.2013-01-04 Ash Rumisiel Toilet UptonHouse ch-18 p-028 Ash: Dammit…
p.2013-01-03 Filler Guest page Joe McGlone
p.2013-01-02 Filler Guest page by Joe McGlone
p.2013-01-01 Filler Rumisiel New year 2013
p.2012-12-31 ChainsBG Dates EllenMcArthur Emily Flashback Kate Kiss McArthurRes OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-027 2004-12-31 Friday
p.2012-12-28 Ash Filler Marie Guest art provided by David Herbert
p.2012-12-27 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-026 Ash: Maybe YOU could try doing some good deeds when the moment comes
p.2012-12-26 Filler guest page by Michael Lunsford
p.2012-12-25 Emily Filler Xmas 2012
p.2012-12-24 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-18 p-025 Rumisiel: You know what they say about New Years Eve?
p.2012-12-21 Filler Rumisiel Mayan apocalypse
p.2012-12-20 Ramael UptonHouse ch-18 p-024 Ramael: It’s not a threat. It’s not a warning. It’s… It’s a genuine concern
p.2012-12-19 Ramael Snow Tempest UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-023 Vashiel: It’s not my job. It never has been.
p.2012-12-18 Ramael Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-18 p-022 Ramael: Smells bad
p.2012-12-17 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-18 p-021 Ash: *Sigh…* No wonder I could never get a date…
p.2012-12-14 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes ch-18 p-020 Emily: YOU spend a fair amount of conversations performing some sort of ocular analysis of my breastular region
p.2012-12-13 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes Snow ch-18 p-019 Emily: What about Logan?
p.2012-12-12 Ash Ivan OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-018 Ivan: Playing hard to get?
p.2012-12-11 Ash Ivan OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-017 Ash: Hello. Eyes up here. You’re that confident, huh?
p.2012-12-10 Ash Ivan OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-016 Ivan: Name’s Ivan. I’ll be king of the mountain next
p.2012-12-07 Angel Colour Emily Filler Art auction: Angel Emily
p.2012-12-06 Ash Ivan IvanCar OldRoad QuestiomarkBG Snow ch-18 p-015 Ivan: I never expected to have to dodge some pretty girl
p.2012-12-05 Ash Ivan IvanCar OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-014 Ivan: Holy crap! Hey… Are you ok?
p.2012-12-04 Ash OldRoad Snow ch-18 p-013 Ash: That’s odd…
p.2012-12-03 Ash Edward OldRoad Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-012 Ash: Ok, I see this conversation going downhill fast
p.2012-11-30 Ash Edward Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-011 Edward: So, Ash who would you like to come to the New Years party?
p.2012-11-29 Cassiel Xaphrael ch-18 p-010 Cassiel: What’s IN this thing?
p.2012-11-28 Ivan IvanCar Snow ch-18 p-009 I will be the ice king
p.2012-11-27 Ash James Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-008 James: Anyway, think about it, ok?
p.2012-11-26 Ash James UptonHouse ch-18 p-007 Ash: I was kinda hoping Emily…
p.2012-11-23 Filler Remembrance
p.2012-11-22 Ash James Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-006 James: Remember when I was first teaching you to drive and you cracked a piston in my engine?
p.2012-11-21 Ash James Phone Snow UptonHouse ch-18 p-005 Ash: Can I call you back in a few?
p.2012-11-20 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-18 p-004 Emily: College brochures!
p.2012-11-19 Angel Cassiel Rafael Ramael Snow Woods ch-18 p-003 Ramael: Because I’m avoiding chains of command
p.2012-11-16 Cassiel Rafael Ramael Snow Tent Woods ch-18 p-002 Ramael: If it is not too much trouble, I’ve got a little message I’d like you to deliver for me Rafael mentioned
p.2012-11-15 Cassiel Fire Snow Tent Thermometer Woods ch-18 p-001 Ramael (off): Merry Chrstmas, Ice Queen
Book 18
December ’04 – January ’05
Ivan the Ice King — the New Year — the gynaecologist — Heather – Ivan race — birthday surprises
Christmas has come and gone. After all this time, is Ramael the mysterious force that’s been slaying the Archons of Heaven? To Ash, that’s less important than the inevitability of her first appointment with her dad’s “lady doctor” friend.
p.2012-11-13 Ash BubblesBG Edward Ramael Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-126 Vashiel: Wow! Bed, Bath and Body Works!
p.2012-11-12 Ash Heart Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-125
p.2012-11-09 Ash Camera ChristmasTree Edward Hug Sweatdrop UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-124
p.2012-11-08 Ash Edward FairGround Photo UptonHouse ch-17 p-123 Ash (thinks): It’s also the last picture I could find of an even that we seem to remember the same way…
p.2012-11-07 Ash ChristmasTree Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-122 Edward: Interesting choice of photographs. I didn’t think you were a big fan of this one
p.2012-11-06 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-121 Vashiel: Please sit down. We made breakfast
p.2012-11-05 Ash ChristmasTree Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-120 Ash: Our freeloaders have a little surprise for you
p.2012-11-02 Ash Ashley Dates Edward Flashback Pyjamas UptonHouse ch-17 p-119 Xmas morning 2004-12-25
p.2012-11-01 Ash Lingerie Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-118 Rumisiel: you should totally wear this some time. It’s hot!
p.2012-10-31 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Halloween 2012
p.2012-10-30 Ash Candle Party Snow UptonHouse ch-17 p-117 [unseen]: Careful on the drive home. Don’t hit any reindeer
p.2012-10-29 Ash Edward EllenMcArthur Emily Party Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse ch-17 p-116 Emily: It’s okay. Just be happy about your… Secret knowledge and help KEEP it secret.
p.2012-10-26 Emily Snow SuicideGuy UptonHouse ch-17 p-115 Emily: Do you remember how you were, when he found you? That’s what angels do, right?
p.2012-10-25 Emily Snow SuicideGuy UptonHouse ch-17 p-114 Emily: Did you ever think that maybe he’s here because the people in that house AREN’T lucky?
p.2012-10-24 Ash BaldingDude Emily Melissa Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-113 Emily: Maybe I can help. I’m a seemingly neutral party with a vested interest in the continued secrecy of Rumisiel’s angelic identity
p.2012-10-23 Ash Party Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy UptonHouse ch-17 p-112 Rumisiel: Hello! Good deed, maybe? He was trying to kill himself. You should thank me. IDIDIT for YOU
p.2012-10-22 Ash Emily Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-111 off key: Amaaaazing Graaaaaace…
p.2012-10-19 Ash BubblesBG Emily Hug Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-110 Emily: Ash I know you can’t afford that…
p.2012-10-18 Ash BubblesBG ClassicPartsCatalogue Emily Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-109 Ash: No, I mean everything IN it is free. When you fix your car up just order. They’re charging me instead of you
p.2012-10-17 Ash Emily Party Snow UptonHouse ch-17 p-108 Ash: So… I suppose you’ve noticed how there’s no present for you from me… I should probably explain that
p.2012-10-16 Angel Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy Tempest ch-17 p-107 Rumisiel: No, no, no. Don’t bow. We don’t do that. Just… Just don’t kill yourself, ok. I’m kind of in a bind and it would be, like, a personal favor to me
p.2012-10-15 Angel Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy Tempest ch-17 p-106 Rumisiel: Is this what you want? Do you think you DESERVE an angelic intervention? You’re a coward, trying to take a coward’s way out…
p.2012-10-12 Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy Tempest ch-17 p-105 SuicideGuy: Now, if you’ll stop interrupting me, I’m going to seal up my broken door with some heavy duty tape and finish what I started
p.2012-10-11 QuestiomarkBG Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy Tempest ch-17 p-104 Rumisiel: I… No! An angel? Of course not! Because… That would be ridiculous! … Yeah!
p.2012-10-10 Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy Tempest ch-17 p-103 SuicideGuy: Are you… Are you an angel?
p.2012-10-09 GarageDoor Honk Rumisiel Snow SuicideGuy Tempest ch-17 p-102 Rumisiel: Hey. You ok, dude?
p.2012-10-08 MailBox Rumisiel Snow Tempest ch-17 p-101 Rumisiel: Stupid, no fun…
p.2012-10-05 Ash CatsBG Emily Missi Party SierraCarBook UptonHouse ch-17 p-100 Emily: I… I hope you like this. You’re kind of hard to shop for, but I figured it was something you should have as soon as I saw it
p.2012-10-04 Party Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-099 Vashiel: Where are you going?
p.2012-10-03 Ash Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-098 Rumisiel: You know you’ll wear it for Emily one of these days…
p.2012-10-02 Ash Emily Missi Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-097 Missi: SWEET! You got me a shirt with the team logo on it!
p.2012-10-01 Ash Emily GiftCertificate Missi Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-096 Missi: Gift certificate? For video games?
p.2012-09-28 Ash BubblesBG Dream Lingerie Missi Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-095 Missi: You should try it on and see if it fits
p.2012-09-27 Ash Missi Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-094
p.2012-09-26 Ash Emily Missi Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-093
p.2012-09-25 Ash Emily Party Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-092
p.2012-09-24 Ash Emily Melissa Party Snow UptonHouse ch-17 p-091
p.2012-09-21 EllenMcArthur Emily Party Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-090
p.2012-09-20 Ash Edward Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-089
p.2012-09-19 Ash Edward Melissa Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-088
p.2012-09-18 Ash Edward Melissa Missi Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-087
p.2012-09-16 Ash Edward Missi Party UptonHouse ch-17 p-086 Mistletoe hat
p.2012-09-14 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-085
p.2012-09-13 Ash Emily FullerHome Missi Phone UptonHouse ch-17 p-084
p.2012-09-12 Ash Dates Edward UptonHouse ch-17 p-083 Xmas eve 2004-12-24
p.2012-09-11 Ash Dates UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-082 Xmas-eve’s eve 2004-12-23
p.2012-09-10 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-081
p.2012-09-07 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-080
p.2012-09-06 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-079 Wrapping presents
p.2012-09-05 Ash Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-078
p.2012-09-04 Ash ShoulderAngel Snow UptonHouse ch-17 p-077 A white Christmas
p.2012-09-03 Ash ShoulderAngel UptonHouse ch-17 p-076 Gushy
p.2013-08-31 Filler Saboten-Con
p.2012-08-30 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-17 p-075 Rumisiel: There was no snow, was there?
p.2012-08-29 Ash Blush Emily Molly OldRoad ch-17 p-074 Emily: It was just Molly when we were younger
p.2012-08-28 Ash Emily Kiss OldRoad ch-17 p-073 Emily: Better?
p.2012-08-27 Ash Emily Kiss OldRoad ch-17 p-072 Ash: How… How do we do this? I mean,
p.2012-08-24 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-17 p-071 Where are your excuses now?
p.2012-08-23 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-17 p-070 Emily: I’m ok with mean
p.2012-08-22 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-17 p-069 Snoooooowwww!!!!
p.2012-08-21 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-17 p-068 Somehow we always end up at the old road
p.2012-08-20 Cassi James JamesHouse ch-17 p-067 Cassi: You can’t just break up with me!
p.2012-08-17 Cassi James JamesHouse ch-17 p-066 James: Break it off
p.2012-08-16 Cassi James JamesHouse ch-17 p-065 James: I have evidence to the contrary
p.2012-08-15 Ash Emily FilingTool Nissan240SX Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-17 p-064 My ass is still sore from the other night
p.2012-08-14 Ash Dates Emily Nissan240SX Rumisiel School SchoolRoad Teacher ch-17 p-063 December 2004
p.2012-08-13 Ash Emily Hit Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-062 No I should have kicked him in the ’nads
p.2012-08-10 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-061 Get on the pill
p.2012-08-09 Ash Edward Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-060 Turkish prison
p.2012-08-08 Ash Edward Gyno IceCream Melissa UptonHouse ch-17 p-059 It’s your health, Ash
p.2012-08-07 Ash Edward Emily Nosebleed UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-058 Whoosh!
p.2012-08-06 Ash BubblesBG Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-057
p.2012-08-03 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-056
p.2012-08-02 Ash Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-055
p.2012-08-01 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-17 p-054
p.2012-07-31 Ash Diner Emily ch-17 p-053
p.2012-07-30 Ash Blush Diner Emily ch-17 p-052
p.2012-07-27 Ash Diner Emily ch-17 p-051
p.2012-07-26 Ash Diner Emily James ch-17 p-050
p.2012-07-25 Ash Cassi Cassiel Diner James ch-17 p-049
p.2012-07-24 Ash Diner James ch-17 p-048
p.2012-07-23 Ash Diner Emily James ch-17 p-047
p.2012-07-20 Ash Blush Diner Emily James ch-17 p-046
p.2012-07-19 Ash Diner Emily James ch-17 p-045
p.2012-07-18 Ash Diner Emily ch-17 p-044
p.2012-07-17 Ash Emily School ch-17 p-043
p.2012-07-16 Ash Emily School ch-17 p-042
p.2012-07-13 Ash Dress Emily School ch-17 p-041
p.2012-07-12 Ash Blush Dress Overcoat School ch-17 p-040 dress
p.2012-07-11 Ash Overcoat School Teacher ch-17 p-039
p.2012-07-10 Ash Cassi Cassiel School ch-17 p-038
p.2012-07-09 Ash Blush Cassi Cassiel Eponine Overcoat School ch-17 p-037
p.2012-07-06 Ash Overcoat Rumisiel School SchoolRoad ch-17 p-036
p.2012-07-05 Ash Blush Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-035
p.2012-07-04 Ash Filler Rumisiel (Page 2000!)
p.2012-07-03 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-034
p.2012-07-02 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-033
p.2012-06-29 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-032
p.2012-06-28 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-031
p.2012-06-27 Ash Chocolate Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-030 Ash: EMILY! EMILY! YOU’RE SPILLING HOT CHOCOLATE DOWN MY BUTT!
p.2012-06-26 Ash Blush BubblesBG Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-029
p.2012-06-25 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-028 Emily: I’m in your bed all wet and you’re topless
p.2012-06-22 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-17 p-027
p.2012-06-21 Ash Emily Rain Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-026
p.2012-06-20 Ash Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-17 p-025
p.2012-06-19 Ash Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-17 p-024
p.2012-06-18 Ash Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-17 p-023
p.2012-06-15 Ash Edward Emily Filler Missi Fathers’ day 2012
p.2012-06-14 Ash Hit Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-17 p-022
p.2012-06-13 Ash Rain Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-17 p-021
p.2012-06-12 EllenMcArthur Emily Molly School Teacher ch-17 p-020
p.2012-06-11 Ash Eponine School ch-17 p-019
p.2012-06-08 Ash Eponine School ch-17 p-018
p.2012-06-07 Ash Eponine School ch-17 p-017
p.2012-06-06 Ash Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel School Teacher ch-17 p-016
p.2012-06-05 Ash Eponine Rumisiel School ch-17 p-015
p.2012-06-04 Ash Blush Eponine Rumisiel School ch-17 p-014
p.2012-06-01 Ash Rumisiel School Teacher ch-17 p-013
p.2012-05-31 Ash Cassi Emily James School ch-17 p-012
p.2012-05-30 Ash Cassi Emily JamesCar School Snow ch-17 p-011
p.2012-05-29 Ash Emily School ch-17 p-010
p.2012-05-28 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-17 p-009
p.2012-05-25 Ash FullerHome Missi ch-17 p-008 Goose
p.2012-05-24 Ash FullerHome Missi ch-17 p-007 Vietcong
p.2012-05-23 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-006
p.2012-05-22 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-17 p-005
p.2012-05-21 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-17 p-004
p.2012-05-18 Ash Ashley Edward Flashback UptonHouse ch-17 p-003 Yesterday you were drinking eggnog and all sad about how much we barely do anything for Christmas since Mom left
p.2012-05-17 Ash Ashley Edward Flashback UptonHouse ch-17 p-002 Come downstirs! I have a surprise for you!
p.2012-05-16 Ash Ashley BubblesBG Dates Edward Flashback Photo UptonHouse ch-17 p-001 Christmas 1999
Book 17
December ’04
Christmas past — Christmas plans — roots — relationships — hot chocolate — the breakup — ok with mean — Christmas party — the checkout Christmas present
It’s Christmas time in Tempest! Can Ash live up to Dr Upton’s expectations from Christmases past? James is back in town… And apparently dating Cassiel. Can Ash let that stand? Worse than that, Ash has to wear a dress… In public.
p.2012-05-14 Computer EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-16 p-116 Emily: Unfortunately the only things I know she wants are things I just can’t give her…
p.2012-05-11 Computer EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-16 p-115 Ebay?
p.2012-05-10 Ash Canada ChristmasBauble Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-16 p-114 Vashiel: I’m going to hang my balls all over it
p.2012-05-09 Ash ChristmasTree Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-16 p-113 Edward & Vashiel: MERRY CHRISTMAS
p.2012-05-08 Cassi Cassiel James JamesHouse ch-16 p-112 James: Ok, I don’t like him, but I don’t see what your plan has in it for me
p.2012-05-07 Cassi Cassiel James JamesHouse ch-16 p-111 James: Oh it’s the princess shirt girl
p.2012-05-04 Cassiel James JamesHouse Rumisiel ch-16 p-110 James: Look, maybe I will and maybe I won’t, but me and Ash is between me and Ash
p.2012-05-03 James JamesHouse Rumisiel ch-16 p-109 Rumisiel: Look, I know we don’t exactly get along
p.2012-05-02 James JamesHouse Rumisiel ch-16 p-108 James: Yes master. Thank you for your generous permission master.
p.2012-05-01 Aries Ash Kate ch-16 p-107 Kate: A secret that boring will be no problem to keep.
p.2012-04-30 Aries Ash Blush Kate ch-16 p-106 Kate: This for your ex-boyfriend James?
p.2012-04-27 Aries Ash Emily Harry Kate ch-16 p-105 Kate: If you really want to thank us then just give us a go at repairs on that car
p.2012-04-26 Aries Ash Emily Harry ch-16 p-104 Harry: Fully clothed now. What can I do for you?
p.2012-04-25 Aries Ash Emily Harry Kate ch-16 p-103 Harry: Besides we’ve still go’ our trousers on, so it’s not technically even interrupting ye’
p.2012-04-24 Aries Ash Blush BubblesBG Emily Harry Kate ch-16 p-102 Kate: My… This is awkward.
p.2012-04-23 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-16 p-101 Emily: Try FEELING what a girl would feel. Get your answers from that
p.2012-04-20 Ash Emily School SchoolRoad ch-16 p-100 Emily: Hey, Ash! Rough day?
p.2012-04-19 Ash Rumisiel School UptonHouse ch-16 p-099 Rumisiel: So… You did the Christmas shopping thing today
p.2012-04-18 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-098 Rumisiel: So that James guy is back?
p.2012-04-17 Ash Bra James UptonHouse Vashiel ch-16 p-097 Vashiel: I heard yelling! Is everyone ok?
p.2012-04-16 Ash Bra James UptonHouse ch-16 p-096 James: You’re hot Ash. But you’re not THAT hot
p.2012-04-13 Ash California James MIT UptonHouse ch-16 p-095 Ash: What are you doing back here anyway
p.2012-04-12 Ash James JamesCar UptonHouse ch-16 p-094 James: … In my head this was a really cool moment …
p.2012-04-11 Ash James Marie MarieCar UptonHouse ch-16 p-093 Hey. Stranger. Been a while.
p.2012-04-10 Ash Diner Envelope Marie MarieCar ch-16 p-092 Marie: Gift certificates? Really?
p.2012-04-09 Ash Diner Marie ch-16 p-091 Marie: Was that really so bad?
p.2012-04-06 Ash BunnySuit Cassiel Eggs Emily Filler Missi Rumisiel Easter 2012
p.2012-04-05 Ash Bra EverythingUnder Marie Shopping ShoulderAngel TriangleMall ch-16 p-090 Shoulder Angel: I can feel your confusion.
p.2012-04-04 Ash Bra EverythingUnder Marie Shopping TriangleMall ch-16 p-089 Marie: Doing ok in there?
p.2012-04-03 Ash Clock Marie Shoes Shopping TriangleMall ch-16 p-088 Marie: You’ve got pretty feet. These show off your toes and your ankles
p.2012-04-02 Ash Dress Leggings Marie Shopping TriangleMall ch-16 p-087 Ash: This makes me feel ridiculous
p.2012-03-30 Ash Marie TriangleMall ch-16 p-086 Ash: Five o’clock. We eat dinner at five and it ends then.
p.2012-03-29 Ash CatAndMouseBG Clock Marie Shopping TriangleMall Trolley ch-16 p-085 Marie: How about we make a deal?
p.2012-03-28 Ash Marie Shopping TriangleMall ch-16 p-084 Ash: I’ve heard it said a man will spend twice what something i worth if it is something he really needs,
p.2012-03-27 Ash Marie Perfume Shopping TriangleMall ch-16 p-083 Marie: Look at this! What a sale!
p.2012-03-26 Ash Blush Marie Skirt UptonHouse ch-16 p-082 Marie: Now stand up straight and let me get a good look at you.
p.2012-03-23 Ash Marie Skirt UptonHouse ch-16 p-081 Marie: The zipper is in the back, honey. Have you never done this before?
p.2012-03-22 Ash Edward Marie UptonHouse ch-16 p-080 Edward: … Good Morning. Marie. You’re looking… Well.
p.2012-03-21 Ash Dates Marie UptonHouse ch-16 p-079 Marie: GOOOOOD MORNING! Saturday – 2004-12-18?
p.2012-03-20 Ash Cassiel Emily Filler Maid Rumisiel ShoulderAngel Art auction
p.2012-03-19 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-16 p-078 Ash: At least your mom never dragged you out shopping against your will…
p.2012-03-16 Angel Ash Emily Gabriel Rumisiel School ch-16 p-077 Emily: What about you? You must have a mom? On the “becoming” of angels
p.2012-03-15 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-16 p-076 Ash: Whether or not we fix this , it’s not something I’ll ever have to worry about
p.2012-03-14 Ash Emily School ch-16 p-075 Emily: Moms are weird
p.2012-03-13 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Mustang ch-16 p-074 Emily’s Mom: My father had one of these when I was growing up
p.2012-03-12 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Mustang ch-16 p-073 Emily: Uh… Hi, It’s kind of cold out. Can we do this inside?
p.2012-03-09 EllenMcArthur McArthurRes MomsCar Mustang ch-16 p-072 Emily’s Mom: Oh, Emily? Could you come out here for a minute?
p.2012-03-08 Ash Bath Candle Dates Marie Phone ch-16 p-071 Marie: I’m going to be in town this weekend. We must get together on Saturday
p.2012-03-07 Ash Edward Marie Phone Snow UptonHouse ch-16 p-070
p.2012-03-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ShoulderAngel ch-16 p-069 Ash: It’s getting late. I should get home
p.2012-03-05 Ash Emily McArthurRes Mustang ch-16 p-068 Emily: My mom is going to flip when she sees this in the driveway
p.2012-03-02 Ash Rumisiel School ch-16 p-067 Rumisiel: Chickens have spines
p.2012-03-01 Ash Eponine Rumisiel School ch-16 p-066 Rumisiel: But if I hadn’t made mistakes we’d have never become friends
p.2012-02-29 Ash RacerB Rumisiel School ch-16 p-065 Ash: He was ripping people off
p.2012-02-28 Ash RacerB School ch-16 p-064 Ash: You know, a “sorry” would be nice
p.2012-02-27 Ash Rumisiel School SchoolRoad Slush ch-16 p-063 Rumisiel: EEG! IT’S DRIPPING DOWN MY SHIRT!
p.2012-02-24 Ash Blush Rumisiel SchoolRoad Slush Snow ch-16 p-062 Rumisiel: Road slush? Ok, it’s dirty but why would you walk all the way over there just to…
p.2012-02-23 Ash Bed Blush Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-061 Rumisiel: You probably shouldn’t sit like that if you aren’t going to wear anything under your boxer shorts
p.2012-02-22 Ash Bed Computer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-060 Rumisiel: So, all’s well that end well, huh?
p.2012-02-21 Ash Emily Mustang UptonHouse ch-16 p-059 Ash: I’ll sign the title over to you.
p.2012-02-20 Ash Emily Mustang Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-058 Rumisiel: But doesn’t it feel good having stuck it to that screw job, Burt?
p.2012-02-17 Ash Mustang Snow UptonHouse ch-16 p-057 Ash: I own a pile of old Mustang parts
p.2012-02-16 Ash Burt Emily Envelope Mustang Roy Speedway ch-16 p-056 Burt: Hey! There’s only thirty seven dollars here!
p.2012-02-15 Ash Burt Emily Envelope Roy Speedway ch-16 p-055 Burt: Huh? Roy? But why would…
p.2012-02-14 Burt Kate Roy Snow Speedway ch-16 p-054 Burt: How dare you make that insinuation in front of all these people?
p.2012-02-13 Ash Burt Kate Speedway ch-16 p-053 Burt: You buy all the parts you need from me and it’s yours
p.2012-02-10 AllTrac Ash Burt Emily Monster Mustang Snow Speedway ch-16 p-052 Burt: You! What the hell was that?
p.2012-02-09 AllTrac Monster Race Snow Speedway ch-16 p-051 Roy: And the challenger crosses the line! What an upset!
p.2012-02-08 AllTrac Ash Burt Emily Missi Monster Race Snow Speedway ch-16 p-050 Burt: Just let me get through here…
p.2012-02-07 Ash Monster Race Roy Speedway ch-16 p-049 Ash: It’s like I can feel the crowd.
p.2012-02-06 Ash Race Roy Speedway ch-16 p-048 Roy: What’s this? You folks are sure getting your tickets worth!
p.2012-02-03 AllTrac Ash Burt Monster Race Snow Speedway ch-16 p-047 Burt: TURN already! Damn ice…
p.2012-02-02 AllTrac Ash Burt Emily Monster Mustang Race Snow Speedway ch-16 p-046 Ash: Or maybe I’m going at this all wrong
p.2012-02-01 AllTrac Ash Burt Monster Race Snow Speedway ch-16 p-045 Ash: Worried maybe I’m going to slide into your car?
p.2012-01-31 AllTrac Ash Burt Monster Race Snow Speedway ch-16 p-044 Ash: That’s odd… So, if I go left…
p.2012-01-30 Kate Roy Speedway Vashiel ch-16 p-043 Roy: … it looks like the Toyota has pulled ahead! All-Trac is a Toyota brand
p.2012-01-27 AllTrac Ash Burt Missi Monster Race RaceSuit Snow Speedway ch-16 p-042 Missi: …one slip from being bumper cars
p.2012-01-26 Ash Emily Missi Monster Race Speedway StartLights ch-16 p-041 Roy: A race like you’ve never seen before!
p.2012-01-25 AllTrac Ash Burt Monster RaceSuit Roy Snow Speedway ch-16 p-040 Ash: We’ve got half an hour. I’m going to walk the track one last time.
p.2012-01-24 AllTrac Ash Burt Mustang Speedway ch-16 p-039 Ash: Wow. An All Trac. I haven’t seen one of those outside a tuner magazine in years.
p.2012-01-23 Ash Burt Mustang Speedway ch-16 p-038 Burt: I brought the Mustang. You bring your Pinks?
p.2012-01-20 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel Snow Speedway Vashiel ch-16 p-037 Emily: Then make a good impression
p.2012-01-19 Ash Dates Emily Missi Snow Speedway ch-16 p-036 Ash: I can’t believe people are actually showing up, and it’s still early
p.2012-01-18 Filler Chris: I’m 36 Today
p.2012-01-17 Ash Emily Missi RaceSuit TeamMisfile UptonHouse ch-16 p-035 Ash: Girls and their damn fashion shows…
p.2012-01-16 Ash Dates Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-16 p-034 Ash: Missi, I’m not going to waltz around topless for you… Sunday, race day. Also ref to Ash’s birthday in January
p.2012-01-13 Ash Bed Emily Missi Sleepover UptonHouse Wrench ch-16 p-033 Emily: So… You ARE making the car slower
p.2012-01-12 Ash Emily Missi Monster UptonHouse Wrench ch-16 p-032 Emily: So… To win a race you are going to make your car go slower?
p.2012-01-11 Ash Emily Monster Speedway UptonHouse ch-16 p-031 I have a plan. I’m going to stop practicing today.
p.2012-01-10 Ash Emily Monster Snow Speedway ch-16 p-030 Emily: What’s wrong? Are you ok? Is the CAR ok?
