A peek into the Journal of Sabina Hedingham

Episode 01: The House of Jewels

Tuesday 5th May, 1767

My first Evening exploring London Town, I didn’t stray too far from the Heath where we had camped prior to tomorrow’s Show. I was fortunate that there seemed to be a lively Establishment with many Ladies and Gentlemen bustling about just a couple of Streets away.

I like Crowds, they are good Places to pick up Information, Tidbits, maybe a Coin or two, but each Town or city is different. I followed my usual Routine in any new Place and found myself a quiet Corner in which to observe the comings and goings. It turned out there were no quiet Corners, and I was only able to gain a Seat against a Wall of the Parlour. This was where most of the Clientele appeared to be talking and drinking. Some elegant Ladies tittered with Gentlefolk and a Group of Soldiers in their fine Uniforms held Court over the other Side of the Room.

There was much brandishing of outlandish Weaponry, Boasts of gallantry, and riballed Jests all in the Name of encouraging young Men to sign up for Service. I watched as Ladies escorted Men upstairs, and found myself in Conversation with the Owner of the Place, a certain Madame Zelide. Though she affected a French Accent, it was obvious to me that she was more from these Parts.

I was starting to enjoy our Conversation when a Commotion occurred. A Body was hurled through the Doorway followed by the Girl who I previously identified as Miss Opal. Only it didn’t really seem to be Opal, her Features those of someone possessed in some Fashion. Moaning in some dreadful way she continued to hurl People about and cause Mayhem.

Those that were touched also succumed to the possession, and I was grateful that the quick Action of the Soldiers held them at bay like Lion Tamers, with Chairs. With liberal application of Skill and Force, and a little Contribution from me, the immediate Threat was neutralised. A Fire broke out too, but a hasty Bucket-Chain was formed and soon Water was being brought in quantity sufficient to quench it.

It transpired that a certain Mr Tasker had been entertained by Opal, and left behind his Pocketbook. Opening it was the last thing Opal could remember. He was a known Client, a lay Preacher from nearby Little Hayhurst. It seemed odd to me that someone would purposefully trap an Item such as that, more likely that it was a leakage of Power from some bad Inscription. Either way, he didn’t return to collect it.

Thrown together by this strange happening, two of the Colonels in the Room, a Mr Blunt and I all appeared to want to get to the bottom of this Mystery. We were joined shortly later by a local antiquarian Dealer by the name of Jerimia who arrived at the behest of Madame Zelide.

While discussing our next Step, the louder Colonel, Ned Mustard, noticed a Change in the Weather. We all went Outside to see if there was a Cause, and seemed to be trapped in a Bubble all to ourselves like some Snow-Globe. Only this was a Dust-Globe with a sandy Whirlwind advancing down the deserted Street at us.

Though I could see none, some said there were Figures in it, and it advanced to engulf us. Mustard discharged his Pistol into the sandy Vortex while I had more Effect throwing a left-over Bucket of Water over part of it. During the Event, the other Colonel, Wolfe was his Name, activated a Device that let him disappear from sight! Far from being rare stage Props as I had thought, it seemed these were two a Farthing in the Capital.

With scant time to load sandy Pistols and re-wind encrusted Devices we were surprised by four Figures emerging from the very Wall opposite in a very cunning Illusion indeed! Blunt fights valiantly, and as with Wolfe, I also activate my own Device rendering me temporarily unseen. The newly arrived Elmhill is soon in trouble, and Blunt is likewise put out of Action. With only a Knife to serve, I was disappointed to not make better use of my unseen Attacks, but they helped and soon we “gained the Field” (as I later heard it was called in the military Jargon these Men used).

Blunt needs an Apothecary, but there is none close, so I send to the Heath for our Troup’s own Sawbones to come to aid his Wounds. There seemed to be all sorts of interesting Items on these Attackers, and it turned out that they had been sent to retrieve the Journal that had been found in the gaming Parlour. Odd that it was not seen earlier, and however had it managed to get downstairs from Opal’s room?

It was probably military training that got the better of the Colonels who set to arguing in front of this Lady over who should take possession of the Bow and Arrow. Though how one Man could carry any more Weapons about his person I did never find out as the Sky cracked with great Thunder and we decided to retire and seek Shelter.


The FRP index Umbra Sumus - The Prospectus - The Preamble - The Introduction - The Ancients - The Player Character - The Skills List - On Aspects - Some Systems - The Combat System - The Cost of Living

Introductions - Colonel Mustard - Jedediah Blunt’s Story
- An Aide-Memoire
- 00: Westward to the Orient - 00: A Glimpse of Eden – Nathaniel Pepper - 01: House of Jewels – Sabina Hedingham - 01: House of Jewels – Edward Wolfe - 01: House of Jewels – Nathaniel Pepper - 02: Summer Solstice 1 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 2 – Edward Wolfe - 03: Summer Solstice 3 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 4 – Sabina Hedingham - 04: Tasker’s Notebook – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Flyte in the Hole – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Harden’s Tale – James Harden - 06: The Fugitive – Nathaniel Pepper - 07: Widdershins – Nathaniel Pepper - 08: Around Again – Nathaniel Pepper - 09: An Indian Proposal – Nathaniel Pepper - 11: To the Berkshire Coroner – Edward Mustard - 12: The Golden Bull – Edward Mustard - 13: Unremembered London – Edward Mustard - 14: Memory – Nathaniel Pepper - 15: Betrothal – Nathaniel Pepper - 16: In Death’s Gardens – Nripendra Rao - 17: Turks in the Land of Dust – Edward Mustard - 18: Bow, Bell & Betrayal – Nripendra Rao - 18: Belvedere or Bellweather – Edward Mustard - 18: Enquiries - James Harden - 19: Christmas at Shere – Edward Mustard - 20: Panther in the Park, Aftermath – Sidney Tallow - 22: We have Turks! – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower: A Report to Sir John Fielding — James Harden - 24: Faroush al Faroukh – Edward Mustard - 25: Re: Faroush al Faroukh – Nriprendra Rao - 25: The Recruitment of Golems – Nathaniel Pepper - 26: The Folly of Youth – Nripendra Rao - 26: Whithursts – Edward Mustard

Whatever Happened to…
Lord Foppingham Solomon Ben Ezra Albrecht von Stossenkopf Bamber Byron Jack Church
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