From Col. Mustard’s Correspondence File

06: The Fugitive

Col. Edward Mustard
c/o Mrs Midgely’s Lodging House
41 Cockspur Street

19th May 1768, Lisbon

Dear Ned

May I offer my most sincere Congratulations over your recent Successes. I can almost hear Mr Spillsbury applauding as at last you manage to fit a few Pieces of your dissection Puzzle together. Indeed, if I may stretch the Metaphor beyond its breaking Point, you have even managed to take one of the Pieces out of the Game altogether in the Form of the vile Mr Sandhurst – though your Account of his ultimate Fate still makes me shudder. Not that I can criticise your Decision overmuch. The Man had clearly debased his moral Standing to the Point that had become a far lesser Creature than a fine, honest, loyal Hound like Jacob.

So we can say with some certainty that Sandhurst was the Author of the Mischief that led to the Matter of Mr Tasker’s Pocketbook – though Tasker himself may still be at large. His outrageous attempts to pervert the Course of Justice at Bow Street Magistrates Court and his Attempts to avoid recapture reveal him to have been familiar with the grey, sandy Locus that seems always to be found beyond these Gates that seem to open with alarming regularity in your Vicinity. He was also clearly in League with these dog-headed Fellows, though it is less obvious whether they were his Instruments or he theirs. Unfortunately, I suspect the latter may be the Case, for his own Magics seem to have been somewhat on the rough and ready Side.

If my Surmise is correct then I think we may have cause to fear other, perhaps more subtle, attempts by the Dog-heads to insinuate themselves into our World, for we know them now to be possessed of significant Powers of Illusion with which they can hide themselves from the common Gaze. You say you saw Regiments of these Fellows marching in the “Sand Lands”? That is most troubling. At least we know Sand to be their Spoor – it gives us some practical Hint at least to their passing.

The Naga Demon proved on this Occasion to be a surprising Ally though not one to be relied upon in Future. I daresay it will prove futile to adjure you never to return to that Place – you are a hunting Man to the Bone and I know you may feel that you must pursue a Quarry where’re it goes. However, you were given clear Warning that she would not view further encroachment upon her Bailiwick favourably and you may not be able to rely on her Indulgence twice. Still she seems at least to have been the Enemy of our Enemies in this and seems unlikely to be in League with the Dog-headed Men – at least not those intent on travelling out of their Realm to ours.

Of course, to return to the dissection Puzzle metaphor, there are still many Pieces hanging loose: the mysterious Mr Hunter, the Plots of Mr Sandiman, the involvement of the East India Company and the Golden Calf are all Pieces lying jumbled on the Table in no particular Order. Flyte’s Quarry might also repay a further Visit although I refer you to my earlier Warnings about idly using the Gate that you found – convenient as it might be for attending Surrey Hunt meetings from London.

Time presses. It seems the Ambassador requires another damn Parade. More anon.

Your Obedient Servant

Nathaniel Pepper Lieut. Col.


The FRP index Umbra Sumus - The Prospectus - The Preamble - The Introduction - The Ancients - The Player Character - The Skills List - On Aspects - Some Systems - The Combat System - The Cost of Living

Introductions - Colonel Mustard - Jedediah Blunt’s Story
- An Aide-Memoire
- 00: Westward to the Orient - 00: A Glimpse of Eden – Nathaniel Pepper - 01: House of Jewels – Sabina Hedingham - 01: House of Jewels – Edward Wolfe - 01: House of Jewels – Nathaniel Pepper - 02: Summer Solstice 1 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 2 – Edward Wolfe - 03: Summer Solstice 3 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 4 – Sabina Hedingham - 04: Tasker’s Notebook – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Flyte in the Hole – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Harden’s Tale – James Harden - 06: The Fugitive – Nathaniel Pepper - 07: Widdershins – Nathaniel Pepper - 08: Around Again – Nathaniel Pepper - 09: An Indian Proposal – Nathaniel Pepper - 11: To the Berkshire Coroner – Edward Mustard - 12: The Golden Bull – Edward Mustard - 13: Unremembered London – Edward Mustard - 14: Memory – Nathaniel Pepper - 15: Betrothal – Nathaniel Pepper - 16: In Death’s Gardens – Nripendra Rao - 17: Turks in the Land of Dust – Edward Mustard - 18: Bow, Bell & Betrayal – Nripendra Rao - 18: Belvedere or Bellweather – Edward Mustard - 18: Enquiries - James Harden - 19: Christmas at Shere – Edward Mustard - 20: Panther in the Park, Aftermath – Sidney Tallow - 22: We have Turks! – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower: A Report to Sir John Fielding — James Harden - 24: Faroush al Faroukh – Edward Mustard - 25: Re: Faroush al Faroukh – Nriprendra Rao - 25: The Recruitment of Golems – Nathaniel Pepper - 26: The Folly of Youth – Nripendra Rao - 26: Whithursts – Edward Mustard

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