p.2012-01-09 Ash Monster Snow Speedway ch-16 p-029 Ash: You’re going to slide
p.2012-01-06 Ash Missi Monster Snow Speedway ch-16 p-028 Missi: GO, ASH! GO!
p.2012-01-05 Ash Monster Roy Snow Speedway ch-16 p-027 Roy: Everything should be clear for you. Have a good practice.
p.2012-01-04 Ash Emily Missi Snow Speedway ch-16 p-026 Missi: … snow trench run on planet Hoth Saturday
p.2012-01-03 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-025
p.2012-01-02 Ash RaceFlag Rumisiel Tire UptonHouse ch-16 p-024 He’s a cheater, plain and simple.
p.2011-12-30 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-023 Rumisiel: Shouldn’t your “boyfriend” get panty viewing privileges
p.2011-12-29 Burglar BurtsYard Lockpicks Roy Snow ch-16 p-022 Burglar: I have to see it for myself
p.2011-12-28 Ash Emily Monster Snow Snowball ch-16 p-021
p.2011-12-27 Ash Emily Monster ch-16 p-020
p.2011-12-26 Ash Emily Monster ch-16 p-019
p.2011-12-23 Ash Filler Missi Christmas 2011
p.2011-12-22 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-16 p-018
p.2011-12-21 Antifreeze Ash CarOil Emily UptonHouse ch-16 p-017
p.2011-12-20 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-16 p-016
p.2011-12-19 Canada Coffee Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-16 p-015
p.2011-12-16 Ash Emily Snow UptonHouse ch-16 p-014
p.2011-12-15 Ash Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-16 p-013
p.2011-12-14 Ash Snow UptonHouse Vashiel ch-16 p-012
p.2011-12-13 Ash Rumisiel Snow UptonHouse ch-16 p-011
p.2011-12-12 Ash Rumisiel Snow ch-16 p-010 (Rumisiel meets snow)
p.2011-12-09 Aries Ash Kate Rumisiel ch-16 p-009
p.2011-12-08 Aries Ash Kate Rumisiel ch-16 p-008
p.2011-12-07 Aries Ash Kate Rumisiel ch-16 p-007
p.2011-12-06 Aries Ash Computer Kate Rumisiel ch-16 p-006
p.2011-12-05 Aries Ash Rumisiel School ch-16 p-005
p.2011-12-02 Ash Rumisiel School ch-16 p-004
p.2011-12-01 Rumisiel Vashiel ch-16 p-003 I have no proof. Knowledge like this is just a burden
p.2011-11-30 Rumisiel Vashiel ch-16 p-002 I can’t believe I froze up all stupid like that
p.2011-11-29 ArchonKiller CFS5 Fillaniel Sword Terrael ch-16 p-001 Fillaniel ID: WoG from book 16’s notes
Book 16
December ’04
Fifth Branch — business ethics — practice — racing Burt — shopping with mother — James returns — in flagrante delicto — my enemy’s enemy
Ash and Emily challenge a crooked car dealer and wanna be racer to save a classic Mustang from being sold for parts. Meanwhile, can Ash repair his friendship with Eponine? What could be worse than that? Christmas shopping with mom…
p.2011-11-25 Burt BurtsYard Roy Rumisiel ch-15 p-128
p.2011-11-24 Burt BurtsYard Rumisiel ch-15 p-127
p.2011-11-23 Burt BurtsYard Roy Rumisiel ch-15 p-126
p.2011-11-22 Burt BurtsYard Roy Rumisiel ch-15 p-125
p.2011-11-21 BurtsYard Roy Rumisiel ch-15 p-124
p.2011-11-18 BurtsYard Rumisiel Vashiel ch-15 p-123
p.2011-11-17 Emily Rachel School ch-15 p-122
p.2011-11-16 Emily Rachel School ch-15 p-121
p.2011-11-15 Emily Rachel School ch-15 p-120
p.2011-11-14 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-119
p.2011-11-11 Filler Vashiel Veterans Day
p.2011-11-10 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-118
p.2011-11-09 Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-117
p.2011-11-08 Dream Emily ShoulderAngel ch-15 p-116
p.2011-11-07 Dream Emily ShoulderAngel ch-15 p-115
p.2011-11-04 Dream Emily ShoulderAngel ch-15 p-114
p.2011-11-03 Ash Edward UptonHouse ch-15 p-113 pregnant with twins
p.2011-11-02 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-112 Rumisiel: Whoever said it was you trying to pick up the girl?
p.2011-11-01 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-111
p.2011-10-31 Ash Burt BurtsYard ch-15 p-110 $20 admission
p.2011-10-28 Ash BurtsYard Dates Emily ch-15 p-109 December 2004 nine months since Misfile
p.2011-10-27 Ash BurtsYard Emily Missi Mustang ch-15 p-108 Mustang mentioned
p.2011-10-26 Ash Burt BurtsYard Missi ch-15 p-107
p.2011-10-25 Ash Burt BurtsYard Missi ch-15 p-106
p.2011-10-24 BurtsYard Emily Rumisiel ch-15 p-105
p.2011-10-21 BurtsYard Emily Rumisiel ch-15 p-104
p.2011-10-20 BurtsYard Emily Rumisiel ch-15 p-103
p.2011-10-19 Ash BurtsYard Emily Missi Mustang Rumisiel ch-15 p-102
p.2011-10-18 Ash Burt BurtsYard Mustang ch-15 p-101 Burt: That there’s a 1968. If you’re interested it’s yours for just nine thousand
p.2011-10-17 Ash BurtsYard Emily Missi Mustang ch-15 p-100 Ash: Whoa…
p.2011-10-14 Ash BurtsYard Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-15 p-099
p.2011-10-13 Ash Dates Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-15 p-098 Saturday
p.2011-10-12 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-097
p.2011-10-11 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-096
p.2011-10-10 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-095
p.2011-10-07 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-15 p-094
p.2011-10-06 Ash Blush Rumisiel School ch-15 p-093 Rumisiel: It’s a SHOP, ladies! The nipples are all wrong!
p.2011-10-05 Ash Rumisiel School ch-15 p-092
p.2011-10-04 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-091
p.2011-10-03 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-090
p.2011-09-29 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-089
p.2011-09-28 Ash Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse ch-15 p-088
p.2011-09-27 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-087
p.2011-09-26 Ash Ashley Dress Edward Flashback Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-086 Sophomore semi-formal prom dresses
p.2011-09-23 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-15 p-085
p.2011-09-22 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-084 aargh!
p.2011-09-21 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-083 nearly…
p.2011-09-20 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-082
p.2011-09-19 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-081
p.2011-09-16 Ash Eponine School ch-15 p-080
p.2011-09-15 Ash Eponine School ch-15 p-079
p.2011-09-14 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-078
p.2011-09-13 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-077
p.2011-09-12 Ash Rapists Rumisiel Toilet UptonHouse ch-15 p-076
p.2011-09-09 Ash Rumisiel Toilet ToiletRoll UptonHouse ch-15 p-075
p.2011-09-08 Ash FullerHome Missi Phone UptonHouse ch-15 p-074
p.2011-09-07 Ash Phone Rumisiel School UptonHouse ch-15 p-073
p.2011-09-06 Ash Photo Rumisiel School ch-15 p-072
p.2011-09-05 Ash Photo Rumisiel School ch-15 p-071
p.2011-09-02 Ash Blush Photo Rumisiel School ch-15 p-070
p.2011-09-01 Emily Rachel School ch-15 p-069
p.2011-08-31 Ash Computer Emily Missi Rachel School ch-15 p-068
p.2011-08-30 Ash Computer Missi Rumisiel ch-15 p-067
p.2011-08-29 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-066
p.2011-08-26 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-065
p.2011-08-25 Ash Rumisiel School ch-15 p-064
p.2011-08-24 Cassi Cassiel Logan ch-15 p-063
p.2011-08-23 Cassi Cassiel Logan ch-15 p-062
p.2011-08-22 CapKid Rumisiel School ch-15 p-061
p.2011-08-19 CapKid Rumisiel School ch-15 p-060
p.2011-08-18 Ash Computer Emily School Selfies ch-15 p-059
p.2011-08-17 Ash Emily School ch-15 p-058
p.2011-08-16 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-057
p.2011-08-15 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-056
p.2011-08-12 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-055
p.2011-08-11 Ash Logan ch-15 p-054
p.2011-08-10 Ash Logan ch-15 p-053
p.2011-08-09 Ash Logan ch-15 p-052
p.2011-08-08 Ash Logan ch-15 p-051
p.2011-08-05 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-15 p-050
p.2011-08-04 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ShoulderAngel ch-15 p-049
p.2011-08-03 Ash Rumisiel School SchoolRoad ch-15 p-048
p.2011-08-02 Ash Rumisiel School ch-15 p-047
p.2011-08-01 Ash CapKid KidB Rumisiel School ch-15 p-046
p.2011-07-29 Ash CapKid KidB Rumisiel School ch-15 p-045
p.2011-07-28 Ash Period Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-044 Ash: Uh, actually… So… Any chance you could… like… Make me not have any more… Um… Periods?
p.2011-07-27 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-043
p.2011-07-26 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-042
p.2011-07-25 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-041
p.2011-07-22 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-040
p.2011-07-21 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi School ch-15 p-039
p.2011-07-20 Ash Emily Hit McArthurRes ch-15 p-038
p.2011-07-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-037
p.2011-07-18 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-036
p.2011-07-15 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-035
p.2011-07-14 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-15 p-034
p.2011-07-13 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-033
p.2011-07-12 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-15 p-032
p.2011-07-11 AlsDiner Angel Hit Ramael Rapists Sword ch-15 p-031
p.2011-07-08 AlsDiner Eponine Logan Ramael Rapists ch-15 p-030
p.2011-07-07 Filler guest comic by ??
p.2011-07-06 AlsDiner Ash Camera Logan Missi ch-15 p-029
p.2011-07-05 AlsDiner Ash Camera Logan Missi Photo ch-15 p-028
p.2011-07-04 AlsDiner Ash Logan Missi ch-15 p-027
p.2011-07-01 AlsDiner Ash Logan XR4Ti ch-15 p-026
p.2011-06-30 AlsDiner Ash Logan Missi Rapists ch-15 p-025
p.2011-06-29 AlsDiner Ash Camera Logan Missi Photo Rapists ch-15 p-024
p.2011-06-28 AlsDiner Ash Logan Missi Rapists ch-15 p-023
p.2011-06-27 AlsDiner Ash Missi Rapists ch-15 p-022
p.2011-06-24 AlsDiner Ash Missi Rapists XR4Ti ch-15 p-021
p.2011-06-23 AlsDiner Ash Missi Rapists ch-15 p-020
p.2011-06-22 AlsDiner Ash Missi ch-15 p-019
p.2011-06-21 AlsDiner Ash Missi ch-15 p-018
p.2011-06-20 AlsDiner Ash Missi ch-15 p-017
p.2011-06-17 AlsDiner Ash Missi ch-15 p-016
p.2011-06-16 AlsDiner Ash Lisa Missi ch-15 p-015
p.2011-06-15 AlsDiner Ash Lisa Missi ch-15 p-014
p.2011-06-14 AlsDiner Ash Cinema Hug Missi Tears ch-15 p-013
p.2011-06-13 Ash Cinema Hug Missi Tears ch-15 p-012
p.2011-06-10 Ash Cinema Missi Tears ch-15 p-011
p.2011-06-09 Ash Cinema Missi ch-15 p-010
p.2011-06-08 Ash Cinema Missi ch-15 p-009
p.2011-06-07 Ash Cinema Missi ch-15 p-008
p.2011-06-06 Ash Cinema Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-007
p.2011-06-03 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-15 p-006
p.2011-06-02 Flashback Hit Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-15 p-005
p.2011-06-01 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-15 p-004
p.2011-05-31 Ash Heather HeatherHome Phone ch-15 p-003
p.2011-05-30 Ash Heather HeatherHome Phone ch-15 p-002
p.2011-05-27 Ash Eponine School ch-15 p-001
Book 15
November – December ’04
Two to the cinema – to Al’s Diner — a rescue — every picture tells a story — on the fence — Burt Clayton
Missi tries to come to grips with her relationship with Ash. Logan saves Ash from a horrible situation, but he may have been secretly exploiting Eponine. Can Ash figure out who to side with? Can he make either choice without losing or betraying a friend?
p.2011-05-25 Ash UptonHouse ch-14 p-114
p.2011-05-24 Ash Computer UptonHouse ch-14 p-113
p.2011-05-23 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-14 p-112
p.2011-05-20 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-14 p-111
p.2011-05-19 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-14 p-110
p.2011-05-18 Cassi Cassiel Eponine Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-109
p.2011-05-17 Cassi Cassiel Eponine Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-108
p.2011-05-16 Cassi Cassiel Eponine Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-107
p.2011-05-13 Cassi Cassiel Eponine Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-106
p.2011-05-12 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-14 p-105
p.2011-05-11 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-14 p-104
p.2011-05-10 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-14 p-103
p.2011-05-09 Ash Emily Phone UptonHouse ch-14 p-102
p.2011-05-06 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-14 p-101 4:34pm
p.2011-05-05 Ash Filler Rumisiel sandwich filler
p.2011-05-04 Aries Heather Kate ch-14 p-100
p.2011-05-03 Ash Emily School ch-14 p-099
p.2011-05-02 Ash Emily School ch-14 p-098
p.2011-04-29 Cassi Cassiel Eponine Rumisiel School ch-14 p-097
p.2011-04-28 Cassi Cassiel Eponine School ch-14 p-096
p.2011-04-27 Ash Cassiel Heather OldRoad Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-095
p.2011-04-26 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-094
p.2011-04-25 Ash Emily McArthurRes Molly UptonHouse ch-14 p-093
p.2011-04-22 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Molly ch-14 p-092
p.2011-04-21 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Molly ch-14 p-091
p.2011-04-20 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Molly ch-14 p-090
p.2011-04-19 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Molly OldRoad Police ch-14 p-089
p.2011-04-18 Ash Emily OldRoad Police ch-14 p-088
p.2011-04-15 Ambulance Ash Cassiel Eponine OldRoad Police Rumisiel ch-14 p-087
p.2011-04-14 Angel Cassiel Rumisiel ch-14 p-086
p.2011-04-13 Emily Eponine Heather Molly OldRoad ch-14 p-085 Emily calls to Molly who is off-frame
p.2011-04-12 Ash Emily Heather Logan LoganCar Nosebleed OldRoad XR4Ti ch-14 p-084
p.2011-04-11 Angel Cassiel LoganCar OldRoad Race ch-14 p-083 CRASH!
p.2011-04-08 Ash Logan LoganCar OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-14 p-082
p.2011-04-07 Logan LoganCar OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-14 p-081
p.2011-04-06 Angel Cassiel Emily Heather OldRoad Rumisiel ch-14 p-080
p.2011-04-05 Angel Cassiel LoganCar OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-14 p-079
p.2011-04-04 Angel Cassiel Logan LoganCar OldRoad Race Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-14 p-078
p.2011-04-01 Angel Cassiel Emily Heather OldRoad Rumisiel ch-14 p-077
p.2011-03-31 Emily Heather OldRoad ch-14 p-076 Heather: This is about seeing Ash lose at something she really cares about
p.2011-03-30 Angel Cassiel OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-14 p-075
p.2011-03-29 Angel Cassiel Rumisiel ch-14 p-074
p.2011-03-28 Ash Logan LoganCar OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-14 p-073
p.2011-03-25 Logan LoganCar OldRoad Race RacerGirl Racers XR4Ti ch-14 p-072 Racer Girl: GO!
p.2011-03-24 Ash Heather Logan LoganCar OldRoad XR4Ti ch-14 p-071
p.2011-03-23 Eponine Heather HeatherCar Logan LoganCar OldRoad ch-14 p-070
p.2011-03-22 Ash Emily OldRoad Racers ch-14 p-069
p.2011-03-21 Ash Emily Molly OldRoad Rumisiel VW ch-14 p-068
p.2011-03-18 Emily Molly OldRoad XR4Ti ch-14 p-067
p.2011-03-17 Dates Emily McArthurRes Molly VW ch-14 p-066 (ref: Molly goes to college in January 2005)
p.2011-03-16 Emily McArthurRes ch-14 p-065 time 11:11pm
p.2011-03-15 Cassi Cassiel EllenMcArthur Emily Eponine McArthurRes OldRoad ch-14 p-064 ‘Fever’
p.2011-03-14 Filler birth
p.2011-03-11 Cassi Cassiel Eponine OldRoad WallaceSign ch-14 p-063 race night Saturday
p.2011-03-10 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-14 p-062
p.2011-03-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-14 p-061
p.2011-03-08 Heather Logan OldRoad ch-14 p-060
p.2011-03-07 Heather Logan OldRoad ch-14 p-059
p.2011-03-04 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-14 p-058
p.2011-03-03 Dates EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-14 p-057 Mom McArthur: I got Friday off! Mom plans visit to Cornel U
p.2011-03-02 BubblesBG Cassiel Dream Eponine Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-056
p.2011-03-01 Ash Cassiel Dream Eponine Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-055
p.2011-02-28 Cassiel Logan LoganHome ch-14 p-054
p.2011-02-25 Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-053
p.2011-02-24 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-052
p.2011-02-23 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-051
p.2011-02-22 Ash Cassi Cassiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-050
p.2011-02-21 Ash Cassi Cassiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-14 p-049
p.2011-02-18 Ash Cassi Cassiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-048
p.2011-02-17 Ash Cassi Cassiel Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-047
p.2011-02-16 Ash Cassi Cassiel Edward Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-14 p-046
p.2011-02-15 Cassi Cassiel Edward UptonHouse ch-14 p-045
p.2011-02-14 Ash Filler Valentine
p.2011-02-11 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-14 p-044
p.2011-02-10 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-14 p-043
p.2011-02-09 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-14 p-042 leaf motif background behind the comic panels
p.2011-02-08 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-14 p-041
p.2011-02-07 Ash Missi XR4Ti ch-14 p-040
p.2011-02-04 Ash Cassi Cassiel Eponine EponineHome Party ch-14 p-039
p.2011-02-03 Ash Eponine EponineHome Party ShoulderAngel ch-14 p-038
p.2011-02-02 Ash Eponine EponineHome Party ch-14 p-037
p.2011-02-01 Cassi Cassiel Eponine EponineHome Heather Logan Party ch-14 p-036
p.2011-01-31 Cassi Cassiel EponineHome Heather Party ch-14 p-035
p.2011-01-28 Blush Cassi Cassiel Eponine EponineHome Heather Logan Party ch-14 p-034
p.2011-01-27 Eponine EponineHome Heather Logan Party ch-14 p-033
p.2011-01-26 Colin EponineHome Heather Hit Party ch-14 p-032
p.2011-01-25 Colin EponineHome Heather Party ch-14 p-031
p.2011-01-24 Ash Colin Emily EponineHome Heather Party ch-14 p-030
p.2011-01-21 Ash Emily EponineHome Heather Missi Party ch-14 p-029
p.2011-01-20 Eponine EponineHome Logan Party ch-14 p-028
p.2011-01-19 Ash EponineHome Heather Missi Party ch-14 p-027
p.2011-01-18 Ash EponineHome Heather Missi Party ch-14 p-026
p.2011-01-17 Ash EponineHome Heather Party ch-14 p-025
p.2011-01-14 Ash EponineHome Heather Logan Party ch-14 p-024
p.2011-01-13 Ash EponineHome Heather Logan Party ch-14 p-023
p.2011-01-12 Ash Blush EponineHome Hug Logan Missi Party ch-14 p-022 Cassiel’s ‘Cassi’ disguise is good enough to fool Logan, who can see angels
p.2011-01-11 Cassi Cassiel Eponine EponineHome Party ch-14 p-021
p.2011-01-10 Ash Cassi Cassiel Emily Eponine EponineHome Party ch-14 p-020
p.2011-01-07 Ash Emily EponineHome ch-14 p-019
p.2011-01-06 Ash Emily Eponine EponineHome Missi Party ch-14 p-018
p.2011-01-05 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-14 p-017
p.2011-01-04 AngelGirl CFS Heaven Xaphrael ch-14 p-016
p.2011-01-03 AngelGirl CFS Heaven Xaphrael ch-14 p-015
p.2010-12-31 Ash Cassi Cassiel Emily Rumisiel School ch-14 p-014
p.2010-12-30 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-14 p-013
p.2010-12-29 Ash Rumisiel School ch-14 p-012
p.2010-12-28 Ash Cassi Cassiel School ch-14 p-011 Cassi: Hey, scratchy bush girl. I’m throwing a party. You’re coming.
p.2010-12-27 Ash Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel School ch-14 p-010
p.2010-12-23 Ash Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-14 p-009
p.2010-12-22 Ash Logan LoganCar SchoolRoad ch-14 p-008
p.2010-12-21 Ash Logan LoganCar Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-14 p-007
p.2010-12-20 Ash Cassi Cassiel ClothesShop Ramael Rumisiel School SchoolRoad Shopping ch-14 p-006
p.2010-12-17 Cassi Cassiel ClothesShop Ramael Shopping ch-14 p-005
p.2010-12-16 Ash Cassi Cassiel ClothesShop Shopping UptonHouse Vashiel ch-14 p-004
p.2010-12-15 Ash Flashback Heaven Sword UptonHouse Vashiel Xaphrael ch-14 p-003 Vashiel: The last time I argued with Xaphrael it… didn’t go well
p.2010-12-14 Filler virus edition…
p.2010-12-13 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-14 p-002
p.2010-12-10 Ash Nosebleed UptonHouse Vashiel ch-14 p-001
Book 14
November ’04
The challenge — scratchy bush girl — doing a great job – the pyjama game — dreams and fancyes — racing Logan — heart of gold - an exemplar
Heather returns with a vengeance to coach a new challenger to take on Ash, and Cassiel may help the challenger cheat. Can Rumisiel keep Ash from losing without breaking his promise not to use his powers on her during a race?
p.2010-12-08 Heather LoganHome ch-13 p-113
p.2010-12-07 Heather Logan LoganHome ch-13 p-112
p.2010-12-06 Heather Logan LoganHome OldRoad ch-13 p-111
p.2010-12-03 Ash OldRoad ch-13 p-110
p.2010-12-02 Ash Logan OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-109
p.2010-12-01 Angel Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-108
p.2010-11-30 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-107
p.2010-11-29 Angel Ash Logan OldRoad ch-13 p-106
p.2010-11-26 Angel Ash Logan OldRoad ch-13 p-105
p.2010-11-24 Angel Ash Logan OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-104
p.2010-11-23 Ash Logan OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-103
p.2010-11-22 Ash Logan OldRoad ch-13 p-102
p.2010-11-19 Ash OldRoad ch-13 p-101
p.2010-11-18 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-100
p.2010-11-17 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily Logan ch-13 p-099
p.2010-11-16 Ash AutoModerZ Logan ch-13 p-098
p.2010-11-15 Ash AutoModerZ Logan ch-13 p-097
p.2010-11-12 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily ch-13 p-096
p.2010-11-11 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily ch-13 p-095
p.2010-11-10 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-094
p.2010-11-09 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-093
p.2010-11-08 Ash Bed Chocolate Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-092
p.2010-11-05 Ash Chocolate Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-091 You’ve got ho-hos!
p.2010-11-04 Ash Bed Chocolate Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-090
p.2010-11-03 Ash Chocolate Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-089
p.2010-11-02 Ash Bed Chocolate Edward Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-088
p.2010-11-01 Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-13 p-087
p.2010-10-28 Ash FullerHome Missi Party ch-13 p-086
p.2010-10-27 Ash FullerHome Party Tom ch-13 p-085
p.2010-10-26 Ash FullerHome Harry Kate Missi Party Tom ch-13 p-084
p.2010-10-25 Ash FullerHome Kate Missi Party Tom ch-13 p-083
p.2010-10-22 Ash FullerHome Party Tom ch-13 p-082
p.2010-10-21 Cassi Cassiel Eponine FullerHome IceCream Party Tears ch-13 p-081 Cassiel: You humans only live for seventy or so years Ice cream mention
p.2010-10-20 Cassi Cassiel Eponine FullerHome Party ch-13 p-080
p.2010-10-19 Ash Emily FullerHome Party ch-13 p-079
p.2010-10-18 Ash Emily FullerHome Party ch-13 p-078
p.2010-10-15 Cassi Cassiel FullerHome Party Rumisiel Tom ch-13 p-077
p.2010-10-14 Cassi Cassiel Eponine FullerHome Party Rumisiel ch-13 p-076
p.2010-10-13 Ash FullerHome Missi Party Rumisiel ch-13 p-075
p.2010-10-12 Ash FullerHome Party Rumisiel ch-13 p-074
p.2010-10-11 Ash FullerHome Missi School ch-13 p-073
p.2010-10-08 Ash Edward Missi School ch-13 p-072
p.2010-10-07 Ash BoyA Dates Missi School ch-13 p-071 2004-10-29(2004-10-31 is Sunday, so assuming this is the Friday)
p.2010-10-06 Ash Emily Jake OldRoad ch-13 p-070
p.2010-10-05 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-13 p-069
p.2010-10-04 Ash OldRoad Randy ch-13 p-068
p.2010-10-01 Ash OldRoad Randy Rumisiel ch-13 p-067
p.2010-09-30 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-13 p-066
p.2010-09-29 Ash OldRoad ch-13 p-065
p.2010-09-28 Ash Cinema Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-13 p-064
p.2010-09-27 Ash Cinema Rumisiel ch-13 p-063
p.2010-09-24 Arthur Ash Cinema Rumisiel ch-13 p-062
p.2010-09-23 Arthur Ash Cinema Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-13 p-061
p.2010-09-22 Arthur Ash Cinema Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-13 p-060
p.2010-09-21 Cinema Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-13 p-059
p.2010-09-20 Arthur Ash Cinema Emily Missi ch-13 p-058
p.2010-09-17 Arthur Ash Cinema Emily Missi ch-13 p-057
p.2010-09-16 Cinema Emily McArthurRes Missi ch-13 p-056
p.2010-09-15 Emily McArthurRes Missi ch-13 p-055
p.2010-09-14 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-054
p.2010-09-13 Arthur Ash OldRoad Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-053
p.2010-09-10 Ash Missi OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-052
p.2010-09-09 Arthur Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-051
p.2010-09-08 Arthur Ash OldRoad ch-13 p-050 Ash: 34C, or so I am told
p.2010-09-07 Arthur Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-049
p.2010-09-06 Arthur Ash Missi OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-048
p.2010-09-03 Ash Edward UptonHouse ch-13 p-047
p.2010-09-02 Ash Edward UptonHouse ch-13 p-046
p.2010-09-01 Ash Edward UptonHouse ch-13 p-045
p.2010-08-31 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-13 p-044
p.2010-08-30 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-13 p-043
p.2010-08-27 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-042
p.2010-08-26 Arthur Ash BubblesBG OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-041
p.2010-08-25 Arthur Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-13 p-040
p.2010-08-24 Arthur Ash OldRoad Randy ch-13 p-039
p.2010-08-23 Ash CostumeShop Emily Shopping ch-13 p-038
p.2010-08-20 Ash CostumeShop Emily Shopping ch-13 p-037
p.2010-08-19 Ash CostumeShop Emily Shopping ch-13 p-036
p.2010-08-18 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-13 p-035
p.2010-08-17 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-13 p-034
p.2010-08-16 Ash Phone Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-033
p.2010-08-13 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-032
p.2010-08-12 Arthur Ash Randy School SchoolRoad ch-13 p-031
p.2010-08-11 Arthur Ash School SchoolRoad ch-13 p-030
p.2010-08-10 Arthur Ash Randy School SchoolRoad ch-13 p-029
p.2010-08-09 Arthur Ash Randy School SchoolRoad ch-13 p-028
p.2010-08-06 Ramael TempestHealth Vashiel ch-13 p-027
p.2010-08-05 Edward Ramael TempestHealth Vashiel ch-13 p-026
p.2010-08-04 Ramael TempestHealth Vashiel ch-13 p-025
p.2010-08-03 Ash Emily School ch-13 p-024
p.2010-08-02 Arthur Ash Emily Randy School ch-13 p-023
p.2010-07-30 Arthur Ash Randy School ch-13 p-022
p.2010-07-29 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-021
p.2010-07-28 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-020
p.2010-07-27 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-13 p-019
p.2010-07-26 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-13 p-018
p.2010-07-23 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-13 p-017
p.2010-07-22 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-13 p-016
p.2010-07-21 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-13 p-015 Ash: Missi? What are you doing here at this time of the morning?
