From Col. Mustard’s Correspondence File

03: The Summer Solstice Pt. 2

Col. Edward Mustard
c/o Mrs Midgely’s Lodging House
41 Cockspur Street

4th July 1767, Oporto

Dear Ned

As I thought, I had barely dispatched my Reply to your previous Missive when your next arrived telling of a Conclusion to the Matter – if Conclusion it might properly be termed for it seems there is much left hanging here.

So, on this Occasion you decided it was mete to destroy the Infernal Engine before it could be put to use. I wonder what your erstwhile Companion Mr Wright would make of that were he here and not rotting in a Turkish Gaol. However, I do not seek to chide you for your inconsistency – far from it. It is a foolish man who cannot learn from his Past and choose differently in the Light of Experience. Indeed perhaps it could be argued that had you not taken the Course of action you did Khadesh, you might have let this one pass unchallenged with who knows what Consequences.

Assuming a similarity between the two Devices one can only speculate that it was also intended to summon forth or give access to some Aspect of the Past – but with what Intent? Given what we know of those who commissioned it I would wager that the Motive was not to snatch a pious (or vainglorious) Glimpse of a Biblical Past, but something of a more Power-hungry or Pecuniary Nature. How it aligns with secret Bull-baiting Societies and Golden Calves I can only guess. However, we can infer from the importance of geographic Location to Mainborough’s Calculations, that the choice of Place was significant.

There is so much unexplained here: the Mysteries of the corrupted Lake; the Child’s strange Malady; her Grandfather; her Mother’s secrets; the clandestine Bull-baiting Pit and the rest of the strange Construction in the Hill; the Golden Calf in the Church at Bray; the purpose of the “Infernal Engine”; not to mention your strange Riverine Ally. They are like the Pieces of one of Mr Spilsbury’s newfangled dissection Puzzles – they must all fit together to form a Picture, but damned if I can discern what it might be. Another Piece that I noted from your Account was once more the Behaviour of those insubstantial Spirits that assaulted you and poor Mr Blunt – I hope he is well recovered – in the “Maze”. Here is a clear Connection to your previous Adventures, for why else their concentration on the two of you to the exclusion of Others. Where did they come from and what is their Connection to any of the above.

However, at least for now it seems wise to follow the Admonishments of the old “River Deity” – if that is indeed his Nature – and let the Hue and Cry die down. Let us hope that Sandiman is indeed simply an ambitious Underling in the Company and you have merely thwarted his Efforts at Progression. If, by your Actions, you have in some way damaged the core Interests of the Company itself then you can expect them to take further Measures against you and your Friends. Its Arm is as long its Memory and it is vengeful. Take Care, my friend, take Care.

Your obedient Servant

Nathaniel Pepper
Lieut. Col.


The FRP index Umbra Sumus - The Prospectus - The Preamble - The Introduction - The Ancients - The Player Character - The Skills List - On Aspects - Some Systems - The Combat System - The Cost of Living

Introductions - Colonel Mustard - Jedediah Blunt’s Story
- An Aide-Memoire
- 00: Westward to the Orient - 00: A Glimpse of Eden – Nathaniel Pepper - 01: House of Jewels – Sabina Hedingham - 01: House of Jewels – Edward Wolfe - 01: House of Jewels – Nathaniel Pepper - 02: Summer Solstice 1 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 2 – Edward Wolfe - 03: Summer Solstice 3 – Nathaniel Pepper - 03: Summer Solstice 4 – Sabina Hedingham - 04: Tasker’s Notebook – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Flyte in the Hole – Nathaniel Pepper - 05: Harden’s Tale – James Harden - 06: The Fugitive – Nathaniel Pepper - 07: Widdershins – Nathaniel Pepper - 08: Around Again – Nathaniel Pepper - 09: An Indian Proposal – Nathaniel Pepper - 11: To the Berkshire Coroner – Edward Mustard - 12: The Golden Bull – Edward Mustard - 13: Unremembered London – Edward Mustard - 14: Memory – Nathaniel Pepper - 15: Betrothal – Nathaniel Pepper - 16: In Death’s Gardens – Nripendra Rao - 17: Turks in the Land of Dust – Edward Mustard - 18: Bow, Bell & Betrayal – Nripendra Rao - 18: Belvedere or Bellweather – Edward Mustard - 18: Enquiries - James Harden - 19: Christmas at Shere – Edward Mustard - 20: Panther in the Park, Aftermath – Sidney Tallow - 22: We have Turks! – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower – Edward Mustard - 23: Deborah Gower: A Report to Sir John Fielding — James Harden - 24: Faroush al Faroukh – Edward Mustard - 25: Re: Faroush al Faroukh – Nriprendra Rao - 25: The Recruitment of Golems – Nathaniel Pepper - 26: The Folly of Youth – Nripendra Rao - 26: Whithursts – Edward Mustard

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