From Col. Edward Mustard’s Correspondence File

22: We Have Turks!

29th January 1769

Your Royal Highness

I write in Haste that You may know in advance of our Arrival that we have contrived to take Prisoner two Turkish Janissaries in the Lands of Dust. They are ordinary Men of no Rank and may know little of the Turk’s wider Plans. Nevertheless, I would suggest that while perhaps falling short of the Proof Positive Your Highness seeks of Turkish Activity against us, they certainly provide strong Evidence. I expect to arrive at Kew hard on the Heels of this Message. May I suggest that Your Highness have in readiness an Interpreter (though Rao is well-versed in the Turkish Language and I have a Traveller’s grasp) and such Counsellors as you trust in this Matter, to see what Testimony they may give.

As you know from previous Reports we have been on the Trail of the four Turkish Agents who gained access to the Tower and murdered their Confrere Belvedere who was therein imprisoned. We have discovered them to have disturbing Powers and in particular the Ability to subjugate the Minds of ordinary Men and Women and bend them to their Will.

One of them, Polly Anders, inflamed and led a Mob of angry Christmas Revellers from an Inn against the Residence at Shere where my Comrades and I were being guested over the Festive Season by Lady Diana Chatterton, my Affianced.

Two more, Frodsham Coward and Blackaby Canton, who were also responsible for a series of savage Highway Robberies in Surrey, we apprehended at the Earl of Aylesford’s Alford House. (I fear his Cousin, Mr Appleton Finch, may still be Wroth with us for the destruction of his prized Schlosspanzer but worse would have ensued had we not taken the Action we did.)

Unfortunately, we have discovered that once freed of their controlling Daemons, the Persons so possessed remember Nothing of what they have done under their Influence nor why. At the Insistence of Mr Finch (as the invaded Householder it was his Right) we sent the two Men to Guildford to stand Trial for Housebreaking and Highway Robbery, though in Truth they know Nothing of what they have wrought. I took it upon Myself to let Polly Anders go on her Way.

Returning to London we made an Attempt to apprehend the fourth Agent, Deborah Gower at a Non-Conformist Meeting House she leads. However, we were impeded by her Flock whose Minds were inflamed against us in a Manner to which we have now become used and she escaped. She then counter-attacked by sending Assassins against myself and my Companions. For the most part these were incompetent and inefficient Attacks by Members of her Sect, whose Minds were not entirely their own. However, she sent against me an icy Daemon whose Attentions were not easily deflected (though I did so) and hint at considerable Philosophical Resources.

Gower remains at large and is described by her Followers as the Gatekeeper. However, mindful that I promised to bring you some Proof of the Turk, and considering Gower unlikely to provide such even were we successful in capturing her, I decided to launch a Reconnaissance into the Lands of Dust.

Once there we encountered the Guardian of the Realm, with whom we have established some kind of working Rapport. She told us of a mighty Turkish Fortress within her Realm, ringed with protective Magicks that kept her and the other Denizens of the Lands of Dust at bay. She left us in no Doubt that this Stronghold was much resented by those who dwell in those Lands. Much as we allied ourselves with the Native Americans to dislodge the French from North America I determined upon an Alliance of Mutual Interest. We would pierce the magical Defences. They would do their Worst to the Turks thus exposed. So we agreed.

Disguising ourselves as Dog-headed Men we gained Entry to one of their Guard Towers. Once inside we slew its Garrison (some of whom were not Human) and destroyed the Tower and the Engine within it. With this Action their outer Defences were breached and the Turks within were subjected to a savage Assault by the Natives.

Looking back as we retreated with our Captives, it seem to go hard with the Turks. Nevertheless, we could see that the Fortress was constructed upon a concentric Design and that there was at least one inner Citadel the Defences of which remained intact. So while our Operation must represent a significant Setback for the Turks and their Plans, they still retain their Foothold in that Realm and may well have the Resource to rebuild swiftly.

I am now in a Quandary as to how best to proceed and seek Guidance from Your Highness on Priorities. We have two clear Missions. The First is to return to the Lands of Dust, assess the Damage done to the Turk and consider how best to further scotch his Schemes. The Second would be to return to the Pursuit of Deborah Gower and to put an end to her Operations.

If Your Royal Highness requires more Evidence of the Turkish Threat then we must return swiftly to the Lands of Dust. Whether we can catch them napping again is doubtful — although I do not believe there are any surviving direct Witnesses to out original Deception. However, we can assess the Situation and try to snatch more Prisoners. Perhaps a more practical Approach might be for us to take Observers, men of standing whose Word might be listened to in Parliament. They would need to be Brave and Hale enough to withstand the Physical Privations of such a Venture, but surely some such might be found to fit the Bill.

If we want to secure London against attack then it seems to me that dealing with Deborah Gower and her Operation and robbing them of the Ability to open a Gate here in the City should be our Priority.

Your Loyal Servant,

Edward Mustard, Colonel


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Introductions - Colonel Mustard - Jedediah Blunt’s Story
- An Aide-Memoire
- 00: Westward to the Orient - 00: A Glimpse of Eden – Nathaniel Pepper - 01: House of Jewels – Sabina Hedingham - 01: House of Jewels – Edward Wolfe - 01: House of Jewels – Nathaniel Pepper - 02: Summer Solstice 1 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 2 – Edward Wolfe - 03: Summer Solstice 3 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 4 – Sabina Hedingham - 04: Tasker’s Notebook – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Flyte in the Hole – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Harden’s Tale – James Harden - 06: The Fugitive – Nathaniel Pepper - 07: Widdershins – Nathaniel Pepper - 08: Around Again – Nathaniel Pepper - 09: An Indian Proposal – Nathaniel Pepper - 11: To the Berkshire Coroner – Edward Mustard - 12: The Golden Bull – Edward Mustard - 13: Unremembered London – Edward Mustard - 14: Memory – Nathaniel Pepper - 15: Betrothal – Nathaniel Pepper - 16: In Death’s Gardens – Nripendra Rao - 17: Turks in the Land of Dust – Edward Mustard - 18: Bow, Bell & Betrayal – Nripendra Rao - 18: Belvedere or Bellweather – Edward Mustard - 18: Enquiries - James Harden - 19: Christmas at Shere – Edward Mustard - 20: Panther in the Park, Aftermath – Sidney Tallow - 22: We have Turks! – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower: A Report to Sir John Fielding — James Harden - 24: Faroush al Faroukh – Edward Mustard - 25: Re: Faroush al Faroukh – Nriprendra Rao - 25: The Recruitment of Golems – Nathaniel Pepper - 26: The Folly of Youth – Nripendra Rao - 26: Whithursts – Edward Mustard

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