p.2010-07-20 Missi UptonHouse ch-13 p-014 Missi’s Mom’s car
p.2010-07-19 FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-13 p-013 Vashiel: Listen to me. Your job is very important, ok?
p.2010-07-16 FilingTool Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-13 p-012 Vashiel: That was really something, you know, what you did tonight Filing Tool referenced ‘Useless little toy’
p.2010-07-15 Ash AshMale Bed Emily Moustache Sleepover UptonHouse ch-13 p-011 Ash: So did my explaination give you a good mental picture?
p.2010-07-14 Ash AshMale Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-13 p-010 Ash: I was a bit taller, a bit scruffier, wider shoulders and no hips really
p.2010-07-13 Ash Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-13 p-009 Emily: Well I was looking at you just now and thinking about how beautiful and feminine your eyelashes are compared to mine…
p.2010-07-12 Ash AshMale Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-13 p-008 Emily: What did you look like as a boy?
p.2010-07-09 Ash Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-13 p-007
p.2010-07-08 Ash Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-13 p-006
p.2010-07-07 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-005
p.2010-07-06 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-004
p.2010-07-05 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-13 p-003
p.2010-07-02 Ash Bed UptonHouse ch-13 p-002 Time 01:30
p.2010-07-01 Ash UptonHouse ch-13 p-001
Book 13
October ’04
Looking for the boy — costume — something rotten — road mending — not a date — Halloween party — experimental chocolate — the catspaw
The gang gear up for the big Halloween party while Ash tries to repair the race track to live up to her title of “King of the Old Road”.
p.2010-06-29 Ash FilingTool OldRoad Rumisiel ch-12 p-130 Bookmarks
p.2010-06-28 Ash FilingTool OldRoad Rumisiel ch-12 p-129
p.2010-06-25 Ash OldRoad Rumisiel ch-12 p-128
p.2010-06-24 Ash Missi OldRoad Sheldon ch-12 p-127 Thud! Missi plays the plural
p.2010-06-23 FilingTool Kevin OldRoad Rumisiel Sheldon Sheldonista ch-12 p-126
p.2010-06-22 Ash FilingTool OldRoad Rumisiel Sheldon ch-12 p-125 Sheldon: Loyalty is hard bought, but worth every penny. I told you I’d get my way. You should have taken the deal.
p.2010-06-21 Ash Kevin OldRoad Sheldon Sheldonista ch-12 p-124
p.2010-06-18 Ash Missi OldRoad Sheldon Sheldonista ch-12 p-123
p.2010-06-17 Ash Kevin OldRoad Sheldonista ch-12 p-122
p.2010-06-16 Ash OldRoad RacerF Rumisiel Vashiel ch-12 p-121
p.2010-06-15 Ash Kevin Missi OldRoad Race Racers Sheldonista ch-12 p-120
p.2010-06-14 Angel Cassiel OldRoad Race Rumisiel Sheldon ch-12 p-119
p.2010-06-11 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-118
p.2010-06-10 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-117
p.2010-06-09 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-116
p.2010-06-08 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-115
p.2010-06-07 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-114
p.2010-06-04 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-113
p.2010-06-03 Filler Chris rant: Akon
p.2010-06-02 Angel Cassiel OldRoad Rumisiel ch-12 p-112
p.2010-06-01 Angel Cassiel OldRoad Rumisiel ch-12 p-111
p.2010-05-31 Ash OldRoad Race ch-12 p-110
p.2010-05-28 Ash OldRoad Race ch-12 p-109
p.2010-05-27 Ash OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-108
p.2010-05-26 Angel Missi OldRoad Phone RacerD Vashiel ch-12 p-107
p.2010-05-25 Angel Cassiel OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-12 p-106
p.2010-05-24 Emily OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-105
p.2010-05-21 Ash Emily OldRoad Race Sheldon ch-12 p-104
p.2010-05-20 Ash OldRoad Sheldon ch-12 p-103
p.2010-05-19 Ash OldRoad Sheldon Sheldonista ch-12 p-102
p.2010-05-18 Ash Emily OldRoad Racers ch-12 p-101
p.2010-05-17 Ash Emily OldRoad RacerFrizz Rumisiel ch-12 p-100 RacerFrizz: Feeling like a winner tonight?
p.2010-05-14 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes OldRoad ch-12 p-099
p.2010-05-13 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-12 p-098
p.2010-05-12 BubblesBG Dates EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-12 p-097 “Friday” night text error: this race is Saturday night
p.2010-05-11 McArthurRes OldRoad ch-12 p-096
p.2010-05-10 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-12 p-095
p.2010-05-07 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-12 p-094
p.2010-05-06 Ash Bed Dates UptonHouse ch-12 p-093 Wall calendar shows 16th marked: Race Day. Saturday
p.2010-05-05 Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-12 p-092
p.2010-05-04 Ash Kate SchoolRoad ch-12 p-091
p.2010-05-03 Ash Kate SchoolRoad ch-12 p-090
p.2010-04-30 Ash Kate SchoolRoad ch-12 p-089
p.2010-04-29 Ash Kate SchoolRoad ch-12 p-088
p.2010-04-28 Ash SchoolRoad ch-12 p-087
p.2010-04-27 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-12 p-086
p.2010-04-26 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-12 p-085
p.2010-04-23 Ash Missi School ch-12 p-084
p.2010-04-22 Ash Missi School ch-12 p-083
p.2010-04-21 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone School UptonHouse ch-12 p-082
p.2010-04-20 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-12 p-081
p.2010-04-19 Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-12 p-080
p.2010-04-16 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-12 p-079
p.2010-04-15 Ash Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-078
p.2010-04-14 Ash Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-077
p.2010-04-13 Ash Rumisiel StripMall ch-12 p-076
p.2010-04-12 Ash Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-075
p.2010-04-09 Ash Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-074
p.2010-04-08 Ash Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-073
p.2010-04-07 Angel Ash Rumisiel Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-072
p.2010-04-06 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-12 p-071
p.2010-04-05 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-12 p-070
p.2010-04-02 Ash SchoolRoad Sheldon StripMall ch-12 p-069 location mention: strip mall parking lot over on Route 2
p.2010-04-01 Ash SchoolRoad Sheldon ch-12 p-068
p.2010-03-31 Ash Emily School SchoolRoad ch-12 p-067
p.2010-03-30 Ash Emily School ch-12 p-066
p.2010-03-29 Ash Emily School ch-12 p-065
p.2010-03-25 Ash Kevin OldRoad RacerMouth Sheldonista ch-12 p-063
p.2010-03-24 Ash Kevin OldRoad RacerMouth Sheldonista ch-12 p-062
p.2010-03-23 Ash Kevin OldRoad Sheldonista ch-12 p-061
p.2010-03-22 Ash OldRoad RacerCheckshirt RacerMouth ch-12 p-060
p.2010-03-19 Ash Kevin OldRoad Phone Sheldonista ch-12 p-059
p.2010-03-18 Ash Kevin OldRoad Race Sheldonista ch-12 p-058
p.2010-03-17 Ash Kevin OldRoad Race Sheldonista ch-12 p-057
p.2010-03-16 Ash Kevin OldRoad Sheldonista ch-12 p-056
p.2010-03-15 Ash Kevin OldRoad Sheldonista ch-12 p-055
p.2010-03-12 Ash Kevin OldRoad Sheldonista ch-12 p-054
p.2010-03-11 Ash OldRoad ch-12 p-053
p.2010-03-10 Ash Dates Monster OldRoad ch-12 p-052 Saturday night
p.2010-03-09 Ash OldRoad WallaceSign ch-12 p-051
p.2010-03-08 Ash Missi Racers School ch-12 p-050
p.2010-03-05 Ash Dream Missi ch-12 p-049
p.2010-03-04 Ash Racers School ch-12 p-048
p.2010-03-03 Ash Emily Missi Racers School ch-12 p-047
p.2010-03-02 Ash Emily Racers School ch-12 p-046
p.2010-03-01 Ash Emily Missi School ch-12 p-045
p.2010-02-26 Ash Emily Missi School ch-12 p-044
p.2010-02-25 Ash Emily School ch-12 p-043
p.2010-02-24 Ash Missi Sleepover UptonHouse ch-12 p-042 Ash: Wait out here. I’ll be out as soon as I scrub your puke off my butt.
p.2010-02-23 Ash Missi Shower UptonHouse ch-12 p-041
p.2010-02-22 Ash Missi Shower UptonHouse ch-12 p-040
p.2010-02-19 Ash Missi Shower UptonHouse ch-12 p-039
p.2010-02-18 Ash Missi Shower UptonHouse ch-12 p-038
p.2010-02-17 Ash Hug Missi Puke UptonHouse ch-12 p-037
p.2010-02-16 Ash Hug Missi UptonHouse ch-12 p-036
p.2010-02-15 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-12 p-035
p.2010-02-12 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-12 p-034
p.2010-02-11 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-12 p-033
p.2010-02-10 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-12 p-032
p.2010-02-09 Ash Bed UptonHouse ch-12 p-031
p.2010-02-08 Ash Edward Ramael Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-030
p.2010-02-05 Edward Ramael Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-029
p.2010-02-04 Ash Edward Ramael UptonHouse ch-12 p-028
p.2010-02-03 Ash Edward Ramael UptonHouse ch-12 p-027
p.2010-02-02 Ash Edward Ramael Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-026
p.2010-02-01 Ash Ramael Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-025
p.2010-01-29 Ash Ramael Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-024
p.2010-01-28 Ramael Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-023
p.2010-01-27 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-022
p.2010-01-26 Ash Emily FullerHome ch-12 p-021
p.2010-01-25 Ash Emily FullerHome Missi ch-12 p-020
p.2010-01-22 Ash Emily FullerHome Missi ch-12 p-019 Gin!
p.2010-01-21 Ash Emily FullerHome Missi ch-12 p-018
p.2010-01-20 Ash Bed Emily FullerHome Lesbian MrCuddles ch-12 p-017 Ash: Because awkward lesbian grope-fest residue is SUPER dangerous
p.2010-01-19 Ash Bed Emily FullerHome Missi ch-12 p-016
p.2010-01-18 Ash Computer Emily FullerHome Missi ch-12 p-015
p.2010-01-15 Ash Jason School ch-12 p-014
p.2010-01-14 Ash Jason School ch-12 p-013
p.2010-01-13 Ash Jason Rumisiel School ch-12 p-012
p.2010-01-12 Ash Dates Rumisiel School Teacher ch-12 p-011 2004 October
p.2010-01-11 Jason OldRoad Sheldonista ch-12 p-010
p.2010-01-08 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-009
p.2010-01-07 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-12 p-008
p.2010-01-06 Ash Emily Flashback Molly Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-12 p-007
p.2010-01-05 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-12 p-006
p.2010-01-04 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-12 p-005 time 2:18pm
p.2010-01-01 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-12 p-004
p.2009-12-31 Ash Emily Heather Missi School ch-12 p-003
p.2009-12-30 Ash Emily Missi School ch-12 p-002
p.2009-12-29 Emily School ch-12 p-001
Book 12
October ’04
Fall — on stereotyping — on gin or water — on vodka or tequila — the barefoot costumier — the knight in shining armour — racing Sheldon — in his own words — Missi plays the plural
p.2009-12-25 Filler christmas 09
p.2009-12-24 Emily Heather OldRoad ch-11 p-128
p.2009-12-23 Ash Emily Heather Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-127
p.2009-12-22 OldRoad Race WallaceSign ch-11 p-126
p.2009-12-21 Ash Emily Heather Missi OldRoad Race WallaceSign ch-11 p-125
p.2009-12-18 Ash Emily Missi Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-124
p.2009-12-17 Ash Emily Heather Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-123
p.2009-12-16 Emily Heather Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-122
p.2009-12-15 Heather Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-121
p.2009-12-14 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-120
p.2009-12-11 Heather OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-119
p.2009-12-10 Ash Heather James Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-118
p.2009-12-09 Emily OldRoad Race ch-11 p-117
p.2009-12-08 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-116
p.2009-12-07 Ash Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-115
p.2009-12-04 Emily Heather Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-114
p.2009-12-03 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad Race ch-11 p-113
p.2009-12-02 Emily Heather Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-112
p.2009-12-01 Emily Heather Missi Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-111
p.2009-11-30 Ash Emily Missi Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ZX3 ch-11 p-110
p.2009-11-27 Emily Heather Missi Nissan240SX OldRoad ZX3 ch-11 p-109
p.2009-11-26 Ash Emily Heather OldRoad ch-11 p-108
p.2009-11-25 Ash Emily Heather OldRoad ZX3 ch-11 p-107
p.2009-11-24 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ZX3 ch-11 p-106
p.2009-11-23 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-105
p.2009-11-20 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-104
p.2009-11-19 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-103
p.2009-11-18 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-102
p.2009-11-17 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-101
p.2009-11-16 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes OldRoad ch-11 p-100 Mom McArthur: Just remember that I’m going to have to meet him one day
p.2009-11-13 Dates EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-099 race day wall calendar marked for 1st weekend in October
p.2009-11-12 Ash Bed Emily Heather HeatherHome James Missi ch-11 p-098
p.2009-11-11 Ash Bed Emily Heather HeatherHome Missi ch-11 p-097
p.2009-11-10 OldRoad Phone Sheldonista ch-11 p-096
p.2009-11-09 Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-095
p.2009-11-06 Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-094
p.2009-11-05 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-093
p.2009-11-04 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-092
p.2009-11-03 Cassiel Ramael Tempest ch-11 p-091
p.2009-11-02 Cassiel Oversight Ramael Tempest ch-11 p-090 mention of ‘oversight’
p.2009-10-30 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Halloween 2009
p.2009-10-29 Cassiel Ramael Tempest ch-11 p-089
p.2009-10-28 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-088
p.2009-10-27 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-087
p.2009-10-26 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-086
p.2009-10-23 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-085
p.2009-10-22 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-084
p.2009-10-21 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-083
p.2009-10-20 Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-082
p.2009-10-19 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-081
p.2009-10-16 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-080
p.2009-10-15 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-079
p.2009-10-14 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-078
p.2009-10-13 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad ch-11 p-077
p.2009-10-12 AngelBoy Archon CFS Heaven Xaphrael ch-11 p-076 Archons locations file
p.2009-10-09 AngelBoy CFS Heaven Xaphrael ch-11 p-075
p.2009-10-08 Ash Rumisiel School ch-11 p-074
p.2009-10-07 AndySherman Ash Rumisiel School ch-11 p-073
p.2009-10-06 AndySherman Ash Rumisiel School ch-11 p-072
p.2009-10-05 AndySherman Ash Rumisiel School ch-11 p-071
p.2009-10-02 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-11 p-070
p.2009-10-01 Ash Emily SchoolRoad ch-11 p-069
p.2009-09-30 AndySherman Ash Emily School SchoolRoad ScienceTeacher Teacher ch-11 p-068
p.2009-09-29 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-067
p.2009-09-28 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-066
p.2009-09-25 Ash Emily Heather McArthurRes ch-11 p-065
p.2009-09-24 Ash Emily Heather McArthurRes ch-11 p-064 sets race for “2 weeks Saturday”
p.2009-09-23 Ash Emily Heather McArthurRes ch-11 p-063
p.2009-09-22 Ash Emily Heather McArthurRes ch-11 p-062
p.2009-09-21 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-11 p-061
p.2009-09-18 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-11 p-060
p.2009-09-14 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-11 p-056
p.2009-09-11 Ash UptonHouse ch-11 p-055
p.2009-09-10 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-054
p.2009-09-09 Ash Blush Emily Kiss McArthurRes ch-11 p-053 How does this work?
p.2009-09-08 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-052
p.2009-09-07 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-051
p.2009-09-04 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-050
p.2009-09-03 Ash Rumisiel School Teacher ch-11 p-049
p.2009-09-02 Ramael TempestHealth Vashiel ch-11 p-048
p.2009-09-01 Ramael TempestHealth Vashiel ch-11 p-047
p.2009-08-31 Aries Harry Heather ch-11 p-046
p.2009-08-28 Aries Harry Heather ch-11 p-045
p.2009-08-27 Aries Dates Harry Heather ch-11 p-044 Harry: but tha’ Escort I offered you last April would still be fasta’ (ref: to April 2004)
p.2009-08-26 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-043
p.2009-08-25 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-042
p.2009-08-24 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-041
p.2009-08-21 Ash Emily OldRoad ch-11 p-040
p.2009-08-20 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-039
p.2009-08-19 Ash Bed Blood Emily McArthurRes Period ch-11 p-038 Ash: It was stupid. She just kept hitting me and I finally snapped and whacker her one
p.2009-08-18 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-037 Emily: So you guessed or something?
p.2009-08-17 Ash Emily McArthurRes XR4Ti ch-11 p-036 How do you KNOW you bombed it?
p.2009-08-14 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-11 p-035 Missi: Can I make you feel better?
p.2009-08-13 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-11 p-034 Missi: Rumisiel told me
p.2009-08-12 Ash Dates Missi Rumisiel School ch-11 p-033 Missi: I hear you totally rocked face on some nasty bitch las night. That’s so badass! Wednesday
p.2009-08-11 Ash Blood Emily Flashback Morgan School ch-11 p-032 Ash: <You have to clear your head. You can do this>
p.2009-08-10 Ash Bed Rumisiel School UptonHouse ch-11 p-031 Rumisiel: If it makes a difference it was a very manly punch
p.2009-08-07 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-11 p-030 Ash: Yes it IS you idiot! I HIT A GIRL!
p.2009-08-06 Ash Diner Hit Jazz Morgan Slap Wham ch-11 p-029 Ash: You’re so lucky I don’t hit girls…
p.2009-08-05 Ash Diner Hit Jazz Morgan Slap ch-11 p-028 Morgan: Well, if he’s shopping elsewhere, maybe that should be a message for you
p.2009-08-04 Ash Diner Jazz Rumisiel ch-11 p-027 Ash: Little sister?! Tell her who I am, Rumisiel
p.2009-08-03 Ash Diner Jazz Morgan Rumisiel ch-11 p-026 Morgan: Do you like it? I just bought it
p.2009-07-31 Ash Diner Jazz Morgan Rumisiel ch-11 p-025 Morgan: Yoohoo! Over here!
p.2009-07-30 Ash Diner Jazz Rumisiel ch-11 p-024 Ash: You remember what to say?
p.2009-07-29 Ash Diner Emily Jazz McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-11 p-023 Ash: I don’t even know how to START doing this one
p.2009-07-28 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-11 p-022 Emily: Your grades are substandard because you never do your homework or study. If you weren’t smart you’d be failing a lot more than just math
p.2009-07-27 Ash Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-11 p-021 Rumisiel: So, what do I do while you study?
p.2009-07-24 Ash Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel School ch-11 p-020 Ash: I never thought I’d say this. Can we skip driving today and help me with math?
p.2009-07-23 Ash Emily School ch-11 p-019 Ash: Em! You have to help me out!
p.2009-07-22 Ash BubblesBG Emily Heather McArthurRes ch-11 p-018 Emily: That’s interesting / But the turbo will alter the powerband
p.2009-07-21 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-11 p-017 Ash: Speaking of owing, how are you even going to PAY for this dinner?
p.2009-07-20 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-11 p-016 Ash: Do you have any idea how many kinds of messed up this is?
p.2009-07-17 Ash Morgan Rumisiel TempestHealth UptonHouse ch-11 p-015 Morgan: I DO like a bad boy, but I was asking for a name
p.2009-07-16 Morgan Rumisiel TempestHealth ch-11 p-014 Rumisiel: Vashiel? You here, bro?
p.2009-07-15 Ash Emily Nissan240SX Rumisiel TempestHealth ch-11 p-013 Ash: How is it?
p.2009-07-14 Ash Blush Emily Nissan240SX ch-11 p-012
p.2009-07-13 Ash Computer Emily Nissan240SX UptonHouse ch-11 p-011 Emily: Where to?
p.2009-07-10 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi Nissan240SX TeamMisfile WindowSticker ch-11 p-010 It’s a window sticker. I… guess it’s ok if you’re on Ash and my team. You know, at least for this race it’s ok.
p.2009-07-09 Emily McArthurRes Missi Nissan240SX ch-11 p-009 Missi: There. Like I said. It’s all done
p.2009-07-08 Ash Computer Phone UptonHouse ch-11 p-008 Ash: The only numbers kind of driver I know is…
p.2009-07-07 Ash Mirror UptonHouse ch-11 p-007 Ash: I wonder if it HAS helped my driving any
p.2009-07-06 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-11 p-006 Ash: See? That was pretty good
p.2009-07-03 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-11 p-005 Emily: Whoa… I’d forgotten how different your car was.
p.2009-07-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi Nissan240SX XR4Ti ch-11 p-004 Emily: My car runs fine
p.2009-07-01 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi Nissan240SX Rumisiel ch-11 p-003 Oh, dear lord… / They’re not fighting
p.2009-06-30 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Missi Nissan240SX Rumisiel ch-11 p-002 Ellen: Emily is out back… With that car.
p.2009-06-29 Ash EllenMcArthur McArthurRes Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-11 p-001 Ellen: Hello? Oh… It’s you
Book 11
October ’04
My enemy’s enemy — Morgan — the plan — the prize — the suspect — petition denied — smell — Emily–Heather race — the demon of speed
Heather has challenged Emily to her first race, but can Ash get her ready in time? Who is this mysterious angel from Vashiel’s past?
p.2009-06-25 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-122
p.2009-06-24 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-121
p.2009-06-23 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-120
p.2009-06-22 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-10 p-119
p.2009-06-19 Nosebleed Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-10 p-118 Vashiel: I think I’m finally getting used to saying… Certain words
p.2009-06-18 Ash Emily ch-10 p-117
p.2009-06-17 Ash Emily ch-10 p-116
p.2009-06-16 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-115
p.2009-06-15 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-114
p.2009-06-12 Cassiel Rumisiel School ch-10 p-113
p.2009-06-11 Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel School ch-10 p-112
p.2009-06-10 Cassiel Rumisiel School ch-10 p-111 Pee shy
p.2009-06-09 Ash Rumisiel School ch-10 p-110
p.2009-06-08 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-109
p.2009-06-05 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-108
p.2009-06-04 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-107
p.2009-06-03 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-106
p.2009-06-02 Ash Emily ParkingLot ch-10 p-105
p.2009-06-01 Ash Emily ParkingLot Tempest ch-10 p-104
p.2009-05-29 Dates DogWalsh Harry Kate Kiss LeicesterPark MrMuffy ch-10 p-103
p.2009-05-28 DogWalsh Harry Heather Kate LeicesterPark MrMuffy ch-10 p-102
p.2009-05-27 Emily Kate LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-101
p.2009-05-26 Ash Dress Emily LeicesterPark ch-10 p-100
p.2009-05-25 Filler memorial day 2009
p.2009-05-22 Ash Emily LeicesterPark ch-10 p-099
p.2009-05-21 Ash Dress Emily LeicesterPark ch-10 p-098
p.2009-05-20 Ash Dress Emily LeicesterPark ch-10 p-097
p.2009-05-19 Cassi Cassiel Doris LeicesterPark Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-096
p.2009-05-18 Cassi Cassiel Doris LeicesterPark Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-095
p.2009-05-15 Blush Cassi Cassiel DogWalsh LeicesterPark MrMuffy ch-10 p-094
p.2009-05-14 Blush Cassi Cassiel LeicesterPark MrMuffy SubParSnacks ch-10 p-093
p.2009-05-13 Cassi Cassiel LeicesterPark Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-092
p.2009-05-12 LeicesterPark Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-091
p.2009-05-11 Emily Heather Missi ch-10 p-090
p.2009-05-08 Heather LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-089
p.2009-05-07 Ash Dress Emily Heather LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-088
p.2009-05-06 Emily Heather LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-087
p.2009-05-05 Ash Flashback Heather James LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-086
p.2009-05-04 Ash Dress Emily Heather LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-085
p.2009-05-01 Ash Dress Emily Heather LeicesterPark ch-10 p-084
p.2009-04-30 Aries Ash Emily Flashback Heather LeicesterPark ch-10 p-083
p.2009-04-29 Ash Emily Heather LeicesterPark ch-10 p-082
p.2009-04-28 Ash Dress Emily Harry Heather LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-081
p.2009-04-27 Ash Emily Harry Kate LeicesterPark Missi Tears Vashiel ch-10 p-080
p.2009-04-24 Cassi Cassiel Doris Harry Kate LeicesterPark ch-10 p-079
p.2009-04-23 Ash Dress Emily Kate LeicesterPark Missi Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-078
p.2009-04-22 Ash Kate LeicesterPark ch-10 p-077
p.2009-04-21 Ash Dress Kate LeicesterPark ch-10 p-076
p.2009-04-20 Ash Dress Kate LeicesterPark ch-10 p-075
p.2009-04-17 Ash Dress Emily Kate LeicesterPark ch-10 p-074
p.2009-04-16 Ash Dress Emily LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-073
p.2009-04-15 Cassi Cassiel LeicesterPark ch-10 p-072
p.2009-04-14 Cassiel Harry LeicesterPark Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-071
p.2009-04-13 Harry LeicesterPark Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-070
p.2009-04-10 Ash Kate LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-069
p.2009-04-09 Ash Kate LeicesterPark ch-10 p-068
p.2009-04-08 Ash Kate LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-067
p.2009-04-07 Ash Emily Kate LeicesterPark Missi ch-10 p-066
p.2009-04-06 Ash Kate LeicesterPark Rumisiel ch-10 p-065
p.2009-04-03 Ash Kate LeicesterPark Vashiel ch-10 p-064
p.2009-04-02 Ash Emily LeicesterPark Missi Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-063
p.2009-04-01 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel Vashiel ch-10 p-062
p.2009-03-31 Emily Rumisiel ch-10 p-061
p.2009-03-30 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-060
p.2009-03-27 Ash Bed Dates Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-059 Kate & Harry wedding day wall calendar is odd, wrong for September 2004 (closer to 2009…) - but date seems to be 3rd w/e of the month, so 2004-09-18?
p.2009-03-26 Ash Bed Dream Harry ch-10 p-058 Harry: Pucker up
p.2009-03-25 Ash Dream Emily Harry School ch-10 p-057 I guess I really am alone now
p.2009-03-24 Ash BubblesBG Emily School ch-10 p-056 I LIKE this re-do of my life
p.2009-03-23 Ash Emily School ch-10 p-055
p.2009-03-20 Ash Emily School ch-10 p-054
p.2009-03-19 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-10 p-053
p.2009-03-18 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-10 p-052 Rumisiel: HAH! I KNEW IT! I’m right! I’m right! I’m right! I’m right! I’m right!
p.2009-03-17 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-10 p-051 Missi: I know. I know. It’s hard though. We were totally getting this rhythm down and I had some real zingers stored up
p.2009-03-16 Anna Ash Emily Jason Missi School ch-10 p-050 Missi: … This is weird. You’re not giving me crap
p.2009-03-13 Ash Bed UptonHouse ch-10 p-049 NOOOO! KATE, I NEED THOSE LIMBS!
p.2009-03-12 Ash Church Dream Kate Naked ch-10 p-048 Wedding guests: My GOD! / That’s horrible / SO disrespectful
p.2009-03-11 Ash Church Dream Emily Fraud Naked ch-10 p-047 Voice: You are not a real bridesmaid! You shall be punished!
p.2009-03-10 Ash Church Dream Dress Lightning ch-10 p-046 Voice: How dare you commit this farce in a sanctuary of God?!
p.2009-03-09 Ash Bell Church Dream UptonHouse ch-10 p-045
p.2009-03-06 Ash Bed Blush BubblesBG Emily UptonHouse ch-10 p-044 Emily: I swear I’ll be good
p.2009-03-05 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-10 p-043 Ash: So, did talking to your mom make you feel any better?
p.2009-03-04 Ash Emily Hug Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-042 … Thank God! Do you have any idea how horrible it’s been with no one but Rumisiel to hang out with?!
p.2009-03-03 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-10 p-041 Emily: I apologized to my mom
p.2009-03-02 Ash Emily ShoulderAngel UptonHouse ch-10 p-040 Ash: It… Depends on the subject matter
p.2009-02-27 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-039 Rumisiel: I have to get worse at this game…
p.2009-02-26 Ash MaxSpeed Rumisiel Steakknife UptonHouse ch-10 p-038 Ash: You’re immortal, right?
p.2009-02-25 Ash MaxSpeed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-037 Rumisiel: This is awesome, just you and me playing games. It’s like a guys’ night, only with boobs
p.2009-02-24 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel School UptonHouse ch-10 p-036 Teacher: So who are the protagonists here?
p.2009-02-23 Ash Cassiel Eponine School ch-10 p-035 Eponine: She’s been gone?
p.2009-02-20 Ash Cassiel Eponine Period School ch-10 p-034 Ash: Well, first of all I’m exhausted. Running is not my thing. And second…
p.2009-02-19 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes School ch-10 p-033 Ellen: Come in
p.2009-02-18 Bed EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Molly MollyHome Phone ch-10 p-032 Emily: My other problem is more complicated… It’s… It’s my mom
p.2009-02-17 Bed Emily McArthurRes Molly MollyHome Phone ch-10 p-031 Emily: Yeah, because you were SO nice to Ash all the time
p.2009-02-16 Bed Emily McArthurRes Molly MollyHome Phone ch-10 p-030 Molly: Now say it with me
p.2009-02-13 Bed Emily McArthurRes Molly MollyHome Phone ch-10 p-029 Molly: Emily, if you’ve been a big jerk and screwed up your relationships, you’ve been a bitch
p.2009-02-12 Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-10 p-028 Emily: OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!
p.2009-02-11 Ash Nosebleed Panties Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-10 p-027 Vashiel: You… You didn’t… Take off her…
p.2009-02-10 Ash Panties Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-026 Ash: Say “trust me” and you’re a dead man. Why do I even talk to you? GOD I need Emily back. Get out of my room!
p.2009-02-09 Ash Panties Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-025 Ash: You know what these are?
p.2009-02-06 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-024 Rumisiel: I know you haven’t been a girl long enough to really KNOW this, but in my experience girls don’t take well to ultimatums
p.2009-02-05 Ash Emily Missi School ch-10 p-023 Ash: I can’t believe I said that. What the Hell am I going to do without Emily?
p.2009-02-04 Ash Emily Missi School ch-10 p-022 Ash: You know what? Until you two grow up and lean to just get along or at least frikkin’ pretend I’m not hanging out with either of you
p.2009-02-03 Ash Emily Missi School ch-10 p-021 Missi: WE had an absolutely SPECTACULAR weekend. Ash said my dress made me look positively like an angel
p.2009-02-02 Ash Emily School ch-10 p-020 Ash: Then take it back and apologize
p.2009-01-30 Ash Emily School ch-10 p-019 Emily: The tours were bad enough. The ride home though… Whoo. That was the most awkward car ride home ever. Total silence
p.2009-01-29 Bed EllenMcArthur Emily Motel ch-10 p-018 Ellen: We should probably talk about this another day. Just get a good night’s sleep
p.2009-01-28 DollarSign EllenMcArthur Emily Motel ch-10 p-017 Emily: The schools were ok, I just mean the tours were a waste of our time.
p.2009-01-27 Ash BubblesBG EllenMcArthur Emily Missi Motel UptonHouse ch-10 p-016 Emily: Well, THAT was pointless
p.2009-01-26 Ash Mirror Missi UptonHouse ch-10 p-015 Missi: That’s because being nude makes you uncomfortable. For you it IS naked. For me being nude in front of you is frankly a little exciting
p.2009-01-23 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-10 p-014 Missi: Nude versus naked
p.2009-01-22 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-10 p-013 Missi: Nude. You’ve seen me nude, not naked. This is different. This would be me… You know… Naked.
p.2009-01-21 Ash CFS Cassiel Heaven Missi UptonHouse Xaphrael ch-10 p-012 Xaphrael: Under code thirty-seven “B” of the Emergencies Acts I authorize complete lockdown of the filing depots until further notice
p.2009-01-20 CFS Cassiel Heaven Xaphrael ch-10 p-011 Xaphrael: There’s always something. Two of us have vanished, one of them definitely dead
p.2009-01-19 CFS Cassiel Heaven Xaphrael ch-10 p-010 Xaphrael: I assume you’ve found nothing in regards to our new missing Archon
p.2009-01-16 Boston CollegeGuide EllenMcArthur Emily ch-10 p-009 Emily: You know what? We’re dome. I think I’ve seen everything I need to see
p.2009-01-15 Boston CollegeGuide EllenMcArthur Emily ch-10 p-008 College Guide: And down this path is the football field. We’ve always had a strong tradition…
p.2009-01-14 Ash MaxSpeed Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-007 Rumisiel: Well, I did beat your high score in Maximum Speed Factor
p.2009-01-13 Ash Missi Rumisiel Stool UptonHouse ch-10 p-006 Missi: Come in and sit down, You can have Emily’s seat. I’m sure your but will fit anywhere her fat ass does.
p.2009-01-12 Ash Missi Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-10 p-005 Ash: Well then you are screwed. My hands ARE covered in grease and I can’t zip you
p.2009-01-09 Ash Missi Monster UptonHouse ch-10 p-004 Ash: What gives? you’re usually right in here with me?
p.2009-01-08 EllenMcArthur Emily Monster Nissan240SX UptonHouse ch-10 p-003 Ellen: You’re right, you’re right. How many more miles?
p.2009-01-07 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily Flashback Nissan240SX ch-10 p-002 Ellen: You know we don’t have to talk about it
p.2009-01-06 EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-10 p-001
Book 10
September ’04
Boston — lockdown — nude or naked — split — alone now — the wedding — Heather — the angel of sub-par snacks — the coach
p.2009-01-02 Ash Blush EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-130 Ellen: I’m home! Guess what I got for dinner, Emily…
p.2009-01-01 Ash Blush Dress Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-129 Emily: Do you really think it looks… Thanks…
p.2008-12-31 Ash Dress Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-128 Ash: Yeah, yeah. Fabulous. Can we get out of these clown suits?
p.2008-12-30 Ash Blush BubblesBG Camera Emily Kay Kiss McArthurRes ch-09 p-127 Kay: Marie will love this. Sorry I have to head back so soon
p.2008-12-29 Ash Camera Dress Emily Kay McArthurRes Photo ch-09 p-126 Ash: What about Missi’s dress?
p.2008-12-26 Ash Dress Emily Kay McArthurRes ch-09 p-125 Kay: Nice, nice. It’s like a private fashion show. Ash, you have that “I’m a model and I hate you all” look down perfectly
p.2008-12-25 Ash Cassiel Colour Filler Rumisiel Christmas 2008
p.2008-12-24 Ash Emily Kay McArthurRes ch-09 p-124 Ash: Doesn’t matter. I know you’re not going to be looking
p.2008-12-23 Ash Camera Emily Kay McArthurRes ch-09 p-123 Kay: I promised your mom some pictures
p.2008-12-22 Ash Emily Kay McArthurRes ch-09 p-122 Emily: Is my hair ok? Do my clothes match?
p.2008-12-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-121 Emily: But I promise I won’t freak out… And that you’ll be awake. You know you want it
p.2008-12-18 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-120 Emily: Hmmmm… Well then how about… A kiss?
p.2008-12-17 Ash Brain Emily EmilyMD McArthurRes ch-09 p-119 Emily: I’m curious about your brain. You know the structure and stuff
p.2008-12-16 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-118 Emily: But you did these RIGHT the other day!
p.2008-12-15 Ash School Teacher ch-09 p-117 Teacher: I have last week’s test results
p.2008-12-12 Ash Missi School XR4Ti ch-09 p-116 Missi: But you HAVE to! Otherwise how will our team become famous?
p.2008-12-11 Ash Missi School ch-09 p-115 Ash: I don’t do bumper stickers. I paid waaaay to much working on my cars to screw up their paint jobs with a bumper sticker
p.2008-12-10 Ash BumperSticker Missi School ch-09 p-114 Missi: It’s a BUMPER STICKER! You know, for our racing team. You can put it on your car and…
p.2008-12-09 Ash Missi School ch-09 p-113 Ash: What’s up? You know you are starting to make me dread that grin
p.2008-12-08 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-09 p-112 Rumisiel: So I’m off the hook?
p.2008-12-05 Aries Ash Harry OilTrap Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-09 p-111 Rumisiel: I DIDN’T STEAL IT! Look I screwed up, ok? I’m trying to make good, but it’s hard
p.2008-12-04 Ash GasCard Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-09 p-110 Ash: A fifty dollar gas card? Where did you steal this?
p.2008-12-03 Ash UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-09 p-109 [Night – XR4Ti pulls into the driveway – Ash changing in her room – a knock on the door]
p.2008-12-02 Ash Flashback Marie MarieWork ch-09 p-108 Marie: I started developing at eleven. I modeled my first bra at thirteen Glimpse of young Marie, age around 11
p.2008-12-01 Ash Marie MarieWork ch-09 p-107 Ash: Or despite your body…
p.2008-11-28 Ash Baby Edward Flashback Marie MarieWork ch-09 p-106 Marie: Yes, Ash. I have felt that way.
p.2008-11-27 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel Thanksgiving 2008
p.2008-11-26 Ash Marie MarieWork ch-09 p-105 Marie: Ash, can I talk to you for a minute?
p.2008-11-25 Ash Marie MarieWork Missi TapeMeasure ch-09 p-104 Marie: I’m sure I can find something very flattering for your figure
p.2008-11-24 Ash Emily Marie MarieWork Missi TapeMeasure ch-09 p-103 Marie: You two are worse than models. Are you fighting over a boy or something?
p.2008-11-21 Amara Ash Blush Emily Marie MarieWork Missi TapeMeasure ch-09 p-102 Amara: Don’t mind me. I’ll just be a minute.
p.2008-11-20 Ash Filler Remembrance
p.2008-11-19 Amara Ash Blush Marie MarieWork TapeMeasure ch-09 p-101 Marie: You can get changed, Amara
p.2008-11-18 Amara Ash Dates Emily Marie MarieWork ch-09 p-100 Ash: I’m not sure, I’m still kind of … Numb, I think. Saturday
p.2008-11-17 Ash Computer Emily Janine Kay MarieWork Missi ch-09 p-099 Ash: Kay Wheeler. He’s some guy who works with my mom
p.2008-11-14 Ash Emily Kay MarieWork Missi Receptionist ch-09 p-098 Ash: Hi, I’m Ash Upton. I’m here to see, uh, my mom
p.2008-11-13 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-09 p-097 Ash: Play nice or you’re both walking the rest of the way
p.2008-11-12 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-09 p-096 Ash: Heh. I like it. Team Misfile it is.
p.2008-11-11 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-09 p-095 Missi: Drive on Team Girl-Power!
p.2008-11-10 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-09 p-094 Missi: Yes you are. I formed it just now and Emily can’t join. So there.
p.2008-11-07 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-09 p-093 Missi: But it’s almost a two hour drive. We HAVE to talk about something
p.2008-11-06 Ash Emily Missi XR4Ti ch-09 p-092 Missi: I am SO looking forward to this.
p.2008-11-05 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-09 p-091 Emily: I was not feeling anything!
p.2008-11-04 Ash Emily Missi Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-090 Missi: I call shenanigans! You were coppin’ a feel!
p.2008-11-03 Ash Emily Hug Missi Shower Tears UptonHouse ch-09 p-089 Emily: Please stop. Please, Ash, don’t say things like that
p.2008-10-31 Ash Emily Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-088 Ash: Ash is dead!
p.2008-10-30 Ash Emily Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-087 Ash: That’s easy sentiment for you
p.2008-10-29 Ash Emily Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-086 Emily: That sounds a bit… Extreme. What happened?
p.2008-10-28 Ash Emily Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-085 Emily: Wow… You look like… Crap
p.2008-10-27 Ash Emily Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-084 Emily: Ash, if you don’t answer me then I’m coming in
p.2008-10-24 Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-09 p-083 Rumisiel: I figured you could check, since you’re like a girl and stuff
p.2008-10-23 Emily Rumisiel Shower UptonHouse ch-09 p-082 Rumisiel: You want to go in and, um, like, check on Ash?
p.2008-10-22 Bed Dates Edward Emily Nissan240SX UptonHouse ch-09 p-081 Edward: I haven’t seen her up yet. It’s almost noon though so feel free to come in and wake her up Saturday
p.2008-10-21 Ash Bed Book Hit Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse ch-09 p-080 Ash: Why can’t something good happen just once? Why?
p.2008-10-20 Ash Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse ch-09 p-079 Ash: JUST GET OUT!!!
p.2008-10-17 Ash Hit Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-09 p-078 Rumisiel: Look, that’s seventy two years if I just “keep up the good work”. That means they’re open to me coming back
p.2008-10-16 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-077 Ash: Rumisiel, bedroom, now! Vashiel, leave us alone for a “chat”!
p.2008-10-15 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-076 Ash: Seventy… Two… Years?!
p.2008-10-14 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-075 Vashiel: The current end date is in seventy two years
p.2008-10-13 Ash Nosebleed Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-074 Rumisiel: Because Vashiel has surprise good news about my getting back into Heaven
p.2008-10-10 Ash BubblesBG Computer Rumisiel Vashiel ch-09 p-073 Vashiel: I have news about your administrative leave. Nothing offcial, but…
p.2008-10-09 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-072 I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You want a drink?
p.2008-10-08 Edward Nosebleed Noseplugs Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-071 Edward: You Canadians must have more blood stored up in your noses than any other people on the face of the planet
p.2008-10-07 Noseplugs Rumisiel Tissue UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-070 Vashiel: I’m confused. What … Exactly … does Dr Upton do?
p.2008-10-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-069 Ash: Well what do you expect me to do?
p.2008-10-03 Ash College Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-068 Emily: Wait. You’re a senior, Ash. Have you even LOOKED at colleges?
p.2008-10-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-067 Ash: Yes you are. You’re doing that “I’m going to sigh at the end of all my sentences” thing you do
p.2008-10-01 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-066 Emily: All of us? That’s really a relief. I wasn’t sure where I was going to come up with the money
p.2008-09-30 Ash Marie Phone UptonHouse ch-09 p-065 Marie: Oh, my god! You HAVE to let me fit you for dresses! I have just the thing in mind for you
p.2008-09-29 Ash Marie Phone UptonHouse ch-09 p-064 Marie: Ash! It’s so good to hear from you! Did you want to come visit again?
p.2008-09-26 Blush Canada Heaven Nosebleed Patient TempestHealth Vashiel ch-09 p-063 Patient: A breast exam
p.2008-09-25 Edward Nimble Patient TempestHealth Vashiel ch-09 p-062 Edward: Now if you don’t mind my nimble fingers are required in the exam room
p.2008-09-24 Edward Patient TempestHealth Vashiel ch-09 p-061 Patient: I’ll set up an appointment. So, who’s the cute new guy at the desk?
p.2008-09-23 Boston EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-09 p-060 Emily: < I remember the Boston trip. I was so excited the first time. Now… >
p.2008-09-22 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-09 p-059 Ellen: What would you like to see first? Harvard? MIT?
p.2008-09-19 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-09 p-058 Mom McArthur: I’m… I’m a little envious you know
p.2008-09-18 Blush EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-09 p-057 Mom McArthur: Really, Emily, aren’t you a bit old for make believe?
p.2008-09-17 Blush EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-09 p-056 Ellen: Who on earth are you talking to?
p.2008-09-16 Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-09 p-055 Emily: How can I be develping a fondness for an inanimate object?
p.2008-09-15 Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-09 p-054 Emily: It’s no use. I can’t sleep
p.2008-09-12 Ash Dress Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-053 Emily: Good call. Let’s get that horrid looking thing off you
p.2008-09-11 Ash Dress Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-052 Ash: What?! You mean I have to pay to look like this?!
p.2008-09-10 Ash Dress Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-051 Emily: So long as you’re aware you are going to look like a flowery tart at Kate’s wedding
p.2008-09-09 Ash Dress Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping Thong ch-09 p-050 Ash: I think I’ll take it
p.2008-09-08 Ash Dress DressShopAsst Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-049 Shop Assistant: There you go. See what your friends think. I’ll be out front.
p.2008-09-05 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-048 Missi: Urg! You’re so mean! I liked that one too, and now you’ve ruined it!
p.2008-09-04 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-047 Missi: That’s not true! They’re supposed to make your bust look bigger
p.2008-09-03 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-046 Missi: Cool! It’s got an empire waistline.
p.2008-09-02 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-045 Missi: Well I guess I don’t need this then…
p.2008-09-01 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-044 Ash: Can I be honest with you for a second?
p.2008-08-29 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-043 Missi: Ah crap. All the dresses I like are strapless!
p.2008-08-28 Ash Emily Missi OhMyDressShop Shopping ch-09 p-042 Ash: This is a disaster
p.2008-08-27 Archon CFS3 Cassiel Myrael RailRoad Xaphrael ch-09 p-041 Xaphrael: The Archon of Third Branch has gone missing
p.2008-08-26 Cassiel RailRoad Xaphrael ch-09 p-040 Xaphrael: Listen very carefully and mark each word, because I’m only going to tell you this once
p.2008-08-25 Filler guest cartoon by ??
p.2008-08-22 Cassiel Hit RailRoad Xaphrael ch-09 p-039 Xaphrael: You’ve been spying on Vashiel’s brother. I intercepted your report about what he did in that alley
p.2008-08-21 Cassiel RailRoad Xaphrael ch-09 p-038 Xaphrael: it is no use hiding from me, Cassiel
p.2008-08-20 RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-09 p-037 Xaphrael: My sources are my own. Just know that I have eyes everywhere
p.2008-08-19 Archon ChainsBG Raechiel RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-09 p-036 Xaphrael: I can practically see the chain in your mind. Your truth bond is still active.
p.2008-08-18 Ash Filler Rumisiel Avery Hazelton birth
p.2008-08-15 Archon Raechiel RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-09 p-035 Xaphrael: If you weren’t Vashiel’s brother, I’d be here with chains
p.2008-08-14 RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-09 p-034 Xaphrael: It’s been a while, my captain
p.2008-08-13 RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel Xaphrael ch-09 p-033 Vashiel: Now I’m more confused. Do you WANT me to have killed him?
p.2008-08-12 Archon Raechiel RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-09 p-032 Vashiel: … What?
p.2008-08-11 Archon Raechiel RailRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-09 p-031 Rumisiel: Did you kill Raechiel?
p.2008-08-08 Ash Emily Missi School ch-09 p-030 Emily: Anyway we can’t go. I’m sure Kate has styles and colors in mind and we can’t do anything until we know what those are
p.2008-08-07 Ash Emily Missi School ch-09 p-029 Missi: are you busy after school?
p.2008-08-06 Ash Emily Missi School ch-09 p-028 Emily: Apparently, it’s “dress like a whore” day and no one told me
p.2008-08-05 Ash Emily School ch-09 p-027 Ash: I keep trying to tell myself I shouldn’t care
p.2008-08-04 Ash Emily GirlsLocker School ch-09 p-026 Emily: No I hadn’t heard about it either. That’s creepy
p.2008-08-01 Ash Eponine GirlsLocker School ch-09 p-025 Eponine: I can’t believe you are still changing over there. You’ve got guts, Ash.
p.2008-07-31 Ash Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-024 Ash: You’d just better hope he is better at filing than his brother
p.2008-07-30 Ash Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-023 Edward: Well, THAT’S more excitement than I expected at dinner.
p.2008-07-29 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-022 Vashiel: My, how traditions have changed over the years. How does one be a bridesmaid at their own wedding?
p.2008-07-28 Ash BubblesBG Dress Edward UptonHouse ch-09 p-021 Ash: It was unexpected, ok? The relationship isn’t even that old. Anyway, I agreed to it, and now I have to get some stupid dress. I don’t even really want to go.
p.2008-07-25 Ash Edward UptonHouse Vashiel Wedding ch-09 p-020 Edward: Ash. You’re not eating, Is something wrong?
p.2008-07-24 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-019 Edward: It’s good to have you back, Vashiel. You can just see the joy it brings out in your brother’s eyes
p.2008-07-23 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-018 Rumisiel: < Just ask him! You can settle this all now! He’s going to say no! It wasn’t him! >
p.2008-07-22 Rake Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-017 Rumisiel: What to do… There has to be another explanation. I mean, he’s not even around right now, right?
p.2008-07-21 Ash Emily Nissan240SX ch-09 p-016 Ash: Why do girls do that?
p.2008-07-18 Ash Emily Nissan240SX ch-09 p-015 Emily: This is nice. I miss this “OldRoad” tag debatable: may just be some regular mountainside road
p.2008-07-17 Alleyway Archon Raechiel Rumisiel Tempest Watcher ch-09 p-014 Rumisiel: That’s it. You’ve protected me, so now’s my chance to protect you
p.2008-07-16 Alleyway Flashback Heaven Rumisiel Sword Tempest Vashiel ch-09 p-013 Rumisiel: Whoh! I want one too!
p.2008-07-15 Alleyway Blood Flashback Heaven Raechiel Rumisiel Sword Tempest Vashiel ch-09 p-012 Rumisiel: Oh no… These wounds, I recognize them…
p.2008-07-14 Alleyway Archon Blood Raechiel Rumisiel Tempest ch-09 p-011 Rumisiel: Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know anyone was here. Was this your beer can?
p.2008-07-11 Alleyway Beer Rumisiel Tempest ch-09 p-010 Rumisiel: It’s BEER! It’s WONDERFUL! It’s…
p.2008-07-10 Alleyway Rumisiel Tempest ch-09 p-009 Rumisiel: It couldn’t be so bad if I just had one would it? I’ll look for a sign!
p.2008-07-09 Cola Rumisiel Tempest VendingMachine ch-09 p-008 Rumisiel: If I believe hard enough, this will taste like an ice cold beer
p.2008-07-08 Ash Emily Rumisiel Tempest UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-007 Emily: Actually, your brother kind of did ok while you were away
p.2008-07-07 Ash Emily Raechiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-006 Emily: Lemonade?
p.2008-07-04 Ash Emily UptonHouse Vashiel ch-09 p-005 Vashiel: IT’S SO GOOD TO BE BACK!!!
p.2008-07-03 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-09 p-004 Emily: And I pulled the emergency brake, and it just worked. I think I may even have drifted a little before I stopped!
p.2008-07-02 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-09 p-003 Emily: Would it help your mood at all if I showed you my breasts?
p.2008-07-01 Ash Bed Dates Emily UptonHouse ch-09 p-002 Ash: I don’t know what bothers me more. The wedding itself or the fact that I caved so easily about it. March 2004 reference: “when all this started”
p.2008-06-30 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-09 p-001 Emily: You’re still in bed? It’s almost noon
Book 9
September ’04
On swords — doubt & certainty — wedding wear — seventy two years — Team Misfile — friction & fitting — the incentive
p.2008-06-26 Angel Cassiel Rumisiel ch-08 p-144 Cassiel: I suppose even a fool does something right now and again.
p.2008-06-25 Aiden Ash Bronwyn Kate N240Z OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-143 Kate: It’s settled then. I’ll mail out the formal invites tomorrow.
p.2008-06-24 Ash Emily Kate Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-142 Kate: I’m so glad! Frankly I don’t have much of a wedding party at all. You can bring your family if you want to fill up my side of the aisle.
p.2008-06-23 Ash Kate OldRoad ch-08 p-141 Ash: < NONONOONONO! I’ll just say no! What can she possibly do If I just say no? >
p.2008-06-20 Ash Kate OldRoad ch-08 p-140 Kate: Will you be the maid of honor at my wedding?
p.2008-06-19 Ash Emily JaguarXKR Kate Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-139 Emily: Kate? Where’s…
p.2008-06-18 Ash JaguarXKR OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-138 Ash: I’m going to be sixty, aren’t I?
p.2008-06-17 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-137 Ash: Does saving a relationship count as a good deed even if you practically got us all killed by driving up the hill during a race?
p.2008-06-16 Aiden Ash Bronwyn BubblesBG Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel Tears ch-08 p-136 Bronwyn: I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry for everything
p.2008-06-13 Aiden Bronwyn Monster Nissan240SX OldRoad WallaceSign ch-08 p-135 Aiden: You! I have to have a few word with…
p.2008-06-12 Aiden Ash Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-134 Ash: I guess
p.2008-06-11 Aiden Ash Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-133 Ash: I won.
p.2008-06-10 Ash Monster N240Z OldRoad Race WallaceSign ch-08 p-132 Ash: The sign!
p.2008-06-09 Aiden Ash Monster N240Z OldRoad Race ch-08 p-131 Ash: What just happened?
p.2008-06-06 Aiden Monster N240Z OldRoad Race ch-08 p-130 Monster: GROWL!
p.2008-06-05 Aiden Ash Bronwyn Flashback Monster N240Z OldRoad Race ch-08 p-129 Bronwyn? It’s just in my head. This is almost over.
p.2008-06-04 Bronwyn OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Wormhole ch-08 p-128 Rumisiel: Maybe you didn’t hear us!
p.2008-06-03 Aiden Bronwyn N240Z OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Wormhole ch-08 p-127 Spirit: I will not leave so easily!
p.2008-06-02 Bronwyn OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Tears ch-08 p-126 Bronwyn: No! I want Aiden!
p.2008-05-30 Bronwyn OldRoad Spirit ch-08 p-125 Spirit: Because it’s what you want.
p.2008-05-29 Bronwyn OldRoad Tears ch-08 p-124 Bronwyn: I can’t…
p.2008-05-28 Bronwyn Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-08 p-123 Emily: Did you guys SEE that?!
p.2008-05-27 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-08 p-122 TURN!!! STOP! ANYTHING!
p.2008-05-26 Emily Heart Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-08 p-121 Emily: You can do this. I know you know how…
p.2008-05-23 Bronwyn Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-120 Bronwyn: Guardrail!!! GUARDRAIL!!!
p.2008-05-22 Aiden Ash Monster N240Z Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-08 p-119 Aiden: Too much braking, monster. If I just keep the revs up…
p.2008-05-21 Ash Emily Monster Nissan240SX OldRoad Race ch-08 p-118 Emily: No! NO! NO!!!
p.2008-05-20 Aiden Ash Emily Monster N240Z Nissan240SX OldRoad Spirit ch-08 p-117 Aiden: Something’s wrong… But what
p.2008-05-19 Kate Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-116 Missi: Do you see something? Who’s winning?
p.2008-05-16 Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-08 p-115 Emily: Wow. I’ve never heard you sound so… knowledgeable
p.2008-05-15 Bronwyn Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-114 Rumisiel: Do you really want me to answer that
p.2008-05-14 Ash Bronwyn Monster N240Z Nissan240SX OldRoad Race WallaceSign ch-08 p-113 Ash: I guess I’m just going to have to maximise my advantage in the straight sections
p.2008-05-13 Aiden Ash Monster N240Z OldRoad Race ch-08 p-112 Ash: He’s… Closing on me in the corners. That’s MY game. I’m not used to this.
p.2008-05-12 Kate Missi Monster N240Z OldRoad Race ch-08 p-111 Missi: Sweet! Ash takes the lead!
p.2008-05-09 Aiden Ash Missi Monster N240Z OldRoad Race ch-08 p-110 Aiden: Time’s up.
p.2008-05-08 Angel Bronwyn BronwynHome Emily Rumisiel ch-08 p-109 Rumisiel: I’m a frikkin’ angel babe, and I got nothin’ to lose. Now GET IN THE CAR!
p.2008-05-07 Bronwyn BronwynHome Rumisiel Tears ch-08 p-108 Bronwyn: Shut up! Just SHUT UP! You don’t know anything! You don’t know the spirits! You don’t know about the greater universe!
p.2008-05-06 Bronwyn BronwynHome Emily Rumisiel ch-08 p-107 Emily: What do you mean you don’t care?
p.2008-05-05 Bronwyn BronwynHome Emily Rumisiel Spirit ch-08 p-106 Bronwyn: Oh, it’s you. What do you want and who is this guy with you?
p.2008-05-02 JaguarXKR Kate Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-105 Missi: That’s not a stock transmission
p.2008-05-01 BronwynHome Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel Teleport ch-08 p-104 Rumisiel: This is Aiden’s house, right?
p.2008-04-30 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit ch-08 p-103 Emily: Getting to Bronwyn’s house is going to take a lot more than the five minutes we got
p.2008-04-29 Emily Hit Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-102 Emily: FEMININE PROBLEMS?! That’s all you could come up with?!
p.2008-04-28 Aiden Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-101 Rumisiel: No! Emily… Has… Uh… Feminine problems!
p.2008-04-25 Aiden Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-100 Rumisiel: Emily and I have to go down first
p.2008-04-24 Aiden Emily Kate OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit ch-08 p-099 Rumisiel: I tried. I even brought Kate here to see if they were the same. I see a great darkness threatening Aiden, but it is not connected to him directly
p.2008-04-23 Aiden Emily N240Z OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit ch-08 p-098 Aiden: Sorry… I guess it’s time to do this then
p.2008-04-22 Aiden Ash Monster OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-097 Rumisiel: No good. I can’t find any connection. They’re totally different beasts…
p.2008-04-21 Aiden Ash Kate OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-096 Aiden: Why you…
p.2008-04-18 Aiden Ash Emily Kate Missi OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-095 Aiden: Quite a crowd. I didn’t expect that. I… Why is SHE here?
p.2008-04-17 Aiden Ash N240Z OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-094 Ash: Who is it this time? The Pope? The Queen of France? The entire cast of Star Wars perhaps?
p.2008-04-16 Ash Kate Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-093 Kate: When this is all over I have a little request I need to make of you.
p.2008-04-15 Ash Kate Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-092 Missi: TELL THEM!
p.2008-04-14 Ash JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-091 Ash: What is she doing here?
p.2008-04-11 Ash Emily JaguarXKR Kate Missi OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-090 Ash: Hold on. I hear another car
p.2008-04-10 Acura Ash Emily HondaCivic Missi OldRoad ch-08 p-089 Missi: Maybe a Civic, or better yet a car like my brother’s
p.2008-04-09 Emily Missi Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-08 p-088 Emily: So, you like my car?
p.2008-04-08 Ash Emily Missi OldRoad Rumisiel ch-08 p-087 Emily: Why is she here?
p.2008-04-07 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-08 p-086 Emily: Surprised? I picked it up this morning
p.2008-04-04 Ash Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-08 p-085 Ash: That sound. Turbo. No doubt. That must be Aiden
p.2008-04-03 Ash Missi Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-084 Perfect night for a race
p.2008-04-02 Ash Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-083 Ash: If this is about that damn Aiden thing
p.2008-04-01 Ash Dates Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-082 Ash: What do you want… And why are you up before noon on a weekend? Saturday 10:13am (Ash vs Aiden race date set 2008-01-28)
p.2008-03-31 Vashiel ch-08 p-081 Vashiel: This is ludicrous to think I can track down an angel this way
p.2008-03-28 Angel Flashback Heaven Ramael Vashiel Xaphrael ch-08 p-080 Xaphrael: They can’t do this! Ramael identification is tentative
p.2008-03-27 Aiden Angel Flashback N240Z Spirit Vashiel Xaphrael ch-08 p-079 Aiden: At least there is still you
p.2008-03-26 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn Tears ch-08 p-078 Bronwyn: Liar! All these years… Wasted on a lie…
p.2008-03-25 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn Hit Tears ch-08 p-077 Aiden: When we were nine. The board. I moved it. It wasn’t a spirit.
p.2008-03-24 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn Flashback ch-08 p-076 Bronwyn: When we were nine, and we played with that ouija board
p.2008-03-21 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn ch-08 p-075 Bronwyn: Answer me honestly, Aiden. Are we through?
p.2008-03-20 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-08 p-074 Missi: So… When’s Ash coming back?
p.2008-03-19 Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-08 p-073 Missi: Is it because we both like Ash?
p.2008-03-18 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-08 p-072 Ash: Anyway, I’m thirsty. Anyone want anything to drink?
p.2008-03-17 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-071 Emily: I thought you two were breaking up
p.2008-03-14 Aiden Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-08 p-070 Ash: Still walking, I see.
p.2008-03-13 Aries Ash Emily Kate Rumisiel ch-08 p-069 Emily: Hey, grease monkey.
p.2008-03-12 Aiden Aries ChainsBG Kate Rumisiel ch-08 p-068 Rumisiel: There’s not even enough haunt residue left in her for me to study
p.2008-03-11 Aries Kate Rumisiel ch-08 p-067 Rumisiel: She… Actually doesn’t know I’m here.
p.2008-03-10 Aries Kate Rumisiel ch-08 p-066 Kate: Welcome to Aries. Harry is in the garage. Where is Ash?
p.2008-03-07 Ash BubblesBG Missi Rumisiel School ch-08 p-065 So you don’t want to go out with me anymore
p.2008-03-06 Ash Missi School ch-08 p-064 You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?
p.2008-03-05 Ash Missi School ch-08 p-063 I’m totally wearing a push-up bra today
p.2008-03-04 Ash Missi Rumisiel School ch-08 p-062 Not enough experience with posessed people, eh?
p.2008-03-03 Aiden Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-061 Ash: Ok, first of all she thinks you’re gay
p.2008-02-29 Ash Blush Hit Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-060 That’s your fault again. I like her but I can’t… You know…
p.2008-02-28 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-059 Ash: I need out of this Missi relationship
p.2008-02-27 Bed Bronwyn BronwynHome Tarot Tears ch-08 p-058 (Tarot cards: XII The Hanged Man, XVI The Tower and VI The Lovers)
p.2008-02-26 Bronwyn Emily Spirit ch-08 p-057 Just get out of here! Stay out of our lives!
p.2008-02-25 Bronwyn Emily ch-08 p-056 He’s just doing some work on my car is all
p.2008-02-22 Bronwyn Emily ch-08 p-055 What’s between you and Aiden?
p.2008-02-21 Aiden AidenHome Emily Nissan240SX ch-08 p-054 Don’t worry about the hands
p.2008-02-20 Aiden AidenHome Emily Nissan240SX ch-08 p-053 Why the heck did I agree to do this?
p.2008-02-19 Ash BubblesBG Emily McArthurRes ch-08 p-052 I can’t believe I used the “I can’t. I’m having my period.” excuse
p.2008-02-18 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-08 p-051 I thought I might be happy
p.2008-02-15 Ash Emily McArthurRes Missi ch-08 p-050 She’s the aggressive one always pushing to make out
p.2008-02-14 Ash BubblesBG Emily Filler Valentine 2008
p.2008-02-13 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-08 p-049 I’m like totally the girl!
p.2008-02-12 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-08 p-048 Emily: Whoa! Don’t need to hear about this!
p.2008-02-11 Ash Bed Candle FullerHome Kiss Missi ch-08 p-047 Missi: We’re not in public
p.2008-02-08 Ash Bed Blush FullerHome Kiss Missi ch-08 p-046 Ash: Then what the heck is this music for?
p.2008-02-07 Ash Bed Candle FullerHome Missi ch-08 p-045 Ash: Do you, um, always have candles burning?
p.2008-02-06 Ash FullerHome Missi MrCuddles ch-08 p-044 So this is Tom’s house…
p.2008-02-05 AidenHome Cassiel Rumisiel ch-08 p-043 Fine… *Sigh* Will you help me?
p.2008-02-04 AidenHome Cassiel Rumisiel ch-08 p-042 Peeping? How low the mighty have fallen!
p.2008-02-01 Aiden AidenHome Cassiel Rumisiel ch-08 p-041 What is this darkness?
p.2008-01-31 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-040 Ash: Wow. I must be losing my touch
p.2008-01-30 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-039 Rumisiel: Coming from the boy in a girl’s body who lives with an angel…
p.2008-01-29 Ash Bed Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-038 Rumisiel: Ash? Has Missi gone home yet?
p.2008-01-28 Aiden AidenHome Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-08 p-037 Ash: I expect you to still put in Emily’s turbo race date set for Saturday at 10pm, old road
p.2008-01-25 Aiden AidenHome Ash Emily Kate Rumisiel ch-08 p-036 That’s what this whole thing was about?
p.2008-01-24 Aiden AidenHome Ash Rumisiel ch-08 p-035 Heh. Nice. You almost had me there.
p.2008-01-23 Aiden AidenHome Ash Monster ch-08 p-034 Endlessly growling at me like some sort of monster
p.2008-01-22 Aiden AidenHome Ash Emily Monster Nissan240SX ch-08 p-033 She thinks you’re afraid of her
p.2008-01-21 Aiden AidenHome Ash Bronwyn BronwynHome Missi ch-08 p-032 Bronwyn… That’s her house right across the street.
p.2008-01-18 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn Emily Missi ch-08 p-031 I’ve known her since we were eight. We’ve been going out since we were twelve
p.2008-01-17 AidenHome Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-08 p-030 How do you explain the whole Rumisiel-Boyfriend thing to Missi?
p.2008-01-16 Aiden AidenHome Ash Emily ch-08 p-029 [6:17pm] He’s been just staring for like twenty minutes now
p.2008-01-15 Aiden AidenHome Ash Monster ch-08 p-028 Aiden: I was asking the car
p.2008-01-14 Aiden AidenHome Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel ch-08 p-027 Aiden: I didn’t really expect this many people
p.2008-01-11 Ash Missi Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-08 p-026 Ash: Hey, Missi? Want to take a ride?
p.2008-01-10 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-08 p-025 Emily: Missi? Does she… Have to come?
p.2008-01-09 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-08 p-024 Emily: He wants to look under the hood of your car
p.2008-01-08 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-08 p-023 Look, I’ve gotten a kind of weird proposition, but the decision isn’t really mine to make…
p.2008-01-07 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-08 p-022 Em! Good to see you.
p.2008-01-04 Aiden Emily Fresh-Mart Nissan240SX ch-08 p-021 He didn’t exactly say why
p.2008-01-03 Aiden Emily Fresh-Mart Nissan240SX ch-08 p-020 You weren’t in class today. What’s up?
p.2008-01-02 Aiden MrWalker School Spirit ch-08 p-019 I’m sorry Aiden… its just that dream…
p.2008-01-01 Aiden MrWalker School ch-08 p-018 Mr Walker: I don’t need a teaching assistant this semester… so I’m letting you go
p.2007-12-31 Aiden MrWalker School ch-08 p-017 Aiden: It’s never a good thing when someone tells you to sit down first
p.2007-12-28 CFS CFS4 Cassiel Heaven PagerUnit Raechiel ch-08 p-016 Cassiel: A pager? That’s so yesterday’s technology
p.2007-12-27 CFS CFS4 Cassiel Heaven PagerUnit Raechiel ch-08 p-015 Raechiel: Any Updates?
p.2007-12-26 Ash Missi Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-014 Missi: You have no talent for receiving subtext do you?
p.2007-12-25 Ash Emily Filler Rumisiel (Christmas 2007)
p.2007-12-24 Ash Missi ch-08 p-013 THE POWER OF BOOBS COMPELS YOU
p.2007-12-21 Ash Blush Missi Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-012 Wha… But you’re so cute!
p.2007-12-20 Ash Blush Missi Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-011 Having fun?
p.2007-12-19 Ash BubblesBG Missi Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-010 Missi: GYAAA!!! WHEEEEEEE!!! TOO CLOSE TO THE RAIL!!!
p.2007-12-18 Ash Missi OldRoad Tom ch-08 p-009 Missi: You’re not the boss of me!
p.2007-12-17 Ash Missi Monster OldRoad Tom ch-08 p-008 How did you even get here without a car?
p.2007-12-14 Ash Missi Monster OldRoad ch-08 p-007 Missi: There you are! I’ve been waiting
p.2007-12-13 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn OldRoad Tears WallaceSign ch-08 p-006 Aiden: Bronwyn, come back. You’re taking this the wrong way…
p.2007-12-12 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn N240Z Tears ch-08 p-005 Bronwyn: It was probably just a rapid temperature change, or a pressure differential
p.2007-12-11 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn N240Z ch-08 p-004 Aiden: What the hell happened here
p.2007-12-10 Ash Edward Missi UptonHouse ch-08 p-003 Edward: Oh! Chinese girl with nipple rings, right?
p.2007-12-07 Ash Dates Edward UptonHouse ch-08 p-002 Edward: But the patient is that hot Saturday
p.2007-12-06 Emily McArthurRes ch-08 p-001 Emily: Stupid tattoo girl…
Book 8
September ’04
How have you not been sued — Bronwyn & Aiden — the power of boobs — candles and soft music — the Hanged Man, the Tower and the Lovers – breaking up is hard to do — racing Aiden — pretty maids all in a row
p.2007-12-04 AidenHome N240Z Spirit ch-07 p-125 crack!
p.2007-12-03 Aiden AidenHome Bed Bronwyn Sleepover Spirit ch-07 p-124
p.2007-11-30 Aiden AidenHome Bed Bronwyn ch-07 p-123 Aiden: They’re more than just hunks of metal…
p.2007-11-29 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn ch-07 p-122 Bronwyn: I can’t believe you’re really back in Tempest
p.2007-11-28 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn N240Z ch-07 p-121 Aiden: Give me a minute to clean myself up
p.2007-11-27 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn BubblesBG ch-07 p-120 Bronwyn: Then stop fooling with your metal girlfriends and come inside with me for a bit
p.2007-11-26 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn ch-07 p-119 You want to look up from that thing long enough to say high to me?
p.2007-11-23 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily Missi ch-07 p-118 That ought to burst his bubble
p.2007-11-22 Ash AutoModerZ Blush Colin Emily Kiss Missi ch-07 p-117 She’s taken, Colin! Get a clue!
p.2007-11-21 Ash AutoModerZ Emily Missi ch-07 p-116 You seem a little busy with…
p.2007-11-20 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily ch-07 p-115 Just thought you’d want to know your other friend is back there
p.2007-11-19 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Missi ch-07 p-114 I hate this place
p.2007-11-16 Ash AutoModerZ Rumisiel ch-07 p-113 That’s for lying about being sick
p.2007-11-15 Ash Blush Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-07 p-112 She’s not my… We’re just exploring the possibility, ok?
p.2007-11-14 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-07 p-111 I thought you said you were too SICK to go to school today!
p.2007-11-13 Aiden Emily School ch-07 p-110 I have this turbo kit at home, and I want to put it in my car…
p.2007-11-12 Aiden Emily School ch-07 p-109 I guess I just wanted to feel attractive today
p.2007-11-09 Aiden Ash Emily Missi School ch-07 p-108 Not exactly normal auto class attire today
p.2007-11-08 Aiden AidenHome Bed Spirit ch-07 p-107 Aiden: What… What a strange dream.
p.2007-11-07 Aiden AidenHome Dream Spirit ch-07 p-106 STOP!
p.2007-11-06 Aiden AidenHome Dream N240Z Spirit ch-07 p-105 What the hell?
p.2007-11-05 Angel Archon Raechiel Vashiel ch-07 p-104 I will find you, Raechiel…
p.2007-11-02 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-07 p-103 You rub me the wrong way sometimes. “Jealous?” Of what!?
p.2007-11-01 Ash Blush Emily UptonHouse ch-07 p-102 Wait. You’re jealous of her, aren’t you?
Like she was in some “tag and release program” on a nature show
“We catch ’em, tattoo ’em and let them go” — ‘Wild’ Ed
p.2007-10-30 Filler guest comic by ???
p.2007-10-29 Filler guest comic by ???
p.2007-10-26 Filler guest comic by ???
p.2007-10-25 Filler guest comic by ???
p.2007-10-24 Filler guest comic by ???
p.2007-10-23 Ash Blush Emily UptonHouse ch-07 p-100 I mean, she’s like the president of the itty bitty titty committee, and she’s got a tramp tag…
p.2007-10-22 Ash Blush Emily Kiss Missi UptonHouse ch-07 p-099 Did she just…
p.2007-10-19 Ash Emily Missi UptonHouse ch-07 p-098 It’s kind of new to me too and despite what you think it’s probably more awkward for me than you
p.2007-10-18 Ash Missi UptonHouse ch-07 p-097 I mean what if you woke up one morning to discover you might not be the person you thought you were?
p.2007-10-17 Ash Missi Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-07 p-096 Maybe this is something we shouldn’t be talking about standing in a doorway
p.2007-10-16 Ash Blush Missi UptonHouse ch-07 p-095 You’re a terrible liar, you know
p.2007-10-15 Ash Blush Missi UptonHouse ch-07 p-094 No. Before you say anything. Let me apologise for Rumisiel being such a total ass.
p.2007-10-12 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-07 p-093 All I said was that sometimes you had this… “Thing” for girls and
p.2007-10-11 Aiden Ash N240Z Rumisiel School ch-07 p-092 Besides it would make my cars sad
p.2007-10-10 Aiden Emily Kate School ch-07 p-091 ever since Kamikaze Kate forced me to sideswipe a tree
p.2007-10-09 Aiden Emily School ch-07 p-090 Could everyone PLEASE stop showing me their scars?!
p.2007-10-08 Aiden Emily School ch-07 p-089 What happened to your hand?
p.2007-10-05 Aiden Emily Missi Rumisiel School ch-07 p-088 I fear I can no longer give my lovely Ash what she truly wants and deserves!
p.2007-10-04 Missi Rumisiel School ch-07 p-087 You’re that… Guy who hangs out with Ash, right?
p.2007-10-03 Ash Rumisiel School ch-07 p-086 Hey, Stupid. Class is this way. We’ve got like five minutes.
p.2007-10-02 Aiden AidenHome Bronwyn MrWalker Phone ch-07 p-085 I can’t. I’ve got work to do for Mr Walker
p.2007-10-01 Aiden AidenHome Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-07 p-084 *Sigh* There’s more to a relationship than sex, Ash
p.2007-09-28 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-07 p-083 I’m more interested in this “Missi” girl following you around
p.2007-09-27 Aiden Ash Emily Missi SchoolRoad ch-07 p-082 I can’t drive yet so I just tinker, but…
p.2007-09-26 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel SchoolRoad Tom ch-07 p-081 He told you HE did all the work on his car?
p.2007-09-25 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel SchoolRoad Tom ch-07 p-080 I’m, like, adopted. So is Tom for that matter
p.2007-09-24 Ash Emily Missi Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-07 p-079 How was your first day?
p.2007-09-21 Aiden Emily MrWalker School ch-07 p-078 I’d like you all to meet Aiden Brewster
p.2007-09-20 Emily MrWalker School ch-07 p-077 I can’t believe I am looking forward to this so much
p.2007-09-19 Ash Blush Cassi Cassiel Missi Rumisiel School ch-07 p-076 Look, Rumisiel. I’ve got a new female admirer.
p.2007-09-18 Ash Missi School ch-07 p-075 Do I have something on my face?
p.2007-09-17 Ash BubblesBG Missi Rumisiel School ch-07 p-074 That girl is staring at us all wierd
p.2007-09-14 Ash Rumisiel School ch-07 p-073 You know, until I met you, the first day of school was my biggest dread
p.2007-09-13 Archon Ash CFS CFS4 CFS5 Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-07 p-072 So, what is this missing angel thing really?
p.2007-09-12 Ash Edward Rumisiel Vashiel ch-07 p-071 Edward: Ah, the first day of your senior year!
p.2007-09-11 Ash BubblesBG Dates Emily ch-07 p-070 Ready for school Monday?
p.2007-09-10 Ash BubblesBG Emily Hug McArthurRes ch-07 p-069 Emily: Wow! Spontaneous hug. You getting all touchy-feely on me?
p.2007-09-07 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes ch-07 p-068 Ash: That’s cool! I’ve never seen a toy Merkur
p.2007-09-06 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-07 p-067 Emily: It was at that vintage toy place that was going out of business
p.2007-09-05 Emily Heather Nissan240SX OldRoad ZX3 ch-07 p-066 Heather: Sorry about that. I thought you were a racer.
p.2007-09-04 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad ZX3 ch-07 p-065 Just take your time and find the right lines
p.2007-09-03 Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad WallaceSign ch-07 p-064 Ok, you don’t need Ash for this.
p.2007-08-31 Ash Bed Computer Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-07 p-063 I’ll have to remember that tactic
p.2007-08-30 Ash Computer Edward Emily Gyno Phone UptonHouse ch-07 p-062 Actually I can’t leave the house at the moment
p.2007-08-29 Ash ClockTower Computer Rumisiel Smoothie Vashiel ch-07 p-061 Vashiel: I apologise. I shouldn’t have blown up like that
p.2007-08-28 Archon ClockTower Raechiel Rumisiel Vashiel ch-07 p-060 I’ve been asked to help, and frankly the fact that Raechiel hasn’t checked in at all
p.2007-08-27 Archon ClockTower Raechiel Rumisiel Vashiel ch-07 p-059 I’m trying to hone in on Raechiel’s presence
p.2007-08-24 Emily Molly Shopping ch-07 p-058 Turning on the “whore” factor is my only real option
p.2007-08-23 Emily Lesbian Molly Shopping ch-07 p-057 Molly: I’ve been getting this serious dyke vibe from her this year
p.2007-08-22 Emily Molly Shopping ch-07 p-056 I won’t be able to go to college until winter session
p.2007-08-21 Ash Emily Molly OldRoad Shopping ch-07 p-055 I’ll just… ask someone else who LIKES shopping
p.2007-08-20 Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad ch-07 p-054 Uh, CRAZY anyone?
p.2007-08-17 Aiden Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad ch-07 p-053 I… If… I’ve got work to do.
p.2007-08-16 Aiden Ash Emily N240Z OldRoad ch-07 p-052 I only race one of them
p.2007-08-15 Aiden Ash Emily OldRoad ch-07 p-051 What’s the point in talking to a car if it won’t talk back?
p.2007-08-14 Aiden Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad WallaceSign ch-07 p-050 Come on girl. Tell me what’s wrong with you… Graffiti on the Wallace sign: (something) Temp(…) HS!
p.2007-08-13 Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad ch-07 p-049 It’s that same car back from the dead!
p.2007-08-10 Ash Emily Monster N240Z OldRoad ch-07 p-048 … You what?
p.2007-08-09 Ash Emily Monster OldRoad ch-07 p-047 I’m thinking I might not even want to, like… Go back to being “Me”
p.2007-08-08 Ash Emily Monster ch-07 p-046 Well, my dad never tells me flat out I can’t do anything
p.2007-08-07 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Monster MrMacMannus ch-07 p-045 I don’t get the whole car thing you are going through, but your arguments in this case are compelling
p.2007-08-06 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-07 p-044 Quite frankly, mom, it’s going to look great!
p.2007-08-03 BubblesBG EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes MsFlanery ch-07 p-043 Emily! Your schedule is here!
p.2007-08-02 Archon EllenMcArthur McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-07 p-042 Please. Like an Archon would ever come to this neck of the woods
p.2007-08-01 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-07 p-041 Hey! You’re supposed to be NICE to girls!
p.2007-07-31 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-07 p-040 Anyway, everyone knows Vashiel is on vacation
p.2007-07-30 Archon CFS Cassiel Raechiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-07 p-039 You have precisely twenty seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t close this door in your face
p.2007-07-27 Ash Cassiel McArthurRes Vashiel ch-07 p-038 And here I thought I’d always be a boob man…
p.2007-07-26 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-037 My pride has suffered irreparably, but
p.2007-07-25 Ash Emily McArthurRes ShoulderAngel Swim ch-07 p-036 You’re stuck aren’t you
p.2007-07-24 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-035 Hips … Didn’t have those back when I did this last …
p.2007-07-23 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-034 The little window in the bathroom is practically never locked
p.2007-07-20 Ash Emily McArthurRes Pool Swim ch-07 p-033 Ok, that’s not good … the door is locked
p.2007-07-19 Ash Emily McArthurRes Pool Swim ch-07 p-032 It’s been quite a summer, huh?
p.2007-07-18 Ash Emily McArthurRes Pool Swim ch-07 p-031 Emily: All fixed. No more complaining
p.2007-07-17 Ash Emily McArthurRes Pool Swim ch-07 p-030 Ash: I remember why I hate this suit
p.2007-07-16 Ash Blush BubblesBG Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-029 Ash: That was such a frickkin’ girly reaction…
p.2007-07-13 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-028 Emily: That’s the first and probably the last time I’ve ever felt anyone else’s breasts
p.2007-07-12 Ash Blush Emily Kiss McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-027 Ash: Why not? Look, it is less intimate than kissing and
p.2007-07-11 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-026 Ash: I want you to grab my boobs
p.2007-07-10 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-025 No, that’s definitely not what I just heard
p.2007-07-09 Ash Blush BubblesBG Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-024 Just cause stupid Kay saying that got me to kiss you doesn’t mean… I…
p.2007-07-06 AleHouse Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes Rose Swim ch-07 p-023 What about “touch”?
p.2007-07-05 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-022 First I was almost horrified by them
p.2007-07-04 Ash Emily McArthurRes Swim ch-07 p-021 I don’t think I am attracted to my own boobs anymore
p.2007-07-03 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-07 p-020 I still don’t get why we can’t just go hang out downtown and spot little old ladies
p.2007-07-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes Pool Swim ch-07 p-019 Your smaller chested suits squish my boobs
p.2007-06-29 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-07 p-018 This is the coolest little thing ever!
p.2007-06-28 Ash Junkyard JunkyardGuy N240Z ch-07 p-017 The engine is in pieces and the block is cracked
p.2007-06-27 Ash Emily Junkyard JunkyardGuy N240Z ch-07 p-016 It’s like the grandfather of all Japanese sports cars
p.2007-06-26 Ash Emily Junkyard N240Z ch-07 p-015 Whoa… is that…
p.2007-06-25 Ash Emily Junkyard ch-07 p-014 I still don’t get how this is supposed to cheer me up
p.2007-06-22 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-07 p-013 I’ve got an idea to cheer you up
p.2007-06-21 Angel Bed Flashback Sword UptonHouse Vashiel ch-07 p-012 former indiscretions
p.2007-06-20 Angel Dream Flashback Gabriel Heaven Vashiel ch-07 p-011 And what then would you have me do?
p.2007-06-19 Dream Flashback Gabriel Vashiel ch-07 p-010 How could you take this upon yourself? Thousands dead!
p.2007-06-18 Ash Emily Harry Kate UptonHouse ch-07 p-009 We can’t let “what if” scenarios destroy our abilities to make decisions
p.2007-06-15 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-07 p-008 No, in my gut I do know
p.2007-06-14 Ash Bed Emily UptonHouse ch-07 p-007 Emily: I think I’m supposed to be dead
p.2007-06-13 Ash Bed Emily Harry Kate UptonHouse ch-07 p-006 Ash: Kate and Harry…
p.2007-06-12 Aries Ash Harry Kate ch-07 p-005 Harry: I’m still a mite afraid Kate may burst into flame if she walks into a church
p.2007-06-11 Aries Ash Harry ch-07 p-004 Harry: It’ll help pay for the ring
p.2007-06-08 Emily Hospital Molly VW ch-07 p-003 the truck jus came out of nowhere…
p.2007-06-07 Bed Emily Hospital Molly ch-07 p-002 You were the last person I expected
p.2007-06-06 Bed Emily Hospital Molly ch-07 p-001 Emily: Hello? Molly?
Book 7
August ’04
Molly, broken — wedding bells — former indiscretions – car part shopping — a test — push comes to shove – one of our Archons is missing — the car whisperer — back to school — Missi — the good deed — Bronwyn
p.2007-06-04 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-06 p-115 Edward: Well, it’s the longest relationship you’ve ever had
p.2007-06-01 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-06 p-114 Rumisiel: Before you say anything, there is a perfectly good explanation for why we left
p.2007-05-31 Edward Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-06 p-113 (various shocked or ominous pauses)
p.2007-05-30 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Molly ch-06 p-112 Mom: There was an accident last night
p.2007-05-29 Ash Emily Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-06 p-111 Rumisiel: Sixty-two bottles of beer on the wall… View of the Sagamore Bridge “carries U.S. Route 6 (US 6) across the Cape Cod Canal, connecting Cape Cod with the mainland of Massachusetts”
p.2007-05-28 Ash Bed Blush BubblesBG Marie MarieHouse Rose ch-06 p-110 Ash: Oh, and thanks for all your tips
p.2007-05-25 Ash MarieHouse Rose XR4Ti ch-06 p-109 Ash: Rose! …I was just going to stop by…
p.2007-05-24 Ash Hug Marie MarieHouse Rose XR4Ti ch-06 p-108 Ash: Don’t worry. I know the way. I’ll visit
p.2007-05-23 Ash Marie MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-06 p-107 Marie: I’m sorry you can’t stay longer
p.2007-05-22 Angel Cassiel ch-06 p-106 Cassiel: The brothers run out on their obligations to Dr. Upton
p.2007-05-21 Ash Beach Brent Casper Emily Rumisiel ch-06 p-105 Casper: They always like this?
p.2007-05-18 Ash M3000GT Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-104 Ash: You don’t win points for not doing stupid things you should not have done in the first place!
p.2007-05-17 Ash James ch-06 p-103 Ash: Did you guys see that?
p.2007-05-16 Beach James Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-102 James: Yeah. Tell me. Was anything bad going to happen if I didn’t drive you here?
p.2007-05-15 James Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-101 Rumisiel: Haha! See? Nothing happened. I was right!
p.2007-05-14 Ash Beach Brent XR4Ti ch-06 p-100 Brent: I gotta admit, I’m impressed
p.2007-05-11 Ash Beach Brent M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-099 Ash: … I won
p.2007-05-10 Brent M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-098 Brent: I… I can’t make the last left onto the beach with a car there…
p.2007-05-09 Ash Brent M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-097 Brent: A valiant effort, but you have nowhere to go
p.2007-05-08 Ash M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-096 Ash: The sand… There’s a chance.
p.2007-05-07 Ash Brent M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-095 Ash: Wha… He passed me without even accelerating!
p.2007-05-04 Ash Brent M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-094 Brent: You raced a good race, Ash, but it’s time to make my move
p.2007-05-03 Angel Cassiel Race Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-093 Vashiel: Did I not warn you?
p.2007-05-02 Angel Cassiel Race Rumisiel ch-06 p-092 Rumisiel: Okay, I’m sick of waiting! What’s going to happen and when?!
p.2007-05-01 Casper Emily M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-091 Emily: It’s not that easy!
p.2007-04-30 Casper Emily M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-090 Casper: So… Have you two, like…
p.2007-04-27 Ash Brent Casper Emily M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-089 Casper: Awkward, isn’t it?
p.2007-04-26 Casper Emily M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-088 Emily: Umm… I think I might like Ash
p.2007-04-25 Ash Beach Brent M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-087 Brent: Shit. This wind is a killer
p.2007-04-24 Cassiel M3 Race Rumisiel Vashiel XR4Ti ch-06 p-086 Casper: Everything seems normal enough so far
p.2007-04-23 Casper Emily James Race ch-06 p-085 Casper: I think I might like Brent
p.2007-04-20 Ash Brent Casper Emily James M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-084 Casper: I’ve been thinking about it and it’s kinda important to me.
p.2007-04-19 Ash Brent James ch-06 p-083 Brent: I’ve only driven with the wind this way twice myself.
p.2007-04-18 Ash Beach Brent Emily ch-06 p-082 Ash: That’s it… It’s blowing the wrong way…
p.2007-04-17 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-06 p-081 Emily: I sort of regret not having seen you in your dress
p.2007-04-16 Angel Ash Cassiel Emily XR4Ti ch-06 p-080 Ash: Sorry you have to sit in the back seat again
p.2007-04-13 Beach M3 Race XR4Ti ch-06 p-079 XR4TI vs M3 Road sign: Provincetown 21, Truro 10
p.2007-04-12 Ash Blush James MarieHouse ch-06 p-078 James: Good luck kiss then?
p.2007-04-11 Ash James MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-06 p-077 How’s your nose?
p.2007-04-10 Ash Dream Emily Kiss MarieHouse ch-06 p-076 Ash: You came over to my bed while I was sleeping and kissed me
p.2007-04-09 Ash Cassiel Dream Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-075 Cassiel: Hehehe! They all came.
p.2007-04-06 Ash Bed Blush Dream MarieHouse ch-06 p-074 Ash: What a strange dream. That’s so bizarre. My lips are still all tingly?
p.2007-04-05 James Marie MarieHouse Nosebleed Pancakes Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-073 James: somewhat unnerved by the view The Day of the Race
p.2007-04-04 Ash Bed Emily MarieHouse Sleepover ch-06 p-072 (sleeping beauty)
p.2007-04-03 Ash Bed Emily James MarieHouse Rumisiel Sleepover Vashiel ch-06 p-071 Clock: Tick… Tick.. Tick… 01:08am
p.2007-04-02 Brent BrentHouse Casper Kay MarieHouse ch-06 p-070 Kay: Ok, this car lingo is making my head spin.
p.2007-03-30 Ash James MarieHouse Miata ch-06 p-069 Ash: He’s not a racer, James
p.2007-03-29 Ash James Kay Marie MarieHouse Miata Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-068 Marie: Why don’t I just throw some bedding down in the living room and all your boyfriends can stay here?
p.2007-03-28 Ash James Marie MarieHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-067 Marie: Yeeee! It’s James! What a pleasant surprise! 10:27pm
p.2007-03-27 Ash Blush Emily Kay MarieHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-066 Kay: Tried it. Didn’t like it.
p.2007-03-26 Emily Kay MarieHouse ch-06 p-065 Kay: Well, you were probably a fan of the “idea of Kay” invented by my agent
p.2007-03-23 Blush BubblesBG Emily Kay MarieHouse ch-06 p-064 Kay: Are you ok? You don’t look well.
p.2007-03-22 Ash Blush Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-063 Emily: Oh… Sorry. I should have knocked
p.2007-03-21 Ash Dress Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-062 Emily: I’ll be back in a minute…
p.2007-03-20 Blush Emily James Kay MarieHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-061 Emily: Ash? You home?
p.2007-03-19 Casper CasperCar Emily MarieHouse Tears ch-06 p-060 ????: Well, here we are Marie’s house number: 225
p.2007-03-16 MarieHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-059 Rumisiel: You missed your chance for a peek, dude?
p.2007-03-15 Ash Dress MarieHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-058 Ash: You DO NOT want to make me any more pissed at you right now
p.2007-03-14 Ash Dress James Kay MarieHouse Nosebleed Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-057 Kay: Ash, you should take of that dress before Romeo here bleeds all over it
p.2007-03-13 Ash Dress James Kay MarieHouse Nosebleed ch-06 p-056 James: I am such an ass
p.2007-03-12 Hit James Kay MarieHouse Nosebleed ch-06 p-055 Kay: Now wait just a minute…
p.2007-03-09 Ash James MarieHouse ch-06 p-054 James: You there! Get your hands off of her!
p.2007-03-08 Ash Blush Dress James Kay MarieHouse Rumisiel ch-06 p-053 Rumisiel: Wow! He caught her by the bajoongas
p.2007-03-07 Ash Dress James Kay MarieHouse ch-06 p-052 Kay: Here, let me help you
p.2007-03-06 Ash Dress James Kay MarieHouse Miata Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-051 It’s… some dude and some chick
p.2007-03-05 James MarieHouse Miata Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-050 Rumisiel: Park down the street. I want to spy all stealthy like
p.2007-03-02 Ash Dress James Kay M3000GT Miata Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-049 Ash: How did I guess you drove a Miata?
p.2007-03-01 Beach Casper CasperCar Emily ch-06 p-048 Casper: I’m kinda looking for a relationship at this point in my life, and you don’t seem emotionally available
p.2007-02-28 Beach Casper CasperCar Emily ch-06 p-047 Emily: OH MY GOD! I got the “just friends” speech!
p.2007-02-27 Casper CasperCar Emily ch-06 p-046 Emily: This isn’t going to work…
p.2007-02-26 Ash Blush Cassi Cassiel Dress Hit Jenny Marie Party ch-06 p-045 Ash: Oh… Mom… I’m SO sorry about your party
p.2007-02-23 Ash Dress Kay Marie ModelGirl2 Party Roger ch-06 p-044 ModelGirl: They’ve already taken out two tables and most of the desserts
p.2007-02-22 Cassi Cassiel Hit Jenny Party Security ch-06 p-043 Security: We’ve got two girls in a tear up fight down here
p.2007-02-21 Cassi Cassiel Jenny Party ch-06 p-042 Jenny: You’re disgusting
p.2007-02-20 Cassi Cassiel Party ch-06 p-041 Cassi: Mmmmmm… Free party food!
p.2007-02-19 Casper Emily Kiss ch-06 p-040 Emily: So then why so I feel… Nothing
p.2007-02-16 Casper Diner Emily ch-06 p-039 Casper: I hadn’t really thought much past dinner
p.2007-02-15 Ash Blush Dress Kay Party ch-06 p-038 Ash: I think I fixed my problem for the night.
p.2007-02-14 Ash Dress Kay Party ch-06 p-037 Kay: Let me walk you to your throne, m’lady.
p.2007-02-13 Ash Blush Dress Kay Party ch-06 p-036 Kay: You’ve spent the last fifteen minutes visually spelunking every crevice of cleavage
p.2007-02-12 Ash Blush Dress Kay Party ch-06 p-035 Kay: I’m sure you can tell which guys are the best looking even though you’re gay
p.2007-02-09 Ash Jenny JennySnr Marie Party ch-06 p-034 Marie: Ash, I want you to meet Jenny and her daughter Jenny
p.2007-02-08 Beach Casper Diner Emily Marie Party ch-06 p-033 Casper: I’m not really a beach person
p.2007-02-07 Beach Casper Diner Emily ch-06 p-032 Casper: You feeling ok? You seem kind of distant.
p.2007-02-06 Cassi Cassiel Emily ModelGirl Party ch-06 p-031 Cassi: I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE!
p.2007-02-05 Ash Cassi Cassiel Dress EnriqueSwan Kay Party ch-06 p-030 Kay: A friend of yours?
p.2007-02-02 Ash Blush Cassi Cassiel Dress Party ch-06 p-029 Ash: Well… At least the scenery is nice.
p.2007-02-01 Ash Dress Marie Party ch-06 p-028 Marie: You two mingle
p.2007-01-31 Ash Casper Dress Emily Kay Marie Party ch-06 p-027 Marie: Just hold on to Kay’s arm while you go in
p.2007-01-30 Casper Diner Emily ch-06 p-026 Emily: Why was I thinking of Ash?
p.2007-01-29 Ash Casper Diner Emily ch-06 p-025 Emily: So many choices
p.2007-01-26 Ash Dress Kay MarieWork ch-06 p-024 Kay: You look uncomfortable. Would you like a seat?
p.2007-01-25 Ash Dress Kay Marie MarieWork ch-06 p-023 Kay: You must be the beautiful daughter she’s always going on about
p.2007-01-24 Ash Dress Kay Marie MarieWork ch-06 p-022 Ash: Also, this underwear is kind of riding up my butt
p.2007-01-23 Ash Blush Camera Dress Marie MarieWork ch-06 p-021 Marie: You look SO GOOD!
p.2007-01-22 Blush Casper CasperCar Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-020 Casper: You look… Wow.
p.2007-01-19 Ash Marie ch-06 p-019 Marie: Do you want to see your dress? Ash’s preparations
p.2007-01-18 Emily MarieHouse Shower ch-06 p-018 Emily’s preparations
p.2007-01-17 James JamesHouse Rumisiel ch-06 p-017 James: Come back at six… And take a shower first.
p.2007-01-16 James JamesHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-016 James: Wow. One of my least favourite people and his brother
p.2007-01-15 Ash Emily James JamesHouse Mace MarieHouse Rumisiel Vashiel ch-06 p-015 Ash: Don’t let him try anything funny or do anything that,
p.2007-01-12 Ash Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-014 Ash: The day of reckoning has arrived.
p.2007-01-11 Ash Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-013 Ash: I didn’t see the humor in this whole situation until this moment, but this is funny
p.2007-01-10 Ash Bed Blush Emily Flashback Kay MarieHouse ch-06 p-012 Emily: A pillar of my early adolescence was just wrenched out from under me
p.2007-01-09 Ash Bed Emily Kay MarieHouse ch-06 p-011 Emily: Don’t joke like that! He’s not gay!
p.2007-01-08 Ash Bed Emily MarieHouse ch-06 p-010 Emily: So, wait, now you are going with some model guy?
p.2007-01-05 Ash Kay Marie MarieWork Paris ch-06 p-009 Ash: He’s gayer than Paris in the spring Paris icons: Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe
p.2007-01-04 Ash Kay Marie MarieWork ch-06 p-008 Marie: When you show up with Kay you’ll make the most PERFECT couple
p.2007-01-03 Ash Jenny JennySnr Marie MarieWork ch-06 p-007 Marie: I finally get to show my daughter off at one of these things
p.2007-01-02 Ash Marie MarieWork ch-06 p-006 Marie: You can’t even comprehend how happy you are making me right now.
p.2007-01-01 Cassiel Truro XR4Ti ch-06 p-005 Cassiel: I wonder how I might attain an invitation
p.2006-12-29 Ash Emily Truro ch-06 p-004 Emily: You realize that modeling is more than just putting on some pretty clothes, right?
p.2006-12-28 Ash Beach Emily Truro ch-06 p-003 Ash: Don’t get all worked up like it is some horrible thing
p.2006-12-27 Ash Beach Blush Emily Truro ch-06 p-002 Ash: You’re way more confident than me
p.2006-12-26 Ash Beach Emily Truro ch-06 p-001 Ash: Walking this course has helped a lot
p.2006-12-25 Ash Colour Emily Filler Rumisiel Xmas 2006
Book 6
July – August ’04
Preparations — a lift – a dinner and a party – the Jennies – catfight – the rescuer – racing Brent – going home
p.2006-12-21 Ash Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-134 Ash: Mom? Can we talk?
p.2006-12-20 Ash MarieHouse ShoulderAngel ch-05 p-133 Ash: My job sucks and now I’m losing Emily to some guy
p.2006-12-19 Ash Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-132 Emily: Actually, I’m sort of picking out clothes for my date on Friday
p.2006-12-18 AleHouse Ash Emily GoateeKid KidConvertable MarieHouse ch-05 p-131 Ash: Ok, first of all you’re frikkin’ dreaming, ok?
p.2006-12-15 AleHouse Ash KidConvertable ch-05 p-130 KidConvertable: What’s with this hard to get, tease bullshit
p.2006-12-14 AleHouse Ash GoateeKid KidConvertable Rose ch-05 p-129 KidConvertable: Did you see the way she was eyeing me?
p.2006-12-13 AleHouse Ash CasHome Casper Emily KidConvertable MarieHouse Phone ch-05 p-128 Casper: I’ll pick you up at five on Friday then
p.2006-12-12 CasHome Casper Emily MarieHouse Phone ch-05 p-127 Emily: Hey. Cas? This is Emily.
p.2006-12-11 Ash Blush Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-126 Marie: Remember, even if you can’t do this one little thing for me, I still love you
p.2006-12-08 Ash BubblesBG Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-125 Marie: Just be be my little girl for one night
p.2006-12-07 Ash BubblesBG Engine Marie MarieHouse MariePresent ch-05 p-124 Marie: I have THE most FABULOUS dress that needs a model Marie confirms she gave Ash the Monster’s engine
p.2006-12-06 Ash Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-123 Marie: Well, let’s just say, if boys wore bras, they’d wear bras like these.
p.2006-12-05 Ash Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-122 And frankly I could have gotten you better bras
p.2006-12-04 Rumisiel Vashiel ch-05 p-121 Well I just figured if we spiralled out, we’d get there eventually
p.2006-12-01 Ash Emily Truro Vashiel XR4Ti ch-05 p-120 Vashiel: What do you MEAN you don’t now the way to Cape Cod?!
p.2006-11-30 Ash Beach Emily Truro XR4Ti ch-05 p-119 Emily: Actually, I meant the race course.
p.2006-11-29 Ash Beach Emily Truro XR4Ti ch-05 p-118 (Ash practicing driving, Emily watching on a fence)
p.2006-11-28 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-117 Would you like to join the bra and panty club?
p.2006-11-27 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-116 Happy would be the wrong word, but we’ve been here for two and a half hours 6:47pm
p.2006-11-24 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-115 But it’s a 34-C!
p.2006-11-23 Ash Blush ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-114 I can feel her staring at me from behind
p.2006-11-22 Ash ClothesShop Emily Marie Shopping ch-05 p-113 There’s an old poster of my mom in here wearing nothing but a pair of panties
p.2006-11-21 Ash Blush ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-112 Just try those two on
p.2006-11-20 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-111 Just imagine if boys had to wear bras, and think what they’d pick
p.2006-11-17 Colour Filler Remembrance
p.2006-11-16 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-110 All my bras are the same size anyway
p.2006-11-15 Ash Beach ClothesShop Emily Shopping Truro ch-05 p-109 Well, I DID promise to take you shopping for some new bras Morro (something) Center
p.2006-11-14 Ash Beach Emily Truro ch-05 p-108 Any clue how to win?
p.2006-11-13 Ash Beach Emily Truro XR4Ti ch-05 p-107 Wow. This is so much worse than I expected.
p.2006-11-10 Ash Beach Blush Emily MarieHouse Truro XR4Ti ch-05 p-106 Shifting gears… I’m going to check out that race course tomorrow.
p.2006-11-09 Ash Emily EmilyMD MarieHouse Nosebleed ch-05 p-105 So, clinically speaking, and with only the most academic curiosities I assure you, is orgasm better as a boy or a girl?
p.2006-11-08 Ash Blush Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-104 NO! I mean, don’t jump to conclusions
p.2006-11-07 Ash Blush Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-103 You were dreaming about me weren’t you?
p.2006-11-06 Ash Blush Emily Hug MarieHouse ch-05 p-102 Just because I hate the idea of you going on a date with some guy
p.2006-11-03 Ash Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-101 Don’t be sorry. You have every right to go on that date
p.2006-11-02 AleHouse Ash Emily Rose ch-05 p-100 Ash: There were an innumerable number of instances that put me in a bad mood
p.2006-11-01 AleHouse Ash Dates MarieHouse Rose ch-05 p-099 Rose: Off already? Time flies when you are having fun, eh? 10:05 (pm?) Wednesday (off tomorrow / see you … Friday)
p.2006-10-31 Ash Colour Emily Filler Halloween 2006
p.2006-10-30 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-098 TO CAPE COD!
p.2006-10-27 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-05 p-097 You’d best find your way east if you want to stop it
p.2006-10-26 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-096 There’s going to be… Well a bit of an accident in Cape Cod
p.2006-10-25 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-095 Just remember Cassiel. We can always take a shower digging
p.2006-10-24 Ash Bed Blush Emily MarieHouse Sleepover ch-05 p-094 Ash: It was… Nothing! I mean… Just a nightmare!
p.2006-10-23 Ash Bed Blush BubblesBG Dream Emily MarieHouse Sleepover ch-05 p-093 Ash: MNYAAAAA! / Emily: … What the heck was THAT?!
p.2006-10-20 Ash BubblesBG Dream Emily MarieHouse Sleepover Tears ch-05 p-092 Shit! Shit! SHIT! Why couldn’t it be me!?
p.2006-10-19 Ash Emily MarieHouse Tears ch-05 p-091 You mean you’re ok with it then?
p.2006-10-18 Ash BrentCar BubblesBG Emily MR2 MarieHouse ch-05 p-090 Apparently he and Brent are like a sort of local racing team thing
p.2006-10-17 Ash Casper Emily MR2 MarieHouse ch-05 p-089 I LOVED that part! / You should read the next one
p.2006-10-16 Ash Brent Cassiel MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-05 p-088 I can’t wait to get a shot at that monster of yours
p.2006-10-13 Beach Casper Emily MarieHouse Truro ch-05 p-087 That’s why we race at night
p.2006-10-12 Ash Brent Casper Emily MR2 Marie MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-05 p-086 ASH! Some boys are here for you! (Truro mentioned)
p.2006-10-11 Ash Brent Casper Emily Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-085 Oh, and Brent is stopping by tonight to drop off a map of how to get to the race area
p.2006-10-10 AleHouse Ash Brent Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-084 We’ve GOT to race then
p.2006-10-09 AleHouse Ash Brent Casper ch-05 p-083 I live round here. What the hell are you doing here
p.2006-10-06 AleHouse Ash Brent Casper Rose ch-05 p-082 Could you take table seven? There’s a guy there creeping me out
p.2006-10-05 AleHouse Ash Rose ShoulderAngel ch-05 p-081 Tough shift? / My feet are killing me
p.2006-10-04 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-080 You help me with that, and I’ll help get you some new bras
p.2006-10-03 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-079 It’s just, James’ was always making that hissing sound…
p.2006-10-02 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-078 That’s just the turbo kicking in
p.2006-09-29 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-077 Take it for a spin. See how you like it.
p.2006-09-28 Ash Cinema Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-076 Hey there, Lady. Wanna ride in a fast car?
p.2006-09-27 Ash Cinema Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-075 Hand me the keys, I guess
p.2006-09-26 Ash Cinema Emily Rain ch-05 p-074 So I say we wait for the crowd to clear
p.2006-09-25 Ash Cinema Emily Rain ch-05 p-073 It’s raining. You’re wearing a white shirt, and no bra
p.2006-09-22 Ash Blush Cinema Emily ch-05 p-072 This popcorn is WAY too salty
p.2006-09-21 Ash Cinema Emily ch-05 p-071 They were all dirty Cinema sign: Big 16
p.2006-09-20 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-070 You’re not wearing a bra!
p.2006-09-19 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-069 Black bra gone? / Yeah. I…
p.2006-09-18 Ash Emily MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-05 p-068 If it’s your only shirt you’ll have to change your bra like the wind!
p.2006-09-15 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-067 You can’t wear a black bra and a white shirt! (fashions have changed in ten years…)
p.2006-09-14 Ash Emily MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-05 p-066 Throw on a non-work shirt and let’s go…
p.2006-09-13 AleHouse Ash ShoulderAngel SpeccyKid ch-05 p-065 Calm down. Dead women leave no tips
p.2006-09-12 AleHouse Ash DangBlastedIdiot ch-05 p-064 And I want a bacon cheeseburger with no bacon and no cheese…
p.2006-09-11 AleHouse Ash Rose ch-05 p-063 I think table five is beckoning you
p.2006-09-08 AleHouse Ash Bed Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-062 Emily: If I feel any better, maybe we can catch a movie
p.2006-09-07 Ash Beach Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-061 Pygmies were stealing water out of my mouth and you drowned them
p.2006-09-06 Ash Beach Bed Emily MarieHouse Sleepover ch-05 p-060 Emily: I mean I FEEL better but my mouth is like the Sahara Desert
p.2006-09-05 Ash Bed Blush BubblesBG Emily MarieHouse Sleepover SunPoisoning ch-05 p-059 Ash: Were you even talking to me or some imaginary midget water boy?!
p.2006-09-04 Ash Bed Emily MarieHouse Sleepover SunPoisoning ch-05 p-058 Emily: The little people drank my last water. I had to set traps.
p.2006-09-01 Ash Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-057 How was your first night?
p.2006-08-31 AleHouse Ash Blush Rose ch-05 p-056 You’ve got god-given assets
p.2006-08-30 AleHouse Ash Rose ch-05 p-055 Remember, there’s only one letter difference between “tits” and “tips”
p.2006-08-29 AleHouse Ash Rose ch-05 p-054 There are a few cheaters towards getting a good tip
p.2006-08-28 AleHouse Ash Rose ch-05 p-053 Here’s your shirt, and you might want to wear one of these aprons Rose is under 18
p.2006-08-25 Ash Emily Marie MarieHouse SunPoisoning ch-05 p-052 Perfect fit. We have the same build.
p.2006-08-24 Ash Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-051 Who’d have ever thought I’d be borrowing clothes from my mother…
p.2006-08-23 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-05 p-050 Rumisiel: FINALLY! The roof is done.
p.2006-08-22 AleHouse Ash Beach Emily Tyler ch-05 p-049 The “Uniform” is just a company shirt and any kind of khakis
p.2006-08-21 AleHouse Ash Tyler ch-05 p-048 Hey there miss. You’re here about the job?
p.2006-08-18 AleHouse Ash Rose Tyler ch-05 p-047 Actually.. I was kind of here about your “Help Wanted” sign
p.2006-08-17 AleHouse Ash Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-046 Usually I just studied all summer
p.2006-08-16 Ash Bed Emily MarieHouse ch-05 p-045 Ash: I saw a restaurant with a “Help Wanted” sign
p.2006-08-15 Ash BubblesBG Emily Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-044 Isn’t this room just perfect?
p.2006-08-14 Ash Bed BubblesBG Emily Marie MarieHouse ch-05 p-043 Marie: Ash, honey!
p.2006-08-11 Ash Emily MarieHouse XR4Ti ch-05 p-042 I’m supposed to have been here at least once before Dennis, Mas
p.2006-08-10 Ash BubblesBG Emily XR4Ti ch-05 p-041 I can’t believe she’s letting you take this vacation with me
p.2006-08-09 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel XR4Ti ch-05 p-040 I may be gone for a bit this summer and I’m SO worried that my “Darling” may fall off the wagon…
p.2006-08-08 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-039 And just for good measure, I’ll be checking in
p.2006-08-07 Ash Dates Period Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-05 p-038 WHAT?! You’re leaving?! July 2004 (4 months / 3 periods since the Misfile)
p.2006-08-04 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone ch-05 p-037 Well, bring her with you then.
p.2006-08-03 Ash Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-05 p-036 Hi, Mom. Look, I’ve been thinking about this summer and your offer…
p.2006-08-02 MarieHouse Phone Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-035 … can’t I use my powers just a LITTLE bit
p.2006-08-01 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-034 HOW is THIS perfect? Cassiel mentioned
p.2006-07-31 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-033 Good evening, brother
p.2006-07-28 Ash Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-05 p-032 Emily: … And no one ever… called me that… Beautiful… Before now…
p.2006-07-27 Ash Bed Blush Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-05 p-031 Ash: I should probably shut up now
p.2006-07-26 Ash Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-05 p-030 Emily: Don’t pretend! It’s right there. I hate it!
p.2006-07-25 Ash Bed Blush Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-05 p-029 Emily: Are you just staring at me sleep…
p.2006-07-24 Ash Bed Blush Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-05 p-028 Ash: Ash, Ash… What are you doing?
p.2006-07-21 Ash Bed Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-05 p-027 Emily: I have the feeling my house is going to be a bit, what’s the best word, tense?
p.2006-07-20 Ash Edward Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-05 p-026 You really had lunch with the president of the university?
p.2006-07-19 Edward EllenMcArthur Emily UptonHouse ch-05 p-025 Hmmm. Yes, I suppose it is Blackmail.
p.2006-07-18 Dates Edward EllenMcArthur Emily UptonHouse ch-05 p-024 I lecture there every few months a view of a Harvard gateway
p.2006-07-17 Edward EllenMcArthur UptonHouse ch-05 p-023 Doctor! Are you aware that your daughter has been contributing to my daughter’s delinquency?
p.2006-07-14 Ash Blush Edward EllenMcArthur Emily UptonHouse ch-05 p-022 Oh… Hello there… Um… Doctor…
p.2006-07-13 Ash Blush Edward EllenMcArthur Emily UptonHouse ch-05 p-021 And YOU! Where are your parents, young lady?
p.2006-07-12 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily UptonHouse ch-05 p-020 I can explain…
p.2006-07-11 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-05 p-019 Ellen: YOU! Where is my daughter?!
p.2006-07-10 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-05 p-018 It’s not like you need my permission to take a vacation.
p.2006-07-07 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-05 p-017 Well, my mom said I should spend the summer there.
p.2006-07-06 Ash Marie MarieHouse Monster Phone UptonHouse ch-05 p-016 I… I have to talk to some people about it…
p.2006-07-05 Ash Dates Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-05 p-015 Well, to be fair, it’s only the fourth day of summer break
p.2006-07-04 Ash Blush Marie MarieHouse Phone UptonHouse ch-05 p-014 It’s Mom. You know, YOUR MOM.
p.2006-07-03 Ash Bed Computer Phone UptonHouse WaitPerson ch-05 p-013 I just don’t think you have the qualities we’re looking for at Bagel Land.
p.2006-06-30 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Dweeb ShopAsst WaitPerson ch-05 p-012 SCREW YOU, ASSHOLE! also: Hardware Depot, Wok This Way (a Chinese restaurant?)
p.2006-06-29 Ash AutoModerZ Colin ch-05 p-011 You sure this isn’t just a poly to spend more time with me?
p.2006-06-28 Ash AutoModerZ Emily McArthurRes Pool Swim ch-05 p-010 Tomorrow the great job hunt begins.
p.2006-06-27 Ash Emily Eponine James McArthurRes Pool Rachel Rumisiel Swim Vashiel ch-05 p-009 Feeling better?
p.2006-06-26 Ash Blush Emily Eponine Hit James McArthurRes Pool Rachel Rumisiel Swim ch-05 p-008 (Rumisiel pop-tops Rachel)
p.2006-06-23 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes Pool Rachel Swim Vashiel ch-05 p-007 (Rachel debags Vashiel)
p.2006-06-22 Ash McArthurRes Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse Vashiel ch-05 p-006 Maybe this will give you some incentive to get off your butt and back “upstairs”,
p.2006-06-21 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-05 p-005 Rumisiel: It was horrible… The roof… The blazing sun…
p.2006-06-20 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-004 I dunno. I admit, its more “Shorts-like”.
p.2006-06-19 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-003 I’m changing out of this.
p.2006-06-16 Ash ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-002 Ash: Life was SO much easier when I didn’t have to cover my top.
p.2006-06-15 Ash Blush ClothesShop Emily Shopping ch-05 p-001 I swear it looks good
Book 5
June — July ’04
Clothes shopping — pool — job search — the lecturer — to Cape Cod — The Ale House – cinema – Brent & Casper – dreams – bra shopping – the offer
p.2006-06-13 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-04 p-116 But it is not even technically summer yet!
p.2006-06-12 Canada Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-115 Just because you’re dating my daughter doesn’t mean
p.2006-06-09 Canada Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-114 No school today?
p.2006-06-08 Ash Emily School ch-04 p-113 “Dead Man Walking”
p.2006-06-07 Ash Emily School ch-04 p-112 My report card will come next week and mom will totally flip out…
p.2006-06-06 Ash Emily School ch-04 p-111 It’s just, this should have been my last day of high school ever mention of Emily’s pre-Misfile gang, Jen and Katie, as vassals of sluttitude
p.2006-06-05 Ash Emily Molly Rachel School VW ch-04 p-110 School’s out forever!
p.2006-06-02 Dates Emily Rachel School ch-04 p-109 “Goodbye Seniors” late June 2004 (likely 3rd week based on 2013 practice)
p.2006-06-01 Ash Brent James OldRoad ch-04 p-108 Well, you both drive really well, but tactically…
p.2006-05-31 Ash Brent BrentCar James OldRoad ch-04 p-107 Hey, you. Got time for another race?
p.2006-05-30 Cassiel Emily OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-04 p-106 Seems like Ash won. Thank God.
p.2006-05-29 Ash Emily James OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-04 p-105 Yeah, well, I never denied being weird.
p.2006-05-26 Ash James OldRoad ch-04 p-104 I’m a total asshole aren’t I?
p.2006-05-25 Ash James M3000GT OldRoad ch-04 p-103 You like him that much, huh?
p.2006-05-24 Ash Brent Emily James M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-102 You conceited… I MEANT the driving.
p.2006-05-23 Brent Emily M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-101 I guess I’ll be racing Ash then.
p.2006-05-22 Ash James M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-100 Absolutely not, Ash!
p.2006-05-19 Ash James M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-099 So close… I need to go faster
p.2006-05-18 Ash James M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-098 Every time he takes his foot off the gas I can hear
p.2006-05-17 Ash Brent Emily M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-04 p-097 I don’t know how that helps Ash.
p.2006-05-16 Brent M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-096 This is about endurance. They’ve already been at it for half an hour.
p.2006-05-15 Brent Emily OldRoad Race ch-04 p-095 Six down.
p.2006-05-12 Ash James M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-094 Jeeze… Ride my ass a little more why don’t you…
p.2006-05-11 Ash Brent Emily M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-093 They are just running the short section with all the tight corners.
p.2006-05-10 Brent Emily M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-092 One down.
p.2006-05-09 M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-091
p.2006-05-08 Ash Brent M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-090 Not bad… Not bad at all.
p.2006-05-05 Ash James M3000GT Monster OldRoad Race ch-04 p-089 Remember, you taught her everything she knows.
p.2006-05-04 Brent Emily M3000GT Monster OldRoad Vashiel ch-04 p-088 Wait, why am I defending myself and my car?
p.2006-05-03 Brent Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel ch-04 p-087 I was expecting someone, I dunno, more evil looking.
p.2006-05-02 Ash Brent Emily OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-04 p-086 I’ll watch with the rest of the peanut gallery…
p.2006-05-01 Ash Brent James OldRoad ch-04 p-085 Should I wait in the car while you two girls talk out your differences
p.2006-04-28 Ash Brent James Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-084 I expected to find you at the top of the course.
p.2006-04-27 Brent James OldRoad ch-04 p-083 Wait, you drove here from Falmouth, TONIGHT?
p.2006-04-26 Brent James M3000GT OldRoad ch-04 p-082 Speak of the devil… Evening, James.
p.2006-04-25 Brent BrentCar OldRoad ch-04 p-081 You were right James… This place is fantastic. Monday, midnight 2006-04-03
p.2006-04-24 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-04 p-080 I assume it is pointless to try to talk you out of this again,
p.2006-04-21 Cassiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-04 p-079 Do have a good evening, my dear.
p.2006-04-20 Cassiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-04 p-078 We all have a history, Cassiel. It’d be best if you don’t forget mine.
p.2006-04-19 Cassiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-04 p-077 *Ahem!* What are you doing?
p.2006-04-18 Cassiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-076 So trusting to leave the door open.
p.2006-04-17 Aries Ash Kate ch-04 p-075 Kate, could you give this check to harry when he gets back?
p.2006-04-14 Aries Ash Emily Kate ch-04 p-074 I came by to bring him some lunch and he got this frantic phone call
p.2006-04-13 Aries Ash Kate ch-04 p-073 I came to… Why are you… Is Harry here…
p.2006-04-12 Aries Ash Kate ch-04 p-072 I auctioned off some old parts online.
p.2006-04-11 Aries Ash Emily James Monster ch-04 p-071 Besides, at your house James seemed, well, more interested in you.
p.2006-04-10 Ash BubblesBG Emily James Vashiel ch-04 p-070 Yeah, I guess I hadn’t really thought about that…
p.2006-04-07 Ash Emily Monster ch-04 p-069 What if you lose?
p.2006-04-06 Ash Emily Monster ch-04 p-068 Yes, yes, I know. I’m aware this whole idea is stupid.
p.2006-04-05 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-04 p-067 Ash, can we talk about this ridiculous race thing?
p.2006-04-04 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel Vashiel ch-04 p-066 So… I guess I’ll let myself out, huh?
p.2006-04-03 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-04 p-065 You’re on.
p.2006-03-31 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-04 p-064 And if I say no?
p.2006-03-30 Ash EveWallace James McArthurRes Vashiel ch-04 p-063 Neither of you know the first thing about sword fighting!
p.2006-03-29 Ash James McArthurRes Vashiel ch-04 p-062 Ash, you have to break up with Rumisiel!
p.2006-03-28 Ash James McArthurRes Vashiel ch-04 p-061 So tell me honestly, does your brother have any redeeming qualities?
p.2006-03-27 James McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-04 p-060 Rumisiel: Welcome back, buddy, how was…
p.2006-03-24 Cassi Cassiel James McArthurRes ch-04 p-059 By the sound of it though you prefer the tomboy look.
p.2006-03-23 Cassi Cassiel James McArthurRes ch-04 p-058 I’m Cassi, the “Jackass’” ex-girlfriend.
p.2006-03-22 Cassi Cassiel James McArthurRes ch-04 p-057 My GOD I can’t stand that Jackass!
p.2006-03-21 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-04 p-056 You’re all chatting away and I’m stuck with Stoner McKnow-Nothing and Mr Boring.
p.2006-03-20 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-04 p-055 So what do you study?
p.2006-03-17 Colour Filler Rumisiel St Patrick’s Day
p.2006-03-16 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel ShoulderAngel ch-04 p-054 And besides the age difference…
p.2006-03-15 Ash Emily James McArthurRes ShoulderAngel ch-04 p-053 Jeeze … They have been at it for like an hour.
p.2006-03-14 Ash Emily James McArthurRes Rumisiel ch-04 p-052 Hey, I saw that car when I left your place the other day
p.2006-03-13 Ash James McArthurRes Nissan240SX Rumisiel Vashiel ch-04 p-051 Are you sure it’s ok for me to intrude like this? Weekend following 2nd Kate race?
p.2006-03-10 EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-04 p-050 Emily: I understand your concern, ok?
p.2006-03-09 EllenMcArthur Emily Molly Nissan240SX ch-04 p-049 I just don’t know if this Ash girl is such a good influence
p.2006-03-08 EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-04 p-048 Your driving is better
p.2006-03-07 Ash AuntNatalie Blush Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-047 You want to play a less one dimensional game, maybe?
p.2006-03-06 Ash Blush Emily UptonHouse ch-04 p-046 Whoohoo! Boobies level unlocked!
p.2006-03-03 Emily James Monster UptonHouse ch-04 p-045 New level unlocked!
p.2006-03-02 Ash Blush James Nissan240SX Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-044 Like YOU don’t want to see them, miss “practically said yes to Cassiel”.
p.2006-03-01 Ash James Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-043 Dude! You’re totally gunna miss the boobies!
p.2006-02-28 Ash James Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-042 You want to join in? I’m like two levels from unlocking the topless volleyball sequence.
p.2006-02-27 Ash James Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-041 Uh… He’s here? Maybe I shouldn’t come in
p.2006-02-24 Ash James UptonHouse ch-04 p-040 James: Let’s just say, you’re lucky to have been born a girl.
p.2006-02-23 Ash James UptonHouse ch-04 p-039 Let me look at this monster now that you finally got it working
p.2006-02-22 Ash James Monster UptonHouse ch-04 p-038 If we could just forgive or forget or both and move on
p.2006-02-21 Ash James Monster UptonHouse ch-04 p-037 Wow… In all the commotion last night I didn’t notice the new car
p.2006-02-20 Ash Emily McArthurRes Monster ch-04 p-036 Got ya!
p.2006-02-17 Ash Bed Blush Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-035 Was he a good kisser?
p.2006-02-16 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-034 We’d had a few drinks and ended up in Molly’s room
p.2006-02-15 Bed Emily Flashback Molly MollyHome Party Ryan ch-04 p-033 Emily: I was the only one who had never kissed a boy
p.2006-02-14 Ash Emily Flashback McArthurRes Molly ch-04 p-032 Emily: At least you lost YOUR virginity to someone who genuinely
p.2006-02-13 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-031 Ash: He was my BEST FRIEND
p.2006-02-10 Ash Bed Blush Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-030 Emily: You had sex with a boy?!
p.2006-02-09 Ash Bed Blush Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-029 Ash: I never told you about James?
p.2006-02-08 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-028 Are you ok? You look flustered.
p.2006-02-07 Ash EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-04 p-027 Hi, Mrs McArthur. I have to talk to Emily
p.2006-02-06 Ash Ashley Blush Flashback James Monster OldRoad Photo ch-04 p-026 Don’t let my stupid kiss thing screw up anything you’ve got going
p.2006-02-03 Ash Blush James OldRoad ch-04 p-025 No! It’s… Just… I was talking about the driving part!
p.2006-02-02 Ash Ashley Blush James Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-024 Was I that bad? You said I didn’t really hurt you…
p.2006-02-01 Ash Blush James Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-023 Gyah! What the HELL?!
p.2006-01-31 Ash James Kiss OldRoad ch-04 p-022 !!!
p.2006-01-30 Ash James Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-021 Sort of… I mean, yeah, I beat Tom.
p.2006-01-27 Ash Dates James Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-020 Why are you back from California? (ref: James college holiday until end August 2004) now mid-June(?)
p.2006-01-26 Ash James M3000GT Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-019 That’s… James?!
p.2006-01-25 Ash Monster OldRoad ch-04 p-018 Clear road, plenty of gas. Time to blow off some steam…
p.2006-01-24 Ash Emily Monster Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-04 p-017 I get the theory Ash. I’m just having trouble thinking about it all at once
p.2006-01-23 Ash Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad ch-04 p-016 I could find a big wide open parking for you to practice the whole “cornering” thing
p.2006-01-20 Ash Hit Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel School ch-04 p-015 Maybe multitasking is something you should LEARN!
p.2006-01-19 Ash Cassi Cassiel Dates Rumisiel School ch-04 p-014 You are aware that the school year ends in like a few weeks late May / early June 2004
p.2006-01-18 Ash Cassiel Colour Emily Filler Rumisiel Peacecraft 30th Birthday
p.2006-01-17 Ash Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel School ch-04 p-013 So many Canadians here these days
p.2006-01-16 Ash Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel School Teacher ch-04 p-012 meet our new student “Cassi”
p.2006-01-13 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-04 p-011 Don’t worry about it. She’s history. Not happening.
p.2006-01-12 Ash Emily McArthurRes Phone ch-04 p-010 Ash? Did I wake you? / Emily… It’s two in the morning…
p.2006-01-11 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Phone UptonHouse ch-04 p-009 That’s not fire I suppose. I don’t even know who she is
p.2006-01-10 Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-04 p-008 Pi times the radius times height divided by three with…
p.2006-01-09 Angel Cassiel ch-04 p-007 Damn mosquitos! DON’T MAKE ME UNCREATE YOU!
p.2006-01-06 Angel Ash Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-006 By the way, if God is omniscient, how are we supposed
p.2006-01-05 Ash Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-005 Wait, you DATED her?
p.2006-01-04 Ash CFS Cassiel Lucifer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-004 Lucifer didn’t take kindly be being fired,
p.2006-01-03 Angel Ash CFS God Lucifer Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-003 Ok, now pay attention to the diagrams
p.2006-01-02 Angel Ash Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-002 Cassiel is an angel of the third circle, like me.
p.2005-12-30 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-04 p-001 Who WAS that… Angel girl?
Book 4
May – June ’04
James — sex with a boy? — James, meet Rumisiel, — meet Cassiel — the challenge — Brent — the duel — school’s out
p.2005-12-28 Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-107 Arg! Of all my disguises I’ve chosen one you’ve already SEEN?!
p.2005-12-27 Ash Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-106 Cassiel? Is that her name? But how do you know…
p.2005-12-26 Ash Cassi Cassiel Lesbian Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-105 I had NO idea you lived with your boyfriend!
p.2005-12-25 Ash Colour Filler Vashiel Christmas 2005
p.2005-12-23 Ash Blush Cassi Cassiel Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-104 Hey, did anyone get the door?
p.2005-12-22 Ash Cassi Cassiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-103 Ash Upton… I WANT you!
p.2005-12-21 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-102 Think, maybe, you could leave us out of those reports in future?
p.2005-12-20 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-101 How KIND! You made me dinner!
p.2005-12-19 Ash Emily SchoolRoad UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-100 Finals are weeks from now
p.2005-12-16 Ash Emily Rumisiel SchoolRoad ch-03 p-099 And then she just ran off…
p.2005-12-15 Ash Blobs Cassiel School ch-03 p-098 They’re just tits, you know.
p.2005-12-14 Ash Blobs Canada Dates Eponine School Teacher ch-03 p-097 His brother stopped coming to school. Did he go back to Canada? (reference to the past weekend)
p.2005-12-13 Ash Eponine Rumisiel School Teacher ch-03 p-096 I… can’t possibly… run another… lap…
p.2005-12-12 CFS Cassiel Heaven ch-03 p-095 (4th Branch In Box) NO! This report CAN’T be right!
p.2005-12-09 Ash Dates Emily OldRoad Period Rumisiel Vashiel ch-03 p-094 I’m only days from […] culmination of a 28-day cycle! 7 weeks since Misfile?
p.2005-12-08 Ash Emily OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-03 p-093 Oh… Actually, I still lost. But it is ok though.
p.2005-12-07 Ash Emily JaguarXKR Kate Monster OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-03 p-092 It’s late, kid. I’ll see you around.
p.2005-12-06 Ash JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad ch-03 p-091 Ash… I’m 25, and my car is state of the art.
p.2005-12-05 Ash JaguarXKR Kate Monster OldRoad ch-03 p-090 I don’t know what happened. I can do better!
p.2005-12-02 Ash JaguarXKR Monster OldRoad Race WallaceSign ch-03 p-089 No way! I thought I had her! I’m so close!
p.2005-12-01 Ash JaguarXKR Kate Monster OldRoad Race Tears ch-03 p-088 I’m… Alone
p.2005-11-30 Angelica Emily Kate OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Tears ch-03 p-087 I’m still trying Angie. I’ve been trying since you died!
p.2005-11-29 Angelica Chains ChainsBG Emily OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Vashiel ch-03 p-086 She’s… Dissolving… Is that a good thing?
p.2005-11-28 Angelica Ash ChainsBG JaguarXKR Kate Monster OldRoad Race Spirit ch-03 p-085 You didn’t want me to go… Was it wrong of me to stay?
p.2005-11-25 Angelica Chains ChainsBG JaguarXKR Monster OldRoad Race Rumisiel Spirit ch-03 p-084 This is Justice!
p.2005-11-24 Angelica Chains ChainsBG JaguarXKR Monster OldRoad Race Rumisiel Spirit ch-03 p-083 Blah, blah, blah. Hiss, complain, struggle. I’m not letting go.
p.2005-11-23 Angel Angelica Chains ChainsBG OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit ch-03 p-082 Rumisiel: Where do you think you’re going, lady?
p.2005-11-22 Angelica Chains OldRoad Spirit Vashiel ch-03 p-081 These chains are my pain, Angel
p.2005-11-21 Angelica ChainsBG OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Vashiel ch-03 p-080 This isn’t your place! You have to go!
p.2005-11-18 Ash JaguarXKR Kate Monster OldRoad Race ch-03 p-079 Ok, I’ve been passed as I suspected…
p.2005-11-17 Ash JaguarXKR Kate Monster OldRoad Race ch-03 p-078 The straight section…
p.2005-11-16 Angelica Chains JaguarXKR Monster OldRoad Race Spirit Vashiel ch-03 p-077 How dare you! You don’t have the power to banish me…
p.2005-11-15 Angelica Chains ChainsBG Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Spirit Vashiel ch-03 p-076 Vashiel: Hey, you. What do you say we have a little chat, huh?
p.2005-11-14 Angelica Chains JaguarXKR OldRoad Race Spirit ch-03 p-075
p.2005-11-11 Ash Monster OldRoad Race ch-03 p-074 I said we were starting side by side but not that we were starting at the same time…
p.2005-11-10 Ash JaguarXKR Monster OldRoad Rumisiel ch-03 p-073 Wow… Ash pulled that off like a total badass…
p.2005-11-09 Ash ChainsBG Emily Kate OldRoad Spirit ch-03 p-072 Even I’m sweating. I feel like I’m being pushed back from her.
p.2005-11-08 Ash ChainsBG Kate OldRoad Rumisiel Spirit Vashiel ch-03 p-071 Ash told us to wait until the race started.
p.2005-11-07 Ash Emily JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-03 p-070 Can you handle this? You know, with the limiters and all?
p.2005-11-06 Filler guest page from ????
p.2005-11-05 Ash Emily Filler guest page from The Devil’s Panties
p.2005-11-04 Ash Emily JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad ch-03 p-069 What other boys have you met who wear bras and have periods?
p.2005-11-03 Ash Emily Monster Nissan240SX OldRoad WallaceSign ch-03 p-068 I am shaking but it is more like anticipation
p.2005-11-02 Ash Dates Emily Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-067 That’s about as good as the car is going to get. Friday, race day
p.2005-11-01 Ash Monster OldRoad ch-03 p-066 (car work / test drives)
p.2005-10-31 Ash Monster OldRoad WallaceSign ch-03 p-065 That was… one of my best times
p.2005-10-26 Acura Ash Monster OldRoad Tom ch-03 p-064 That sound… Did someone beat me to the mountain today?
p.2005-10-25 Ash Monster OldRoad ch-03 p-063 There is so much more power in the low end
p.2005-10-24 Ash Monster OldRoad ch-03 p-062 This is… SO wierd! I never expected the car to drive like this.
p.2005-10-21 Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-061 Is Ash here? I brought a late lunch
p.2005-10-20 Ash Bed Phone UptonHouse ch-03 p-060 (Ash visualises the Old Road)
p.2005-10-19 Ash ChainsBG Kate KateHouse Phone Tears UptonHouse ch-03 p-059 Here goes nothing…
p.2005-10-18 Ash Emily Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-058 Why are we playing this again?
p.2005-10-17 Ash Blush Emily UptonHouse ch-03 p-057 This one’s old already, so don’t worry about getting it dirty
p.2005-10-15 Ash Filler Rumisiel Vashiel Chris’ Omake
p.2005-10-14 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-03 p-056 You know, you speak much more… “Scholarly” when you talk cars, Ash
p.2005-10-13 Ash Emily M3000GT UptonHouse ch-03 p-055 Well, that’s a new look for you
p.2005-10-12 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-054 I don’t suppose you could cool it off in here?
p.2005-10-11 Ash Blush Monster UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-053 Don’t you dare nose-bleed on my new car
p.2005-10-10 Emily Rachel School ch-03 p-052 Are you kidding? I’d kill for grades like that.
p.2005-10-07 Emily Rachel School ch-03 p-051 Jeez… I ACED this last time
p.2005-10-06 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-03 p-050 Don’t worry. I’ll do it.
p.2005-10-05 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-049 Well I guess it may be a bit unfair for me to
p.2005-10-04 Ash Emily Monster Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-048 So all the fear, the shaking, that was all supernatural?
p.2005-10-03 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-047 Then it’d just be Ash versus Kate!
p.2005-09-30 Emily Flashback UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-046 Like a spirit with unfinished business
p.2005-09-29 Ash Emily Kate Rumisiel Spirit UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-045 So you see, regardless of the car, this is a foolhardy race for Ash
p.2005-09-28 Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-044 Supercar, huh?
p.2005-09-27 Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-043 Emily: Not so fast. I am the official Upton Household Angel Wrangler!
p.2005-09-26 Ash Emily McArthurRes Monster UptonHouse ch-03 p-042 I’ll make it up to you
p.2005-09-23 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-03 p-041 Ash: I’M A BOY!!! (“hilarious visual”)
p.2005-09-22 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-03 p-040 So after that he made you pay full price
p.2005-09-21 Ash AutoModerZ Colin ch-03 p-039 Feminine what? Are you ok?
p.2005-09-20 Ash AutoModerZ ShoulderAngel ch-03 p-038 This is the traditional evil conscience female uniform
p.2005-09-19 Ash AutoModerZ ShoulderAngel ch-03 p-037 Come on, just let him think he has a chance. We’re talking DISCOUNT here!
p.2005-09-16 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Dweeb ch-03 p-036 COLIN! That girl you like is in the store!
p.2005-09-15 Aries Ash AutoModerZ Harry ch-03 p-035 You bastard, You just knew I wanted to see tha’ bloody monster run.
p.2005-09-14 Aries Ash Harry Monster Mustang ch-03 p-034 It’s for the monster XR… Mentions of the Monster and a “Mustang five liter V8” engine
p.2005-09-13 Aries Ash Harry ch-03 p-033 So, to wha’ do I owe the pleasure ah’ this visi’?
p.2005-09-12 Aries Ash Harry ch-03 p-032 Harry? You under there?
p.2005-09-09 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-03 p-031 So where did it come from?
p.2005-09-08 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-03 p-030 Five… Liter… V8… “A Ford five liter V8”
p.2005-09-07 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse ch-03 p-029 Couldn’t you swap in the engine from your other car
p.2005-09-06 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-03 p-028 Ford made a few similar cars in this family, in Europe anyway pedigree of The Monster
p.2005-09-05 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-03 p-027 unveiling of The Monster
p.2005-09-02 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-03 p-026 I wrote her a letter as a boy too
p.2005-09-01 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-03 p-025 I’m a realist and YOU know nothing about cars
p.2005-08-31 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-03 p-024 I CAN’T think of you that way
p.2005-08-30 Ash Emily Monster UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-03 p-023 You’re mostly forgiven
p.2005-08-29 Ash Emily Monster Rumisiel School UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-03 p-022 You’d better stop now before I use this spork
p.2005-08-26 Emily Rumisiel School ch-03 p-021 It meant something to you that you weren’t ready for
p.2005-08-25 Emily Rumisiel School ch-03 p-020 Spirit Week!!!
p.2005-08-24 Ash Edward SchoolRoad UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-019 Rumisiel: I heard you guys freak out and run upstairs and figured one of you inexperienced drinkers had wet the bed or something.
p.2005-08-23 Ash Bed Rumisiel Sleepover UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-018 Rumisiel: when you two lightweights totally went on that bender?
p.2005-08-22 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-03 p-017 I’m not worried about anything having happened with Rumisiel
p.2005-08-19 Ash Canada Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-016 Edward: I understand I run a fairly relaxed house here
p.2005-08-18 Ash Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-015 … to CHECK, if a girl is a virgin?
p.2005-08-17 Ash Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-014 It’s a question I need answered for, health class
p.2005-08-16 Ash Bed Dream Edward IceCream UptonHouse ch-03 p-013 Edward: I’ve been meaning to ask you some questions… About your condition
p.2005-08-15 Bed EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-03 p-012 Emily: And YOU, Emily, why do you miss her?! Or him… Emily’s mom, Ellen, refers to Emily’s study/bedroom as ‘up there’
p.2005-08-12 Ash BubblesBG CafeMarat Diner Hug Marie ch-03 p-011 Ash: Can I stay like this a bit longer
p.2005-08-11 Ash CafeMarat Diner Marie ch-03 p-010 Ash: I’m so confused about who I am
p.2005-08-10 Ash CafeMarat Dates Diner Marie ch-03 p-009 Marie: a letter from a confused thirteen year old sometime in 2000
p.2005-08-09 Ash CafeMarat Diner Marie ch-03 p-008 So pretend […] that I was a boy instead of a girl
p.2005-08-08 Ash CafeMarat Dates Diner Marie ch-03 p-007 Easier to wear underwear than market it
p.2005-08-05 Ash CafeMarat Diner Phone UptonHouse ch-03 p-006 Hello? Is this… Mom?
p.2005-08-04 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-005 We say nothing to nobody
p.2005-08-03 Ash Bed Dates Sleepover UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-004 Vashiel: I can’t remember ANYthing from last night
p.2005-08-02 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-003 I finally figured out why girls have boooobs
p.2005-08-01 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-002 Misery loves company so they say
p.2005-07-29 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-03 p-001 Ash: Thaz right. I forgot you live in my basement now…
Book 3
May ’04
drinking to forget — Marie Upton — The Monster — racing Kate II — chained spirit — Cassiel
p.2005-07-27 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-02 p-114 What the hell did I just do?
p.2005-07-26 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-02 p-113 I’m a girl, Ash! A HETROSEXUAL GIRL
p.2005-07-25 Ash Emily Kiss UptonHouse ch-02 p-112 What the hell was that!
p.2005-07-22 Ash Blush Emily Tears UptonHouse ch-02 p-111 all my old friendships were built on bullshit
p.2005-07-21 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-02 p-110 I’m barely passing calculus
p.2005-07-20 Ash Emily Tears UptonHouse ch-02 p-109 that pressure cooker of a house
p.2005-07-19 Ash Emily Nissan240SX Tears UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-02 p-108 It’s too early for dad to be home
p.2005-07-18 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX Tears ch-02 p-107 I’m sorry my birth screwed up your life
p.2005-07-15 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes Tears ch-02 p-106 Don’t you raise your voice at me!
p.2005-07-14 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-105 B-
p.2005-07-13 Ash Emily JaguarXKR School ch-02 p-104 not going to let fate put me over a barrel
p.2005-07-12 Ash JaguarXKR Kate School ch-02 p-103 My phone number. I won’t wait forever.
p.2005-07-11 Ash School ch-02 p-102 If this keeps up I’ll be stuck like this forever
p.2005-07-08 Ash Emily School Vashiel ch-02 p-101 before I die of embarrassment
p.2005-07-07 Ash Molly School Vashiel ch-02 p-100 What’s the appeal? She’s practically a boy!
p.2005-07-06 Ash Emily Rumisiel School Vashiel ch-02 p-099 Captain Timing
p.2005-07-05 Emily Molly School Vashiel ch-02 p-098 My heart belongs to someone else
p.2005-07-04 Ash Emily Molly Ryan School Vashiel ch-02 p-097 So who’s your new hottie friend there? Is he available?
p.2005-07-01 Emily Maude Molly School Vashiel ch-02 p-096 If you don’t ask her the questions, I guarantee you that you will regret it
p.2005-06-30 Ash Emily School Vashiel ch-02 p-095 You realize that was supposed to be an excuse
p.2005-06-29 Ash Emily Rumisiel School Vashiel ch-02 p-094 Are you still hung up about that race?
p.2005-06-28 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-02 p-093 Your mom modeling bras might help explain all that lingerie in your closet you don’t wear
p.2005-06-27 Ash Edward Emily Flashback Marie Photo UptonHouse ch-02 p-092 the lingerie catalog
p.2005-06-24 Ash Ashley Dates Emily Flashback Marie Photo UptonHouse ch-02 p-091 It’s a photo of my mother and me summer 2003
p.2005-06-23 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-02 p-090 A letter from Mom
p.2005-06-22 Ash Emily UptonHouse ch-02 p-089 Who’s that letter from?
p.2005-06-21 Ash Blush Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-088 How was your slumber party
p.2005-06-20 Ash Dates Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-02 p-087 I knew I forgot something Sunday morning, 2004-04-18
p.2005-06-17 Ash Bed Blush Emily McArthurRes Sleepover ch-02 p-086 Ash: Damn… no way am I getting any sleep tonight next to this scenery.
p.2005-06-16 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-085 Emily: Into the bed with you!
p.2005-06-15 Ash Bed Computer Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-084 Do you have anything where the pant legs are full?
p.2005-06-14 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-083 Stop playing these mind games!!!
p.2005-06-13 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-02 p-082 …about horny experimentation
p.2005-06-10 Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-081 How far have you taken things with my daughter?
p.2005-06-08 Ash Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-080 I have this blue polish
p.2005-06-06 Ash Blush Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-02 p-079 I thought you were spending the night
p.2005-06-03 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-078 She talked to me like I had no right being behind the wheel
p.2005-06-01 Ash Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-077 Mom got pregnant in high school and dad split town
p.2005-05-30 Ash Emily McArthurRes Period ch-02 p-076 I’m glad you came
p.2005-05-27 Ash Bed Emily Phone UptonHouse ch-02 p-075 Emily: I though you might want to come over tonight
p.2005-05-25 Ash Bed Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-074 Ash: You need a sister, huh?
p.2005-05-23 Dates Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-02 p-073 What the hell happened last night Saturday, 2004-04-17 28 days since Misfile (2004-03-20)
p.2005-05-20 EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-072 I trust you to do great
p.2005-05-19 Filler Kate = rage monster
p.2005-05-18 AuntNatalie EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-071 You’re in awfully late
p.2005-05-16 Ash Edward Tears UptonHouse ch-02 p-070 You know I can’t sleep when you race
p.2005-05-13 Ash Emily OldRoad Tears XR4Ti ch-02 p-069 I don’t want any company
p.2005-05-11 Ash Emily Nissan240SX OldRoad Rumisiel Tears Vashiel XR4Ti ch-02 p-068 I don’t see an accident
p.2005-05-09 Ash Kate OldRoad ch-02 p-067 Be my sister, Ash
p.2005-05-06 Ash Kate OldRoad XR4Ti ch-02 p-066 This isn’t a race, it’s a joke
p.2005-05-04 Ash JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-02 p-065 She’s gone?
p.2005-05-02 Ash Emily JaguarXKR OldRoad Race Rumisiel Vashiel XR4Ti ch-02 p-064 It’s that dark presence
p.2005-04-29 Ash JaguarXKR OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-02 p-063 So… slow…
p.2005-04-27 Ash JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-02 p-062 We’ll run the full road
p.2005-04-25 Angelica Ash Chains JaguarXKR Kate OldRoad Rumisiel Vashiel ch-02 p-061 There’s someone else here
p.2005-04-22 Ash Emily JaguarXKR OldRoad XR4Ti ch-02 p-060 Numbers and research. Typical Emily.
p.2005-04-20 Ash Dates Emily OldRoad WallaceSign XR4Ti ch-02 p-059 I’m shaking. I’m actually shaking with fear… Friday, 10pm
p.2005-04-18 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-02 p-058 Is this supposed to be a pep talk?
p.2005-04-15 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-02 p-057 I’ve totally got an excuse to hit you today
p.2005-04-13 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-02 p-056 Whatever it is, I’m not in the mood
p.2005-04-11 Ash Chocolate Emily IceCream Period UptonHouse ch-02 p-055 Chocolate ice cream?
p.2005-04-08 Ash Emily Period Tears UptonHouse ch-02 p-054 You’re realy bitchy during your…
p.2005-04-06 Ash Emily Period UptonHouse ch-02 p-053 DON’T SAY “PERIOD”!
p.2005-04-04 Ash Emily Period UptonHouse ch-02 p-052 Oh, dear god, no… This can’t be happening
p.2005-04-01 Ash Dates Emily Period UptonHouse ch-02 p-051 You know you can’t just hide from Kate… Almost 28 days since the Misfile, reference to ‘the Kate thing’ last night)
p.2005-03-30 Emily School Teacher UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-050 Going once, twice, absent.
p.2005-03-28 Ash Emily Puke Rumisiel School ch-02 p-049 Is she inSANE?
p.2005-03-25 Ash JaguarXKR Kate School ch-02 p-048 You know who I am?
p.2005-03-23 Ash Emily JaguarXKR Kate School ch-02 p-047 Maybe that was a bit harsh
p.2005-03-21 Ash Emily School ch-02 p-046 What happened to all that “manhood” stuff
p.2005-03-19 Filler Chris, Third & Rumisiel
p.2005-03-18 Ash JaguarXKR School Tom ch-02 p-045 Had a little encounter
p.2005-03-16 Ash Rumisiel School Tom ch-02 p-044 I’m safe!
p.2005-03-14 Ash Rumisiel School ch-02 p-043 Kate…
p.2005-03-11 Ash Rumisiel Teshiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-042 You’re not mad? Teshiel mention
p.2005-03-09 Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-041 Ok, what’s up with you?
p.2005-03-07 EllenMcArthur Emily Flashback McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-02 p-040 Put those toys away
p.2005-03-04 EllenMcArthur Emily Flashback McArthurRes Nissan240SX SomeMom ch-02 p-039 I’m gowi to Hawvawd!
p.2005-03-02 Ash Emily McArthurRes Nissan240SX ch-02 p-038 See, you made it
p.2005-02-28 Ash Emily Nissan240SX ch-02 p-037 Maybe this was a bad idea
p.2005-02-25 Ash Emily Nissan240SX ch-02 p-036 No, I said slowly…
p.2005-02-23 Ash Emily Rumisiel School Vashiel ch-02 p-035 Real ball-buster ain’t she
p.2005-02-21 Acura Ash Hit Rumisiel School Tom Vashiel ch-02 p-034 “Blowing”
p.2005-02-18 Acura Ash School Tom Vashiel ch-02 p-033 You bought ANOTHER front wheel drive?
p.2005-02-16 Acura Ash School Tom Vashiel ch-02 p-032 No, no, no, what?
p.2005-02-14 Ash Chocolate Filler Valentine 2005
p.2005-02-12 Ash Colour Filler Ash and Yuuki
p.2005-02-11 Ash Ashley School Vashiel ch-02 p-031 No! No!! No!!!
p.2005-02-09 Ash Fred Rumisiel School Vashiel ch-02 p-030 Morning, Fred Yesterday?
p.2005-02-07 Ash Nissan240SX UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-029 Banish evil thoughts!
p.2005-02-05 Ash Emily Filler Hidden perks
p.2005-02-04 Angel Ash Nissan240SX UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-028 This is going to make things way easier
p.2005-02-02 Ash UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-027 I’m not strong enough reference to shower scene yesterday
p.2005-01-31 Ash Emily Nissan240SX UptonHouse ch-02 p-026 A manual transmission, clutch, flywheel and all
p.2005-01-29 Ash Emily Filler How to pee standing up! (A woman’s guide)
p.2005-01-28 Angelica Ash Emily Kate Nissan240SX ch-02 p-025 in re: Kate and Angelica 1996
p.2005-01-26 Angelica Aries Ash Emily Harry Kate Nissan240SX ch-02 p-024 Any weaknesses? Any at all? ref to Kate’s history 1996
p.2005-01-24 Aries Ash Emily Harry JaguarXKR Kate ch-02 p-023 Kate… I’m… Doomed…
p.2005-01-22 Ash Filler Rumisiel the missing Y chromasome
p.2005-01-20 Aries Ash Emily Harry Kate ch-02 p-022 Kate … says she’s gunning for you
p.2005-01-19 Aries Emily Harry Nissan240SX ch-02 p-021 You’ll like Harry. He keeps the racing scene together out here. That’s a Welsh accent?
p.2005-01-17 Ash DMV EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-02 p-020 Ellen: You’ve been spending a lot of time studying with this “Ash” girl recently.
p.2005-01-14 DMV EllenMcArthur Emily Nissan240SX ch-02 p-019 DMV Official: Well, this all seems fairly old hat for you. Emily’s drivers test
p.2005-01-12 Ash Blush Bra Nosebleed Shower Towel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-018 Vashiel: Tissue! Tissue! Tissue!
p.2005-01-10 Bra Nosebleed UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-017 Vashiel: I should clean this place up for them
p.2005-01-07 Ash Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-016 Rumisiel: My brother just moved in. How is this good?
p.2005-01-05 Ash CarLot Emily Nissan240SX Salesman Tom Transmission ch-02 p-015 Ash: It’s an automatic today ref: Tom’s wrecked car: November 2003
p.2005-01-03 Ash CarLot Emily Nissan240SX Salesman ch-02 p-014 Ash: 20 Seconds!!! 10, 9, 8
p.2004-12-31 Colour Filler The Wotch crossover
p.2004-12-29 Ash CarLot Emily Salesman ch-02 p-013 Ash: Un-acceptable! We need a rear wheel drive or all wheel drive
p.2004-12-27 Ash CarLot Emily Salesman ch-02 p-012 Ash: You aren’t seriously trying to sell her THAT piece of shit, are you?
p.2004-12-25 Ash Colour Emily Filler Xmas 2004
p.2004-12-24 Ash CarLot Emily Salesman Shopping ch-02 p-011 Car Salesman: May I help you young woman? Are you in the market for a quality used vehicle?
p.2004-12-22 Ash CarLot Emily McArthurRes Shopping ch-02 p-010 Emily: Let’s go CAR SHOPPING!
p.2004-12-20 Ash Dates Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-009 Ash: I need to buy a girlie mag Emily birthday age:16 (18) tomorrow
p.2004-12-17 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes ch-02 p-008 Emily: Wait, angels? Plural?
p.2004-12-15 Ash Bed UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-007 Vashiel: My brother is very lucky
p.2004-12-13 Ash BAM Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-02 p-006 Ash: No he CAN’T stay here
p.2004-12-10 Ash Hug Puke Rumisiel Sweatdrop UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-005 Ash: But he’s your brother! He can help!
p.2004-12-08 Ash Hug Rumisiel Sweatdrop UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-004 As soon as I heard you’d been exiled
p.2004-12-06 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-003 I think he might be a priest
p.2004-12-03 Ash Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-002 … of the second order of holy swords, divine punishment division
p.2004-12-01 Audi Edward UptonHouse Vashiel ch-02 p-001 Edward: Who are you?
Book 2
April—May ‘04
Vashiel — Emily’s birthday — car shopping — Aries garage — Harry — Kate & Angelica — 28 days — racing Kate — the unrequited — disaster in a kiss
p.2004-11-29 Ash Blush Emily Hit OldRoad Rumisiel ch-01 p-130 Emily: Don’t be gross!
p.2004-11-26 Ash Blush Emily Kiss OldRoad Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-01 p-129 (nearly a kiss)
p.2004-11-24 Acura OldRoad Tom ch-01 p-128 Tom: Dad? You know that car you bought me?
p.2004-11-22 Ash Emily Hug OldRoad Rumisiel ch-01 p-127 Racer: How about “Empress”?
p.2004-11-20 Colour Emily Filler Remembrance
p.2004-11-19 Ash OldRoad Racers XR4Ti ch-01 p-126 Ash: Victory High
p.2004-11-17 Acura Angel Emily OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-01 p-125 Rumisiel: You may be an asshole, but
p.2004-11-15 Acura OldRoad Race Tom ch-01 p-124 Tom: Can’t turn!
p.2004-11-12 Acura OldRoad Race Rumisiel Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-123 Rumisiel: I suddenly have a very bad feeeling…
p.2004-11-10 Acura Angel Emily OldRoad Race Rumisiel Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-122 Emily: Did you do that?
p.2004-11-08 Acura Ash OldRoad Race Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-121 Drifting by…
p.2004-11-05 Ash Ashley OldRoad Race XR4Ti ch-01 p-120 Ash: Absolutely NO GODDAM WAY!!!
p.2004-11-03 Angel Ash Emily OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-01 p-119 Rumisiel: And if he loses?
p.2004-11-01 Acura Angel Emily OldRoad Race Rumisiel XR4Ti ch-01 p-118 The “Deal”
p.2004-10-29 Emily OldRoad Race Rumisiel ch-01 p-117 Emily: That’s all we get to see?
p.2004-10-27 Acura OldRoad Race Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-116 Tom: You’ll never catch me, you stupid bitch
p.2004-10-25 Acura Ash Emily OldRoad Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-115 Tom: Why don’t you wear something sexy sometime
p.2004-10-22 Ash OldRoad RacerSpecs Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-114 Lotta people here tonight
p.2004-10-20 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-113 Ash: Keep your friends close, your enemies closer
p.2004-10-18 Edward Emily Marie UptonHouse ch-01 p-112 Emily: It bothers you when Ash races, doesn’t it?
p.2004-10-15 Ash Bed Edward Emily UptonHouse ch-01 p-111 Ash: I’m kind of in my underwear here
p.2004-10-13 Ash Bed Edward Emily UptonHouse ch-01 p-110 Ash: Races are won in the mind
p.2004-10-11 Ash Bed Edward Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-109 taking this mental preparation thing pretty seriously
p.2004-10-08 Dates Edward Emily UptonHouse ch-01 p-108 Saturday morning: The day of the race…
p.2004-10-06 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-01 p-107 Emily: Self doubt come with the hormones
p.2004-10-04 Ash School ch-01 p-106 Anonymous schoolgirl: Um… You know some of us just come in here to pee…
p.2004-10-01 Acura Ash Rumisiel School Tom ch-01 p-105 NOS… don’t trust your engine?
p.2004-09-29 Acura RacerA School Tom ch-01 p-104 You added NOS?
p.2004-09-27 Ash Bed Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-103 Ash: Figures… I finally found a girl I really like who
p.2004-09-25 Ash Emily XR4Ti ch-01 p-102 Harvard… I forgot
p.2004-09-22 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-101 Time for the moment of truth
p.2004-09-20 Ash Edward Emily Fish Nosebleed Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-100 Edward: Here’s $40
p.2004-09-17 Ash Audi Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-099 Edward: It’s not nice to spy on girls
p.2004-09-15 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-098 Ash: Just slip it in
p.2004-09-13 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-097 You’re sure your dad isn’t home?
p.2004-09-10 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Dweeb Emily Rumisiel ch-01 p-096 Ash: If you ever touch my ass again
p.2004-09-08 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily Rumisiel ch-01 p-095 Emily: I thought you didn’t want to bring Rumisiel here
p.2004-09-06 Emily Molly Rumisiel SchoolRoad VW ch-01 p-094 FX: Snap! Crash!
p.2004-09-03 Ash Emily Lesbian Molly SchoolRoad VW ch-01 p-093 Molly: What, are you her lesbian girlfriend now?
p.2004-09-01 Ash Emily Molly Rumisiel SchoolRoad VW ch-01 p-092 Emily: So if we stop by the store on the way
p.2004-08-30 Ash School Swim Swimboy Teacher ch-01 p-091 Swim boy: Your pop-up thermometers just went active
p.2004-08-20 Ash Rumisiel School Swim ch-01 p-090 Ash: I’m such a girl
p.2004-08-17 Ash UptonHouse ch-01 p-089 Ash: You never paid attention to me when I was a boy
p.2004-08-15 Ash Edward Rumisiel Tears UptonHouse ch-01 p-088 Ash: Wasn’t my mom about my age when you got her pregnant
p.2004-08-11 Ash Canada Edward Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-087 Ash: He’s clean. Hell has officialy frozen over
p.2004-08-09 Ash BostonLogan Edward Emily Hug XR4Ti ch-01 p-086 Ash: You’ll ALWAYS be my little girl
p.2004-08-06 Ash Blush BostonLogan Edward Emily ch-01 p-085 Edward: I NEVER forget a vagina
p.2004-08-04 Ash BostonLogan Dates Edward Emily XR4Ti ch-01 p-084 Edward: How is Daddy’s little girl?! Edward Upton, age: 45
p.2004-08-02 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-083 Rumisiel: I told him I was an exchange student
p.2004-07-30 Ash Edward Phone Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-082 Ash: That’s my dad’s beer!
p.2004-07-28 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily ch-01 p-081 Emily: Hook, line and sinker. Kiss him on the cheek and you can probably get a discount
p.2004-07-26 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily Iridium Nosebleed SparkPlugs ch-01 p-080 Emily: Behold the power of boobs
p.2004-07-23 Ash AutoModerZ Colin Emily ch-01 p-079 Emily: You’re ok sending Rumisiel home on his own?
p.2004-07-21 Ash Emily Iridium Rumisiel School SparkPlugs ch-01 p-078 Emily: How about an intercolder
p.2004-07-19 Ash Emily Rumisiel School ch-01 p-077 Emily: Turbo!
p.2004-07-16 Ash BasicAutoMech Book Emily Rumisiel School ch-01 p-076 Emily: The third pedal is the clutch!
p.2004-07-14 Ash Rumisiel Sorry Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-075 Rumisiel: No! It’s just… I don’t think I ever apologized… Um… I’m sorry.
p.2004-07-12 Ash Rumisiel TV UptonHouse ch-01 p-074 Ash: What did you do now
p.2004-07-09 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Tears ch-01 p-073 Emily: I said “win”
p.2004-07-07 Ash Bed Emily McArthurRes Tears ch-01 p-072 Ash: Oh, please. I’ve ASKED for his help before
p.2004-07-05 Ash Bed EllenMcArthur Emily McArthurRes ch-01 p-071 Mom McArthur: Em? … One of your friends is here
p.2004-07-02 Ash Rumisiel Slam SparksBG UptonHouse Veins ch-01 p-070 Ash: You’ve ruined my life and I HATE YOU!!!
p.2004-06-30 Ash MaxSpeed Rumisiel UptonHouse Veins ch-01 p-069 Rumisiel: That was a fun day. We’re going back tomorrow, right?
p.2004-06-28 Ash Ball Eponine Plasters Rumisiel School ch-01 p-068 Eponine: What happened to your legs
p.2004-06-25 Ash BoyA BoyB BoysLocker Rumisiel School Sweatdrop ch-01 p-067 Boy A: So I hear you’re dating that crazy car chick. Tell me, does she taste of motor oil all over?
p.2004-06-23 Ash GirlsLocker Rumisiel School Veins ch-01 p-066 Omnes: Pervert!
p.2004-06-21 Ash Eponine GirlsLocker Rumisiel School Sweatdrop ch-01 p-065 Rumisiel: Hey ladies.
p.2004-06-18 Ash Dates Rumisiel School Tom Veins ch-01 p-064 Tom: Quarrel in love land? I’ll see you on Saturday Rematch race set for Saturday
p.2004-06-16 Ash Rumisiel School Sweatdrop Tom Veins ch-01 p-063 Ash: It was a bad night! You got lucky, and you have no right to claim that title
p.2004-06-14 Ash Canada KingOfTheMountain Lightbulb Rumisiel School Sweatdrop Tom ch-01 p-062 Rumisiel: I’m Rumisiel from… CANADA!
p.2004-06-11 Ash Rumisiel School Sweatdrop Tom ch-01 p-061 Ash: < say something, already > … Sorry, he’s foreign
p.2004-06-09 Ash Dates Rumisiel School Sweatdrop Tom ch-01 p-060 Ash: Ok, Maybe a little more thought should have gone into this plan… Tuesday
p.2004-06-07 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-059 Ash: You’re coming to school with me tomorrow and going through all the same hell I do
p.2004-06-04 Ash Emily Plasters UptonHouse ch-01 p-058 Emily: What, are you gussying yourself up into a pretty girl all of a sudden
p.2004-06-02 Ash Emily Plasters Razor Shower UptonHouse ch-01 p-057 Ash: I noticed I was getting a bit fuzzy, and I’ve just discovered I’m not very good at shaving my legs
p.2004-05-31 Ash Emily Puke Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-056 Ash: My dad is taller and thinner
p.2004-05-28 AirFreshner Ash Blush Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-055 Rumisiel: Hey, now! I got kicked out of heaven! That’s the worst punishment in all creation…
p.2004-05-26 Ash Emily Rumisiel UptonHouse ch-01 p-054 Ash: Shit, he woke up
p.2004-05-24 Alleyway Ash Emily Puke Rumisiel UptonHouse Veins ch-01 p-053 Ash: I’ve been going through hell and you’ve spent the last two days drinking and freebasing
p.2004-05-21 Alleyway Ash Booze Rumisiel Sweatdrop ch-01 p-052 Ash: You call this “doing good deeds”?!
p.2004-05-19 Ash Ball GirlsLocker School Sweatdrop Veins Wump ch-01 p-051 Ash: must keep running… Must ignore jiggling…
p.2004-05-17 Ash Emily Molly School ch-01 p-050 Ash: I thought you’d be sitting with your friends
p.2004-05-14 Ash Dates Notebook School ch-01 p-049 Ash: Day 3. No sign of Rumisiel Monday
p.2004-05-12 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-048 Ash: If I mess with my petals [sic]
p.2004-05-10 Ash Bra Emily Mirror UptonHouse ch-01 p-047 Emily: Clasp it in front then spin it around
p.2004-05-07 Ash Bra Emily SparksBG Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-046 Ash: I can’t work the clasp…
p.2004-05-05 Ash Blush Emily Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-045 Ash: It’s not funny! That hurt!
p.2004-05-03 Ash Emily Sweatdrop UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-044 Ash: Don’t feel like you have to stick around
p.2004-04-30 Alleyway Rumisiel ch-01 p-043 Rumisiel: Oh, my head. What was I doing all night?
p.2004-04-28 Ash Bacon Bed Blush Emily SpitTake Sweatdrop UptonHouse Yaoi ch-01 p-042 Ash: Well, at least as it’s a girl’s room now, you didn’t have to stumble across the porn mags that were under my bed until yesterday
p.2004-04-26 Ash Bacon Emily UptonHouse ch-01 p-041 Ash: What’s that smell
p.2004-04-23 Ash Dates UptonHouse ch-01 p-040 Ash: Please be a dream! Please be a dream! Please be a dream! DAMMIT! Sunday
p.2004-04-21 Ash Emily Sleepover UptonHouse ch-01 p-039 Ash: What kind of guy would I be if I let you sleep on the couch while I took the bed?
p.2004-04-19 Ash Emily Sleepover Tears UptonHouse ch-01 p-038 Emily: I had a big fight with my mom
p.2004-04-16 Ash Emily Flashback Sleepover Tears UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-037 Emily: So… Um… How was your race?
p.2004-04-14 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-036 Ash: Emily?
p.2004-04-12 Acura Ash Emily McArthurRes OldRoad Phone Race RacerBandana Tears Tom ch-01 p-035 Emily: Yes. Yes, I understand. Sorry… Hello?
p.2004-04-09 Acura Ash OldRoad Tom XR4Ti ch-01 p-034 Tom: Well, well, well. If it ain’t the belle of the old road
p.2004-04-07 Ash OldRoad WallaceSign XR4Ti ch-01 p-033 Ash: Just stay calm… You still have your reputation… Remember, they think you’ve always been a girl
p.2004-04-05 Ash Emily Tears UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-032 Ash: Don’t you even have a single hobby?
p.2004-04-02 Ash Emily UptonHouse Wrench XR4Ti ch-01 p-031 Ash: Hey! I’m a girl too now, so don’t think I can’t hit you back!
p.2004-04-01 Ash Emily Hit Molly Slap Tears UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-030 Ash: So you HAVE heard of me
p.2004-03-29 Ash DriversLicense Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-029 Emily: XR4ti… Ash… XR4ti… Wait, YOU’re XR4Ti Ash?
p.2004-03-26 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-028 Ash: Why are you still here?
p.2004-03-22 Ash Emily UptonHouse XR4Ti ch-01 p-027 Ash: I took your advice and now we’re doomed
p.2004-03-21 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-026 Ash: * sigh * …Yes, Rumisiel…
p.2004-03-20 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-025 Emily: You should be proud. You’ve acquired the blessed ability to bear and nurse children as a mother
p.2004-03-19 Ash Emily Harvard UptonHouse Veins ch-01 p-024 Ash: Wait, you’re going with this? Just like that?
p.2004-03-18 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking UptonHouse ch-01 p-023 Rumisiel: And note that the “boxers” you think you are wearing are technically women’s pajamas, according to the label
p.2004-03-17 Ash Ashley Dress Emily Flashback Photo PhotoAlbum Rumisiel Sweatdrop Swim UptonHouse ch-01 p-022 “Photos last a lifetime” Upton reunion & Sophomore Semi-formal
p.2004-03-16 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking UptonHouse ch-01 p-021 Rumisiel: You haven’t looked around the house much have you?
p.2004-03-15 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-020 Rumisiel: NO NO NO! No one can find out there’ve been any mistakes. Mistakes, bad. Mistakes are covered up.
p.2004-03-14 Ash Emily Harvard Rumisiel Smoking UptonHouse ch-01 p-019 Rumisiel: Hold up there girl… boy… whatever
p.2004-03-13 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking Strangle Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-018 Rumisiel: To make a long story short, I’m on administrative leave… without pay
p.2004-03-12 CFS EmilyMissingPages FileCabinet Files Flashback Heaven Joint Rumisiel Sweatdrop Terrael ch-01 p-017 Rumisiel: The papers were easy, I kicked them under the rug while Terrael was complaining about my lack of virtue
p.2004-03-11 CFS Cannabis FileCabinet Files Fillaniel Flashback Heaven Joint Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop Terrael ch-01 p-016 Rumisiel: So there I am, on my 43rd hour of overtime … and to take the edge off I light one up.
p.2004-03-10 Ash Cannabis Emily Rumisiel Smoking UptonHouse ch-01 p-015 Rumisiel: Well, my brother got me this job, this IMPORTANT job, you see, to make dad happy
p.2004-03-09 Artist CFS Fish Rumisiel ch-01 p-014 Rumisiel: If I put the file in its proper place he’s a comic book artist
p.2004-03-08 CFS Emily Heaven Rumisiel Smoking ch-01 p-013 Rumisiel: In Heaven, filing is a very important job
p.2004-03-07 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking Tears UptonHouse ch-01 p-012 Ash: Wait a minute… I know you. You go to my school. Weren’t you older?
p.2004-03-06 Ash Emily Rumisiel Smoking Sparks UptonHouse ch-01 p-011 Ash: And you found a cure, right? RIGHT?
p.2004-03-05 Ash Bed Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-010 Ash: If I can just go back to sleep and wake up again, this will all turn out to be a bad dream
p.2004-03-04 Emily Harvard McArthurRes Rumisiel Strangle ch-01 p-009 Emily: CALM DOWN?! HARVARD GONE! NOT CALM!
p.2004-03-03 Emily McArthurRes Rumisiel Smoking SparksBG Veins ch-01 p-008 Emily: Two… Years…
p.2004-03-02 Ash Rumisiel Smoking UptonHouse ch-01 p-007 Rumisiel: Sorry, not that easy, but I AM adding you to my list
p.2004-03-01 Angel Ash Rumisiel Smoking UptonHouse ch-01 p-006 Rumisiel: Hold on, Miss. Let’s not talk about “who’s” fault this is and start thinking pro-active thoughts
p.2004-02-28 Angel Ash Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse Veins ch-01 p-005 Ash: The problem is these TITS that weren’t here yesterday
p.2004-02-27 Angel Ash Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-004 Rumisiel: So there’s some other problem then?
p.2004-02-26 Ash Rumisiel Smoking Sweatdrop UptonHouse ch-01 p-003 Rumisiel: Keep it down. You’ll have the whole neighbourhood in here if you keep that up
p.2004-02-25 Ash Bed Clock Dates Mirror SparksBG UptonHouse ch-01 p-002 Ash: Thank god it’s Saturday… Christ, have I got laryngitis or something? 2004-03-20 10:38 see page 2014-05-27
p.2004-02-24 CFS Fillaniel Heaven Rumisiel Smoking Terrael ch-01 p-001 (dark, scenesetter, voiceover) Fillaniel / Terrael: What the hell do you think you are doing?
Book 1
March – April ‘04
Misfile — Ash — Rumisiel — Emily — in re: filing — racing Tom — AutoModerZ — Dr Edward Upton — Molly — racing Tom II